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itec30xudfjkhmkk Page 17

by Olabanji Ayodele

  “What about that corner street downtown? Tree St.” Elise asked, she took out a red sharpie and began to draw in the street with ink. I eyed the map questioningly.

  “The dude on the reports said, that it was closed off”.

  “Oh”. She popped the cap off the black sharpie and drew an ‘X’ on the red inked street. From what the reports could inform us on, most of the coastal areas in the country took the worst of the infection. New York, Washington, California and other large cities and towns were blocked off. Evacs were having a hard time trying to round up survivors. The rest of the world was suffering just as much as we were. I worry for my Aunt and Uncle in Atlanta. They both work for computer systems in the CDC, so I suppose they’re safe there.

  Elise circled the outer perimeter of Chicago, and calculated our current location; distance from the city to where we were.

  “I’ll never understand that longitude, latitude crap”. I bent my head from side to side. Elise glanced at me and smirked.

  “Aren’t ya glad I actually know how to do this kind of stuff?”

  She said haughtily. I chucked a crumpled up granola bar wrapper



  at her, the plastic bounced off the tip of her nose. Nika snorted and fell over laughing. Elise glared at me but the corners of her mouth started to curve upwards slightly.

  “Figuring coordinates is easy Jade”. She said continuing to mark the other streets. One ear on the radio the other on us.

  “I hate math,” She gave me an odd look. I shrugged. “Looking at numbers for too long makes my head hurt”. She sighed, “It doesn’t take that much to figure It out”.

  “I’m impatient”. She stared at me for moment, then shook her head.

  “Aren’t we all”?


  She traced street after street in red sharpie, bordering our current position.

  “I’ll mark this as a safe zone, and mark along each place we clear out on the road”.

  I unfolded my legs and stretched them out, the bones groaned, the muscles rigid.

  “Let’s leave a sign—or a mark on it. Signaling to anyone who passes by that it’s a secured safe zone”. I looked towards Nika and nodded in agreement.

  “That’s sounds like a good idea”. I looked up at the ceiling in thought.

  “We’re gonna need bright paint and a giant arse brush”. Elise giggled.

  “Or better yet, let’s see if we can score some spray paint”. Nika added excitedly.

  “We’ll get to try out our hands on graffiti for the first time”. I said absently.

  “Ooh, and we won’t get in trouble, awesome!” Nika fist pumped the air. Elise sat back and viewed the map. After a while she sighed in contentment and recapped the two sharpies.

  “That’ll do for now I guess. Until we can get more information”.

  She said. I looked at the red and black marks on the map. Some streets were filled with black—telling us that, that area was off



  limits or blocked. The red, marked passable roads. One area of the map was enclosed in red and black sharpie, outlining a square. For the letters, ‘SZ’ scrawled above it.

  “Looks good”. I said.

  “Yep”. She said back.

  I lied back on the floor, my arms crossed behind my head.

  “What time is it?” I asked. I heard scuffling, and a door creaking open.

  “Five past 7 in the morning”.

  “Ugh”. I groaned.

  “When did they say breakfast begins?” Elise asked. Did I detect worry?

  “7...” I said quietly. I heard a gasp then the doors behind us slammed open and closed. All I felt was a slight shifting of air.

  “Was that Elise?” I asked Nika.


  “She’s a trooper”. I said.

  “Yup”. A pause.

  “You wanna get breakfast too? And also make sure she doesn’t clear them out”. She snickered in response. With a grunt, I propped myself in a sitting position then used my stiff leg muscles to stand up. Nika was already walking out of the room. I glided past her and walked briskly down the hallway.

  “Wait up”. She skipped up beside me.

  By the time we got to the cafe, the place was packed just like last night. It looked like everyone was in the same spots as the day before. I spotted Elise already sitting at the table we took to last time. She shoveled something that resembled oatmeal into her mouth. Not giving a shiznit about how ridiculous she looks to the others, I salute you.

