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Ranch Daddy

Page 5

by Shanna Handel

  Was he my daddy?

  Or was he my friend?

  Gathering my courage, I tilted my face upward. Our eyes locked. Tingles ran down my spine as I studied his soft gaze.

  His eyes said everything. They caressed my face with a tenderness that told me there were feelings there. There was no way he could deny it. This was my moment. This was my chance to prove to him I was more than just a friend. That we were more than friends. Closing my eyes, I rolled up onto the balls of my feet, stretching up to kiss him.

  His hands went to the sides of my face, holding me in place. My eyes drowsily opened. He gazed down at me, a sad look crossing his face. “Josie, I can’t.”

  The punch landed right in the center of my gut. Humiliation burned on my face. Rejected for a second time.

  “Why not?” I whispered.

  “I just can’t.”

  “You have feelings for me, I know you do,” I said.

  “But that doesn’t make it any easier, does it? Knowing that I do? That’s why I’ve never told you,” he said.

  I should have felt happy at his admittance. But instead, a sad confusion washed over me. “Just tell me how you really feel about me, Colton. Please?”

  “There are feelings there. Of course there are. I mean, look at you! You’re the sassiest, spunkiest, sexiest woman I’ve ever met. And I think you know my password is your name... has been for a long time.”

  A warmth rose in my chest at his words. Words I’d suspected. The confession I’d longed to hear. “What’s the problem?”

  His shoulders squared, his gaze locking on mine. “The truth is... Brody asked me not to. Ultimately it was my decision, but I agreed with his reasoning. He felt like you had a future in wedding planning and that if you could focus on your job, you would do great. If we were to start dating, it might have distracted you.”

  The warmth I felt quickly turned into burning anger. “That... that... cock-blocker!”

  He cracked a smile, “He just had your best interest in mind. You’re easily distracted, you know.”

  “I am not,” I lied, my pulsing pussy dampening my panties and proving his point. My mind had left the conversation and gone straight to my ever demanding libido. “I can handle my job and a relationship, no problem. Damn Brody and his controlling—”

  “It’s not only because of what Brody said, Josie. There’s something else.” His eyes were warm, but his tone was tinged with sadness.

  A queasy feeling entered my stomach, my heartbeat quickened. This was the moment he would declare his love for Lady BJ, crushing the tiny chance I had with him and carefully dropping me back across the line into the desert that was the friend zone. My voice was tight as I whispered, “What is it?”

  “I have my own reservations. About us,” he said, his hand running through his hair as his gaze fell from mine.

  “I’m not looking for anything serious. I just want to hook up.” I threw in a pout for good measure.

  His eyes found mine again. He shot me a defeated look as he said, “Exactly.”

  “Why is that a problem? For your information, modern day women can fulfill their sexual needs with a partner without having to commit to them. Haven’t you ever heard of Tinder?” I asked.

  “No, I haven’t. What is it?” he asked.

  I held back an eye roll. These Jenkinses were seriously living in the Stone Age. “It’s an app and when you’re feeling frisky you can skim through pics and find a hookup. But I don’t even know why we’re talking about Tinder when we should be discussing—”

  His stern tone cut my words off. “If I ever catch word that you are going out alone and meeting randoms on that app, I swear I’ll have you on house arrest with an ass that’s too sore to sit on.”

  I gulped. I had downloaded Tinder but never had the guts to actually meet up with someone. Plus, the pickings in our town were kind of slim. But he didn’t need to know that. Despite my still sore rump, I cocked my hip, throwing a hand on it for good measure. “What’s it to you?”

  “I’m still your friend. I look out for you. And I won’t let you make dangerous decisions that could get you hurt,” he said.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, if you won’t let me get some off the internet, then you should put out.”

  He gave me a smile. “Look, Josie, I’m not the laid-back teen you first started crushing on years ago. I’ve changed. And I don’t know if the man that I am now is a good fit for the woman you’ve become.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re too good for me?” I asked with a sniff, tilting my nose in the air.

  “No. Just... different from you,” he said.

