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A Most Civil Proposal

Page 27

by C. P. Odom

  “It is fortunate . . . ohhhhhhh . . .” she leaned her head to the side as Darcy moved from her ear, pressing delicate kisses down the column of her neck. She tried to concentrate on the fastenings of his shirt as his hands roamed freely over her back, from her shoulders down to her bottom while his wonderful lips left a trail of tingling flesh down her shoulder to the upper slope of her breast. “It is fortunate,” she managed to continue, as Darcy slipped one shoulder strap of her gown off her shoulder, “that I am not disposed to flee . . . ahhhhhh . . . for I fear you would be . . . oh, yes . . . rather hampered if you tried . . . if you tried to pursue me . . . oh, William, yes . . .” She finally managed to finish her sentence as Darcy’s mouth found the tip of her breast. Meanwhile, she had finished with the last fastening of his shirt, and he aided her in removing the garment.

  Suddenly, he bent at the waist and scooped her up, with one arm behind her back and the other under her knees. Awkwardly, he shuffled around in a turn, taking little baby steps toward his bed, hampered by his trousers still pooled around his ankles. Elizabeth smiled and then laughed aloud at the lurching motion that was all he was capable of as he carried her over to the bed, and Darcy grinned back at her in shared delight. Her arms circled his neck as he finally reached the bed, and she shrieked in sudden surprise as he held her out over the centre of the mattress and dropped her. She bounced as Darcy sat down and feverishly worked at his shoes and trousers until finally he ripped them off. Quickly, he rolled to his side to join Elizabeth.

  She was smiling as she felt his hands at the hem of her nightgown, and she lifted her hips so that he could free her from it. Darcy managed the rest, as he lifted her shoulders to pull the nightgown completely over her head before launching it out into the room. As they embraced fully, their bodies melded together in that special way they had both learned to love so much, and Darcy was immediately aware that Elizabeth needed little preparation. Her hands on his hips urged him to move on top of her, and she was only too willing to help guide him as he entered her fully. She sighed in contentment at the wonderful feeling that resulted, both from the physical pleasure and from the incredible closeness she felt to him at this time. She began to match her movements to his own rhythm as she pulled his head down to hers, arching up to him to feel the glorious sensation of his bare skin on hers. Her kiss was hungry and eager, her tongue searching, and Darcy responded in kind as she quickly picked up and matched the now-familiar motion of their lovemaking.

  Darcy took his time, but, though Elizabeth was willing and eager, he was not able at first to bring her to completion. Even so, her hands urged him on, drawing him into increasing the frequency and power of his movements until he felt her own begin to quicken. As he felt his peak building, her whispered endearments increased in fervency while her legs and hands implored him to continue until finally he hit the crest and plunged deep into her, arching his back as he tried to make their union as close as possible, while her own shuddering response told him that she had found her own pleasure.

  Afterwards, Elizabeth held him close, and she would not let him move off her. Both of them were sweating from the exertion, but she did not mind. She just wanted Darcy to stay as he was though she did allow him to pull the sheet over them.

  “I wish we could stay like this forever,” she said softly, and Darcy felt his heart leap with the warmth and tenderness in her voice.

  “I also,” Darcy said huskily, “but I do fear that I will crush you.”

  “Nonsense, William,” she said archly, “you have a most comfortable bed, and I told you before that I will not break.”

  At length, however, Elizabeth allowed him to roll aside, but he did not rise from bed, only changing position to pull her against him.

  “But should we not rise and dress?” she asked. “What will Georgiana think?”

  “Georgiana will have to learn to deal with a newly married brother sooner or later, and she will be well able to take care of herself, for Mrs. Annesley returns today. In any event, she will just mark it up to the Darcy impulsiveness.”

  Elizabeth giggled softly and then snuggled contentedly into Darcy’s side, for she did feel the most pleasant lassitude. Soon, Darcy felt her breathing slow and deepen. He fell into a light sleep himself but awoke within the hour, for he was not used to taking naps. He lay still, with Elizabeth’s head on his shoulder and one of her arms across his chest while her leg was across his own.

