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Boyfriend for Hire

Page 21

by Gail Chianese

  “Yes, of course.”

  Crud, she had a bad feeling about this. Mrs. S had been over-the-top thrilled when she found out about Ivan’s account, and while NEES wasn’t lacking in business, they hadn’t moved into the major corporation level either. She’d have to play this carefully, not date him, but maybe not be not available.

  “You’re right, the Fates must be looking down on us.” And laughing their asses off.

  “Knock knock.”

  Tawny’s head swung up at the voice. A surge of happiness filled her until she caught the scowl on Ivan’s face. Crap. “David, come in. You remember Ivan Castro, from my mother’s party, right?”

  David gave the man a curt nod, his eyes never leaving her face. “I’m not interrupting, am I?” Whereas that morning his voice had been husky and playful, now she couldn’t help miss the frost in his tone.

  “No, not at all. Ivan and I were discussing how lucky NEES and I are to be working with his company, Globus America, on their holiday party.”

  Ivan stood and shook David’s hand. “Mr. Farber. I’m sure the two of you have family business to discuss. I’ll see myself out.” He turned to Tawny, and before she could register his intentions he leaned in and kissed her on the check. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at seven to finish our discussion over dinner.”

  Tawny stood speechless as she watched him walk out the door and wondered, not for the first time, what had her mother been thinking.

  “Do all of your clients kiss you?” David’s cool voice brought her back to reality.

  What the heck was she going to do? “Quite a few do. Hmm, now that I think about it, most of them do. Clearly, I’m just the lovable type.”

  He pulled her in close, brushed his lips across hers, and the tension drained away.

  “Yes, you are. I get the feeling Romeo would have preferred his good-bye kiss to be more like the one you gave me this morning.”

  Playfully, she pushed him away and leaned back against her boss’s desk. “Not that I’m complaining, but what are you doing here? Checking in with your adoring fans, perhaps?”

  “Well, you know how it is, every now and then you have to make an appearance to keep the love going around. Speaking of, Stacy promised she’d make me a special treat tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s more of her cinnamon muffins.”

  “I bet you are.” A vision of the lovely Stacy flinging herself into David’s arms intruded upon her peaceful brain, turning everything green. It didn’t matter that it had been weeks since David saved her uncle. Every time, every stinking time, Stacy saw David, she had to hug him and thank him and drool over him.

  Tawny shouldn’t let it get to her. It wasn’t that David did anything to encourage the girl. Yet he didn’t do anything to discourage her either. Forever the playboy.

  “Cherry stopped by my place this morning. She was hoping to catch you before you left.”

  Weird, the only call she’d received had been her brother. If it was important enough to send David in person for, why didn’t her friend just call? “Is everything okay?” Tawny pulled her phone out, ready to find out for herself.

  “Yep. She wanted you to go pick out flowers with her.”

  “Did she forget we were scheduled to do that tomorrow? Never mind. Weddingitis, it sucks the brain cells out of all brides. I’ll call and meet up with her later. Still doesn’t explain what you’re doing here?”

  David backed her up against the edge of the desk, invading her space (not that she was complaining) and trapping her in place (if it weren’t the desk of her boss, who should be back anytime, she wouldn’t complain about that either).

  “I volunteered to give the male perspective.”


  “And while we’re out we could stop and grab some lunch, then dessert at—”

  “David! What a lovely surprise.” Mrs. Spinelli (bless her) didn’t bat at eye at the two lovebirds pressed suggestively against her cherrywood desk.

  David released Tawny to turn and greet the boss. “Luanne, you are a vision. I was going to steal away your employee for a few hours, but I have a better idea. How about you and me ditch this joint and go sail the seven seas together?”

  She laughed and waved him off as she took her chair behind her desk. “Tempting offer it may be, and if I were . . . well, younger I’d take you up on it. Tawny, how did your meeting with Mr. Castro go?”

  “Complicated” came to mind. “Fine. We set up a meeting for tomorrow to start making plans.”

