Seducing Sarah - Book 2: The Body: Tony

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Seducing Sarah - Book 2: The Body: Tony Page 4

by Ami LeCoeur

  I wasn’t sure how much fun a lecture on writing would be, but I was always a sucker for a good brunch. It couldn’t be any worse than a hockey game.

  Before I could commit one way or the other, Tammy was off on another topic. That was usual for her.

  “How was last night? Oh, my God, how could I forget about that?”

  “It wasn’t a big deal,” I said, playing innocent. “We just slept together.”

  “What?” she squealed. I was pretty sure dogs in her neighborhood were barking their heads off after that shriek.

  “Calm down!” I couldn’t help laughing. “I didn’t cure a deadly disease.”

  “No, you just cured your five-year dry spell, Sarah. That’s huge!”

  I had to say it. “Yes. It is huge.”

  Tammy whooped with joy. She peppered me with questions, and I didn’t mind answering. She got so caught up in the conversation, when Chaz buzzed in with his cell to ask where she was, she told me she’d completely forgotten their date. I had too.

  “Listen, I have to run, but bring this guy along to the brunch. I need to get a look at him!”

  Of course, I told her I would. She knew me better than anyone else alive, and she needed to get eyes on this guy. At the same time, I wondered how interested he’d be in the invite. Brunch and books didn’t seem like his sort of thing.

  But, then again, I’d gone to a hockey game with him. He owed me one.

  Chapter Eleven

  I wouldn’t normally have gone to the gym on a Friday night, since I’d already done my quota for the week, and the last thing I wanted to do was advertise to the world that I had no social life, even if it was true.

  But this was an exception—I was hoping to run into Tony. I told myself it was only right for him to do something with me that I liked to do. I wanted to get Tammy’s opinion on him. I knew she’d think he was hot. She had eyes, after all. And until I found out more about him, I knew the voice in my head wouldn’t leave me alone. She’d have a more neutral perspective on whether we were suited or not.

  I just caught him as it turned out. He was walking out the door as I was walking in.

  “Yo!” He wrapped me in a bear hug, then planted a long kiss on my lips. So far, so good.

  “Yo, yourself,” I chuckled.

  “I’m glad you caught me. I’m on my way to something for a buddy of mine. You should come with me.”

  “Oh.” I felt like a deer in headlights. I looked down at my work clothes, my usual blouse and slacks, not “hanging out” clothes. And the thought ran through my head that he wouldn’t have asked me if we hadn’t run into each other.

  He looked me up and down. “Come on. You look hot. Don’t let that go to waste. I can’t wait to show you off to my friends.”

  His charm got me again. He had a way of saying something commonplace and making it sound like a huge compliment. And it was that pure, fresh enthusiasm of his that swayed me.

  “All right,” I said, shrugging. “What sort of party is it?”

  He hailed a cab, holding my hand. It felt nice. “My buddy, Dwayne, got a promotion. So a bunch of us are getting together to have a few drinks.”

  “That sounds nice.” He had no idea how nice. I would finally get a chance to see the animal in his natural habitat. Up to that point, we’d only been one-on-one. What woman wouldn’t jump at the chance to observe her new guy hanging out with his friends?

  What I hadn’t asked was the location of the party. We pulled up in front of a barbecue restaurant, and my heart sank. I had hoped it would be something a little more… upscale. Instead, Tony led me into a joint filled with TVs tuned to sports, and rowdy, raucous men who’d already been drinking for an hour and were looking to blow off a little steam on a Friday night.

  At least it’s good for research, I thought. It might even be worth sitting through more of the same sports insanity, if I got a chance to see what this guy was really about.

  Tony looked around and let out a loud roar when he saw his friends. They answered with a similar roar and waved us over. I was relieved to see there were women seated around the table. That made the night seem a little brighter, since I had no idea what I would talk about with a bunch of rowdy sports fans who had barbecue sauce on their chins.

