“We’ve talked about this”.
“Hm?” I leaned back on my elbows and observed the ceiling above us.
“No one calls me Ni-Ni anymore. That rule doesn’t permit you to use it again”. I yawned and she snarled back.
“Sure, sure...yeah okay”. I waved a hand at her. I felt her anger rise, then suddenly drop. It happened so abruptly, I chanced a peek at her. The orange flecks scattered about the jade backdrop of her eyes glittered. Her eyes were staring ahead.
“Nika?” I flicked her bangs. No response.
“You, gecko? Are you Earth bound, yes or nah?” I asked.
“Hem”. She squeaked. I raised a brow. What now?
“Dude...you alright there?”
She spun around to face me. Taking my head between her hands, she jerked my attention to the front near the main doors.
“How the heck did you miss that? ” She shriek—whispered in my ear. My jaw dropped, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to pick it up off the floor after this.
Standing under the archway of the doorway stood such a fine assembly of good looking—nay, spicy looking young specimens my seventeen years has ever witnessed. Said jaw that currently laid on the floor, lifted up and reattached itself to my face. That was when I noticed a couple of girlish murmurs in the background.
Holy heck bottoms! Again, why now of all times?!
And of course leading said spicy mass was Evan. He’d changed his white t-shirt to a simple gray Henley. The first two buttons left open, exposing his tanned collar bones. His hair looked charmingly messy. As If he’d been running his hands through it all day.
I’d like to run my hands all over that body inset-I shook my head, denying my obscene thoughts.
Stop thinking about stuff like that Blasted!
“God, fates such a biatch”. I flinched at the sound of Elise’s voice beside me. How she snuck over beside me without my knowing, I’ll never comprehend.
“Indeed”. Nika agreed dreamily.
I noticed a familiar head of spiky dirty blond hair in the group.
“Ain’t that Danny, Samantha’s brother?” I asked. Elise squinted her eyes and nodded.
“Yup, that’s him”.
“He’s cute”. I said.
“Yup”. Both Nika and Elise said in unison. There were other guys, all close to one another’s age. Yet, all I saw was Evan and his god blasted Henley. Curse you Henley’s.
What I wouldn’t give to trace the bone lining his jaw and all the way down— I bit my lip in order to stop my wandering thoughts. I groaned louder this time—in frustration. Elise sat on top of the table beside me and snickered.
“It’s starting”.
“Don’t E. Just don’t”. I said. She placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed.
“I can hear it in your voice Jade. Like I said, the more you deny it, the worse it’ll get”.
I bit back a retort that would have made my trigger happy uncle proud. That’s when “He” spotted me amidst the crowd. I sucked in a breath. The words lodged in my stupid throat. That freakin grin of his was gleaming so blasted brightly I wanted to smile back just—just to do that. If I had a penny for every time this guy’s made me speechless—much less uncommunicative I would have had at least a hundred by now.
He started to walk towards us. Enemy target approaching!
Orders captain?
The imaginary force inside my head shouted at me.
Four feet till impact! Battle stations!
His long strides only made those four feet, a few inches shorter.
Ready men, brace yourselves!
Once he stopped in front of us—like at least a foot away. I kept my head straight. Leaning it slightly to the side I focused on a dirt covered spot against the wall. I tried to appear casual, lazed like.
“How’d you like the food? Cathy and the girls are great cooks huh?” His voice was low, and ever so slightly I could feel the rumble emit from his chest, making my body shiver involuntarily. I tensed my jaw, waiting for my mouth to function properly.
“Mhm! It was sooo delicious”. Nika got in between and answered for me. Thanks Nika.
“I heard you helped out in there. Tyanna wouldn’t stop blab-bering on about how you handled the knife like a...what was it she called you—ah, a “Knives Expert?”
I finally grew some balls and looked up at him. He stood there.
All six feet and some. Oh my, my how those stormy eyes ragged on once he met my gaze. Its hurricane season all three hundred and sixty days a year in those eyes!
I heard Elise cough. Her hand still squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.
“Oh, yeah well I might’ve “skillfully” cut some potatoes but, I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself an expert”.
He tilted his head to the side. The grin grew wider.
“Am I to assume then, that the rumors of your expertise in knives are false?” He asked. The tone of his voice lowered even more. I felt a bit ballsy and annoyed and—other things that should never be mentioned!
So I said, “I wouldn’t say I’m a master with knives, but others things...I won’t contest to”. I felt Nika turn in her seat, her head sunk a top the table. Elise released her hold on my shoulder and covered her mouth with her hand. Her body trembled.
I looked back to Evan, the grin was gone from his face. A subtle curve of his lips, head cocked to the side. The raging storm in his eyes only darkened. Heavy gray clouds promised sever rain. Oh I know that look! Don’t look at me like that blasted you!
I then rethought my choice of words. My insides screamed at my stupidity.