  “Esh, that girl could put it away”. A low whistle sounded behind me. I looked over my shoulder and found a familiar pair of dark brown eyes. Mag gave me a quick smile and gestured towards Elise.



  “Yeah, that’s how she is”. She chuckled.

  “Every time she eats?”

  “In general”. I said back.

  “Fascinating”. She replied back with a cackle. I grinned right back at that. Fascinating was the correct term for how Elise was uh, devouring? I’m not totally sure.

  I watched as Nika hopped up to the end of the line. We had changed our clothes to clean ones to appear...I don’t know, more approachable?

  I guess walking around covered in dark crusted bloody clothing and a pair of very sharp swords attached to one’s back would scare the pants off of anyone.

  She was wearing a large gray graphic t-shirt, the words ‘Freak on the loose’ printed in black letters on the front, and a pair of cut off jean shorts which personally I think are a bit too short. But I’m not her mother so, I have no reason to critique her outfit choices.

  The back of the shirt was tied with a rubber band and tucked into the back.

  Elise was wearing a form fitting green V-neck short sleeved shirt. And a pair of dark jean shorts. Her black clad combat boots were crossed underneath the table. Her hair was tied up high on her head, a no-nonsense kind of pony tail. Although some strands had escaped from—what I could guess—when she raced for the cafe earlier. I shook my head.

  As for me, all I did was change my white tank to a brand spanking new one and changed my jean shorts for a clean pair, the ends were ‘distressed’ stylishly. Looking hot even during an apocalypse.

  Okay, I kinda have to admit my clothes hugged my body in certain areas that are totally not family-friendly. And again, I don’t have anyone to impress. Although there is a certain someone I kinda want to impress.

  I muttered. Mag looked at me curiously. I sighed and walked forward. Once I got to the food table I grabbed a small paper bowl



  and filled it with raisins and sliced green apple pieces. I walked back to the table and plopped down on the cool seat.

  “That all ya gonna eat?” Elise asked, the question muffled by the half chewed food in her mouth. I leaned forward on my forearms giving her a pointed look.


  “Just because the world’s going to shiznit—”

  “Halfway through dude”.

  “-Doesn’t mean you get a free pass for poor table manners”.

  She blinked and giggled.

  “You’re funny”. She continued to shovel the contents of her meal into her mouth. I grimaced with slight disgust.

  “I don’t remember that term being anywhere close to my described character”. She wiped her mouth the back of her hand and pushed the empty bowl to the side.

  “I beg to differ”. She replied back coolly.

  “Yeah well, you’re opinion in the matter rather— you’re “assumption” of me sucks”. I snarled back. She slapped the table top and howled with laughter.

  “Says the girl who finds slicing the limbs off of people enjoyable”.

  “Bodies...those things are no longer considered people”. I said back.

  “Hm, you’ve got a point”.

  “And I don’t find it enjoyable”. I
picked up an apple slice and chewed on it slowly. The sour juiciness stung my taste buds. She rolled her eyes.

  “Bullshiznit. You love it and ya know it”. I eyed the space over her shoulder, not wanting to meet her eyes.

  “Yeah okay. .” I chucked a raisin at her, she put her hand up and the shriveled piece bounced off it. She grinned back at me.

  “You wanna spar today? It’s been a while”. She fiddled with the tips of her pony tail.

  We haven’t been training for some time, not like we haven’t neglected our muscles—oh the shiznit out there’s doing more than our usual 2 hour sparring sessions.

  “You’ve space big enough for us?” I asked.



  “Our room duh. We can just move the truck closer to the back gate and we’ll have enough room to kick each other’s arses with”.

  I snickered at that.

  “Well? What are we still sitting here for”?

  I was so ready to strip off this blasted tank top. It was just too blasted hot in our room. Add to the fact we had no source of air condi- tioning, or fans. And the meager breeze drifting in through the few broken windows did nothing to cover the sweltering heat.

