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itec30xudfjkhmkk Page 14

by Olabanji Ayodele


  Chapter 19

  “I could say the same. It was a good blasted thing you came across Evan and his group, even with our losses,” He lowered his

  head grimly “You managed to bring everyone else back safely”.

  Oh, about that...

  “Would you like to know the cause of their deaths?” I asked.

  He frowned and shook his head.

  “No need. Samantha had already told me everything. Tony was a good man, and Dean might’ve been a bit weak on the outside, but he was bright kid”. He sighed and scratched the back of his head “Should have never gone out that way, they didn’t deserve at death like that”. I would have expressed my condolences, but that’s not how I am. Death happens. If you get bit, or caught...

  you’re done. There’s no reset button. Ain’t no one got three lives?


  “Regarding that issue. Is there anyone in your group ill?” I asked.

  That seemed to get his full attention. I gave him a moment to think.

  “Not that I know of—no. Why do you ask?” Weariness detected in his tone.

  “Before Dean...” I looked to the crowd and sighed. “When he attacked us, he wasn’t well. I saw no indication—from what I could see—of any bites on him”.


  “I didn’t see anything like that before he left”. He narrowed his eyes in thought. He leaned back to ask the people behind him.

  When he turned back to me, his expression was serious.

  “No one else had noticed any faults with Dean. Although...” his eyes strayed from my face to somewhere behind me. I felt the hairs on my neck rise, a looming shadow past above me. I told myself to stay calm; don’t turn around. It’s fine, just relax, you’re good. .

  totally good.

  “He was acting strangely during our stock run a few days ago”.

  His presence was—something! I shook myself mentally. Evans voice sounded A LOT closer than I would’ve preferred.

  “Strange how?” Jason asked him.

  “He...he was always a twitchy kid, but yesterday he was-”. He cleared his throat. “He looked, well...he didn’t look good. He kept tellin’ us he was fine. Tony thought otherwise”. Jason nodded. I felt his warm hand grip the back of the chair. The plastic creaking under the pressure.

  “He was shivering so blasted much, his skin was like, a sickly gray. Then the next thing we knew he just...” I don’t know why but, I wanted to comfort him somehow. I could tell these people were as close as family. He didn’t get into the details about how Dean changed, no the suddenness. Form what I could gather, the amount of time it takes to change varies from the bite amount and infection start time. Depending on how long ago the bite was. In that happened so fast—too fast.

  I couldn’t distinguish her bites from the amount of blood she had on her body. Her blood or “Theirs”. Evan was still close behind me, I was well aware of his every move. Please move I beg of you!

  “I would suggest sir that you or the others could take the time to check those who’ve recently been on a run. From bites to



  scratches. I would assume that blood-on-blood contact is the main transmission of the infection”. He regarded me coolly, then grunted in agreement. I think that’s his thing, “grunting”.

  “Sounds like a good plan”. He then stood from his seat and started to bark out orders to the few around him. They scattered like ants and went separate ways. He turned and walked towards me in only three large strides.

  “As much as I trust you now; have you too checked yourselves for bites or scratches?” He crossed his muscled arms and stared down at me. I looked up and grinned.

  “I assure you sir, I and my friends have taken good care to check ourselves constantly—daily even—we are very cautious people.

  You don’t have to worry about endangering you’re people”. My formality biting back with a vengeance. I blame those pesky—yet intriguing—old time romance novels I used to read. Sooner or later I might even let a bit of brogue slip out. Curse you Scott’s and you’re hot, hot accents!

  The corners of his mouth curled up slightly at my words. ‘Tis all good fun.

  “Alright. Then, with that we are done with our talk. I trust you three enough as is. But as a fair warning, if any of you slips up, shows any distrust or puts my people in danger,” He stepped closer and stared down at me. If this man were trying to scare the pants off of me...he’s already succeeded. “I’d have the pleasure of tossing you’re arses out of this building without your weapons. Is that understood?”

  “Yes sir”. I stood up slowly and gave him a light salute. He turned and walked away. Right when I turned on my heel, I smacked my forehead with Evans chin. Shivering, I hopped back and glared at him.



  “Blasted woman, you have a hard head. Is it made of brick or something?” He grimaced and rubbed his chin. Even with the scowl on his face, humor sparkled in his storming eyes.

  “Granite. And if you weren’t so freaking close you wouldn’t have hurt yourself now would you?”

  “Granite?” He chuckled. “I like that you don’t even deny that fact. I guess I wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have been”. He shook his head, making those blasted freaking dark locks of his flutter; it just keeps distracting me! Makes me wanna shove my hands over his hair just to pull it back— Wait...

  “It’s genetic so I can’t help it”. I turned away before he could reply. Elise and Nika were right there. That goofy expression forever glued on their faces.

  “Your faces are gonna get stuck like that”. I grumbled.

  “Jade-” Elise started. I grabbed her jaw and shook it lightly.

  “We are not gonna start this conversation again E. Have I made myself clear?” She blinked those bright green eyes at me and nodded. I released my hold and shoved by hands in the pockets of my jean shorts. They both stood silently, await- ing my orders. I guess that’s what it looks like from another per- son’s perspective.