  Mrs. S gave a little clap like an excited teacher when a student mastered a difficult problem. “Wonderful. This could be the start of a very nice working relationship with Globus. David, why don’t you take our girl out and celebrate over lunch?”

  “I don’t think this is what Luanne had in mind by a celebration meal.” Dave lifted the sub sandwich to his mouth. “If you ladies hadn’t taken so much time deciding between the red flower and the red flower, we could have had a nice lunch and dessert back at your place.”

  “They weren’t just red flowers. One was a ruby red rose and the other was a pink peony, and each means something different. So how is it you get to call my boss by her first name and I don’t?” Tawny stole one of his chips and he moved the bag closer to her.

  “What can I say? I’m a charming man and all the ladies love me.”

  “Maybe a little too charming for your own good. I thought Stacy would burst into tears when the phone rang and she didn’t get to throw herself into your arms on our way out.”

  He choked on his water. Yeah, that girl didn’t know how to take a hint. He’d never been so happy to hear a phone ring in his life. He’d tried the polite way of telling Stacy he wasn’t interested, but the girl was not the sharpest tool in the shed. “Our adoring fans. I have Stacy and you have Ivan.”

  “Speaking of, you’re okay with this dinner tomorrow, right?” Tawny put down the rest of her sandwich and focused on him. Her big brown eyes serious as she studied him.

  No, he wasn’t okay with it. The guy wanted Tawny. At her parents’ house on Friday, Ivan had made several comments indicating his interest was more than platonic, more than business. They guy had talked about Tawny being the perfect executive’s wife, how her job made her the perfect dinner party hostess, and babies. Mrs. Torres had cooed at him when he brought the subject up. So no, he wasn’t okay with some guy having dinner with his girl, especially one who wanted to make babies with her.

  “Yeah. Business is business. You told him we’re seeing each other, right?”

  She licked her lips before sucking the bottom one in. Dave wanted to run his tongue across her luscious lips, to nibble on her full bottom lip before kissing her until she begged him to make her scream. He didn’t want to be talking about Ivan.


  Her eyes darted to the older couple at the table across from them before meeting his gaze. “Um, I . . . I didn’t really have a chance. I mean, I was going to but it didn’t seem appropriate, as we were discussing work. Why bring up my personal life?”

  Dave shoved the rest of his uneaten sandwich away. “How about because he wants to be part of your personal life. This job is so he can get close to you. Not saying that him hiring you or your company wasn’t a great idea. It was, he’ll get the best, but you can’t tell me his motives were business-based. Do you know how many times he brought up you, babies, and your hips Friday night?”

  She quirked her lips up into a half-smile before answering him. “No, but you’ve got my curiosity up now. How many times?”

  “Too many. Once would have been too many, but I assure you it was more than that.” He sat back, slumped in the hard plastic chair. “You need to tell him.”

  “I will.”

  “Unless you changed your mind about us.” At the glazed look in her eyes, he reminded her of their deal. “You agreed, no more pretending.”

  He should walk now, concede Ivan was the better choice for her, could give her the type of life she deserved
. Tawny might have come from the west side of Providence, same as him, but it didn’t mean she was destined to stay there. She had brains and ambition; if she put her mind to it, she’d be running some financial institution in Boston or New York, bringing in the big bucks.

  That lifestyle would never be his. Nor hers if she stuck with him. As much as he hated to admit it, Ivan and she’d make quite the power couple if she wanted.

  Her gaze shot up to meet his look. “I’m aware of our deal. I was a little distracted watching your mouth and thinking about this morning. Was thinking maybe you could come over tonight? Maybe show me what you think of my hips?”

  All the blood in his head shot straight to his southern head. He gathered all the trash on the tray and slid out of the booth. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked with a laugh in her voice.

  “Back to work, because the sooner we wrap up this day, the sooner you can wrap those legs around me.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tawny sat across from her best friend, watching the sun fade into the distance as Jason threw tennis balls in the backyard for their dogs. “Seriously, you’ve gotten all of your RSVP cards back already? Wow. The wedding isn’t for another five weeks. Apparently, you are the event of the season.”

