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Settling In

Page 4

by Holly Ardent

  She took a firm grasp on my cock, as though measuring it. Evidently it passed inspection since she nodded and started moving her hand up and down. I wasn't completely erect when she started, but I certainly was a few seconds later.

  I knew she was highly aroused when a strange, yet familiar, scent drifted up to my nostrils. The scent of her arousal was a little spicy, a little musky, and definitely enticing. I knew I had to taste her, and soon.

  When I disengaged her hand from my cock her eyes snapped open. She looked at me, disappointment filling her eyes. I shook my head and gently pushed her towards the bed. When her legs hit it I gave another push which spilled her back onto the bed. She tried to sit up, but I pushed down on her chest.

  “Just lie down and enjoy yourself. There's something I need to do,” I said.

  I pushed her legs apart and dropped to my knees. My head was at the perfect level to lean in and make contact with her pussy. I inhaled deeply, the scent of her arousal racing through my body and increasing my own lust.

  “Don't lean up dear,” Molly said, pushing Rita flat on the bed again.

  Rita's head snapped around to look at her, as though she'd forgotten Molly was in the room with us.

  “Trust me on this. You don't want to be sitting up when he does what he's about to do,” Molly said.

  I ignored their conversation and leaned my head forward. My tongue darted out and slid down her slit, licking up the glistening drops of moisture that decorated it. She tasted as good as she smelled, better even. I relished the taste in my mouth for a moment, my tongue flicking out and diving between her lips to get more of it.

  Rita's legs snapped in against my head. I blinked a couple of times and tried to shake my head. She had her legs locked against me so that didn't work very well. I pushed them out again.

  “Here love, let me help,” Molly said from right behind me.

  She took Rita's legs and held them apart, her index fingers tracing idle patterns against Rita's fair skin.

  I moved my focus back to Rita's pussy. My tongue ran all over it. I enjoyed the alternating smooth flesh and small patches of stubble where she hadn't quite gotten a clean shave. I slid my tongue back between her creases, teasing out more of her taste, letting it fill my mouth.

  I'd been going to ease into things, but after she clamped her legs on my head I was feeling a bit cantankerous. Instead, my hands went to her pussy on either side of my head. I used my index fingers to push back the fleshy hood protecting the sensitive nubbin of her clit. At the same time I ran my thumbs along the inside edges of her slit, pulling her slightly open.

  I blew a gentle stream of air across her exposed clit and, even with Molly holding her legs, I felt the tension in her thighs as she tried to snap her legs closed again. Rita was muttering something under her breath. I couldn't make out the words and wasn't worried enough about it to interrupt what I was doing. If she wanted me to hear what she was saying she could speak up so I could hear her.

  The tip of my tongue slid into the bottom of her slit and I lapped my way up it, stroking her insides on alternating sides on my way. When I reached the top I used the tip of my tongue to gently brush her exposed clit. Molly actually grunted this time from her efforts at preventing Rita from crushing my head with her legs.

  I kept licking her clit, adding more and more pressure with my tongue and Rita started squirming. Molly held her lower body mostly still with her efforts and that allowed me to continue.

  My tongue lashed at her clit, flicking it back and forth quickly. Her muttering became louder and even less coherent. I licked circles around her clit, using lots of pressure against her skin, and her murmurs started to sound more like moans.

  My tightly closed lips kissed her clit before parting to allow it entry into my mouth. I nipped gently with my lips, tightening them down on her. Rita was thrashing now and I could make out the occasional words buried in the other noises she was making. They were mainly things like 'too much', 'not gonna stop him', and the classic 'Oh God!', essentially what I could make out told me that she was enjoying herself. I guessed that her legs coming together wasn't something she was consciously doing.

  I sucked on her clit, drawing it into my mouth and stretching it out gently. Rita shrieked and, this time, managed to close her legs some. She didn't crush my head, but only because Molly's body was pressed up against mine from behind and Rita's legs were pressing against it on both sides.

  I sucked harder. What I wanted was for her to orgasm. I figured that after we got the first one out of the way, everything else would be much easier. I got my wish about ten seconds later.

  Her pussy flooded with her juices and I ducked my head to drink the results of my efforts. The rest of her body relaxed at the same time, including her legs. Molly stepped back as Rita's legs dropped to the sides of the bed.

  I sucked on her pussy for a minute or two, trying to get every last drop out of her. Then I stood.

  Rita was lying on the bed, completely limp. Her face was relaxed and her eyes were closed.

  “Molly, you really ought to taste her. She's almost as delicious as you,” I said.

  She shook her head.

  “You know I don't often do that, but...”

  She leaned over and kissed me, driving her tongue deep into my mouth. We kissed for a while, long enough for Molly's tongue to explore my mouth. By the time she pulled back I was sure she'd gotten a good taste.

  “You're right, she does taste good,” Molly said. “Are you just going to leave her like that or are you going to push her further?”

  “I thought I'd take it easy on her for the first few days. It sounds like she's had a rough time of it and I thought caution might be in order.”

  Rita's voice was faint, but audible.

  “That was taking it easy on me? If it was, please don't. I want to find out just what I've gotten myself into here.”