  I was sweating so much, the tank became translucent and clung to my body like a second skin. I had propped my twins by the wall—close by of course just in case. We’ve been at it for only an hour and my legs and arms groaned in pain. I waved to Elise, signaling a 5 minute break.

  She was also drenched in sweat, bright red splotches covered her cheeks. She grunted in agreement and bent over breathing in and out heavily.

  “You got in a few good hits. Not bad”. I said re-tying my damp hair with a small rubber band. She looked up and huffed.

  “Yeah, but it was even harder to dodge you’re hit’s. I swear,”

  She shook her head and held out her arms, closer inspection showed harsh red marks the size of my fists decorated her entire arm starting from the forearm to her shoulder. I was sure she had marks all over besides her arms.


  “‘Sorry’ yeah well, I’m gonna have purple spots all over me in a couple ‘an hours might as well wrap ‘em up now”.

  “We’ll have to work on your form more, dodging drills again. I hate seeing you beat up like that”. She glared at me.

  “Ooh! Ain’t you just a doll-” she said in her famous ‘I’m pissed so I’ll go southern on you drawl’

  “And oh! You even took the courtesy not to maw ma face in in the process. You shouldna ‘ave”. I just stared at her waiting for her to calm down. I gave her my best smile and tossed a piece of cut off cloth at her. She snatched it from the air and wiped the sweat from her reddened face.



  “I do what I do the best I can”. Smirking I walked around her in a circle. Her eyes never leaving me.

  “You ready?” I cracked my neck and kept my hands relaxed at my sides. She didn’t respond instead she threw the moist cloth at me—as a distraction I guess—and lunged at me. I stepped slightly to the right, she spun around and swung her right arm aiming for my face. I blocked her hit with my elbow and jumped back when she lifted her leg and kicked the empty space I was once in.

  We danced around each other. Our fists connected every once in a while. I was so in the zone I barely heard the doors slam open.

  Elise ducked low and went for my abdomen, her left hand jabbed hard and fast. I doubled over but recovered quickly. She tried to swipe my legs from under me, but at the last second I jumped up twisting in midair, my bare foot collided with her shoulder.

  In the beginning we opted for bare feet so as to “lessen” the damage. I heard a wince from behind me. I looked over my shoulder. Nika was hovering by the open doorway. Light sparkled in her eyes. Behind her stood a group of people, I immediately recognized a pair of startling gray eyes. Oh no...

  I grabbed Elise’s hand as it flew for my face. She jerked violently and tried to use her free hand to release my vise on her wrist.

  “C’mon! No fair. You know you have an advantage because you’re more muscled—ease up!” She whined. I could tell she was exhausted and I’d bet her shoulder took the brunt of my attack.

  I stared her down—she was bent at little at the waist, she was taller than me normally but she was tired and amusingly bratty—I whispered,

  “Cool it we have an audience”. She blew out a breath and glanced over my shoulder. I would have been laughing my arse off for how big Elise’s eyes had bulged out if it weren’t for our unexpected guests currently watching us from the doorway.

  “D-do I look as bad as I feel?” She asked weakly. I released her wrist as she tried to tame the escaped tendrils of blond hair back into the pony tail. I turned around slowly towards them.

  “We both look like shiznit I’m sure. So stop messing with your hair”. I whispered back. I exhaled gently and went to wipe



  the sweat on my upper lip. At this point I didn’t really care that these people were getting a peep show of my stomach. It ain’t like those feminine tummies you’d normally see. The hem of my tank rose the higher I went. I’ve got a well-toned 4-pack; from extensive workouts and training. The few scars I have lightened up and criss cross behind my back. I looked up and flinched inwardly when I saw Evan roaming up all over that naked space. His eyes narrowed and stared at a certain spot below my ribcage. Like the biohazard tat?

  I had gotten that a year ago. Just for the heck of it. To this day my mom has never found out about it. Once he settled on my face I could have sworn that trademark grin grew wider.

