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Call My Bluff

Page 58

by Elizabeth Knox

  No wonder she’d questioned about their future, but tomorrow he’d fix that for damn sure.

  Chapter Ten

  The day started with a stiff neck and a crick in Joker’s back. His large body didn’t appreciate the narrow couch in Tobias’ hotel suite. Joker’s mind drifted to that shithole motel he and Daisy shacked up in in the Florida Keys. Running for their life with two hundred thousand in hot money, and Daisy was as cool as ever. Just like she handled herself in Vinnie’s penthouse last night. No matter how far he spun out she stayed calm and composed.

  He loved and envied her control, and swore to put aside all the pain, passion and anger burning inside him.

  He contemplated calling Daisy but decided to wait until the job was over and then they’d start off fresh. No more jobs, no more secrets, and then later today he’d make a solid commitment so Daisy would know exactly where their relationship was headed.

  Joker eased himself off the couch, stretched and followed the sound of Tobias’ snoring. He kicked the foot of the bed a few times until Tobias lifted his head.

  “Get up. I wanna make a stop before we head out to the desert.”

  Tobias squinted at him grumbling. “Shit man, you’re a real pain in the ass.”

  “So I’ve been told. Now, hurry up.”

  Forty minutes later they were pulling into a huge jewelry store right off the Strip that Tobias suggested.

  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” The clerk adjusted his tie while his gaze skated between Tobias and Joker. A square block of cement, and an edgy thug. Joker could’ve sworn another clerk slid his hand under the counter trying to locate the silent alarm. “May I help you?”

  “He’s looking for a ring,” Tobias said.

  “I see.” The clerk focused on Joker. “For yourself, sir?”

  “No, an engagement ring,” Joker clarified.

  “How exciting.” The clerk herded them over to a cabinet, unlocked the glass door and pulled out a velvet tray with an assortment of diamond rings.

  “These rings can be made to fit any size.” His gaze flitted between them as he pushed the tray toward Joker. “Did you have a particular style in mind?”

  The clerk smiled at Tobias. “Which one do you like?”

  Tobias pointed to a ring with a diamond so small you could barely see it.

  “Fuck no,” Joker said. “That ring’s ugly.”

  “I’m sure I can help you come to a decision that will make you both happy.”

  The clerk beamed with his sales skills and Joker shifted his feet. “The ring ain’t for him. It’s for my girl.”

  When the realization hit Tobias he shouted out a laugh. Then he slung his arm over Joker’s shoulder. “He’s not my type. I’m more into blondes.”

  Joker shrugged him off. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “I’m terribly sorry, gentlemen. I thought that when—”

  “No problem.” Joker checked his watch. “Just pick me out a ring that a classy girl would like.” Joker pulled out a wad of bills wrapped in a rubber band and slapped it on the counter. “Money’s not a problem.”

  The clerk eyeballed the thick roll of hundreds as he pulled out another tray of rings with much bigger diamonds.

  “You made a good choice,” Tobias said, as he drove the rented Escalade through the endless desert that stretched out over I-15.

  Joker flipped the jewelry box open and stared at the ring. “I screwed up big time last night. Calling Daisy out and acting like a dick.”

  “Nothing says I’m sorry like a big ass diamond,” Tobias joked.

  “Nah, it’s more than that.” Joker looked out the window at the low-scrubby bushes and rocky sand. “I’ve been thinking about doin’ this since we left Miami.”

  “Not surprised. A woman like Daisy gets under your skin.” Tobias smiled. “Although I am a little hurt you didn’t get anything for me.”

  “Very funny.” Joker smirked. “You’re pissed ‘cause that clerk thought you were the female part of our couple.”

  Tobias checked himself out in the rearview mirror and puckered his lips. “That’s cause I’m prettier.”

  They both laughed, then Joker concentrated on the scenery. Fifteen minutes outside of the Strip and the barren land could’ve been another planet. The endless view of nothing helped him organize his thoughts on exactly how and when he would ask Daisy the most important question of his life.