Why does everything I say sound profane? Is that like a habit or something?!
Evan took a step closer to me and my neck ached from looking up. So instead I stood up from my seat. Straightening to my full height, my five foot six to his six and over.
“Interesting”. Was all he said in response. I felt the tips of his boots poke mine. We were so close—too close. I could feel his hot breath across my face. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“Then the rumors are...partially true”. I inhaled, my nose tingled from his scent. Pine, sun, all man through and through. Ah heck, I can’t help myself.
Yes, my girly hormones are on high alert, and yes I’m trying my blastededest to control my inner demon, (freaking lusty demon) and just inhale all that is Evan. God! I wish Elise would pull me back and bind my arms before I pull that blasted head of this down and attack his lips.
“How’s your pinky by the way?” I stopped breathing for a second.
Then inhaled and exhaled.
“It’s fine”. I answered.
“That’s good”. Yes, yes that’s good and all but if you’re done please distance yourself from me. I may be holding the reigns but, they’re slipping every second. Meanwhile, I traced the slight curve of his arched brows—admiring the view up close and personal again—and I caught him observing my lips. My lips.
Oh bud, I wouldn’t do that if I were you...
I stepped back and caught myself at the table’s edge. I cleared my throat,
“Elise, Nika we need to regroup and have a meeting”. I cringed inwardly at the huskiness of my voice.
I felt them glance at me, then nod. I nodded back causally and stepped to the side. Grabbing my back holster and katanas, I hitched them over my shoulder. That blasted grin was back on full power, as Evan moved to the opposite side, my stupid arm decides to graze his in return. The skin around my arm tingled, I clenched my jaw.
“I could see I’m clearly being dismissed”. He chuckled.
“That, you are sir”. I began walking towards the open doors. I heard Nika and Elise fall in behind me a moment later.
Chapter 23
I rounded the trucks’ drivers’ side then
to the back. Elise opened the back door and hopped on. Both Nika and Elise sat side by side on the ledge. I stood in the center of the space, facing them.
Earlier in the day Jason and a few others allowed us to use this space as ours—for the duration of our stay I mean. Same room as the rest of the building, large windows covered in dirt. High ceilings, loose fixtures swung lazily. A 5 minute walk from the main hall. The day grew darker and we lit a few battery powered lanterns about the room.
I paced around the room, arms crossed tightly against my chest.
“How long are we gonna hole up in here?” I asked them.
“Not sure, maybe a few days”. Elise said lightly, humming under her breath.
“A few days...2’s enough to kill me already”. Draining really. I muttered. Nika swung her legs back and forth.
“I like it here”. She said.
“Me too.’Foods good”. Elise added.
“You’re content anywhere as long as there’s food”. I said back.
She huffed.
“Not true”.
“Oh so true E.”
“Whatever”. She pouted. I bit my lip and paced in a circle. All this restless energy will start to annoy me the longer I don’t do something.
“What about making allies—enemies? You said so yourself E. We don’t have time for unnecessary company”. She leaned back, wide eyes on me.
“I did say that didn’t I?” She paused and I waited for her to continue, but after a moment her lips stayed sealed.
“I’ve decided to change that rule”. I gawked at her.
“Times are tough. And now that we’ve stumbled upon these people, I thought...well why not? I mean from what I could see, they’re being nice so far”.
“Yeah...I thought so too. But, what if one day all their kind-ness just turned out to be a front? And we’ll have to fight the very people we trusted in the beginning”.
She stared at me then pursed her lips in thought. She shrugged,
“We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it”. My jaw tensed, I turned my back on them. If I stay here any longer...I might convulse from the inside out.
“There’s another reason for your irritation”. Nika said this as a statement—or maybe a question?
“Not really, I just...” I shoved a hand through my hair and sighed.
“It’s about Evan ain’t it?” Elise asked lightly. Her voice was so quiet if it weren’t for the general silence in the room I wouldn’t have heard her ask that.
I spun around to face her and glared.
“Oh it is!” Nika shrieked excitedly. She hopped off the truck and waved her hands in the air.
“Please don’t”. Elise rushed at me. I didn’t have enough time to block her assault. She clutched my head between her hands then shook it furiously.
“Mh...Ehm! Gu?” I grit my teeth, trying my blastededest to get out of her hold. Her grip only tightened the more I struggled.
“Now you listen to me young lady! I’m not gonna deal with your ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘I don’t have time for this’ bullshiznit! The longer you wait this out, the worse you’re frustration will get”.
She stopped shaking my head and stared into my eyes. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes sparkled. Oh...you’re having fun with this aren’t you?
“God you’re redundant! Would you stop going back to that?”
I whined.
“Because silly,” She tsked. “I see the way you both look at each other. Sure it’s only been –what? A day and a half since you two have met?” I nodded slowly.
“Yes so, I can tell that he’s as much into you as you are to him.