  My heart fell. “Different, how?” I asked quietly, all the sass draining from me.

  He sighed. “I guess you could say that I’ve grown into the ways of my older brothers. Rigid ways that I’m unwilling to change or back down from. And I’m not sure you can handle them.” His dark brow rose at me in uncertainty, making me think about how I had begged him not to spank me, and even tried running away.

  “Is it because I can’t take a spanking like a lady?” I asked.

  “It has nothing to do with spanking. I want a relationship where I can give all I have to a woman. And I want that in return. Not just hooking up. And, I think you already know I have daddy tendencies. Those aren’t always easy to live with,” he said.

  Clearing my throat, I steadied my trembling voice. “I know I can handle it,” I lied. In truth, my stomach was flip-flopping with nerves, my knees and hands shaking. Fantasy was one thing—reality another. Could I be the baby girl of a strict daddy dom?

  “I know you think you want it here.” Shivers ran through me as his hand smoothed over my hair. Then, his fingertip traced a heart shape over the left side of my chest as he whispered, “But do you want it here? A relationship that means giving me your whole self? Committing to me?”

  Willing myself to breathe, I feigned confidence as I said, “I’m not going to be a doormat if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Submission is a gift. You are giving the man power over you. Power to care for you, keep you safe, and correct you. But you have to want the whole package. It’s not a situation where you get to pick and choose. Yes, I want the spoiling and the love, but no, I don’t want to be told what to do, or held accountable for my actions,” he said.

  I bit my bottom lip. “How much spoiling are we talking about, here?”

  He smiled at my joke but then his grin melted away, a sad look crossed his face. “I just don’t see you able to give that, Josie. It’s not you. And that’s fine. And it’s why I’ve rejected your kiss. We’re friends. We will always be friends.”

  I looked down at the red toes of my boots. He was right. I could never give a man that much of myself. And so, I shoved down the crushing disappointment and heartbreak, and said, “Okay. Friends.”

  His finger was underneath my chin, gently tilting my face up till my gaze met his. Butterflies danced in my stomach as his eyes bore into mine. “But so help me God, if you ever lay a finger on someone else’s computer like that, I will be spanking your ass. And not in a friendly way.”

  Shivers ran through me, ending in my pussy, making it clench and pulse, begging for him to take me. “Got it. Friend.”

  “Good girl. And not a word of this to Brody. He has enough going on and he was just looking out for you like he would any member of our family. Promise?” he asked, his gaze studying my face.

  I nodded.

  Leaning down, his lips gently pressed against my forehead, his hand smoothing my hair. “Goodnight, Josie. Sweet dreams.”

  He buckled me into the truck. With a little wave, I drove off the ranch. My hands shook as my fingers clenched the wheel. My ass felt warm and sore, my eyes burned, and my panties were soaked as I headed down the road. Glancing up at the rearview mirror, my gaze locked on Colton. Standing with his arms crossed over his chest, he watched me drive out of sight.

  Needless to say, there
was going to be no sleeping for me that night. I wished away the sad feeling that sat in the pit of my stomach, deciding to replace it with the warmth I felt from him finally admitting his feelings for me. A small smile crept on my face as I drove—I’d just had my first spanking.

  * * *

  Another sleepless night on top of Colton’s rejection had me as grouchy as a bear woken out of hibernation. After years of sexual frustration, I could take no more. My anger focused on the person I saw as the instigator of all my romantic problems.


  I went into the ranch office with guns blazing. Slamming open Brody’s door, I shouted, “What the hell were you doing?”

  The cowboy boss sat behind his big wooden desk. A chill ran through me as his icy gaze met mine. His voice was a low rumble when he spoke. “Come again, Josie?”

  Mustering up my sass, I said, “You cock-blocked me!”

  Rising from behind his desk, he pressed his hands onto its smooth top. “What on Earth are you talking about?”

  “Colton told me. What business was it of yours to keep him away from me?” His hardened gaze sent shivers down my spine. I slowed my roll, softened my tone, and tried to save myself. “I mean... I know you were looking out for me and all but messing with my relationships, that doesn’t fall under your jurisdiction.”

