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Secrets (Lords of the City)

Page 39

by Alice Ward

  “I told him I’d head to his penthouse as soon as I get off work. But to be honest, the idea of sitting here for another four hours is almost unbearable,” I confessed.

  “I’ll cover for you for the rest of the day, if you want to go home,” Piper offered.

  “You really wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course not,” she said with a dismissive wave. “I’ll tell Pete that you’re coming down with that stomach bug Brandon had last week. That will buy you a day off tomorrow, in case things don’t go well tonight.”

  “You’re the best, Pipes,” I told her as I gathered my things. I slid my tablet and phone into my bag and we walked out of my office together.

  “Call me if you need me,” Piper said as we parted ways in the hall.

  “I will,” I promised.


  The moment I stepped out onto the sidewalk, I realized I had nowhere to go. The next train to Jersey didn’t leave for an hour and a half, and there was no point in going all the way home just to turn around and head back to the city to confront Drake. And I had every intention of confronting Drake the moment he arrived home.

  I’ll go to his penthouse. If Frank’s the doorman on duty, he’ll let me up to the penthouse. If not, I’ll call up and have Vanessa let me in.

  The city was alive with the sights and smells of spring, so I decided to walk the twenty something blocks to Central Park. As I navigated the sidewalks, I paid close attention to the people who passed me and tried to imagine their stories. I knew that my problems would probably seem small to most of them and wondered how many would trade places with me in a heartbeat. I knew in my soul that Drake hadn’t cheated. I couldn’t explain how or why, but my body was consumed with certainty that the papers had blown the story out of proportion. But that didn’t take away the sting of seeing him with Valintina. For one reason or another, she’d gotten more time with him in the past four days than I’d had with him during our entire relationship.

  I’ve either got to leave my job, or I’ve got to leave Drake. I can’t take another trip like this, with me stuck in my office while he’s off negotiating deals with beautiful, exotic women. I don’t think he strayed this time. But who’s to say he wouldn’t eventually?

  Lost in thought, I stepped out into the street just as the light turned green. A tall, well dressed man with mocha skin and cropped grey hair stuck his arm out and pulled me away from the traffic.

  “Thank you,” I gasped, gripping his arm to regain my balance.

  “Looks like you were a little too deep in thought,” he said with kind, knowing eyes.

  “More than a little,” I agreed with a blush.

  “I recognize the look. You’re at some kind of crossroad and you’re not sure which step to take.”

  It was like he was reading my mind. “You’re very intuitive,” I said, oddly at ease with the stranger.

  “It’s not intuition, just the wisdom that comes with age,” he replied as the light turned from yellow to red. We moved with the crowd but continued our conversation.

  “Do you have any wise advice?” I asked as we stepped onto the opposite sidewalk.

  “You’ll never regret following your heart,” he offered.

  “And what if you don’t know what your heart wants?” I pressed, staring down at the concrete.

  “Deep down, you already know. The heart always knows. The trick is admitting it to the rest of yourself.”

  I considered his words for a few minutes and when I looked up to reply, he’d disappeared.

  What a strange, wonderful man. I wish I’d gotten his name.

  The random encounter felt like fate stepping in and offering advice. But I still felt overwhelmed with confusion. My heart felt torn in two different directions. I loved my independent side. Until recently, I’d defined myself by it. But I also loved Drake. We’d had a short, difficult time together but I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Tyler,” Frank greeted me as I stepped into Drake’s building.

  “Hi Frank,” I replied with a smile. “I know Mr. Waters isn’t home yet. Would it be okay if I wait for him upstairs?”

  “Of course,” he agreed, stepping out from behind his counter. Frank was just a few inches taller than me, with salt and pepper hair and the round body that comes with sitting on a stool for hours at a time. “Mr. Waters left instruction that you were to be let up immediately anytime you want.”

  “Thank you,” I said as he walked me to the private elevator. Frank held the key in his hand but didn’t reach for the lock.