  Stop being a snob, I chided myself. I really had to learn how to roll with things a little more easily. Too much time alone had made me far too set in my ways. I was too young to act like a crotchety old lady.

  Tony introduced me around, but it was way too loud for me to hear anyone’s name or anything they said to me without closing my eyes and focusing as hard as I could. So, I just did a lot of smiling and nodding and hand shaking, wanting to fit in and be a good sport for Tony’s sake.

  I could tell who Dwayne was, at least. It was hard to miss the guy everybody was shoving drinks at right and left. He looked happy, and a little drunk. I made it a point to congratulate him, and he gave me a high-five, then leaned in for a slightly sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  Tony acted much the same as he had at the hockey game and the bar afterward. His arm was firmly around my shoulder for at least the first twenty minutes or so. Even when he moved it to my waist—occasionally taking a swipe at my bottom—it was clear he wanted to keep me close. I thought it was cute and sweet the first time he’d done it. Only this time, it was starting to feel a bit too possessive, and even slightly annoying.

  It took a delivery of a tray of shots for Tony to let go. He and his buddies each picked up a shot glass and tossed it back. One of them waved at the waitress, pointing to the tray. They wanted more.

  That gave me a chance to step back a little, and I watched from nearby, smiling at the way Tony was having fun. I managed to make sense of some of their conversation and wasn’t surprised that it seemed all about sports.

  I turned my attention to the girls. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to make a few new girlfriends. I was trying to expand my life, after all.

  But I realized within a few minutes that I was way out of my depth. First, the oldest couldn’t be much more than twenty-four. That made me at least eight years older than any of them, and maybe as much as ten. When one of them talked about how she’d just graduated from college the previous year, I could feel gray hairs popping out on my head as I listened.

  And then there were the things they talked about... or giggled about, actually.

  “Did you download Beyonce’s album yet? I swear, Jay-Z screwed up. If I were a guy, I wouldn’t let her get away.”

  “I know! And did you see what she wore to the Met Gala?”

  “Did you see Kate Blanchett’s dress? It glowed in the dark.”

  And those were just the parts I managed to hear. As far as I could tell, all they cared about were celebrities and music and gossip. Why not? They were practically adolescents. I couldn’t help but feel a little depressed as I realized there was no way I was going to relate to them.

  It was a relief, at least for me, when the party broke up. Tony was pretty well into tipsy-land, but that didn’t seem to get in the way of him pawing me in the cab.

  His lips and hands were magic. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t help myself.

  After just a couple of minutes alone with him, it didn’t matter that I might have nothing in common with him or any of his friends. My body was taking over, and it reminded me in no uncertain terms that there were some fairly significant things he and I had in common, after all.

  Two hours of touching, licking, and stroking later, we were side-by-side in his mess of a bed. Pillows on the floor, blankets all over the place. We’d torn the fitted sheet halfway off the mattress.

  “Whoa,” I gasped, brushing hair back from my face, my body in that relaxed, in-between space of singing and being satisfied. How he could manage to go like that after all I’d seen him drink that night was beyond me. But I wasn’t complaining, just asking for a little breather.

  “Yeah. That was awesome.”

  I frowned a little, looking up at the cei
ling, wondering vaguely if he would try to high-five me, the way Dwayne had earlier. Then I rolled toward him, and he wrapped an arm around me. I really had to stop being so judgmental.

  Lying there, content and quiet, listening to his strong heartbeat, I remembered the whole reason I went looking for him at the gym in the first place. I raised myself up a little, so I could see his face.

  “Hey, I meant to ask you… my best friend is having a brunch on Sunday, and she invited us. What do you think?”

  His brow furrowed, and disappointment sang through my system as I suddenly wished I couldn’t see his face after all.

  “Brunch? On Sunday? Like, what time?”

  “I forgot to ask, honestly. I can check with her, but I would imagine late morning or early afternoon.”