  “As an owner of this ranch and the top of the hierarchy, I believe that interpersonal relationships here at my business do fall under my jurisdiction. And as the head of the patriarchy of this family, I see that I am well within my rights to advise my brother. Which is none of your business.” He glared daggers at me.

  “But you’re messing with my dating life,” I mumbled, the color draining from my face. He looked pretty pissed.

  The edge remained in his voice as he said, “Life with a Jenkins man is different. You know you don’t want that. Not really. Sure, it’s sexy to think about Colton, but this life is a serious commitment.”

  “And you don’t think I’m a serious person?” I huffed.

  Sighing, he said, “That’s not what I’m saying, Josie, not at all. Don’t put words in my mouth.”

  “I get it, Brody. Silly little Josie with the crazy tattoos. Not good enough for a Jenkins boy.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  He took a deep breath. When he spoke, his tone was ice cold. “I think you need to take the rest of the day off. Come back tomorrow when you’ve cooled off and you’re ready to listen.”

  Sent home? My cheeks burned. Humility and realization of how I had just spoken to the head boss washed over me. Yikes! What was I doing? This crush was driving me into madness. I quickly apologized. “I’m sorry, Brody. You are completely right. I was out of order, and I promise it won’t happen again. Please don’t send me home.”

  His colossal hand rose, his index finger pointing toward the door. “I’m going to tell you what you are going to do right now, Josie. Get yourself over to the Mess Hall. I want the entire floor mopped until it’s shining so well that I can see my face in it. Then, come back here and try this conversation again.”

  Mopping the Mess Hall was hard, dirty work. Especially for someone my size—the mop handle was almost as tall as me. “I’d rather you just spanked me and got it over with,” I murmured to myself.

  His brow rose as he straightened, stretching out to his full height of six feet and some change. His broad hand went to his trim waist, his fingers resting lightly on the buckle of his belt.

  Oh, shit! Was he bluffing? I wasn’t willing to find out. Slapping a bright smile over my face, I called out, “Yes, sir, right away, sir!” Turning on my boot heel, I scurried back through the doorway I had just barged into. “You want this closed?” I asked sweetly, shutting the door behind me before he could answer. I scurried my way to the Mess Hall.

  In the utility closet in the back of the kitchen, I filled the big, rolling bucket with hot water and a touch of soap and lugged the huge wooden-handled mop into the Mess Hall, mentally kicking myself the whole time for being so stupid.

  Memaw was standing by the drink station, filling up the sweet tea carafe. “Lordy, child! It’s not even nine a.m. and you already got yourself into trouble?” She let out a low whistle.

  Wiping a stray hair from my sweating forehead with what I hoped was a clean part of the back of my hand, I asked, “How did you know I was in trouble?”

  “Brody always sics the one he’s least happy with on the Mess Hall floors. You should have seen Georgia in here last week. Someone must have run the credit card bill up again. Brody had her paying it off in chores... and... well, other ways, I’m sure. What did you do, honey?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I grumbled, heaving the stringy gray mop head over the strips of wood. “Except maybe call him out on telling Colton not to date me.”

  “Colton’s as sweet on you as a bee is on honey. And the whole town knows how you feel about that boy. Don’t you roll your eyes at me, or you’ll be doing the tables next. Only two questions remain. Will you two ever make your way to one another? And will it stick.” She put her hand under her chin, the features of her face wrinkling as she considered me. “Outlook’s cloudy.” With that, she turned on her heel, carting her empty tea jug with her, and stomped back into the kitchen, banging the door on her way.

  Shaking my head, I said, “That was strange.” Sweat began to prickle underneath my arms. This was hot, gross work. The muscles in my upper arms ached and I felt filthy all over. I tugged the mop back down the wood toward me.

  A muffled laugh came from behind me. I turned over my shoulder to find none other than Colton standing there.