  “If you have a moment, Ms. Tyler, I’d like to speak with you about something,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.

  “Of course, Frank. What is it?”

  “I may be speaking out of turn here, please forgive me. As I’m sure you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of things in my line of work. I’m the one person in the building no one can sneak past, so I know everyone’s dirty little secrets. Mr. Waters is a good man. I saw the pictures that were published today. I thought you should know that Mr. Waters isn’t the type to cheat. He hadn’t brought a woman here for a long time before he met you, and he hasn’t brought any other since. I just wanted to tell you that.”

  Every cell in my body seemed to exhale. “Thank you very much, Frank. I appreciate your candor and I won’t tell anyone about our little talk.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” he replied with a smile. He turned the key in the cylinder and the elevator doors opened. “When Mr. Waters arrives, should I tell him that you’re here?”

  “No, I want to surprise him,” I said as I stepped into the car.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He nodded just before the doors closed.

  The elevator climbed to the top of the building and opened into Drake’s living room. The staff was nowhere in sight and I slipped unnoticed into the master suite. I dropped my bag on the bed, kicked off my shoes, and padded barefoot into the bathroom.

  A long soak is just what I need. I’ll clear my head, make sense of things, and be ready to talk when Drake gets home.

  The deep soaking tub was right in front of a window that looked out at Central Park. I filled it with hot water and the perfumed bubble bath Drake and I had bought in Paris. I washed my hair and then sank down into the water, rested my head on the memory foam bath pillow, and closed my eyes to consider my future.

  There are so many things to consider. I always swore I’d never be the type of woman who lets a man pay her way in the world. But only a handful of people on the planet could pay their way in Drake’s world. Will I lose respect for myself if I quit my job? Could we make it work if I stayed at the society? And could I really fit in college on top of everything else? Something has to give. And I can’t make a decision until Drake and I talk about those photographs. I don’t believe he cheated, but he has to understand that he can’t put himself in those situations now that we’re together.

  The bathroom door clicked open and I opened my eyes to see Drake standing in the entryway. His face showed a mixture of relief and panic, and he met my gaze without hesitation.

  “I can explain everything,” he said as I glared at him.

  I stepped out of the tub, wrapped myself in Drake’s thick terry cloth robe, and cinched the belt tight. I walked past him into the living room, took a seat on the edge of the bed, and crossed one leg over the other.

  “Start talking.”


  “I’m glad you’re already here,” Drake told me as he dropped a garment bag next to me on the bed. “We have reservations at Delmonico’s at seven.”

  I stared at him blankly. “I thought you were going to explain yourself.”

  “I’m getting there,” he answered, rolling his suitcase to the bed. He started unpacking like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Get there faster,” I replied with a pout. I was in love with Drake. And as certain as I was that he hadn’t strayed, it hurt that the entire city thought he was in love with someon
e else.

  Drake moved in front of me, dropped to his knees, and took me by the hands. “Chelsea, nothing at all happened with Valintina. Her father is one of my investors. She’s decided to launch a career as a personal shopper, so in an effort to kiss her father’s ass I enlisted her services. We’ve never been more than friends, I swear. You’re the only woman for me, Chelsea.”

  Drake’s eyes were so sincere and I was in no mood to argue. “I know you didn’t cheat on me, Drake,” I said with a sigh so deep it sounded like a moan.

  “You do?”

  I put a hand on the side of his face, brushing back his hair. “I didn’t, at first. When I first saw the pictures, I was overwhelmed. I ran out of the office without even talking to Pete. But as soon as my head was clear, I knew I didn’t have anything to worry about. I trust you, Drake.”

  “I’m so sorry, Chelsea. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I was in your shoes. I didn’t know anyone was taking our pictures. If I had, I would have set the record straight immediately.”

  “You don’t talk to the press about your personal life,” I reminded him.

  “Sometimes, exceptions must be made. Which is why we’re going out tonight,” he said with a devilish smile.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked nervously.