  Just as he was wondering whether he ought to wake her, for the sun was close to going down, he heard Elizabeth mumble something. He looked down, and though she was still obviously asleep, her lips were curved in a soft smile. Again, she murmured something, then her arm clamped around his chest as she pulled herself closer to him. Darcy leaned forward as much as he could, straining to hear what she said. He held that position for long minutes, listening as Elizabeth talked in her sleep, sometimes in low tones, other times more clearly, before she gave a long, drawn-out moan. Whether the moan was of satisfaction or of pain might have been difficult for an observer to determine, but after Elizabeth slipped back into deeper sleep, Fitzwilliam Darcy lay back himself on his pillow with a broad, happy smile on his face and a surging in his heart.

  Chapter 26

  Tuesday, May 19, 1812

  Elizabeth peered anxiously out the window as the coach drew up before the well-remembered front steps of Netherfield. She had not seen Jane since the wedding though she had written telling her of their expected arrival time. Jane’s reply suggested meeting at Bingley’s house rather than Longbourn as their father was still not reconciled to Elizabeth’s marriage and would not allow her name to be mentioned there.

  By the time Darcy assisted Elizabeth and Georgiana out of the carriage, Bingley and his sister Caroline were already waiting for them at the top of the stairs to the front entry.

  “Mrs. Darcy,” Bingley exclaimed, bubbling with enthusiasm and good humour, “permit me to welcome you to Netherfield!” He welcomed Georgiana in a similar fashion before he turned to clasp hands firmly with her brother, welcoming him and clapping him on the shoulder. Even for Bingley, this was exuberant behaviour. However, Elizabeth was completely unprepared for his sister’s greeting as Caroline Bingley stepped forward briskly.

  “Welcome to Netherfield, Mrs. Darcy,” she said before she embraced Elizabeth and then kissed her on each cheek. She turned to Georgiana and welcomed her in the same manner. Elizabeth looked at her husband in profound surprise at the warmth and unaffectedness of Miss Bingley’s greeting, but he only shrugged. Obviously, he could no more explain her behaviour than could she. But she did catch a surreptitious wink that Bingley gave Darcy.

  “Jane will arrive in about a half-hour,” Caroline said as she ushered Elizabeth and Georgiana inside. “She and Mrs. Bennet were delayed at the chapel until then. Your trunks have already been taken up, and your maids have arrived to assist you in refreshing yourself. Tea will be served downstairs when Jane arrives, and I know you will have much to talk about . . .” Caroline continued to chatter on cheerfully as she escorted the three guests to their rooms. When Miss Bingley left her, Elizabeth lost no time in entering her husband’s chambers.

  “Just what has happened to Caroline Bingley?” she asked. “I saw that wink Bingley gave you, so I know that there is something you have not told me.”

  Darcy had already removed his coat and waistcoat and was untying his cravat. “I do not know for certain,” he said cheerfully, “but if I were forced to speculate, I would hazard that Miss Bingley has seen the error of her ways and is determined to reform herself.”

  “William,” Elizabeth told him firmly, “it is quite clear that something dramatic must have happened. What I want to know is what could have ever induced her to behave as she did today? And now that I think on it, she was absolutely civil at our wedding, too.” Darcy unfastened the buttons to his shirt and pulled it off.

  Darcy dropped his shirt to the floor and took Elizabeth by the shoulders, turning her around so she faced
away from him. “Now, I know we have not been married a month,” she persisted, as his fingers worked on the buttons of her dress, “but I can already detect that you are dancing around my question and hoping that I will forget what I asked. But it will not work, sir,” she told him sternly. “Nor will I be distracted!” she tried again, but he had by now finished with her buttons and was sliding her dress off her shoulders and letting it fall about her ankles.

  “I believe that Charles may have had a talk with Caroline about her future,” Darcy said, unlacing her stays, which soon joined her dress about her ankles, leaving her clad only in her chemise and stockings.