  The frown was still there, now coupled with a small shake of his head. “Eh, well, it doesn’t matter either way. Weekends are when I double down on my workouts. I wouldn’t have time to do something like that during a workout day.”

  That stopped me cold. I couldn’t believe he would shut me down so completely, and so quickly. “Are you sure you couldn’t just take a couple of hours to hang out with me?”

  He looked at me like I had two heads. “Not if I’m gonna bulk up enough for tryouts. And I mean, come on, I only have a few more years to get on the team, and tryouts are just around the corner. I can’t afford to screw around with my training.”

  My heart sank. It was one thing to know he was a little over-the-top with the whole football thing, but another when he turned me down—just so he could work out. I appreciated his dedication to his dream, but really? One brunch?

  I sat up in bed, making an excuse about needing to get home to feed the cat. He nodded, rolling over on his side, not even noticing how unhappy I was with what he’d said. But it was just as well.

  Outside, I tried to shake off my disappointment as I hailed a cab. I told myself he’d just done me a favor, really.

  After seeing him with his friends, I was pretty sure he would have nothing in common with mine. I wouldn’t have to make excuses for any poor manners or too many drinks. Or too much inane sports chatter.

  Still, I burst into tears in the cab. I didn’t know if it was frustration or relief. What did that say about the possibilities for us, if I felt relieved when he couldn’t spend time with me?

  Chapter Twelve

  I called Tammy first thing the next morning. “Hey, hon. I’m sorry, but Tony won’t be coming with me tomorrow. He’s… busy.” I closed my eyes, hoping against hope she wouldn’t ask me what he had on his schedule. There was no way she would let it go without a comment. Or ten.

  “It’s no problem. Besides, there will be some other single folks there.”


  “And… maybe you could find someone… better suited. You know. Somebody who’s right for you.”

  I winced. She saw right through me.

  “Yeah, maybe. I’m not in any big hurry, though.”

  “You should still come. Please. It’ll be fun.”

  I sighed and told her I would think about it. Then I made some other excuse and got off the phone. I hated the idea of going alone. I was tired of being the odd single woman, sitting in the middle of a bunch of happy couples.

  A workout would make me feel better. It normally did. I knew chances were good I would see Tony there. He apparently lived there, especially on the weekends. His most important times. I grimaced. I was feeling a little bitter, clearly. Well, regardless, I needed my workout.

  I needed to shake this off and sitting around wouldn’t do it. I’d take my headset and pretend not to see him if necessary.

  As I fled to the comfort of my favorite elliptical machine, Tony spotted me.

  “Hey, you.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a long, deep kiss. Regardless of my resolve, my immediate response was a fight between my body’s desire to melt at his touch, and the little critical voice screaming in my head.

  I managed to overpower my lust and stood there, quietly, not moving, somewhat surprised by his actions, but just as surprised by my own response. He was acting like we’d been together for ages instead of only seeing each other a couple of times. Considering the way he’d brushed me off when I asked him to brunch, I was a little bit in shock that he would stick his tongue down my throat the first time he saw me the next afternoon.

  Still… he was a damn good kisser, no denying that. And I forgave myself for wanting to melt into him. Sighing softly, I laid my head on his chest, even though we were still in the middle of the gym. His hands ran up and down my back, making me shiver. I pulled away before things went any further. He didn’t seem to care that we were in public, but I did.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, I’ve been dying to talk to you all morning.”

  “Really?” I lost some of the bitterness I felt earlier. “What’s going on?”

  “I got great seats for the hottest event in town tonight. You won’t believe the acts on the schedule. It’s starting at eight, so I figured we could pick up something to eat before.”

  I stepped back, frowning. “What? You made plans for us tonight?” It was news to me, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  “When I saw the tickets up for sale, I had to get them. I knew you’d be glad I did.”

  The casual way in which he assumed I’d do anything he wanted fanned the tiny flame of anger that had been burning since he’d completely rejected my invitation last night.

