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Page 23

by Chris Owen

  "Okay," Tobias said slowly. "Harder how? More restrictions? More overt expectations, like kneeling, serving, chores? Or deeper scenes? Flogged longer and harder?"

  "More serving, yes. More of a critical eye? Longer scenes, maybe test my concentration a bit more? It's hard for me to explain it well; I was kind of hoping you might see it better than I do. More... intensity, I guess. More demanding of me." He sighed. "I'm not saying you're not demanding or tough on me, you know that, right? I mean I'm not criticizing you, I just need you to... push me. Amp it up a bit now and then."

  "No, no, I understand that," Tobias assured him. "And I think I know what you mean. If you want a hard-ass once a month, you got it. No bitching though." He grinned. "I can be a real bastard."

  "Good. Prove it." Noah grinned, looking relieved. It was true that the way Noah served him now, Noah made it seem as natural as breathing. And maybe it was.

  "I will," he promised. He leaned over and kissed Noah's mouth. "This is going rather well."

  "I knew it would." Noah got out of bed again and went back to the food table. "Want anything? Oh, man, if we move in together you can come to police functions as my spouse." He chuckled.

  "I will, you know," Tobias said softly. "If you want me to."

  Noah looked at him. "Well, at least you're good looking; it'll be harder to make fun of us." He came back over to the bed with another plate. "I'm out, but it's not... popular to be gay. The guys are happier if they don't have to see it. I'm used to it."

  "I know." Tobias looked at him, studied him. "But I'll do what ever you need, Noah. I love you, and I'd be proud to let anyone know that I'm your spouse."

  Noah looked at him for a long moment before smiling shyly. "You're sweet, you know that? You're a tiger with a kitten inside."

  "It's Paris. It makes me mushy," Tobias deadpanned. "I could spank you, if you'd prefer. Or take you to brunch -- although we seem to be eating already."

  Noah leaned on him. "I'm not hungry," he said, munching on a piece of fruit off his plate anyway. "Do we need to hammer out the living together details now? Or was this more of a pre-negotiation negotiation?"

  "Hmm. Just a general statement of intent, I think. We have three more days here; how about you think about what you'd like, and we can talk about it later?"

  "Fair enough." Noah set his plate aside. "So what were your plans for today before I ruined them by letting you fuck me dry last night?" He shifted so he could kiss Tobias' chest. "And what should we do now?"

  "You didn't let me, I took you," Tobias growled, his hand stroking over Noah's hair. "And I'd actually planned some walking, so perhaps we'll skip that. Theater tonight. Maybe you'd like to have an early dinner somewhere? And until then we can... oh, I don't know. Nap? Read? I'm sure we can find something entertaining to watch somewhere."

  "Oh, yes, I brought along several engrossing novels." Noah snorted. "It's Paris! I'm not spending the day reading and napping. Doesn't this place have a spa?"

  Tobias laughed. He'd actually brought a novel, but he'd be damned if he'd tell Noah that now. "Yes. There's a pool, a sauna, a hot tub, full gym.... I'd be pleased if you didn't opt for some stranger massaging you, though. Your marks are sort of distinctive."

  "The one time you don't want to show them off," Noah winked. "How about a soak? Maybe the hot tub is private, hmm? Could be nice."

  "Sure." Tobias stood up and gave Noah a long look. "Hot water would probably be a good idea for you, and I'm not about to turn down the chance to get you wet and mostly naked. If it's private, then naked is a sure bet." He winked and headed to the closet. "Better put something on to get there, though."

  "I thought naked was vogue in Paris?" Noah slid out of bed, still wincing a bit, and disappeared into the bathroom. He emerged moments later smelling of toothpaste and wearing a thick hotel robe. "Better?"

  "Not really, but at least we're fit to be seen in the elevator." Tobias took the keycard and put it in his own robe's pocket. "Shall we?"

  Noah slipped out of the room ahead of Tobias and perused the map of the hotel that was next to the elevator doors. "Tenth floor," he said. "And I won't maul you in the elevator this time, I promise."

  "Damn," Tobias said under his breath, grinning widely. The elevator came, empty, and they stepped in, Tobias' hand sliding over Noah's ass. "Can I maul you?"

  "Well, that would be your prerogative, of course," Noah said as the doors closed.

