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Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble, a Paranormal Romance

Page 27

by H. P. Mallory

  “How long was I out?”

  “Perhaps an hour,” the man answered. I turned and noticed he was still holding the untouched soup. “You need to eat. Are you peckish?”

  I had to imagine that meant hungry. I wasn’t much concerned with food at the moment—I was more thrilled with the fact that I actually had awakened with a bit of energy.

  “I want answers.”

  He shook his head. “You eat and I will answer your questions.”

  I sighed, but nodded and parted my lips as he spooned the now lukewarm soup into my mouth. As soon as the first bit went down, my body came to attention, my stomach clenching with hunger. He brought another spoonful, and I swallowed it quickly, licking my lips where some escaped.

  “You have to eat it slowly or you’ll be ill,” the man said and pulled the spoon away from my mouth, depositing it in the bowl.

  There was a certain kindness in his blue eyes. I didn’t know why, but instinctively, I wanted to trust him. As soon as the thought dared assault my brain, I rebelled against the lunacy of it. What the hell was wrong with me? There was nothing good about this man—he was holding me against my will and then there was that whole drained business.

  I’d lost my goddamned mind.

  “You said you drained me, what does that mean?”

  The man dropped his gaze.

  “You were going to fight us. We needed to ensure we had complete control over you, so we drank from you.”

  I thought I might wretch up the soup I’d just consumed. Drank from me? The sudden need to search my neck for signs of puncture wounds overwhelmed me, and I strained against my bonds.

  “You’re a vampire then?”

  “Yes. And before you ask, no, you won’t turn into one of us…”

  “I already know that,” I snapped, feeling exhausted. “Why does drinking from me make me feel like this?”

  “You don’t have enough blood in your system to operate fully.”

  Shock and fear surged through me, as if hell bent on waging a war, but I realized it was no use. I was completely alone, cuffed to a bed in a foreign and unfriendly place with a vampire keeping watch over me. A vampire who’d already helped himself to my blood.

  God, where was Rand?

  Then I remembered I could speak to Rand with my thoughts. I closed my eyes.


  It felt like someone stabbed me with a lance straight through my eye. It was so quick and unexpected, I cried out against the pain and pulled against the cuffs that held me tightly in place.

  “You cannot use magic here. You are under a spell to prohibit it. I suppose I should have told you earlier.”

  I squeezed my eyes against the tears that threatened to explode underneath my eyelids. I wouldn’t allow myself to cry.

  “Am I going to die?”

  The man laughed. “No. In a few days, you will be fine. That is, if you do not fight us.”

  Who are you?” I opened my eyes again and focused on the man, trying to remember where I knew him or how I knew him.

  The corner of his mouth lifted, but the would-be smile never reached his ice blue eyes.

  “Sinjin, we met at a party, do you recall?”

  Icy realization crystallized in my blood. That smirk, those eyes, I should have known.

  “Yes, I recall.” I’d harbored a soft spot for Sinjin and to think he was keeping me here against my will and…drinking from me. Then I realized the fruitlessness of it all. It didn’t matter that I felt angry or hurt by what I perceived as his betrayal. Those feelings would do nothing for me now.

  “Why couldn’t I recognize you before?”

  “You didn’t have enough blood in your system—it causes a concussion.”

  A concussion? I had to swallow the bile in my throat and closed my eyes, warning the tears to keep away. I would not cry before this…monster.

  “It seems last time we met was under…better circumstances,” he said.

  I refused to look at him. Refused to admire the ocean blue of his eyes or the jet black of his hair and the shadow that covered his chin and cheeks.

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  He stood and made a motion to leave.

  “Very well, I shall leave you to your rest.”

  Then I realized I was being stupid. I needed answers to my questions.

  “How did I get here?”

  He sat back down. Picking up the soup once more, he held it to me.

  “Swallow a few more bites, and I will tell you.”