  I sighed heavily, and perked my chin up. I shot them both a wide smile.

  “Now that that’s over...what do you wanna do?” I asked them.

  They eyed me, pondering my question. Nika clapped her hands together like a five-year old on sugar high. Elise tilted her head back and yawned.



  “I’m tired as heck, I’m gonna take a nap. You’ll find me— somewhere”. She turned and skipped off. I looked to Nika, she raised her hands and shrugged.

  “Don’t ask me, I don’t read minds”. I pursed my lips.


  “Okay...if that’s all I’m gonna...check the place out. See ya!” I was then left alone to wallow.

  “Alrighty then, let’s see if they have a kitchen in this big arse building”.


  Chapter 20

  T he building interior was a whole lot bigger than I originally thought. More grit matted windows stretched from the ground to the ceiling. I’d say from the bottom up, the building was fifty-sixty feet in width. I felt like I’ve been walking forever.

  The length of the grounds were uncertain.

  Eventually, I started to pass handless iron doors. Some even looked wielded shut. Secret? Ooh I love secrets.

  The wide hallway was bright from the natural light spilling in from the windows. I tipped my head up and found light panels on the ceiling, someone had taken the time to hang small Christ-mas lights on the walls. The cheery multi-colored lights twinkled against the shadows. I felt no joy from seeing them.

  I hummed under my breath. An old 90’s song stuck in my head. Something about cheesy love and comparing his feelings to a roller coaster. I couldn’t think of the blasted name. I allowed it to bother me for a while.

  After about an hour walking through many barren hallways, I heard voices up ahead. Odd how I didn’t find anyone
walking in the hallways. The only sign of human life, was a few scraps of cloth or empty cans of soda. When was the last time I had a soda? I’d long to taste the sweet carbonated drink ever since shiznit went down. I wonder if they have some left. Perhaps a hidden stash. Maybe with enough skulking I can find it. A treasure hunt!


  I half skipped—walked towards the voices. The rough heals of my boots scuffing the cemented flooring. I came to a stop in front of a set of double metal doors. Both were held open by hinge locks, warm air brushed against my skin. A familiar scent crawled its way into my senses—cinnamon. The steady aroma of fresh baked bread. I sniffed, a stew was being prepared. The different scents were intoxicating, I had to still myself. Don’t attack head first Jade!

  Have some control.

  I peered into a medium set room. White tables lined the space, four in each row. The room can fit about fifty or so people. To one side held more windows, some purposely smashed open for air flow. Large ceiling fans spun lazily above the room. One large table was pushed against the wall. It had stacks of paper plates and plastic utensils. Everything looked so freakin organized, it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I wouldn’t call myself a perfectionist, I just like it when things are in neat order. I have a habit of straightening things when they look crooked. My mom used to call me a neat freak. Although, I wouldn’t classify as one since my room was normally trashed. I’m not sure how that made any sense. My room is messy yet, I go all clean freak psycho if a can of fruit was a few centimeters off kilter.

  I did that at a store once. I was mistaken for an employee. It’s happened at least too many times in my life time. I tipped toed into the room, hands lax at my sides. The scents got stronger the more I entered the room.

  A section of the room, held a second room with a thick metal door on one side and the other was left open. The voices grew louder, the clanking of steal on steal added to the light bubbling of the stew. I felt my mouth water. It’s been a long arse time since I’ve eaten real food. I wouldn’t count granola bars and pop-tarts as real food.

  I popped my head in. I found the kitchen...score one for Jade!

  It was one of those cafeteria kitchens. Large grills and double stacked ovens lined the end of the room. Sauce pans and skill let’s



  cluttered half the stoves. Something sizzled and popped. Large stock fridges lined one wall across from the stoves. And in the middle sat a cluster of women at a wide wooden island.

  It was stifling. A thin layer of sweat coated on my brows. The women at the table hadn’t even noticed me yet. Non, non! You gotta be more aware than that.

  I hesitated in the door way, all of them had their backs to me.

  If I were an enemy, I’d take advantage of that and attack them while they’re vulnerable. But, I’m not a bad person—unless you piss me off—and Elise told me to “Behave”. I breathed in and out to calm my slightly reckless nerves. I knocked lightly on the door frame. The laughter died down. One of the ladies spun around in her seat and jumped at the sight of me. My brows shot up in question.

  She was short, petite, with darkly tanned skin and a flurry of wild ebony curls bounced a top her head. She wavered for a second then gave me one of the most comforting smiles in the entire world! Dude...I feel pretty blasted chipper right now for some reason.

  She could have been in her late thirties (My guess: 37) Although she looked wayyy younger than that. Laugh lines and all that. The corners of her large dark hazel eyes creased.

  She had high cheek bones, each cheek complimented by deep set dimples.

  The others at the table stared at me. One in particular...scowled fiercely. Problem?

  I’d deal with that later, in the mean while introductions are in order. I leaned my hip against the door frame and returned her smile with my own.