  Tobias laughed and crowded Noah into the corner, careful of his shoulders. He pressed a kiss to Noah's mouth and then another before the elevator dinged at them. "Better hit the floor button, I guess," he said, stepping back to do so.

  "Hmm?" Noah mumbled, tugging Tobias back over as soon as he had.

  Laughing, Tobias kissed him again. "There are security cameras, you know," he pointed out. He waved and grinned at the camera and then kissed Noah again. "Now behave until we're in the water, will you?"

  "Oh, very well." Noah settled for tangling fingers with Tobias for the remainder of the elevator ride.

  The spa was warm and had that soothing smell that most did, a combination of aromatherapy and massage oils. As it turned out, naked wasn't an option -- it was a requirement in their hotel hot tub. They were first sent for a quick shower, then wrapped in thick towels and bustled off to the tub. It was big enough for four but it was indeed private, and they were brought a pitcher of fruit juice and a bucket of ice and then left to their own devices.

  Tobias dropped his towel as soon as the door was closed and eased himself into the water with a sigh. "Oh, this is nice. Hurry up, sweetheart, you need this." He slid down a little more, the hot water relaxing him almost immediately, soothing muscles he didn't even know were sore.

  Noah added his towel to Tobias' and slid into the tub with him. He winced as the hot water hit sore skin, but by the time he was chest deep he'd adjusted. "Oh, yeah," he breathed, leaning his head back against the edge of the tub. "I don't think I've ever been in a hot tub before. If I have I don't recall."

  "You've been missing out," Tobias said, sounding utterly contented to even his own ears. "A hot tub is a luxury of the finest degree. Maybe we should have one in our new place."

  "Oh, I think that's an excellent idea." He slid closer to Tobias and leaned into the crook of his arm. "This trip has been incredible so far. Paris is beautiful and kinky and more than I expected."

  Tobias opened his eyes and smiled, looking into Noah's eyes. "I'm glad you like it," he said sincerely. "I really wasn't sure if you would or not -- Spain was probably a safer bet, but Paris is... Paris. Oh, we have to shop for presents tomorrow. Deidre wants anything not perfume, lace, or too girly."

  "Chocolate. Godiva."

  "That works." He kissed Noah slowly and pulled away just enough to smile. "Okay, bright boy. How about Bradford?"

  "Hmm." Noah pulled back another inch and mulled that over a moment. "Bradford. Well, cologne for sure. And maybe something from your friend Gregory's boutique? The silk flogger, maybe? It was pretty." He slid a finger along Tobias' hairline and over his ear.

  "It was nice, yes. But maybe a cane; Nikki would like that." Tobias smiled and ran a hand over Noah's leg, the water making every touch smooth. "How about Phan? Not that the brat needs any more toys, but we should get him something fun."

  "I don't guess you know his measurements?" Noah grinned mischievously.

  Tobias made a show of biting his tongue. "I know his measurements. Maybe you're the brat who won't get presents?" he teased. Of course he knew Phan's measurements. All of them. They were more or less seared into his head after years of dressing Phan in all sorts of things.

  Noah pouted, but pouts never suited him, and he seemed to know it because it was followed by laughter. "Okay, fine. So we can bring him a Frenchman. He'd like Jean-Pierre, I think."

  Tobias laughed, his head tipping back into the water. "Jean-Pierre would be at a loss with our Phan. And Phan would be over the moon. However. I don't think we can do that." He smiled at Noah a
nd tugged him closer. "How about a T-shirt that says 'I'm the boy' in French?"

  "'Je suis le garçon!' Suitably tacky," Noah said, still chuckling, and kissed under Tobias' chin. "He'll love it. God, this hot water feels good."

  "You feel good," Tobias said without thinking. He followed it up with another kiss, his tongue sliding along Noah's as he pulled Noah into his arms. "I love you," he whispered, his hands petting wet and warm skin wherever he could.

  "I love you. So much," Noah answered him and deepened the kiss. His fingers slid through Tobias' hair and then down across the tops of his shoulders. "Sometimes I can't believe this has really happened to me. Finally."

  "I know," Tobias agreed. "But we've earned it." He chased Noah's chin for a moment, scattering more kisses as he went and tugging at Noah's nipple ring with his fingers. "More than earned it."