  “After he made his offer to your sister, Charles knew he needed to confront both his sisters back in London,” Darcy continued, grinning hugely as her chemise followed her dress and stays to the floor. “He was, however, unsure that he was up to the task,” he told her as he kissed her neck, moving down her back and all the way to the cleft of her buttocks. Elizabeth’s breathing grew ragged as he kissed her all over while he removed her garters and then slid her stockings down her slender legs.

  “And?” Elizabeth said with difficulty. Darcy was still kissing her bottom while he busied himself removing her shoes. Her hands were clenched into little fists at her side as the most delicious thrills radiated up her spine.

  “And as a good friend, I could not help but think of how I achieved my own heart’s desire, so I helped him prepare a set of notes . . .”

  “You did not!” exclaimed Elizabeth delightedly, both from what he was saying but also from what he was doing as he had now removed her shoes and had turned her around. He remained on his knees while his hands claimed the roundness of her bottom even as he kissed her all over her belly. He chuckled as he felt her stomach muscles ripple beneath her skin in testament to the effect he was having on her.

  “But I did, dearest. Then, armed with his script . . . Charles presented his ultimatum . . . knocked both Caroline and Louisa back on their heels . . . and never let up until he had secured their oath . . . that they would treat both Jane and you . . . with perfect civility.”

  He came to his feet and scooped Elizabeth up in his arms, carrying her over to the edge of the bed. Elizabeth shivered as Darcy’s kisses moved up the insides of her thighs until he reached the juncture of her legs. When she felt the first touch of his lips there, she cried out at the throb of pleasure that radiated outward from his heated touch.

  Darcy gloried in her reaction, in the way he could bring her pleasure, just as she delighted in doing the same for him.

  “And you could tell all that with just a wink?” she said, gasping as Darcy’s kisses and tongue flicked over the incredibly sensitive core of her femininity.

  “Well, I must admit that I did receive a letter from Charles earlier in the week acquainting me with the particulars,” he murmured, as he slipped a finger inside her to assist in stoking her passion.

  “Oh, William . . . yes, yes . . . oh, please do not stop . . .”

  As his tongue and his lips teased and licked her tingling flesh, Elizabeth began to tremble. She wanted to move her hips, the instinctive response to the warmth that was building inside her, but she most assuredly did not want to move away from the delightful touch of Darcy’s lips and tongue. Her pleasure built and surged until she finally fell over the waterfall, putting her fist in her mouth to stifle her cries as she shuddered and arched upward even as he kept his mouth glued to her.

  * * * * *

  By the time that Darcy and Elizabeth came downstairs, Jane had arrived and was sitting with Bingley, Caroline, Georgiana, and Mrs. Hurst in the parlour. Elizabeth, certain that it must be obvious what had just transpired in their rooms, was relieved of the embarrassment she felt from coming downstairs late when Jane immediately ran to her and embraced her closely.

  “Oh, Lizzy, it is so very good to see you!”

  After that distraction, Elizabeth felt able to sit down with some equanimity.

  “I hope your rooms are to your liking, Mrs. Darcy?” Caroline asked politely, and again Elizabeth was struck by the lack of sneering incivility that had previously marked Miss Bingley’s conversation.

  “They are perfectly comfortable, Miss Bingley,” she said with a smile. At least, I know that the bed is certainly comfortable! she thought. Especially considering how quickly I was in it!

  “But, as I explained to Georgiana earlier,” she continued cheerfully, “if we are going to be sisters, we cannot continue to call each other ‘Miss Bingley’ and ‘Mrs. Darcy.’ I hope you will call me Elizabeth, or Lizzy, or even Eliza, or else people will think that we are quarrelling.”

  Caroline’s smile was somewhat brittle, remembering all her previous sneers and innuendos about this upstart country miss, but she had resolved to amend her manners lest Charles carry out his threats, and she responded with acceptable civility.

  “Then I shall call you Elizabeth, and you shall call me Caroline,” she said firmly.