  “When are you gonna give it to her?” Tobias invaded Joker’s thoughts as he played with the radio buttons like a kid with severe ADHD. Half the time he faded over the line only to swerve back into their lane seconds later.

  “The way you drive it’ll be a fuckin’ miracle if I’m still alive at the end of this day.” All the crazy shit he’d done in his life and he’d end up goin’ out in a car crash.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my driving.”

  In the last ten seconds country, blues and top 40 blared out of the car radio.

  Joker knocked Tobias’ fingers away from the buttons. “For the last time, leave it the fuck alone, and concentrate on your driving.”

  Tobias glared at him. “Touchy, touchy.”

  “You’re worse than my kid.” Joker screwed up his lips. “At least he listens to me.”

  A grin split Tobias’ rock-hard face. “Can’t believe you got a kid.”

  “He’s one of the main reasons I’m driving through the desert in ninety-degree heat with a nut job who can’t pick a radio station.”

  Tobias’ finger hovered over the buttons with a smirk firmly planted on his broad face.

  Tobias’ antics distracted him from the decision he had to make. Cobra said he’d follow his lead and give Joker free rein ‘cause sometimes you had to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. And putting a slimy bastard like Digger in the ground was definitely the right reason.

  Forty minutes later, they pulled off the highway, and drove about two miles over red gravelly rock until they came to a squat white cinderblock building. The windowless structure sat amongst underbrush and more cacti. When Tobias pulled around the building two Harleys were parked in a line. The sight of the chrome shimmering in the sun pulled at Joker. He missed the hell out of his own bike.

  Tobias parked the SUV, and Joker followed him to the only door. Inside, the building was separated into cubicles with different settings. Three were furnished like bedrooms. Each one decorated tackier than the other in red, gold and one completely in black with assorted sex toys flung over the bed. The other two were set up to resemble living rooms with chairs and couches. There was no ceiling, only rafters where huge lights hung along with a tangle of electrical wires.

  Cameras stood on tripods and dollies with a few director’s chairs scattered around. Not an ounce of space was vacant. Definitely used for shooting porn.

  Cobra stepped to Joker, and they tapped fists.

  “This is Python.” Cobra dipped his chin to the guy next to him with patches that read Sergeant at Arms, LV Serpents, along with the little diamond signifying they were one-percenters. Outlaws. His eyes were clear and observant. A big difference from the doped-up Raiders he’d left in New York. It saddened Joker how far his club had fallen.

  “I appreciate this.” Joker lifted his chin. “More than you know.”

  “We’ll follow your lead.” Cobra stuck a cigarette between his lips, and Python leaned forward and flicked his lighter. “You wanna step in, it’s all yours, but the faster we can eliminate this asshole the better.” Cobra expelled a long stream of smoke and Joker breathed deep. Quitting cold turkey sucked.

  “And don’t worry, they’ll be no blowback on you or your club,” Joker assured.

  “I trust that.” They tapped fists again, the biker equivalent of a sealed deal.

  Sheena busied herself with the camera equipment, then joined Joker and the other bikers. “Just got off the phone with Daisy. They have Digger and they’re almost here.”

  They decided to use the living room set, and although they weren’
t really filming Sheena made sure it looked authentic. Joker watched the way Cobra tracked Sheena. The other night at the Gold Mine he thought he noticed something too. Seth better get his game in order if he wanted Sheena, ‘cause he doubted if anything stopped Cobra once he set his mind on it.

  Fifteen minutes later the slamming of car doors penetrated the brick building. They all exchanged looks, then Joker situated himself in the darkened bedroom set. Out of sight, but with a perfect view of the action.

  Digger’s booming, noxious voice filled the room. Talking shit as usual. Daisy and Seth followed behind him dressed in their Hollywood business casual.

  He longed to touch her and tell her he was sorry he’d acted like an ass. He fingered the ring box in his pocket and adrenaline soared through his veins. Get this shit done, then claim his woman.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I still don’t understand why we had to drive out in the fuckin’ desert. Hot as shit out here.” Digger pulled up his sweat stained T-shirt to wipe his face, his disgusting beer belly in full view, as his beady eyes surveyed the brick building.

