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Sucked In

Page 16

by Charissa Dufour

Chapter Fifteen

  I quickly found myself back in the borrowed car, driving toward Lacey. We pulled into a winding neighborhood called Wilderness. Halfway into the tree-infested development, Nik pulled the car into a driveway. The house was a basic ranch-style home, with a two-car garage jutting off the end, making an “L” shape. I glanced at the clock before following the others out of the car. I doubted whoever we were visiting would be thrilled to greet us at four in the morning.

  Nikolai reached the door first and knocked. I heard groaning from inside and the creak of a bed. A few minutes later, the porch light flickered on and the door slowly opened. The bleary-eyed woman perked up the instant she recognized Nik and closed the door slightly. Wise response. Despite the caution, she smiled playfully. The woman appeared to be in her early sixties, with beautiful pure white hair framing her round face. She brushed her bangs into place with delicate, manicured fingers.

  “Nikolai,” she said in a playful voice, as though his name alone held years of personal jokes between them. “Forgive me if I don't invite you in.”

  Nik nodded, a smile of his own tugging on his shapely lips. “Of course not, Helen, no one expected you to.”

  “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?” she asked.

  “We need some information.”

  “And you think I'll just hand it over?”

  Nikolai glared at her, though I suspected it was less than genuine. “Fine, Helen. What do you want in exchange for information?”

  The woman laughed softly as she pulled her fluffy robe tighter around her chest. Just then, the early morning rain began sprinkling down on our heads. I glanced up, sad not to see the stars anymore. And yet, I knew it would be safer with the cloud cover. I heaved a mental sigh of annoyance.

  “Please, Nikolai. I can't tell you that until I know what it is you want to know,” said Helen.

  “What would both fae courts, Richard's seethe, and the werewolves all want with one vampire girl?” Nik inquired gently. “Rumor is it involves some sort of spell.”

  “A spell that requires a specific vampire. You're not giving me a lot to work with.”

  “It's all I know.”

  “Hmm… ” She thought for a moment. “Look, I'm a decent wizard, but if this is something the fae want… ”

  “Or want to stop,” interjected Josh.

  Helen jerked her head down in a quick nod. “Or want to stop, then it is out of my league.” She sighed, no doubt seeing our disappointment. “I'll see what I can dig up. If you learn more, let me know. Based on what you've told me, all I can say is—run and hide might be your best shot.”

  Wonderful. Just what I needed to hear. Nikolai nodded and began to turn back toward our car. I was ready to sprint. Don't get me wrong, I love western Washington, but that doesn't mean I like to get drenched, especially when I'm already tired and annoyed.

  Before any of us had taken more than a step, she called us back. “Wait! Just remember, sacrificial lambs are chosen for a reason. You don’t just sacrifice anyone.”

  Nik nodded slowly as if allowing the thought to click into place. Finally, once I was soaked through, he headed back to the car. I glanced at Josh. He looked like a little, drowned carrot. I didn't have enough room to feel pity for him; after all, he'd chosen to wear shorts and sandals. We climbed in and drove off. I handed Nikolai the cell phone stashed in the glove compartment out of habit. He glanced at me, a strange look on his face, before pushing the speed dial.

  “Yes?” Mikhail asked.

  “It's Nik. Fagan said the rumors suggest a spell. We went and spoke with Helen. She wasn't a lot of help, but she thought we ought to look into why they picked Ash to sacrifice.”

  “Ash, is it?”

  Nikolai ignored him. “If it is a spell, then I doubt Phonoi is involved.”

  “We don't have proof either way. So keep your options open,” ordered Mikhail.

  “I'm going to take her to my apartment for the day.”

  “No. I need you back at the bar. Bring her too.”

  Nikolai didn't respond. He snapped the phone shut and tossed it into my lap.

  When we arrived at the bar, the horizon was just growing pink. I suddenly felt weak and disoriented, while the buildings around me began to shift in strange, circular ways. Though we were moving quickly, it wasn't fast enough. I stumbled on the edge of the sidewalk and would have landed on my face if it weren't for Nik's fast reflexes. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to my feet.