  Noah hissed at the tug. "Mmm. You should get a piercing so I have something to tug on," he teased biting his lip as Tobias continued to play with his ring.

  "Yeah? Where, do you think?" He tugged Noah's nipple again.

  "Well, I'd say your nipple because they're so sensitive, but you're going to tell me you don't want it visible, right? So what about," Noah slid his fingers underwater, lower and lower, past Tobias' cock and behind his balls. "Right here." He grinned. "No one would know it was there but me." He stroked the sensitive skin there with one finger.

  Tobias shuddered, his hips pushing into the touch. "Naughty. I like it. Tell you what, I'll think about it." A great deal, he figured.

  "Do that." Noah grinned and as Tobias' hips pushed forward, he slid his finger farther back, gliding and stroking over Tobias' hole. "I think it would be pretty hot."

  Tobias made a noise that was mostly moan. "Tease," he said, his cock going stiff just like that. His chest felt tight, like he had to fight to breathe normally, so he didn't, settling for quick and light. "God, Noah." His fingers fumbled over Noah's nipple, slipping and sliding.

  "Not necessarily. You're hard already." Noah stretched out and lowered his mouth to one of Tobias' nipples, which was just below the waterline. He lapped at it through the warm water and pushed the tip of his finger into him, toying with the tight ring of muscle inside.

  Tobias gasped, his hips pushing down without him telling them to. "Noah," he whispered, one wet hand holding onto Noah's head and petting his hair.

  Noah's tongue made a splashing sound in return, and he pushed his finger deeper, just one, stretching him gently. He hoped the heat of the tub and the noise of the jets covered his moan as Noah pressed his body closer, his own hard prick poking Tobias in the hip.

  "Please," he said into Noah's ear. "God, yes." His legs spread and he moved to the very edge of the seat. He let go of Noah's head for fear of drowning him and gasped again as Noah dragged his teeth over one swollen nipple.

  "I love it when you're like this," Noah encouraged, taking advantage of the better angle and slowly adding a second finger. "I didn't think I would, the concept made me uncomfortable; but to look at you now, you're so hot. Fucking irresistible. I'll do anything you want." Noah's breathing was uneven now as well, and he kissed Tobias hard until they were both nearly breathless.

  "Anything I want?" Tobias whispered. "I want you in me. I want to feel you moving with me, making love to me, Noah."

  He'd known Noah wasn't crazy about the idea, and when he was acting the Dom to Noah's sub he'd never ask for it. But with Noah's fingers in his ass and Noah's mouth moving over his, he had to. He had to feel it, he felt like he'd go crazy without it, and he was more than prepared to beg.

  "Jesus." Noah moaned, low and deep in his chest. "Want you, too. Right here in the tub?" Noah asked. He didn't sound like the idea bothered him in the least.

  "Right here," Tobias growled. "How? Want me like this? Over? God, just move, sweetheart. Need more!" His hips twitched and thrust and it was all he could do to keep his hands off his cock, so he stroked Noah's instead.

  "Oh, God, I want you." Noah knelt on the bottom of the tub and considered it. "Over," he said finally, and it was probably a good choice given how much shorter he was than Tobias and the unforgiving hard plastic of the hot tub seating. "I have lube in my robe." He pointed to the robe as Tobias maneuvered, just inches from Tobias' fingers.

  Tobias reached for the robe and froze, his fingers holding the fabric. "You planned this!" he said over his shoulder. "Minx." He lunged for the lube, wiggling his ass with a laugh.

  "Would I do such a thing?" Noah asked impishly. He pinched Tobias' wiggling ass soundly.

  "You would and hey!" Tobias laughed again and waved the lube. "Want it?"

  "Only if you do," Noah teased and held his hand out.

  "Want it," Tobias confirmed, passing the tube back. "Now." He spread his legs, his cock straining in the hot water. "God, please."

  And he got it. He saw the tube of lube bounce up on the ledge near the robe again and then Noah knelt behind him and pushed at him, his cock hard as it stubbornly but slowly filled him. "Ah, fuck, tight," Noah said, a strain in his voice as their hips finally brushed together. "You okay? Jesus."