  I turned to the bed. Rita's eyes were only half open, staring in my general direction.

  “Are you sure about that? I can be a little... Well, let's just say I can get a bit kinky. Not everyone appreciates that.”

  She waved a hand that was still half limp from her orgasm.

  “I'm sure. Oh God, am I sure. I wasn't sure I was ever going to want sex again after losing my husband, but now I know that the only thing I've been doing is punishing myself. That felt so good, it's been so long...”

  She struggled to sit up, her efforts making her tits jiggle fetchingly.

  “I just want more. If you can keep making me cum like that, I don't believe you could be kinky enough to turn me back off.”

  Molly jumped in before I got a word out.

  “Don't say things like that Rita. He'll take it as a challenge.”

  “I was just saying that he could be as kinky with me as he likes if he keeps making me cum like that.”

  She turned to me.

  “I wasn't making it a challenge or anything,” she continued.

  “I knew that,” I said. “But Molly has a habit of trying to make people think that I'm more of a pervert than I truly am.”

  “As if that were possible,” Molly muttered under her breath.

  I'm pretty sure Rita heard her also and that we were both meant to. I continued with what I'd been saying.

  “I guess that's because she's always willing to try something new and she thinks that I'll respond to it by trying to live up to her expectations.”

  Molly swatted me lightly on the shoulder.

  “Don't listen to him. I just try to keep up. Sometimes it's harder than others.”

  She emphasized her last sentence by reaching around me and grabbing my cock.

  “This is one of those times. But I'm pretty sure we can make things less hard for him. What do you think?”

  Rita's eyes had followed the movement of Molly's hand and they were now locked onto my cock. She licked her lips, unconsciously I think, and slid off the bed and onto her knees. Then she leaned forward and buried the head of my c
ock in her warm, wet mouth.

  Rita wasn't bad at oral, but Molly had her beat hands down. As a result there was no danger of my cumming before I wanted to. Rita could only take about half my cock in her mouth, but she wrapped her hand around the base of it and moved her hand to the same rhythm as her mouth. She kept that up for about five minutes before leaning back to look at me.

  “What's wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I said, “I'm just not ready to cum. There's lots more things I intend to do to you first.”

  Rita looked at Molly.

  “Can he do that?” she asked.

  “Do what?” Molly said. “Keep himself from cumming when he doesn't want to? I know he can stretch it out for a long time. I did mention part of the reason I wanted you here was because he was too much for me, didn't I?”

  “Yes, you did, but... This isn't quite what I expected. I don't know what I expected really, maybe that you didn't really want sex at all and he did, or something.”

  Molly shook her head slowly.

  “No, that's not it at all. Do you still want him to not take it easy on you?”

  Rita bit her lip for a moment.

  “Yes, no taking it easy. I think that I ought to find out what I'm in for right away, don't you?”

  “If that's what you want dear, then I'm sure he won't hold back. Right Tim?”

  I flashed a lecherous grin at Molly, then lifted Rita to her feet.

  “Last chance,” I said.

  “Enough already,” Rita replied. “If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to scare me off.”

  I shrugged then lifted her right off the floor and put her on the bed. I pushed her to the middle and climbed on with her. When I slid my hand down to her pussy to check, my finger told me that she was still nice and wet.

  “Good, we won't need any extra lube,” I said.

  Her nipples had begun to soften a bit so I leaned in to lick and suck on them some. As they hardened up, my legs went between hers and pushed hers out of the way. I edged myself up her body until I was positioned to penetrate her easily.

  I didn't know what to expect since she claimed to not have had sex in a long while, but when I eased my cock forward I found out. She was slick, but tight. Tight enough that I needed extra force to penetrate her, but slick enough that it wasn't a problem with that extra force.

  My cock slid into her wet pussy. She was smooth, wet, and tight. The pleasure of it rolled through my brain, but I forced it to one side. Rita didn't want me to take it easy on her so I wasn't about to go off half-cocked.

  After a couple of minutes I managed to get myself all the way inside of her. She'd winced once or twice, but the smile on her face was there right through. I was sure she was enjoying it, that the winces were just temporary discomfort, so I kept going. After I was in all the way I paused for a little while and reveled in the feel of her pussy walls slowly giving ground to my girth.

  I'd taken her in the standard missionary position so far. Now I brought my knees up under me and raised my torso. That had the added affect of drawing my cock nearly out of her. I gazed down at her upper body, looking at her breasts and wondering just how'd they look in motion while she was on her back.

  Only one way to find out, I thought.

  I drove back into her pussy, hard. I didn't make it as deep as I'd been in her a minute ago, but I had a suspicion that as I kept going she'd loosen up some and probably lubricate some more as well.

  Motion caught my eye and I saw Molly settle down into her chair and start tugging on her nipples. Then I looked back down and started sliding myself in and out of Rita. I slowly quickened the pace, waiting until I was fucking her hard enough that her tits started jiggling.

  Her tits weren't that firm, so they moved as though there were liquid inside of them. I'd always found that an entrancing thing to watch and this time was no different. I stared at her breasts, thrusting in and out of her almost on autopilot.