  The memory of him spanking my bare ass and calling me little girl came rushing back, sending a wave of heat through my body. Ignoring it, I huffed, “What do you want?” Taking a breath, I blew a loose strand of white blonde hair from my face. Holding the mop before me like a weapon—should I need one—I cocked my hip to the side and gave him my ‘looks could kill’ glare.

  Still chuckling, the denim-clad sex god perched his fine ass on the edge of the nearest Mess Hall table, arranging his long legs in a casual fashion. He was peeling an orange.

  “Well? What’s so funny?” I demanded. I watched as the tender flesh of the orange segment was bitten in two by his straight white teeth. His full lips closed around the juicy fruit. My own lips tingled as I watched.

  “Just you,” he answered. His slow cockeyed grin spread across his face. Laughter danced in his eyes.

  “Ugh,” I growled, stomping my boot for good measure. “You’re infuriating. I’m stuck mopping this million square foot Mess Hall and you’re just sitting there—laughing at me.”

  “I can’t help it, Josie. You just always seem to find yourself in these messes. What’d you do this time? Tell Memaw how you really feel about her canceling Tuesday breakfast for lunch day?”

  The anger suddenly drained from my face, traveling down my body creating an uneasy puddle in my stomach. I tried to remember exactly what Colton had said about confronting Brody.

  “I... uh... ah...” Slowly, I backed away from him.

  Grinning at me, he ate another piece of his orange. “Oh, I know. You finally fessed up and told her it was you that left the last of the ice cream out on the counter to melt last Thursday.”

  “Maybe. That might have been it.” My eyes couldn’t meet his. Instead, I busied myself putting the mop into the bucket, ready to roll it into the utility closet in the back of the kitchen. Which conveniently happened to be very far from where Colton was sitting.

  Ready to make my exit, I turned my back, calling over my shoulder, “See ya, Colton.” When my eyes met his, I could see that the laughter was gone from his face. His brow knitted curiously.

  “Wait a minute. It wasn’t Memaw that made you mop. Was it?” he asked.

  My cheeks burned as Sherlock Holmes conducted his investigation.

  His brow narrowed at me. “Tell me it wasn’t Brody.”

  “Colton, I’ve really got to go now�
�” I turned, scurrying and pushing the bucket as fast as I could without tipping it over.

  “Josie Dixon.”

  His stern tone made me freeze in place. I stopped, turning to face him.

  Colton stood up from his perch. Tossing his peel in the trash, he made his way toward me.

  The citrus scent followed him as he stopped within a few inches of me. Leaning down, his eyes locked on mine. “You made me a promise.”

  “I know but then I got myself all worked up and kept picturing him telling you to stay away from me and then I just went in there and gave him a piece of my mind. Don’t be mad... please?” I begged.

  His eyes were soft, a small smile forming on his face. “This is one of those moments I was telling you about.”

  “What moment?” I breathed, thinking this was the perfect moment to kiss me. I could already taste the sweet tang of oranges.

  His fingertips reached out as he tucked that bothersome stray lock of hair gently behind my ear. “If you were my baby girl, and I was your daddy, and you broke your promise to me, do you know what would happen?” he said softly.

  “What?” I whispered, butterflies tickling my tummy as chill bumps rose on my arms.

  “You would submit yourself to me for punishment, little girl. I would sit down on that bench right over there and I would tell you to lay yourself over my lap. And you would. Because you would know that you’ve been bad and need your daddy to correct you. No fussing, no fighting, just laying yourself over my lap of your own free will for me to spank your bottom.”

  “That would never happen,” I said.

  He tapped his finger on the tip of my nose. “Exactly. Which is why you need to leave Brody alone. He was just looking out for me, and for you. Being with me is no easy feat. You don’t even want to know how much I’ll want from you.”

  Shivers ran down my spine as I breathed, “And I can’t give you that?”

  “Up to you.” His lips pressed gently against my forehead. “Goodbye, Josie.” Giving me one long look over his shoulder, he was gone.

  And I was left a turned on, thirsty, damp-pantied, sweaty mess.


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