  “Hang on a sec.” I was barely holding on to my temper and only managed it because there were dozens of people around us. “You turned me down for a date on Sunday, but you expect me to drop everything to go out with you tonight? How does that make sense?”

  He frowned, looking sincerely confused. “You know how important it is for me to make the team. I told you what it means to me. My workouts are way more important than some stupid brunch. But that’s why I bought the tickets for tonight. To make it up to you.” He cooed a little at the end, like he was sweet talking me.

  Only, this time I wasn’t buying it. “What’s this big event, anyway? You didn’t say.”

  “It’s only the hottest wrestling match of the year. I mean, it’ll be on TV, and we’re sitting in the second row. People will see us and everything!”

  That did it. The last piece of the puzzle fell into place, and the last of my illusions dropped away. I saw him clearly, for once. And I understood my own confusion.

  “Tony, here’s the thing. I really like you. I think you’re a nice guy, but I’m not a sports fan. Not at all. Not in the least. Never. Since sports are so important to you, as in they are your whole life, maybe we’re just not suited for each other. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.”

  His face went blank, then crumpled a little. “I don’t get it. I mean, the sex is great. Right? Didn’t I make you come three times last night?”

  I looked around, praying nobody’d heard that. “Yes, you did,” I answered quietly, “thank you for that.”

  “So? What else do you want from me?” He held his hands out, palms up and fingers splayed as if the answer was obvious to everyone but me.

  All I could do was shake my head and smile. He was the simplest man I’d ever met. He honestly thought that was all a woman could want in a relationship: multiple orgasms.

  “It’s a lot deeper than that for me, Tony. I’m sorry. It’s not likely this would ever work out. Not really. Good luck with the tryouts. I hope you make the team.” I walked away, ignoring his sputtering confusion. I stepped up on the elliptical like I’d planned before he stopped me. Then I did my best to focus on my workout and avoid him for the rest of the session.

  But I couldn’t stop the warring voices in my head.

  What was wrong with me? Maybe I should have been grateful for whatever I could get. Tony wasn’t a bad person, we were just different. Nobody was perfect. Would I ever attract a man worth my time? Or was I too much of a snob? Maybe I was too demandi
ng. Would I ever really be satisfied?

  Even my intense workout couldn’t shut out the damn voices.

  I decided I’d go straight home after my workout, instead of showering at the gym. I didn’t want to spend any more time around Tony than I had to. Things were just a bit too fresh for me to be comfortable around him at that moment. He’d looked so upset when I told him it wouldn’t work between us, and I didn’t want to have to justify or explain anymore.

  It seemed I couldn’t escape him, though. He must have been waiting for me to leave, because just as I walked out the door, he caught up with me.

  “You know, this sucks. I don’t have the money to throw around the way you do. I spent a ton on those tickets, and you turned me down. It’s total bullshit.”

  I sighed. He just didn’t get it. “Maybe you could find somebody else to go with you? What about one of the girls from the party last night? They’d probably like it better than I would. Wrestling’s just not for me.” I shrugged, trying to be reasonable and keep things light between us. Really, I wished I could push him out of my way and walk past him.

  “You know, I don’t get you. I took you out, right? I treated you good. I would have kicked that guy’s ass at the hockey game if I had to. I gave you great sex, you even said so. I don’t get this not working out thing. I mean, jeez, it’s not like I ever hit you or nothing.”

  Instinctively, I pulled back from him, certain my eyes would bulge right out of my head. All sorts of warning bells started sounding over the startled voices in my head. What kind of man talked about abuse—much less thought of himself as a hero just for not being abusive?

  My heart thumped a hard warning, and I stepped away from him, the fear and anger taking over as adrenaline dumped into my system.

  Tony stepped toward me, his face growing even angrier. “So, you’re just gonna walk away?” Under his breath, I heard him add, “Bitch.”


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