  The forty-five-minute drive from the airport defined hell on earth. Digger alternated between regaling them with his pseudo female conquests on the flight and hitting on Daisy. Seth had the air conditioner cranked up to combat his stench, and Daisy pitied whoever had the displeasure of sitting next to him on the plane.

  “As I explained to you earlier. The lower we keep the budget the more likely HBO will pick up our option. It’s all about acquisitions and negotiation.”

  Digger’s blank expression told her she’d used the right amount of four syllable words. The man was practically illiterate and any word over five letters stumped him which of course she used to her benefit.

  Digger eyed the bedrooms. “Am I getting some fucking scenes too?” He licked his lips and rocked his hips in a grotesque way making Daisy happy she’d skipped lunch.

  Sheena and Tobias pushed forward and introduced themselves as the producers, then herded Digger into the living room set.

  Daisy gazed around the space for any sign of Joker. Thankfully, Tobias sent her a text last night, assuring her Joker was safe, but guilt weighed heavy on her. She hadn’t given him the answers he wanted, and now she regretted their angry words.

  Digger stopped and glared at Cobra and Python. “What the fuck are The Serpents doin’ here?” Then he turned to Daisy. “I thought this was just about me.”

  “We thought shooting an actual scene would be more veridical,” Seth said, and Daisy suppressed the smirk as Digger’s face flattened out in confusion.

  Digger spun around to Daisy. “I’m still the star though, right?”

  “Oh yes,” Daisy assured. “You’ll be the first one down.”

  Seth waggled his eyebrows behind Digger’s back and Daisy bit the inside of her cheek, then put on her game face.

  “All right, let’s get moving here people.” Tobias stepped up as the authoritative and demanding producer. “Time is money.”

  Seth situated them in the living room and handed Digger the prop gun. “Like we discussed earlier you and Cobra are in a dispute over territory.” He glanced at Digger. “We want you to ad lib and respond however you would in real life. Simple.”

  Digger eyeballed the gun Cobra held at his side. “His gun looks more real than mine.”

  “Impossible.” Seth blew him off. “Must be the lighting. Once we start, don’t stop just keep rolling.” Seth slapped the clapperboard in Digger’s face and smirked when Digger twitched.

  Cobra assumed the stance of a thug, and Daisy marveled how realistic it all seemed. Like Joker, Cobra had the raw energy of a man who’d seen it all. But where Joker’s features were rougher and hard-edged, Cobra’s chiseled face and strong, smooth good looks resembled an actual actor. A profession she was sure he never pursued.

  Joker’s rigid body watched as the scene played out.

  Cobra sauntered forward. “I guess this showdown has been a long time coming.”

  Digger pulled himself up, unsuccessfully sucking in his beer gut. “Don’t think you’re gonna cut in on our territory,” Digger blustered.

  “Don’t want your territory, just want to let you know what a miserable fuck you are.” Cobra moved two steps closer. “Shooting a kid isn’t cool.”

  Digger’s back stiffened. “I didn’t shoot no kid.”

  “C’mon Digger, the word is you shot Joker’s kid to get back at him.”

  “Nah, wasn’t me.”

  “Sure it was, cause that’s the kind of dick move a motherfucker like you would pull.” Cobra shrugged. “Admit it.”

  Digger looked to Seth, and Seth made a circular motion with his forefinger. “Keep it going,” Seth said in a stage whisper.

  “Yeah, I shot the kid, but I’m not done with him or Joker.”

  Joker’s fist clenched to the point of pain.

  “Still a dick move.” Cobra raised his gun. “Not something our club is willing to sanction.”

  “He was just a punk ass kid.” Digger sneered. “But that pussy Joker hasn’t heard the last from me.”

  A burning heat shot up Joker’s spine, as Digger shot a smarmy smile to Seth obviously impressed with his own performance.

  Cobra glanced over Digger’s shoulder and Joker nodded, then Cobra leveled his gun at Digger. “We’re done with you.” The shot rang out in the cavernous building.