  “Some of the crew members from the show are going to make it. So are some of the women from our season.” Cherry looked at her from the corner of her eyes. “Sarah’s coming. Want me to ask her to bring Graham as her date? They’re best friends.”

  A couple of months ago Tawny would have said yes in a heartbeat. Out of all of the men who had appeared on Finding Mr. Right and the spin-offs, Graham was the one she had hoped would be the bachelor on her season. Former professional basketball player with a body to make your tongue fall out and loll over, sweet Southern charm, and one of the nicest guys on the planet, who wouldn’t fall for him?

  “Thanks, but I’m good.” At least until David grew tired of her.

  “Must be my lucky day. Not one, but two gorgeous women to greet me after a long day of hard labor.” David stepped out onto the patio with a cold bottle of water that he swiped across his forehead.

  “You can barely handle one of them, much less both, Fubar,” Jason called in between throws.

  “Don’t I know it.” David bent down to kiss Cherry’s cheek before he turned to her and brushed his lips across Tawny’s. “I thought you had a business dinner tonight.”

  “You’re not the only one who got lucky today. Ivan had to make an unexpected trip home to deal with family business. So I came by to spend some quality time with my girl.”

  “His loss, my gain. Why don’t the four of us go do something fun instead of sitting around here like bumps on a log?”

  “What do you got in mind?” Jason joined them at the table, standing protectively at Cherry’s back with his hands on her shoulders.

  “Dave and Buster’s? Grab some dinner and then hit some games. A fun, stress-free night with no shop or wedding talk. It’s been a while since I kicked Tawny’s butt in air hockey, and I think she’s due another lesson on who the king is.” He crossed his arms over his chest, flexing his biceps as he grinned from ear to ear.

  “Challenge accepted. You only won last time because you cheated.” Tawny stood, getting in his face, and poked him in the chest.

  “How did I cheat? I didn’t cheat. I don’t have to. I’m just that good.”

  “Ha!” She poked him again, this time aiming for his ribs, which she knew were overly ticklish. “You distracted me and then shot the disc.”

  He stepped forward, stealing her air. “How did I distract you?”

  “You, uh, you . . .” She couldn’t think with him this close. All she wanted to do was to run her palms up his arms and across his chest. She wanted to pull his shirt off and trace and explore every plane, every dip and mound of his amazing abs.

  “You kids want to get a room or play air hockey?” Jason’s deep voice held a hint of laughter.

  “Room,” David said.

  “Air hockey,” Tawny replied at the same time.

  “Damn. Looks like you were right, honey.” Jason walked over and clapped David on the back. “You just cost me five bucks, Fubar.”

  “How?” David asked.

  “Cherry bet me five bucks that you two were seeing each other at the party. I said no way, Tawny is too smart to fall for you.” Jason flashed her a smile and a wink. “Hey, if she’s just using him for, whatever, do I still have to pay up?” he asked his fiancée.

  “While you two work out your bet, I’m going to run up and jump in the shower and throw on some clean clothes. Be down in ten.”

  Tawny wanted to follow him upstairs, but she knew if she did, they wouldn’t be down in ten minutes.

  Jason went to feed the dogs while Tawny went inside with Cherry so she could change out of her work clothes. “Did you make the bet before or after we talked at your party?”

  “After, of course. You know I only bet on a sure thing.” Cherry disappeared into the mammoth walk-in closet. “Does your mom know Ivan is out of the running now?”

  Tawny leaned against the cool wood post of the king-size bed. “No, but she will Sunday.” She eyed the post again and wondered if she’d trust David enough to play out the fantasy running through her head. She’d never turned that kind of control over to anyone before. She didn’t know if she could do it, let someone have complete freedom over her body, complete control over her sexual pleasure. The more she thought about it the more tempted she was to dig out her silk scarves.

