G. K. Chesterton:A Biography
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Cary Elwes, Dudley 474, 479, 555, 566–7
Cecil, Hugh 280
Cecil, Robert 313–14, 317, 320
Chamberlain, Austen 142, 156, 531–2
Chamberlain, Joseph 59
Chaucer, Geoffrey 171, 241, 436, 535, 677, 680
Chekhov, Anton 293
Chesshire, Kathleen 451, 541
Chesterton (née Jones), Ada or ‘Keith’ 50, 79–80, 97–8, 185, 191, 205–6, 229–30, 251–2, 261–3, 293, 314–17, 345, 347–8, 355, 369–72, 373–5, 377, 389–90, 394–8, 468, 490–1, 495, 497, 531–2, 551–3, 724–6
Chesterton, Beatrice (‘Birdie’) 8, 10
Chesterton, Cecil 9–11, 18, 29, 36, 44, 63, 72, 77, 79, 82, 97–8, 106, 108, 125, 133, 185, 205, 229–30, 237, 251–2, 263–4, 281, 293, 303, 314–18, 320–1, 323–5, 345, 347, 366, 370–4, 377–8, 389–92, 394, 400, 419, 422–3, 467, 476, 490, 497–8, 513, 552, 593, 620, 624, 725
Chesterton, Charles 2
Chesterton, Cyril 650–1
Chesterton, Edward 2–7, 9–13, 24, 27, 70, 205, 251, 263, 316, 468–9, 476, 701
Chesterton (née Blogg), Frances:
Anglo-Catholicism of 49, 405, 409, 429–30, 471
childlessness of 79–80, 162–3
and children 161, 255–7
and confession 548
courtship of 43–5, 49–50
depression of 122, 206, 240
engagement of 51–5
and fame 50, 122, 161, 439, 442, 451, 725
and Fleet Street 205–6, 230, 251, 725
and gardening 251
generosity of 551
honeymoon of 77–80
ill-health of 206, 240, 407, 409, 414, 431, 437–9, 449, 451, 467, 471, 622, 632, 649–51
married life of 83, 144–5, 160–1, 261–3, 347–8, 467, 635, 641, 647
and John O’Connor 136, 204–5, 259–60
and publicity 53 n.46, 97
religious influence of 43, 106, 265, 429, 467
reserve of 541
Roman Catholic Church,
conversion of to 261–2, 265, 357, 428, 471, 473, 554–6
as secretary 160, 543
and spiritualism 205
tragedies of 55–8, 75, 203–6, 467
and weather 122, 163, 541
wedding of 77–8
Chesterton, George Laval 4, 475
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith: on abortion 713
absent-mindedness of 19–20, 93–8, 141, 145, 160, 255, 258–9, 362, 582, 647, 726
on the Abyssinian crisis 714–16
on the ‘accumulation of truth’ 220, 226–7
as actor 299
on advertising 438, 576–7, 713
on alcohol 139, 208–9, 280, 465
on America 382, 431–4, 436, 441, 447–9, 450–1, 454–8, 637–8, 644–5, 671–2
anger of 582
and Anglo-Catholicism 107–9, 117, 124, 279, 406, 409, 428–9, 476, 480, 488–9, 546, 562, 708–9
on animals 424, 596
on anti-Catholicism 598–603
anti-dogmatic liberalism of, early 22–5, 37
anti-Semitism of, alleged 20–1, 299, 320–1, 371, 380, 392–3, 419, 420–4, 496, 695, 698–9, 713
as apologist 1, 118, 517
appearance of 15, 19, 93, 544, 553
on appeasement 696
on architecture 253
and argument 10, 17, 82–3, 258
on aristocracy 210, 224, 381, 383, 560
on the back 124–5, 188–9, 519
at Bewsher’s School, 13–15
on the Bible 99, 286–7
on biography 144, 609–11
on birthdays 243–4
and Blessed Virgin Mary 23, 279, 416, 484, 509, 546, 574, 608, 645, 707, 711
on the Boer War 61–2, 65, 67, 88, 135, 715
on Book of Common Prayer 709
on boredom 665
on boyhood 15–16, 18
as broadcaster 666, 674–6, 702, 716
on Buddhism 215, 224–5, 520, 529–30
on burial and cremation 295
and cabs 6, 93–7, 160
on Calvinism 241–2, 267, 269, 304, 404, 587–9, 598–9, 611, 669
on Capitalism 235, 289, 298, 305, 383–4, 387–8, 403, 457, 464–5, 559, 565, 576, 592, 678, 713, 715, 721–2
on censorship 254
and childhood 9, 11–12, 15, 88, 128, 132, 163, 255, 481, 665
and children 88, 91, 163–4, 218, 254–7, 280, 458, 479, 716
on chivalry 417
on Christ see Jesus Christ
and Christianity 43, 107, 117–18, 124, 503, 522, 580, 664
balance of 221–2, 527
complexity of 220, 522, 526–7
creed of 432
crimes of 119
culture of 678–9
and democracy 106, 223–4, 287, 560–1, 611
on difficulty of 267
as good news 85, 523, 525, 529–30