  I acquiesced, and he blotted my lips where some of the soup escaped. Amazingly enough, I could feel my strength returning with every bite. It only steeled my will to learn what I needed to know from Sinjin in order to get out of here ASAP.

  “Ryder brought you to us.”

  The bastard! So, he’d been a spy all along. Hatred pooled in my gut as I thought how much I’d love to run a stake through his heart…

  “Is Rand okay?” I blurted out, thinking I couldn’t handle the possibility that Rand might be injured or worse, here.

  “Yes, he is fine.”

  “Did you capture him as well?”

  “It was you we were after.”

  “And Ryder, is he here?”

  “Yes, but I am your assigned keeper.”

  I sighed, relieved that between the two of them, I’d prefer having Sinjin for company. At least he could put a sentence together.

  “I assume that when you said Ryder brought me to ‘us,’ you meant Bella?”

  He nodded, but didn’t say anything more.

  I remembered Bella’s territory included the U.S. and my stomach dropped. Maybe I wasn’t even in England anymore.

  “Am I still in England?”

  “I cannot answer that question.”

  I felt tired again. “Have you been feeding on me?”

  Sinjin shook his head. “Ryder did.”

  Bile traveled up my throat and I had to swallow it back down. The thought that Ryder had fed on me left me cold, and I immediately regretted eating any of the soup for fear it might revisit me.

  My limbs ached as I attempted to shift in the bed.

  “Can you release me from these please?”

  Sinjin hesitated.

  “Please,” I begged. “I can barely even lift my head let alone attempt to escape from you.”

  Apparently seeing my point, he chuckled and leaned over to uncuff me. Once my hands were free, I rubbed my wrists, trying to relieve the pain. But the pain in my wrists was barely noticeable when I thought of Ryder feeding on me. Swallowing hard, I reached for my neck and noted the telltale puncture wounds. They felt like two tiny hills protruding from my neck, both concave in the middle.

  “How long will these take to heal?”

  Sinjin leaned into me. Shocked, I pulled back from him, but his grasp was strong and he easily held me in place. Oh God, not again! I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. I didn’t feel his teeth—only the soft caress of his tongue on the puncture wounds.

  He pulled away from me.

  “It is healed.”

  My heart pounded and heat flushed my cheeks. I smacked my hand against the side of my neck as I searched, in vain, for the two marks.

  “They’re gone. What did you do?”

  Sinjin shrugged. “Ryder, the fool, forgot to close you. If you seal the wounds with vampire saliva, they fade away to nothing.” My wide eyes met Sinjin’s and he smiled, licking his lips.

  “You taste wonderful.”

  I started trembling. “You stay away from me.”

  He laughed. “You will soon come to realize I am the only friend you have here.”

  I’d thought he was the closest thing to a friend at Ba’s party and look where that had gotten me.

  “What does Bella want from me?”

  “She wants you to join her side.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  “You won’t refuse.”

  I didn’t get a chance to argue as he st
ood and took hold of my arms. I had no energy to fight him. He reached for the cuffs and pinned my wrists in each one as I looked on helplessly.

  “I am going to get you more soup.”

  I closed my eyes, praying this was all a dream, a terrible nightmare that plagues you, but always promises escape simply by waking up. But I knew such thoughts were hopeless. This was no dream. This was reality, cold and stark.

  The door opened and Sinjin returned. He wasn’t alone. Ryder strolled beside him, acting as though he was late for one of our lessons, not as though he’d punched me in the face and then kidnapped me, or witchnapped me as the case may be. My stomach clenched at the sight of him, and all I could think about was that thing, sucking the life from me.

  Ryder wasn’t shy about his disloyalty. He strolled to my bedside and looked as if he were ready to bite into my neck the moment I came into view.

  “Keep away from her,” Sinjin growled.

  Ryder grunted, but backed away, taking a seat in the chair beside the bed.

  So, it seemed Sinjin was the alpha vampire between the two of them. I wasn’t sure who’d win if you pitted them against one another. Sinjin was taller, but Ryder was as thick as a wall and I’m not talking about his intellectual capacity.