  I heard Elise clear her throat, I let go of the hem and smoothed it down over my stomach. I actually have two. The black biohazard under my rib cage; the size of a Ping-Pong ball. And the more recent addition right behind my neck. It wasn’t anything fancy just three connecting infinity symbols made in the shape of a small triangle. I chose those wisely because once the inks in your skin, it’s there for life—unless you have enough money to remove it surgically—yeah, it’s there forever.

  I shook my arms out, they lay lax by my sides. God what is with this silence?

  “You guys were sparing without me?” Nika’s high pitched voice broke the quiet. I looked to Elise who shrugged.

  “We didn’t know if you wanted to. I mean, you were still eating. .”

  “You could have, you know? Waited!” She shook her arms in the air. I blinked and walked over to the Hummer.

  “Are both of y’all that impatient?’

  “Yes Nika we are. We didn’t want to wait for your slow arse to finish eatin-”

  “That’s still not fair you didn’t wait”.

  “Life’s not fair in general. Get over it”.

  I grabbed a half filled water bottle and chugged the clear liquid down. It was lukewarm from the heat, but I didn’t care. Water is water right? Tossing the empty bottle aside I walked back to the two arguing sisters. They went silent once I got in between them.



  “If you still wanna go, I’m cool with sparing with you”. I told Nika.

  “What...really?” Her speckled eyes dazzled with excitement. I nodded with a smirk.

  “You might even need some practice anyways,” I walked over to the open space and took my stance lifting my chin.

  “C’mon then”. She looked to Elise who shook her head then nodded once. Nika squealed, then tore her boots off. Along with her—aw, rainbow colored socks—and sprinted forward. I was ready by the time her fist connected with my forearm. I clenched my teeth at the sharp pain radiating from the impact spot. She hopped back and swung down aiming to take my legs from under me. Nika was tricky to read. Unlike her sister, whose movements are controlled and coordinated, Nika was just...random. Her punches ranged from right hooks to quick-slow jabs. High kicks to sweeps. She was flexible so she can dodge fairly easily.

  She went in for a h
igh kick. I grabbed her ankle at the last second and tugged. She flung to the side, she groaned from the heavy landing then immediately sat up in a crouch.

  “Easy. .” I heard a voice behind me murmur. I ignored that when she pounced forward. I blocked her assault as best I could.

  In the end we had to stop when my knee finally gave, forcing me to kneel on the ground. I focused on my breathing.

  Deep breath in, hold 1...2...3...exhale slowly. I continued to do this exercise until my pounding heart settled. I felt a hand on my shoulder; much too large to be Elise’s or Nika’s.

  I peeked up and found and those...freaking eyes. The gap in his Henley gave me a tantalizing view of sun exposed skin. I’m seriously considering binding my hands together whenever I’m around him.

  “You alright?”

  “Yeah, yeah just...just give me a moment”. I fought to keep my control on lock down. The high adrenaline rushing through my system didn’t help in any way. I rubbed my now red throbbing knee and got up—as gracefully as I could manage—using my back muscles for support. I stretched my arms high above my head and



  bit back a yawn. It was too early to rest but blasted am I tired.

  Evan was still looking at me, his brow furrowed slightly with concern.


  “Hm?” I glanced towards Evan, who had both his hands shoved into his front pockets. The pose was disarmingly boyish. Add with his ever curling hair falling against his forehead. He chuckled and nodded at the open space.

  “You’re well trained, so I said ‘Amazing’”.

  “Yeah, I guess”. I shrugged. He cocked his head to the side with a question in his eyes. I withdrew a rubber band from my hair and shook it out. The curling dark hair tangled. I brushed through it with my fingers. Then shoved the annoying bangs back, they only flopped back on over my eyes. I picked at the damp tips absently. It was getting longer; I usually had my hair shoulder length or bob cut. But they now grew past my shoulders, ending in a disarray.


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