and heathen virtues 697
humility of 151, 153, 175, 292, 697
humour of 124, 273, 304, 667
joy of 118, 124, 150, 153, 225, 229
letter of 265
liberality of 527–8
and life 117; true to 211–12, 528
and limitation 210, 224, 426, 526
and mystery 119, 215, 278, 304
and mythology and philosophy 528
and pagan myths 119
paradoxes of 119, 150–1, 211, 221–2, 226–8, 278
particularity of 119, 522
and post-Christians 516–17
practicality of 278
and reason 296
and romance 150, 153, 226, 697–8
sanity of 530
and Trinity 225
and virginity 228
vitality of 529–30
and wine as sacrament 134
on Christian Science 426
and Christian Social Union 108–9, 115, 144–5, 159
on Christmas 170–2, 244, 381, 425, 521–3, 611, 645, 666
on Church of England 381, 429–30, 459–60, 464, 489, 606–7, 707–10
churchgoing of 546–8
on church schools, 99
on the city 85–6, 129–30, 133, 153, 168, 288, 576
on class consciousness 36, 104, 288–9, 366, 644, 672, 695
‘clerihews’ of 13, 27–8
on clothes 86–7, 101, 221 on cocktails 653–4
on cocoa 45, 325–7, 435
on comedy 88, 102, 425, 653, 667–8
and the common man 84–5, 89, 133, 152–4, 165, 179, 228, 234, 236, 244–5, 251, 269, 278, 337, 367, 425, 503–4, 560–1, 612, 689
on common sense 88, 120, 179, 208, 234, 285–7, 368, 388, 404, 530, 670, 685, 688–9
on Communism 491, 559, 632, 678, 696, 712–13, 721
and confession 480–3, 546–8, 563–4, 643
on Confucianism 519–20, 529–30
on conservatism 223, 246–7, 263, 291–2, 661
on Conservatives 234–5, 577
on contraception 459–60, 566, 709–10, 713
as controversialist 727
on convention see on tradition on countryside 271
courtesy of 540, 578, 717
on culture 353, 613–14, 678–9, 721–2
and The Daily News 73–4, 92–3, 99, 184, 325–7
on death 54, 56–8
and The Debater 16–18, 21–3, 27
demands on 554–5, 662, 718
on democracy 64, 86–7, 105, 165, 208–9, 217, 223, 228, 245–7, 249, 267, 272, 305, 331, 367, 373, 380–3, 401, 518, 528, 679
as descriptive writer 273–4, 289–90
and the Detection Club 615–17
and detective stories 85, 91, 187, 192–3, 256, 343, 425, 482, 595
as detective story writer 283–7, 290
on determinism 116–17, 119–20, 214–15, 242, 306
on development 223
disorganization of 363, 539–40, 543, 545, 647
and Distributism 298, 491,
512–13, 556–61, 565, 585, 592–3, 607, 614, 678, 720
and Distributist League 556–8, 584, 593–4
on divorce 372–3, 386–9, 713
on dogma 124, 148–9, 166, 253, 268, 303, 339 418, 426, 526–8, 558, 587, 595, 658, 670–1
as dramatist 143, 145, 236, 250, 341–3, 511, 583
eating habits of 606, 647
eccentricity of 96–8
as editor 374–5, 394, 397–8, 400, 514–15, 593–4
on education 210, 268–9, 353, 437–8, 444, 76
and electioneering 67–8, 159–60, 290
on eloquence 47, 86, 104, 253, 680
empathy of 540–1, 579
engagement of 44–5, 51, 53
on England 377, 379, 383, 405, 613,
on English history 385, 439–40
on English humour 382, 668
on English literature in education 89
on English religion 366, 382
on the English Revolution 238–9
on equality 382–3, 455, 457, 465
on eugenics 91, 237, 267, 269, 296, 384, 460–5, 612, 698, 710, 714, 721
on euphemisms 661
on euthanasia 388–9
on Evangelicals 598
on evolution and evolutionists 202, 216, 301, 518–19, 657, 661, 664, 710–11, 720–1 and fairy tales 46–7, 101, 210, 217–18, 588
on the Fall 119, 246, 306, 519
on the family 153–4, 372, 387–8, 403, 499–500, 518, 678, 698, 713
on Fascism 659–60, 712, 715
on feminism 270, 405, 456
figure of 93–4
on fin de siècle Decadents 32–5, 178–9, 187, 193, 245
at Fisher Unwin 41–2, 59–60
on France 24, 701
and Frances 121, 160–1, 198, 201
On Franciscanism 504–6
on ‘free love’ 268
on free will 119–20, 154, 215, 226, 304, 418, 686, 689, 704, 711
on the French Revolution 613
on the future 266–7
generosity of 551