It’s both gross and cute to see you two bicker. And to be honest...” she flicked my nose with a free hand. “It gets a little too hot and heavy, know what I’m saying’?”
My jaw drew slack and I slumped in defeat. Besides the hot and heavy remark she’s the mature and smart one here, and I hate that she’s right. Most of the time...
But I won’t admit shiznit that easily.
“Jade, please. .please think about this. When are you ever gonna get a chance like this? As much as it pains me to let you go, I kinda trust him...for some reason. You know?”
She loosened her hold and dropped her hands to her sides. I chewed on my lower lip, looking anywhere but at the one person who’s always tried to protect me—keep me away from guys. Now I have this...this other person begging me to take a chance. I may be being a little dramatic. And yeah, this ain’t about to turn into an innocently sweet romance. But why the heck not. God help me.
“Okay”. I muttered.
“What was that?”
“Okay! Fine, I-I’ll try to um...I don’t know-” I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
“You’ll do what you always do jade. Believe me when I say, He won’t be able to resist ya”. Oh! And she has the audacity to wink right after she said all that.
“Yeah okay. A-are you done now?” I took a step back.
“Mhm”. She plopped back down on her seat. Nika twirled around the room. The motion making me a bit nauseous.
“What time is it?” I asked, hoping to divert the current topic of our conversation.
“Uh, 7...no, 8:25 pm”. Elise was leaning over the back seat to view the dashboards’ clock.
“Blasted, it’s early”.
“I don’t know about you guys but, I’m gonna hit the hay‘
nights”. Nika strolled over to one corner of the room—near the windows and dropped a rolled up queen sized comforter on the ground. The bright multi-checkered fabric stood out in contrast to the gray tones around us.
She added a small pillow to her pile and like she said, “Hit the hay”.
“I call first watch”. I said before Elise could counter.
“Jade, when’s the last time you slept?”
“Before we got here”. I smoothed the creases on my white tank top.
“How long though?” I thought for a moment.
“20 minutes”. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it.
“Right-O”. I tightened the belts on my back holster and walked away.
The half crescent moon rose high in the sky. I could only make out the lining of its curved shape from within the grit covered windows. I took my time walking around the building. The room we occupied had a set of twin metal doors that locked from the inside.
We had no key for the lock but, I was able to find a crowbar to nudge in between the handles. The lights were off in the hallway.
I wasn’t sure how much time passed before my body grew weary.
“Wake up, wake up”. I muttered to myself. My body refused to walk any longer, with a sigh I walked to the side, the wall next to the twin doors leading to our room and slid down to the floor.
Resting my head on the hard concrete wall, I readjusted the back
holster to a more comfortable position. I bent one of my knees to my chest and wrapped an arm around it. The other lay flat on the dirty floor.
I could sleep. Yeah I could, but I needed to keep an eye out. I know that Nika and Elise trust these people. But it’s only been a day, we can’t know for sure if they are who they say they are. I’m not a people person, and my certainty on the whole situations a bit out of sorts. The most I could do for them, is to protect them at all costs. They may be the only people left in my life right now. .
my mother. I know it’s not best to think negatively, but what if she didn’t make it to an evacuation squad? What if those bloody nail marks I saw on the doorway...were hers and she...?
“No”. I thumped my head against the wall behind me. I shouldn’t think like this, she’s fine. For all I know
, she might be sleeping in a soft cot somewhere safe, away from all this madness.
Away from all this stupid shiznit. I clenched and unclenched my hands.
“She wouldn’t die that easily”. I mumbled under my breath. I took out my necklace, I had tucked it underneath my tank to keep it from getting snatched from all the action. It squeezed the small gold cross, the tiny intricate butterfly design—engraved on the other side—was soft against my fingertips. I had it made for my mother’s birthday a year ago. She had been so happy to get it. I remember the wide smile she gave me when she unwrapped the red ribboned box on that day. I knew what to get her. She always loved butterflies so it was a pretty easy gift to buy.
The last day I went to school, I decided to wear it—just to wear it. I’m glad that I did.
I felt the dampness around my eyes, and shut them before the blasted tears could fall. I would not cry, not now, not ever. So I clutched the golden memory in my hands and fell into a dream-less sleep.
The next morning, the three of us wasted time by going over our plans. Since discovering this new safe compound, we’d had to
move a few things around, sort through new roads. Elise picked up a map of the state and another for the country. We’ve pin-pointed some cleared off roads, marked each in black sharpie.
The only sounds in the space around us emitted from the Hummers radio. We would get white noise most of the time. On specific hours of the day, reports would fill us in on what’s going on out there. The city was still a no-go. Reports concluded that to any survivors roaming the state to stay clear of the cities and big communities.
I’ve opted out looking for anything in the city, but Nika was really hype on about how there might be guns there or abandoned pawn shops.
We sat in a circle around the map of the state. The corners pinned down by small rocks found around the room. I sat cross legged and leaned back on the palms of my hands.
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