  “Helloooo.” Cherry stood in front on her with her hand waving back and forth. “You in there?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Mind went elsewhere for a minute.” The blush burned her cheeks. “What did you say?”

  “I asked what’s Sunday, and I hear Dave in the living room with Jason.”

  “Lunch with my parents, Father Pat, Mateo and his guy.”

  “You know, I have to say it. I’m pretty amazed at your mom’s easy acceptance of Mateo and Alastair. I think it’s great and I’m out-of-this-world happy for your brother. I just didn’t think they’d be okay with everything.”

  Together they walked out of the room. “Me either. If it had been me, they would have freaked. Enough of that, though, let’s go have some fun.”

  They opted to ride over in one car to save on parking and because it made sense. On the short drive to Providence Place Mall, where Dave & Buster’s took up the top floor, the guys made a quick call to invite Brody to meet up with them. As usual, at least as long as Tawny had known him, he was working. It seemed like the guy worked 24/7, which was a shame. Brody was a great guy. Put the three men together and it was a smoking testosterone fest, with a guy to meet your every fantasy. As much as she liked and admired the guy (basically the male version of herself), she didn’t blame her friend Denise for ending their relationship years ago. No woman wanted to play mistress to a guy’s career.

  Jason made quick work of finding them a parking spot and the foursome made their way into the always-crowded mall. They took the first set of escalators up and debated where to have dinner. The Cheesecake Factory, Chicago Pizza, the Melting Pot, Asian fusion (whatever that was), pizza, burgers—you name it, it was there. In the end they decided to eat at Dave & Buster’s and headed to the next set of escalators.

  “Aunt Tawny!” Little arms wrapped around her legs, almost toppling her over if David hadn’t grabbed her. Tawny looked down to find her nephews, Georgie and Danny, hugging her. As soon as they were done with Tawny, the boys ran and repeated the greeting with their Aunt Cherry.

  Alex caught up to them with the stroller and the other two kids. “Sorry, I tried to stop them. They saw you and bolted. Hey, everyone.”

  Tawny bent down and kissed her other nephew and her niece. Cherry, Jason, and David were in deep discussion with the older boys. Something about getting shoes that lit up.

  “Big brother working tonight?”

s. The restaurant is doing great this year and we’re busier than ever. The downside is George is always working. I’m trying to talk him into hiring anther chef so he can have more evenings off. The boys miss their dad now that school is back in.”

  “I bet. I’ll do what I can to help convince him.”

  Alex peered around her to where the others were listening to the boys. “So, what are you all up to tonight?”

  “Heading to D and B’s for dinner and some air hockey.”

  “Yeah. Looks like a double date to me. Am I right? Tell me I’m right.” Alex gave her a pleading look that had Tawny laughing.

  “You’re right. Do you have a bet on my love life too?”

  “Huh?” She shook her head. “No. Don’t say anything to Mom. I didn’t care much for Ivan. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice man and all, but a bit too much like your brother and dad and all wrong for you. Now that one there,” she nodded in David’s direction, “he’s perfect for you.”

  “Really? Why do you say that?” Tawny bent down to pick up baby Sophie’s dropped toy, pretending to be all casual about the question when in fact her heart raced around her insides, bumping off walls.

  “He makes you laugh, mija.” She leaned closer to Tawny when she stood up. “Not to mention he’s hawt. I’m talking call-the-fire-department hawt. Not my type, clearly, look at your brother. It’s in the way his eyes track you, how even when he’s talking to someone else, he’s paying attention to you and where you are and what you’re doing. It’s like you’re his world. Which is incredibly sexy.”

  Tawny passed out another round of hugs and kisses to her niece and nephews and headed for the escalators—man, this place needs an elevator that goes to the top—with Cherry and the guys. As they made their way to the top floor and then waited for a table, she thought about her sister-in-law’s words. She’d known Alex long enough for the woman to be more than a sister by marriage; she was as much of a sister-of-her-heart as Cherry was. As such, she’d learned over the years to listen to Alex, who tended to see what others missed, including Tawny herself.


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