  Drake rose to his feet and lifted the garment bag off the bed. “We are going to take this relationship public. I’ve already had someone leak our reservation to the papers that published those pictures. When you and I show up at the restaurant, I intend to let everyone know that you’re my girl, not Valintina. Are you up for that?”

  When Drake and I started dating, I’d envisioned a quiet, private relationship outside of the public eye. But if my choices were having my picture taken or letting the world believe he was in love with an Italian socialite, I was ready for my close up.

  “I’m game if you are,” I answered with a sly grin. “What’s in the bag?”

  “One of the many pieces of couture I bought you while I was in Italy. I hope you like it.” Drake slowly unzipped the bag, revealing a silk dress the exact shade of my hair. The fitted top had thin straps and a draped neckline while the layered skirt belled out from the waist.

  “It’s beautiful,” I gasped, fingering the soft fabric.

  “There’s also a pair of nude leather pumps waiting for you in my other suitcase,” Drake explained. “And a mountain of other pieces Valintina helped me pick out. She’s not exactly an intellectual, but she has impeccable taste.”

  “I can’t wait to see it all, but you’ve really got to stop doing stuff like this, Drake,” I insisted, trying to sound firm. “You bought me a whole new wardrobe in Paris. I appreciate all of it, but I don’t need it.”

  “The shopping trips with Valintina were a clearly implied condition of Mr. Bellisi coming back on board with my project,” Drake explained as he hung the dress on his closet door. “I spent just as much money on myself as I did on you. And for the record, I’ll buy you presents whenever I feel like it,” he added with a daring grin.

  “Oh you will, will you?” I replied with a rebellious smile as he crossed the room to me. Drake pulled me to my feet and then pulled my hips to his.

  “Yes, I will,” he said, staring down into my eyes. “I intend to make you the happiest, most spoiled woman in the city. When I see something that makes me think of you, I’m going to buy it. If for no other reason than to show you that wherever I am, you’re always on my mind. And if there’s anything you want, name it and it’s yours.”

  “Why are you so good to me?” I asked as I stared back at him, trying to make sense of his words. Things like this didn’t happen, not to women like me. I still expected to wake up at any moment to realize it had all been a dream.

  “I want to spoil you because you’re the only woman I’ve ever met who hasn’t expected it from me,” Drake said. He leaned down and brushed his soft lips against my forehead. “And I want to make you happy because I never want you to leave. You’re the most challenging, intelligent, beautiful woman I’ve ever known. And you’re one of the few people I know, male or female, with the balls to tell me the truth instead of what you think I want to hear. I know this is fast. But I love you, Chelsea.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered as a joyful tear ran down my face. Drake cupped my face in his hands and gave me a slow, sensuous kiss. He pushed the bathrobe off of my shoulders and dropped his face.

  “What time are our reservations?” I asked as he nibbled at my collarbone.

  “Seven,” he whispered.

  Which means we need to leave here by six-fifteen. And my hair is a tangled mess from my bath.

  “You know how you just told me if there was anything I ever wanted, just ask?” I purred as Drake lowered his lips to my left nipple.

  “Yes…?” he breathed, pinching me with his teeth.

  “I want to move this to the shower.”

  Drake lifted me from the floor and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved effortlessly towards the bathroom and then stopped in the doorway.

  “We should rethink this,” he said, moving his thick, still covered erection against my exposed flesh. “Condoms and water don’t really mix.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted soft kisses on his jaw line. “If we’re going out tonight, I have to do girly grooming things. So let’s start in the shower and see what happens from there.”

  “Girly grooming things, huh?” Drake asked, his eyebrow cocked and his lips turned up in amusement. “Well, this I have to see.” He carried me into the bathroom and into the tiled walk-in shower. One wall held an assortment of different showerheads, all mounted at different angles. A rain drip head hung from the ceiling and a wide built in bench ran the length of the other two walls.

  “Do you have a razor I can borrow?” I asked as he sat me on my feet.