  "Slow," he gasped, trying to relax as his own hips pushed back. From the waist down his body was overeager. "Oh, God, Noah!" he cried out as Noah pushed deep. "Move. Stay. Anything! Just please--" Words gave out on him and he shuddered, squeezing hard around Noah's cock and resisting the urge to thrash and ride.

  Noah gripped his hips and tried to pull back. He grunted against the hold Tobias had on him. "Breathe. Breathe, baby." he gasped, trying again with more success. He pulled back slowly and then dove in again, keeping it gentle at first, but giving Tobias the movement and the pressure he wanted. His fingers dug into Tobias' hips as he started to thrust in and out, in and out until Tobias grew more pliable and Noah's need was more evident. "Oh, God, so good." Noah shivered and started to fuck Tobias in earnest, deeper and faster, punching Tobias' prostate over and over.

  Tobias clung to the edge of the hot tub, his arms locked. His legs began to shake and he lifted one knee to the ledge just below the water line, opening himself up further and making sure he wouldn't fall over. "Oh, God!" he yelled as Noah plunged into him again. "There! More, please, more. Fuck me!"

  One of Noah's hands came up and gripped Tobias' shoulder, and his thrusts became harder. The water splashed around them and their hips slapped together as Noah drove into him again and again, panting heavily and grunting each time he sunk deep. "Jesus, baby," he managed between harsh breaths. "Fucking sweet ass."

  It always went so fast, part of Tobias noted. By the time he got Noah to the point where they could do this, Tobias was so turned on -- both by Noah and the sheer idea of being fucked -- that everything sped up and was over before he could really, truly enjoy it. His erection was so hard it was going to hurt before long, and his ass felt stretched wider than ever before. His orgasm was already creeping up and down his spine, and all he could do was push back, trying to get Noah farther into him.

  "Love you," Noah grunted, leaning over his back and gripping the edge of the tub for yet more leverage. He plunged deep, taking what he needed, and giving, Tobias knew, every ounce of energy he had. Noah committed fully to everything they did together, and this experience was no exception. "Love you."

  His hips jerked erratically once, and then again, but Noah got his control back, groaning with the effort. "Tell me you're close, baby," he almost begged. "I'm so ready to go."

  Tobias nodded, panting. He let go of the tub with one hand and wrapped it around his cock and tugged once. "Oh, God!" he cried out, coming hard and jerking on Noah's shaft. "Love you," he whispered, his body tight and aching as he spilled, cock pounding in his hand.

  "Yes!" Noah's fingers went back to grip Tobias' hips and held their bodies flush together as he came, spilling every last drop into Tobias with a tight groan. "Oh, oh, God, yes. Tobias." He hung there for a long moment until they'd both gone still and the room was filled with the sounds of their breathing. "Jesus." His grip relaxe
d and he dropped his forehead onto Tobias' back.

  "Uh-huh." For Tobias that was as lucid as he could be right then. He thought it would be about half an hour or a lifetime before he could think clearly again; he could still feel Noah's dick twitching inside him. "Oh, God," he moaned. "So good to me."

  Noah didn't say anything. Warm lips pressed kisses across his shoulders and back, and warm fingers slid over his thighs, his sides, and finally wrapped around his chest as Noah hugged him close.

  Tobias purred, the sound rumbling in his chest. He felt limp and relaxed, utterly content to stay like that forever. Noah holding him, in him, loving him. "You're amazing," he whispered. "Give me whatever I need, like it's just there for me to take."

  "It is." Noah rubbed his forehead between Tobias' shoulder blades and kissed him there. Still securely tucked inside Tobias and keeping his body close, Noah started to rock his hips gently. "I'm yours, I want you to have every part of me."

  Tobias moaned, Noah's cock rubbing inside him just right. "Sweetheart." It seemed like the only thing to say. He held onto Noah's arm, keeping himself wrapped up in Noah.

  Noah moaned back and Tobias felt him filling inside him, if he'd ever actually gone soft to begin with. "Just want to hold you, feels so good."

  "Are you... oh, Jesus." Tobias rocked back, gliding slowly as Noah stroked in and out. "Feel so good." Tobias had no idea if he would be able to get hard again, or come, or anything like it... and he didn't care. He just wanted to feel, to float on the intensity of being loved this way. Slowly, he let Noah move in him, let Noah take him again.


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