and G. K.’s Weekly 283, 490–8, 510–15, 554–8, 592–4, 624, 627, 641, 646, 699, 715
God, on abolition of 674
goodness of 17, 514, 726
on Gothic architecture 87, 222–3, 241, 253, 304–5, 535
and gratitude 34–7, 56–8, 72, 105–6, 219, 402, 481, 482, 501, 597, 668
on Greek civilization 87–8
and the grotesque 87–8, 113–14, 171, 175, 178, 208, 380, 517, 521
hard cases, on legislating from 661 on hatred 534
and health 258, 502
on Heaven 729
on heresy 505, 564, 598, 661, 708
on Hinduism 678–9
on historians 510, 596, 665–6, 677, 721
on holidays 702
and Holy Communion 479–80, 643
honeymoon of 77–80, 268
on humanitarianism 105, 244–5, 247, 347, 503, 694
and humility 42, 85, 150–4, 175, 215, 219, 224, 258, 272–3, 362–3, 402, 443, 481, 582–3
humour of 17–18, 20, 25, 108, 110, 116, 143, 296–7, 299, 342, 362, 374, 497, 513, 581, 644, 717, 720
on humour 53, 88, 102, 104, 121, 124, 133, 150, 154–5, 157, 166, 172, 174, 176, 179–80, 207–8, 224, 233–4, 237, 241–3, 247, 272–3, 287, 300, 331–2, 333, 341, 367, 417, 424–5, 454–5, 500, 505–7, 518, 610, 614, 620–1, 653, 667–8
on idealists 597, 688
and I. D. K. Club 48
and illness 11, 720
and Illustrated London News 159, 361–2, 539–41, 593
and imagination 84, 380, 517, 521, 662, 683, 688
on imperialism 61–2, 64, 72–3, 88–9, 127–9, 131–5, 153, 201–2, 305–6, 326, 333, 377, 595–6, 607, 614, 695, 715
on Impressionism 31–2, 192, 274
inaccuracy of 112, 181–3, 545, 706
inconsiderateness of 362–3
on the Index 705
on industrialism 456–7
on infanticide 710, 713
on intellectuals 90, 100, 104, 106, 152–4, 165 169–70, 175–6, 178–9, 181, 188, 207–8, 214, 217–18, 223–4, 271–2, 287, 301, 306, 346–7, 383 388, 481, 483, 612, 670, 686, 688, 721
on the Irish 366, 402–4, 430, 435, 440, 452–4, 478–9, 481, 645, 673–4
irritability of 145, 260–1, 582, 639, 643
on Islam 119, 134, 209, 225, 330, 346, 376–7, 380–1, 383, 416–18, 519–20, 527, 529–30, 588, 707–8
on Jesus Christ
anger of 229
and Antichrist 221, 507
Apostles of ‘ordinary men’ 254
authority of 525
crucifixion of 133, 226, 525–6
enigma of 524
as God incarnate 239–40
in Gospels and Church 523–5
humour of 229
incarnation of 684–5, 687
literary style of 227, 239, 525
love of men not humanity 105
passion of 226
as speaker 105, 155
stereotyped image of 227–8, 239, 522–5, 683
as teacher 239, 525
tears of 229
on Jews see on anti-Semitism Job, on Book of 155, 189, 190 n.65, 614–15
on journalism 91, 125
as journalist 125–6, 184–5, 260, 374–5, 394, 434, 583
and joy 42–3, 201, 228, 233
on Judaism 417, 520, 530
and the Junior Debating Club 16–17, 21–3, 27, 36, 60, 145, 619
laziness of 643
on the League of Nations 696–7
as lecturer 296–7, 437–9, 441, 444, 446, 632, 639, 649, 681
as letter-writer 692, 717
and Liberalism 99, 217, 234, 280–2, 326–7, 577, 660, 678, 712
on liberal theologians and
Modernists 214, 224–6, 238–9, 598, 600, 603, 708
on liberty 455, 465, 482
on limitation 8, 124, 127–9, 132, 134, 149, 154, 170, 178, 202, 210, 216, 218, 224, 253–4, 267–8, 272, 274–5, 301, 303–4, 306, 330, 347, 381, 383, 386–7, 418, 426, 462, 586–7, 597, 621, 661, 689, 705, 720
on linear prediction 144, 596, 664
as listener 111, 258
on literary criticism 172–3
on logic 119
on the Marconi scandal 320–1, 326, 370, 384, 391–2, 423, 452
on marriage 87, 91, 167, 224, 240–1, 247, 296, 373, 386–7, 499
on Marxism 305
and Mary see Blessed Virgin Mary
on the masses, 89–91, 100, 106, 152–3, 179, 207–9, 217, 225, 234–5, 244, 246, 254, 271–2, 367, 383, 424, 566, 612, 614, 670, 686, 688–9, 721
on materialism 155, 275, 286–7, 426, 534, 601–3, 684, 686–8
on materialists 597
memory of 99, 112, 545
on memory 8–9
on the Middle Ages 24, 87–8, 101, 124, 133, 149 153, 170–2, 184, 367, 379–80, 385, 387, 425–6, 457, 464, 575–6, 677, 679–80