  “Hey! Looks like you found our kitchen”. She had a bit of an accent and I couldn’t pin point it. Her voice was higher than what I originally thought.



  “Yeah, it took me a while...this place is like a labyrinth”. I sighed.

  She giggled,

  “We got lost the first couple of days. But, after a while we got used to it. I can probably walk around with my eyes closed now”. Her laugh was hearty, making the mess of curls on her head jiggle.

  “Good to know. If I get lost the next time I’ll just rely on you guys for help then. Just call me ‘slightly directionally challenged girl”.

  I chuckled nervously. Great Jade, just proves you’re more of an idiot than they imagined.

  Her dark eyes sparkled and she belted out another laugh. The other women—besides scowling girl—laughed right along with her. She was like a fudging ray of sunshine! Too blasted bright for my night scoping eyes. Sunglasses...I needed sunglasses!

  “My names Cathy or you can call me Cat. Whichever name you’d prefa,” She gestured a hand towards the five other women. “The two on my right are Tyanna and Bradley,” Bradley?

  “At the edge are Sophia and Mag,” They both gawked at me through wide eyes. They looked about my age, maybe farther. .

  can’t be sure.

  “And little miss Tanni in the middle”. She nodded towards the scowling girl—Tanni. She had waist length copper red hair that was pulled into a messy bun. (Again, just from a guessing look). Stray strands tumbled down her back, some stuck to her heat flushed face. Her dark green eyes narrowed down at me. Even with her stupidly small heart shaped face and thin pouted lips...she didn’t seen cute at all. But I took the death glare she gave me full on. The corners of my lips twitched. Looks like I’ve made an enemy already.

  “Great meeting you all. You can just call me Jade”.

  “Ooh, like the stone?” Tyanna asked. Her bob cut blond hair swayed.



  “Yeah, I guess so. My mom never really told me her reason on why she picked it”. I shrugged.

  “Does that make you normally jaded then?” Tanni snorted. I cocked a brow at that and didn’t reply.

  “It’s a lovely name. Better than mine I can give ya that”. Bradley pipped. She had a hint of an Australian accent. Cool.

  “Bradley is a good name. It’s casual and fit’s you nicely”. Mag smacked her arm playfully. It looked painful. Mag was a bit heavy set. Her arms were thick, yet muscular. She had black pixie cut hair with static blue high lights. Her eyes the darkest I’ve ever seen of brown.

  “Bradley is a boy’s name! What would ya feel if you were called “Brad” during the first half of your middle school years? Add to the fact that I had short arse hair—I looked like a boy!” She slammed her fist on the counter top to make her point. Sophia jumped in her seat.

  Meg snorted and shook her head.

  “Eh? Language...why are you mad at me? I wasn’t the one to name you, blame you’re mother”.

  “Sounds like it sucked. Although I find it funny how you’re named Bradley, while you’re sis is named Sophia. .I’m sensing favoritism in the family hm?”

  Tyanna tsked. Sophia blinked and a blush crept up her cheeks.

  Right to the tips of her ears. Holy ghouls in October, she was freakin adorable! I’d guess she was a year or two younger than me, with baby blue eyes and thick dark lashes to back em’ up. Her shoulder length wavy coffee hair framed a slim face. She rarely spoke, but she had a strange regal air around her. Her delicately pointed nose scrunched up in embarrassment. And I’ve never seen someone so blasted pale—beside Elise—she had a blemish free face. Ugh, beautiful people make me nervous as shiznit!



  While in comparison to Bradley, she was tall for a women.

  Her sitting height surprised me. She had sharp blue eyes, a shade darker than Sophia’s. Same face, but her strong jaw jutted out when she spoke. Her wispy coffee hair hitched into a tight pony tail. At least we had something in common
: her brows sat low on her eyes making it look like she was glaring at everyone—everything.

  I can’t remember the last time someone asked me; “Why do you look so mad?” and I’d say, “I’m not mad”. Then they’d say I was glaring. I can’t help how my face looks. You want me to sew my brows up to look happy 24/7?

  “Don’t put Soph in the middle of this”. She shot back at Mag.

  Sophia’s face reddened more, and I was afraid she was gonna turn into a tomato.

  “Alright girls that’s enough”, Cathy clapped her hands twice. “I think you’ve officially scared our new guest”. She gestured towards me and I stiffened. I chuckled nervously.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve developed a heavy tolerance for things like this”. Tanni shot me the death glare over her shoulder. I don’t really understand this girl. Does she scowl like that every time she meets someone new or what? I want to smack it right off her face, my fingers itch to unsheathe my katana. How about I carve that look into your face? You’ll be a distant cousin to the Joker. I’m tempted to smile and ask her, “Why so serious?”

  “Well now that we’ve finished our introductions, would you like to help us make lunch? We’ve got one more spot left”. Cathy slapped the wooden stool next to Tyanna. She turned around in her seat to fully face me. Tyanna had unusually deep blue eyes, yet as bright as a cornflower. They seemed to stand out on her light cocoa skin and blond bob cut hair. She bounced in her seat excitedly.


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