  Digger grabbed his shoulder as blood seeped through his fingers. “What the fuck?” he wailed, then pumped the trigger and the fake gun exploded with blanks.

  Digger glared at Seth and Daisy. “You set me up.”

  Joker ambled out of the shadows and Digger’s eyes went wide. The look of confusion and shock on Digger’s face was priceless.

  “Fuck man,” Digger gasped. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “You were right, he is a pathetic piece of shit.” Cobra kicked Digger in the balls and he collapsed to his knees as his agonizing howl filled the building.

  “Take care of your business.” Cobra pulled another gun out of the waist of his jeans and handed it to Joker. “Finish him off.”

  “C’mon Joker, don’t do this.” Digger pleaded extending his hands like that would stop a bullet. “We’re brothers.”

  Joker barked out a harsh laugh. “Brothers?” Are you fuckin’ kidding me.” Joker fisted the gun at his side. “You set me up for a hit in Miami, and then you target my son.”

  “That was business, nothing personal.” Digger wheedled, as he struggled to his feet.

  “End this stupid fucker, I can’t stand listening to him anymore,” Cobra said.

  Joker’s brain stuttered as he fisted the gun. Pulling the trigger would be so satisfying. Fast, and easy. Indulge in the anger and the pain. A quick fix like booze or dope. And then the crash when the adrenaline evaporated from your veins and you were left with the silence of your thoughts.

  Daisy stepped onto the set, their eyes locked, and the hand holding the gun relaxed for a split second.

  Digger lunged. “I should’ve ended you when I had the chance.” Digger growled, as he tried to wrestle the gun away from Joker. “You and that worthless kid, and that lying cunt.”

  For a split second the gun angled in Daisy’s direction and Joker freaked. He twisted Digger’s wrist and the gun exploded between them. He pried the gun out of Digger’s hand, shoved it into his gut and squeezed the trigger. Digger’s eyes went wide a second before his limp body thudded to the floor.

  Cobra stood at his side, and the two men tapped fists. Justice.

  Daisy reached out to him, her gaze frozen on the center of his chest. Joker looked down at himself just as a searing heat tore through his lungs. He struggled to breath, but the burning pain made it impossible. He felt like he was sucking air through a straw. His legs wavered and Daisy rushed to him. She tried to steady him, but she couldn’t support his weight as he sunk to the floor.

  Daisy’s voice floated in the background of Joker’s brain. Her face r
adiated fear. Fuck, he hated seeing her so scared. Sounds melded together until the metal door banged open followed by heavy footsteps.

  “Metro police. Drop your weapons.”

  Faces swam in front of Joker’s face. Cops yelling orders, putting people in handcuffs, Daisy cradling his head. Her lips kept moving but he couldn’t focus on her words.

  Then different uniforms. Paramedics. Asking questions, but he couldn’t form the words in his brain. The shriek of a siren, then the sensation of movement. Daisy holding him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Shit, he didn’t want to make her cry.

  Someone tried to clamp a mask over his face, but he pushed it away and forced out two words. “Marry me.”

  She parted her lips but they forced the mask over his face again and everything went black.

  Daisy checked the time on her phone. Three minutes past the last time she’d checked. Joker had been out of surgery for three hours but was still in recovery. The doctors said the bullet collapsed his lung and fractured two ribs. Surgery repaired the damage, but the loss of blood and the trauma made the recovery period longer than normal.

  Finally, the nurse told her they were wheeling him into his room. They downgraded him from ICU to CCU since he was breathing on his own, and the doctor assured her he would make a full recovery. They also handed her a manila envelope with his personal belongings. She stuffed the envelope into her purse and headed for his room.

  She wasn’t prepared for the ashy tone of Joker’s skin. He seemed to be resting comfortably but his powerful presence was diminished by the stark white sheet and all the tubes running in and out of his body.

  She pulled a plastic chair over to the side of the bed and gently folded his hand in hers. The heavy silver rings he usually wore were gone. When she laced his fingers with hers his lashes flickered, then shut against the light.

  She leaned into him. “I’m here, baby. You’re in the hospital, but it’s okay.”


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