  “I have better,” he said, gesturing to the far wall. My eyes followed his hand and fell on an assortment of decadent soaps, shampoos, and body washes, as well as a woman’s razor.

  “I figured we’d get here eventually, and I wanted you to feel at home,” Drake explained as he stripped out of his clothes. I let the bathrobe fall around my ankles and he gathered everything into his arms and tossed it to the bathroom floor. I turned on the faucet and hot water fell on me from all sides. Drake wrapped his arms around me again and dropped his head, licking a stream of water off of my breast before taking it into his mouth. As he teased me with his tongue, all thoughts of shaving my legs and conditioning my hair fled my mind. All I could think about was how long it had been since he’d touched me and how much I longed for more.

  “You were right,” I gasped as Drake slid one hand between my legs. “This was a bad idea. I want you. I want you now. Take me to the bed, Drake.”

  He pulled away with a teasing laugh. “But I was so excited about the girly grooming stuff. I’m not sure I’ll be satisfied until I’ve seen it myself. In fact, I think I’d like to do it myself.”

  “What?” I asked with a surprised giggle.

  Drake leaned into me, pressing me against the tile wall. “See how much I want to?” he moaned into my ear as his slick, hard cock moved against my hip.

  “Well, if it’ll really make you that happy,” I said with exaggerated casualness.

  Drake kissed me once on the lips and then pulled away, leading me to the bench. “Sit down,” he directed, reaching for a bottle of shampoo.

  “I washed it in the bath,” I told him as I settled onto the bench. He switched bottles and massaged thick, lilac scented conditioner into my hair. As Drake’s fingers moved through my curls, his cock danced in front of my face. I clamped my hands on his hips, leaned forward, and took as much of him as I could into my mouth.

  “Oh God, Chelsea,” Drake groaned. He rocked his hips back and forth and increased the pressure of his fingers as I swirled my tongue around his shaft. His cock twitched against my lips and I knew he was close to release. I moved my hands, stroking h
im with my right and cradling his balls with my left.

  “Oh God, slow down. Slow down or I’m going to…”

  I pulled away just long enough to say “It’s okay.” I returned my mouth to his cock, taking him in farther than ever before. I was determined to make him come and increased the pressure of my hands until he cried out in ecstasy. Drake tried to pull away, but I grabbed him by the hips and pushed him deeper into my mouth, taking every last drop of his cum. Drake’s moans came out like sobs between his long, gasping breaths. When he finally started to go soft, I let his cock slide from my lips and looked up at him with a smile.

  “I missed you.”

  “God, I missed you too.” Drake lifted the handheld shower head from its cradle and rinsed the conditioner from my hair. Then he returned it and pulled the pink razor and a can of shaving cream from the recessed shelf. He shook the can, squirted a large cloud of cream into his hand, and spread it over my legs. He held my foot in one hand, massaging the sole as he ran the razor up my skin with the other. He moved from my right leg to my left, his cock growing again as he neared my thigh. When he was finally finished, he retrieved the shower head again and dropped to his knees. He rinsed the remaining cream from my legs, let the shower head fall to the side, and pushed my knees apart. I leaned against the shower wall while he nibbled a trail from my knee to my thigh. He stopped just short of my sweet spot and moved to the other leg. Just when I felt I would explode with desire, he plunged his tongue deep within me.

  “You taste even better than I remembered,” he gasped as he raised his mouth slightly and pinched my clit between his lips. I moaned with pleasure and he pulled away again, leaving only the tip of his tongue on my clit. He moved it in soft, firm circles, letting it fall lower with each sensuous lashing. Waves of passion washed over my body and I gave myself over to instinct. I grabbed Drake by the back of the head, pulling his hair as he increased the pace of his tongue. I was desperate for release, but I just couldn’t get there.

  “I need you inside me,” I moaned. “Please.”

  Drake pulled away, rose to his feet, and took me by the hand. He led me, dripping wet, into the bedroom.


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