  Elizabeth smiled in answer. There was a measure of watchfulness in her expression, to be sure, but the smile was genuine, and Caroline Bingley recognized it as such. She was well aware that a truce had just been offered and that she had accepted it. A truce was not quite the same as a peace treaty, but she had no interest in breaking the armistice just agreed on.

  * * * * *

  Elizabeth was eager to speak privately with Jane about her father and the atmosphere at Longbourn, but she was not able to secure any time alone with her until the late afternoon. Finally, she enticed Jane into a walk in the Netherfield garden while her husband and Bingley contested at billiards and Caroline was engaged in writing letters.

  She could hardly contain herself until she and Jane had turned the corner before she began. “Jane, I must know what is going on at home. I am guessing that father is no more amenable to understanding than he has been previously.”

  Though she knew it would be of special concern to Lizzy, Jane was very reluctant to discuss this topic as she was completely out of her depth in such a feud. Her love for her sister warred with the duty she owed her parent, and she wished for nothing more than that two of the dearest people in her life would find a way to mend their differences. But her every suggestion and question to her father had been rebuffed, for he absolutely refused to talk of it and would not hear of a resolution with his daughter. Finally, Jane heaved a sigh.

  “I am quite sorry that I am forced to agree with you,” she said sadly. “My father will simply not discuss it, either with me or with Mama. Even worse, though he refuses to speak of you, Lizzy, he will not cease speaking of Mr. Darcy in the most unflattering manner.”

  Elizabeth’s lips pressed together in anger. “If that is Papa’s reaction, then I cannot call at Longbourn. I will not abide such unwarranted abuse of my husband. If I have learned nothing else in the past month, I have at least learned that I have married an honourable man.”

  Jane was miserable as she was forced to agree with her sister. “I believe that Mama understands this, for she is planning to come here for supper tonight and to bring our sisters so they can see you before the wedding.”

  “It also means that we almost certainly cannot attend the wedding breakfast.”

  “I know,” said Jane, unable to hold back the tears that gathered at the corners of her eyes.

  “Why is Papa being like this?” Jane exclaimed in uncharacteristic agitation. “I would not have believed it if I had not seen it! When I tried to tell Papa of what Mr. Wickham has done to the Darcy family, he only said, ‘Well, well, well, there are two sides to every story, and I daresay Wickham’s report is every bit as likely to be true as any other.’ I was so shocked that I was unable to speak further, and I had to run upstairs to my room.”

  Elizabeth was similarly affected, but she resolved to put aside her anger now that she had learned what she needed to know. “Let us not allow this to distress us further, Jane,” she said, managing to summon a smile, “for tomorrow is to be your day, and I would not wan
t my troubles to diminish your own joy.”

  Jane had one last thought to share on the subject of her father before she would allow a change of topic. “I hope that you understand why I did not ask you to stand up with me tomorrow. I was afraid of Papa’s reaction, and it still pains me, for I had never dreamed of being married without you beside me.”

  “You made the correct choice. William and I will be close by, for Papa would never make a scene in public view. We will simply depart for Pemberley immediately afterwards. Now, let us leave this subject and talk of other things. Are you completely packed?”

  “Yes,” Jane said, but her smile was wan. “I remember how we talked before your marriage about how nothing would ever be as it was, but I must confess that I did not fully realize it until I came home to our room and all of your belongings were gone. It was even more striking when the time came time to pack up my things. I had to make choices about what to take and what to leave behind, and now I know how you felt when you mentioned never again returning to the room we shared.”

  She frowned suddenly. “Lydia was quite exasperating. She kept trying to talk me into giving her some of my new gowns even though they would not fit her, and she several times pulled folded dresses out of my trunk in order to look at them in the mirror to see how they would appear on her. I had spent considerable time folding those dresses correctly, and it irritated me to have to do it over again. And Mama simply would not make her stop.”

  “No, she would not,” replied Elizabeth sadly, “for we both know that Lydia is her favourite daughter. I am sure that Lydia is unable to stand the fact that she is not the centre of everyone’s attention, and she has said many times how much fun it would be to be married before any of her sisters. And now, with the two of us having made splendid matches, I believe she is feeling jealous.”


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