  With me on my knees, my hands were free. I reached out and grabbed both her nipples, holding them centered over where her breasts rested when they weren't bouncing. The change in the motion brought a grin to my face, well either the change in the motion did or maybe it was the slightly shocked look on her face when she realized what I was doing.

  I kept doing her that way, and watching her breasts, for a few minutes. Then I released her nipples and slowed my thrusts. I set a slow, steady rhythm and, with one of my recently freed hands, reached down to her mons.

  I started rubbing her there with my fingers, using enough pressure that I was sure she'd feel it. With Molly, at least, that would get her started on her way. She claimed the nerves from her clitoris ran right under the skin there and that it felt almost as good as when I played with her clit. I didn't know if that was true or not, but I knew it worked with her. I thought this was a good way to see if it did anything for Rita.

  Her pussy started to loosen up on me as I continued my slow strokes, but after a few minutes I was pretty sure that rubbing her mons was doing something for her as well. Despite my slower pace, her breathing was speeding up. She seemed to particularly enjoy when I rubbed the section where something firm was right under the skin just a few inches above her clit.

  She was making sounds under her breath, almost as though she were moaning but trying to keep me from hearing it.

  I kept at it until she was almost panting, then slid my fingers down to her actual clit. My second hand came into play now as it drew back her clit hood and exposed the sensitive mound of flesh to my first hand. I started by pressing against it firmly. Her breath caught as I increased the pressure. Once I reached the point where she'd reacted I maintained that level of pressure and started moving my fingers in circles, all while continuing my slow, steady strokes in and out of her pussy.

  I watched her body slowly tense as she road the wave of pleasure I provided. I was waiting for something in particular and when her pussy started clenching down on my cock, signifying the start of her orgasm, I hoped, I picked up the pace.

  The slow thrusts sped up until I was slamming my cock in and out of her. If she hadn't been at the start of her orgasm when I sped up, she certainly was now. I took my fingers off of her clit while I pounded her pussy. Her body arched and shuddered as she came and I felt a flood of fresh moisture in her cunt.

  The noises she'd been making under her breath got louder. She was moaning and occasionally saying 'fuck, fuck, fuck'. It seemed like she was unaware that she'd gotten louder and I wasn't going to tell her. I always find it encouraging to have my partner be my private cheering section.

  When she started to come down off her orgasm, I slowed my pace again and my fingers went back to her clit. She hadn't quite completed that first orgasm when I pinched her clit between my fingers and squeezed, slowly increasing the pressure. She went tense again and when I tugged on her clit, gently stretching it, her back arched while she went tense. I let go of her clit and went back to slamming my cock in and out of her pussy, seeing her through this second, or maybe just the extended first, orgasm.

  I decided then and there that I'd be cumming inside of her twice tonight. I was old enough that a second bout shortly after the first was more difficult than it used to be, but I was also sure that between her and Molly they could have me hard again in no time at all. I let myself break out in a smile as I removed my hand from her clit and thrust my cock deep inside of her over and over.

  I don't know if she came again or not, I stopped caring at that point. I let my own pleasure wash over me and carry me towards the peak of my own orgasm. I do know that when my cock started swelling, then bucking and spurting inside of her, she came again. I felt her pussy clamp down on my cock hard, milking me for every last drop of my cum.

  I drove myself as far inside of her as I could while she clenched my cock. Then I stayed still, trembling from the feel of myself shooting inside of her. When I was done and her pussy had loosened up again, I flopped over to one side all warm and tingly
from my efforts.

  I simply laid there for a few minutes before opening my eyes again. The first thing I saw was Molly, eyes closed, face flushed, her fingers still in her pussy. She was slumped to one side of her chair and I recognized the signs that told me she'd had a fine orgasm just by watching us and playing with herself.

  I turned my head and saw that Rita was still out of it. Her eyes were glazed and she breathed slowly, almost as though she were asleep.

  “So, I don't suppose you two would help me get hard again so I can finish her off?” I asked.

  Molly's eyes snapped open.

  “Finish her off? Are you trying to kill the poor girl?”

  “She isn't a girl, trust me on that, she's a woman. And she said that she didn't want me to take it easy on her.”

  “What else are you going to do to her?”

  “You know me. I'm going to try out her ass, what else? I figure I can last longer in her ass than I normally would because I just came once already. It should take me longer to cum a second time, even if I am fucking her ass.”

  Rita mumbled something and flopped her hand over to my stomach. It started scrabbling its way down towards my cock, slowly. When she reached it she managed to curl her fingers around me, but then went still. She stayed that way for about thirty seconds before I felt the bed shift under me.

  “Rita dear? Just holding his cock isn't going to do it. Why don't you let go and let me take care of this. You just lie there and imagine what it's going to be like with his big cock stretching out your ass while he pounds it in and out of you.”

  Rita gave a sharp intake of breath and then her hand fell away from my cock. Molly pushed it off of me before she leaned over to suck my limp cock into her mouth with a slurp. The woman has a mouth like a Hoover and could probably leave hickeys all over my cock if she wanted to, but this time she was gentle. Her tongue danced up and down my cock, stroking and teasing it until I felt the first little twitch of a coming erection.


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