  “Whas go'non?” I slurred.

  “The sun. It's rising fast and the clouds are thinning and you're feeling the effects. We need to get underground.”

  He dragged me into the restaurant and past the unlucky few who had the task of cleaning up after last night's frivolity. There had been some sort of boxing match featured on the main screen last night to judge by the conversation between the cleaners. Once we reached the basement, I began to feel like my old self; well, not my human old self, but the vampire one. We shifted into the large room where I had first met Mikhail, which was fairly empty as most of the other seethe members had gone to their homes for the day.

  Mikhail was drinking what looked like scotch from a crystal glass. Standing next to him was a woman garbed in a skintight dress and ridiculous heels—the kind of shoes a girl like me could break an ankle with. She looked like a character in my books, a beautiful seductress. Maybe I hadn't gotten it all wrong. Her sleek dress was strapless and ran just past her knees. On her neck hung a diamond necklace worth more than I could earn in a lifetime. Matching earrings dangled from her lobes, half hid by her long, chocolate brown hair that draped over her shoulders in perfectly disheveled curls.

  “Hello, Nikolai,” she purred as she sauntered forward and kissed him on the cheek. Her dark red lipstick left a faint print on his skin. Though Nik looked wary, a small smile played at his lips as his eyes ran over her figure. Whoever she was, he was openly interested. I saw an opportunity for mischief. “I see you've found a new… friend,” she said, eying me with disdain and ignoring Josh completely. Her delicate hand was still resting on Nik's shoulder. Nik’s smile turned into a grin as his eyes stayed locked on the other woman.

  “Emma, what are you doing here?” His voice sounded both pleased and concerned. “This is Ash—a—er—newish member of the seethe.”

  “Oh?” she asked, glancing between Nik and Mikhail. Mikhail was smiling at her. It was the most affectionate look I'd ever seen on him. When they didn't respond she turned back to me. “Is that all? Not your lover?”

  I tried not to laugh in her face. Nik was turning into something like an annoying priest slash babysitter—the one you tried to run away from. And who in their right mind sleeps with their babysitter?

  I smiled and shook my head. He was all hers.

  “No? I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me,” she said. A smirked played at her lips as her slim fingers reached out and flicked one of my damp braids over my shoulder. “She's very… cute. You may call me Miss Tanner.”

  “May I?” I asked in a sickly sweet tone mixed heavily with sarcasm. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Josh grin. The other men glared at me; it was the first time they had taken their eyes off of Miss Tanner. Whoops.

  Miss Tanner suddenly had me pinned to the nearest wall. Double whoops! The back of my head hurt where it collided with the concrete. I blinked the stars away from my vision while she held me against the concrete, her forearm digging into my collarbone. It made it hard to breathe. Before I could panic, Nikolai stepped forward and placed a strong hand on Emma's shoulder.

  “Remember Miss Tanner, she is under our protection,” said Mikhail from his place across the room.

  “Then you need to teach her manners,” Miss Tanner snarled.

  Nikolai laughed. “You're one to talk. I recall those weeks in Greece. How many people did you offend with your lack of manners?” He carefully guided Emma away from me, his hand drifting to the small of her back. I had the sudden desire to sta
ke her. “Now, Emma, what is it you want? As glad as I am to see you, I doubt this is purely a social call,” added Nik.

  “Is it so hard to believe that I just wanted to see you?” she asked softly. If it weren't for my last mistake, I would have made a gagging noise. Or maybe suggest they get a room. Either way, it would have been cliché but funny. Instead, I held my tongue and glanced at Josh. The glint in his eyes suggested he was thinking of a similar retort.

  “Maybe just a little,” Nik said with a smirk. He was flirting. Nik, the “Grinch who stole Christmas” was actually flirting. I felt my eyes bug-out.

  “I'm here to collect a debt.”


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