  “I’m hungry,” Ryder groaned, never taking his eyes off me. “An’ she tastes real good.”

  “You are not to touch her again. You nearly drained her completely.”

  I felt utterly and completely invaded. I couldn’t help but wonder if Rand had any idea what had happened to me. Had he seen Ryder abduct me? Where was he, and was he trying to find me?

  “Ryder, come here,” I said with as much authority as I could muster which wasn’t much considering I was the one cuffed to a bed and on death’s door.

  Ryder chuckled. “She wants more.”

  “I want to ask you some questions.”

  “Be careful what you answer,” Sinjin warned the big and stupid oaf.

  Ryder neared me and leaned in too close. I could see the hunger in his eyes and prayed that Sinjin wouldn’t leave us alone. Ryder would kill me, I could see it as clear as day in the void of his eyes.

  “What happened to Rand?” I asked, forcing my mind off the devilish look in his gaze and his elongated canines.

  He was busy with a wolf.”

  “Did you hurt him?”

  Ryder shook his head. “No, I didn’t do nothin’ to him. My orders was to get you an’ that’s what I did.”

  So the bastard didn’t know what had happened to Rand. I could only hope Rand was safe. My second hope was that he was looking for me.

  Just as Ryder was about to assume the seat next to me, Sinjin pushed him out of the way. Ryder left the room, muttering something under his breath. Sinjin took the seat in question and spooned a portion of soup from the bowl, blowing on it with his cold breath. He fed me gingerly, and I was surprised such a horrid creature could take such care.

  “So, are you just going to keep me here?” I asked, once I’d had enough.

  “Bella will decide when she thinks you are ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “You have your work cut out for you,” he said with a malevolent smile. “There is a waiting list of creatures who need to be brought back to life.”

  I laughed, a mirthless sound.

  “I’m not going to help her.”

  Sinjin frowned. “It is life or death, Poppet, you would be wise to do as she asks.”

  I faced him with ire. “Don’t call me that name ever again.”

  “If I recall correctly, it did not bother you at Bella’s party.”

  I gritted my teeth, hating him with all my being.

  “If it never bothered me before, it bothers me now.”

  Sinjin seemed deflated somehow, and it surprised me. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought my opinion of him actually mattered. But, of course, I was fooling myself. This creature was incapable of any human emotion.

  “Where’s Bella?” I demanded.

  “She will come to you when you are ready.”

  “I’m ready now. Send her to me, so I can tell her she’ll have to kill me before I’ll ever help her or you.”

  Sinjin frowned. “Be careful what you say, Poppet. If you do not help her, she will kill you.”

  “Well then, do it now because I’ll never help her.”

  “Do not be foolish.”

  “You think I’m not serious?”

  “I think you need to keep your courage to yourself. You do not know what Bella is capable of. If you knew what was good for you, you would do as you’re told.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I’ve had enough to eat for today, you can go.”

  Sinjin stood and left the unfinished bowl of soup next to my bed. He started for the door before he seemed to remember something and turned to face me.

  “Be careful, Jolie, I would hate to see something bad befall you.”

  Then he closed the door.


  I knew my respite from Ryder wouldn’t last long. With only Sinjin and Ryder watching me, it was a matter of time before Ryder would attend me alone. And, unfortunately, that day had come. At the site of him, my entire body stiffened, and I pulled against the cuffs that held me in my prison.

  “What do you want?” I seethed.

  I didn’t allow the fear to take control of me and, instead, forced myself to be angry, livid.

  He balanced a tray and slammed the door shut with the heel of his thick, black boot. The sound of the door slamming reverberated through my head like the dull blade of an axe. The walls of the room seemed as if they were closing in on me and although I’ve never been claustrophobic, I suddenly understood the anguish of those who are.

  “I’ve brought you somethin’ ta eat.”

  “Where’s Sinjin?”

  Ryder smiled as if he were privy to information I was not.

  “He had business with Bella.”

  His smile unnerved and irritated me.

  “Send it back. I don’t want you here.”

  Ryder laughed an ugly and abrasive sound that wreaked havoc with my nerves. He straddled the back of a chair.

  “Looks like you don’t have much choice. My orders are ta make sure you eat all o’ that ‘fore I go back.”

  I narrowed my eyes, thinking that regardless if those were his orders, he’d certainly use that as his excuse to stay. If I wanted him to leave, I’d have to eat whatever he brought and do so quickly.

  “What did you bring me?”

  He looked at the plate and rattled off the list of uninteresting items.

  “A sandwich, a pickle an’ some chips.”

  As he was listing my night’s dinner, it occurred to me maybe I could get some information out of him. He certainly wasn’t sharp like Sinjin, and I might be able to use that to my advantage. I glanced at the food, feigning interest.

  “What type of sandwich?”

  He shrugged. “Turkey, looks like.”

  I nodded. “What type of mustard? American or English?”

  He sighed and lifted the bread.

  “You sure are picky. Looks like English ta me. Got them little brown kernels in it.”

  I had him now.

  “Well, how did you find that? Must be tough to get English mustard around here.”

  He looked at me as if I were stupid. Wasn’t that the pot calling the kettle black…

  “We’re in England.”


  My heart swelled with flowers, chocolate cake, birds singing…anything else that’s heaven on earth. This was the only good news I’d had. Rand would have a better chance of finding me if we were still in his territory. I couldn’t suppress a smile as it crawled out of my heart and landed on my lips.

  “You gonna eat or what?” Ryder asked, still eyeing me as if I were a ding-dong.

  I motioned for him to bring me the plate and peered over the edge. The food was just as bland as I’d thought. I couldn’t sa
y I was a fan of English food.

  “I gotta feed you, you know?” Ryder asked with a wicked smile.

  “Hurry up.”

  He picked up the sandwich and held it in front of me. I went to take a bite, and he pulled it away with a demonic laugh. I swallowed against the outrage burning in me.

  “What are you, five?”

  He shrugged. “So touchy.”

  He brought the sandwich back and didn’t pull it from me when I moved in for a bite. I chewed the lump of food in my mouth and couldn’t say I tasted it. I could’ve been chewing cardboard for all I cared. The food was just a means to an end. I needed to get rid of Ryder and this was the only way. Once I’d swallowed, he picked up the pickle and held it in front of me. I took a bite then motioned to the glass of water on the bedside table. He dropped the pickle back on the plate and took hold of the water. I leaned forward and allowed him to empty the remainder of the glass into my mouth.

  “Why’d you do it?” I asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Betray Rand and me?”

  “I was workin’ for Bella all along.”

  I nodded, I’d figured that much out already. “And Gwynn?”

  He grinned, his fangs threatening.

  “She works for me, too.”

  I steeled myself against the worry that gawed my stomach. Rand had considered Gwynn to be one of his closest allies. I could only hope he’d realized she was no good. He had to know she was no good, I reasoned with myself. He’d definitely realized Ryder had taken me, and Rand was the one who’d told me of the incredible bond between a vampire and his progeny. He knew.

  “I don’t want anymore,” I said.

  “I’m ‘sposed to make sure you eat everthin’ on that plate.”

  I shook my head, suddenly becoming furious.

  “Tell them I refused. You can go now.”

  Ryder nodded, but didn’t leave. He put the plate next to my bed and focused on my neck, making me shift uncomfortably under his intent gaze.

  “You look like your health is comin’ back,” he said with a sneer. “You lookin’ mighty good.”

  I knew where this was going. For as feeble as I’d been when I’d sparred with Ryder in the past, I would be one hundred percent helpless in my current state. The only way I’d be able to defend myself would be with ugly words, and I didn’t imagine that would do anything to thwart him.


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