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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

Page 11

by Rooster Bradford

  I am not alone in believing Leftists were behind the door when common sense was handed out. Others have seen the problem as psychiatric as well

  One is Dr. Lyle Rossiter. The Dr. in front of his name means he is a physician/surgeon or otherwise known as a Medical Doctor. He is board certified in general and forensic psychiatry. He has over 36 years of experience in his field. He also is known as a Psychiatrist. He wrote a book with this title;

  “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological

  Causes of Political Madness.”

  In this book, he describes that the liberalism (Leftist madness) displayed by President Barack Obama and the present Democrat party leaders can simply be described as a psychological disorder. He then reviews how those views are destructive of a free and ordered society. He sees them as the head chopper of the virtues of self-reliance, self-direction, self-determination, altruistic (he should have said autistic) concern for others, charitable care for others etc. Dr. Rossiter did not go where this book goes. He goes on to write how the Leftist agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority to divide the people by: (a) creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, (b) satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation, (c) augmenting primitive feelings of envy, and (d) rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordination him to the will of the Government.

  He could have compared the President to a Super Confidence Man (Con Man) or he could have said he is acting just like a person with autism.

  Another person with courage is a self-proclaimed recovering liberal. She is a psychologist in Berkeley. Her name is Robin. You can learn more about her at “”.

  Her focus is on President Obama, but it could have been on his appointed advisors, Speaker Pelosi, Senate Big Guy Reid, Waxman, Watters, Dodds, and on and on. All the so-called leaders of this menagerie of Leftists now running the United States of America. Not one of them understands the significance of …United States. Doesn’t “United” have a common meaning? Doesn’t “States of American” have a common understanding? In combination their joining must mean something special. Anyway, she points out how even some liberals, like James Carville and Maureen Dowd have questioned President Obama and have asked, “What in hell is going on?” She points out how little we know about this man. This man who acts strangely. She acknowledges his ego, but feels Narcissism (being in love with your own reflection) does not fit. She wonders about his strange outbursts and giggling and statements like he wants to know whose ass to kick. She notes that so many things he does seem inappropriate. He does not even appear to know it. (Little lady it is called being autistic) She even asks the question, is something wrong with his brain? Does he have Asperger’s Syndrome? She just asks the question, but discounts it as a full blown syndrome because she does not know if he suffers repetitive behavior. In this book, we answer her question. She even wonders if he is schizo-typical in nature. She comes up with no answer, but just a lot of questions.

  This book answers the questions and we will discuss the Doctor and the lady Robin more. Read on.


  (Kapitel 10 - Swedish)

  Some cause happiness

  wherever they go.

  Others, whenever they go.

  Oscar Wilde


  Try as you might, you will not find the above title in any scientific analysis except this book. The reason is simple. S.A.D. was invented right here in River City.

  We cannot dwell on Autism without also spending an equal time on Common Sense. As you will learn, I believe autism and a defective common sense are one in the same. If not, then they are kissing cousins. If the defect of common sense is slight, then the autism will be slight. No one else seems to address this comparison. Certainly common sense is and has been a major part of the United States’ greatness. I cannot think of one of your national heroes who appeared to have poor common sense. This mental facility was a major part of our Revolution. John Paine was a prolific writer for the Revolution and his articles were titled, “Common Sense”. This was in 1776. His basis of common sense is best expressed by reading his articles. Over and over again, in today’s Conservative airways you hear the lament about the lack of common sense. Glenn Beck’s best seller was titled, “Common Sense”. The Fox Cable News Service calls for a “Fair and Balanced” approach. This is a call for common sense in such matters. As we continue in our analysis of autism, ask yourself on each characteristic, isn’t that really a failure of common sense?

  You have been with me during my travels in search for the reason or reasons Leftist think so politically differently from Conservatives. You have learned about my studies of my dear departed leftists Mother and how I differed with her. The only positive aspect of her passing was that I was able to cancel her subscriptions to Leftist magazines and respond to the ACLU and Sierra Club that my Mother could no longer donate to their organization. She was mildly autistic. For the last 20 years, I have been up and personal with autism in my own family and the family of friends and acquaintances. Autistic people are not rare. You have studied with me, the differences in detail, the examples of their thinking, the logical inconsistencies, the major difference, their profile, and then we began to zero in on the brain for our answer.

  I have not found any brain abnormality that fits the Leftist better than autism. Autism defines Leftists. Not all autistic people are Leftists, but most are. In their struggle to accommodate and care for themselves they, like the spoiled child, become very myopic. Socialism looks and feels good to them.

  Autism is a relative recent study but it is a condition which has always existed. The present work to set it up as a special psychotic problem began in the 40’s. Doctor Leo Kanner introduced the label “early infantile autism” in 1943. At this time, there are many, including me, who are putting their oar into the water. Before all the present hubbub, we used to call severe cases of autism as “nare-do-wells”. You know the kid who just did not fit in, couldn’t do well in school, or any other thing he or she got involved in. The worst of them were basically unemployable. Even mild forms can have trouble holding on to a job. Something about not understanding that being on time is important or that dressing correctly impresses.

  In my Webster’s 2nd Edition 1979, Autism is defined as follows.

  ”…in psychology, a state of mind characterized

  by day dreaming, hallucinations, and disregard

  of external reality”

  As we now know, this old definition was way too simplistic. Going back a bit, the term autism was first used by a Swiss psychiatrist, Eugene Bleuler, in 1910, as an attempt to define a type of schizophrenia. He took the word from the Greek word “autos” (meaning self). Now you know where “Automatic” came from. There it lay, until 1938 when Hans Asperger of the Vienna University Hospital used Bleuler’s word in a lecture about child psychology. He was studying one aspect of autism which he described. In time, his description became known as Asperger Syndrome. It was not formally accepted until 1981. This was after one Kranner redefined it in 1943, presenting his study at John Hopkins Hospital. His study was of 11 youths who had strikingly similar behavioral similarities. He used such terms as “autistic aloneness and insistence on sameness”. It took some time for this new term to rid itself of its attachment to Schizophrenia. It is now conceded it is not that, but is classified as a neural dysfunction. In common lingo, a wiring problem.

  Today, it is considered one of the things to look for in school children who do not do well, but otherwise appear bright. Personally, in my family and the family of friends, I have studied it closely.

  If you go back to the words of Bleuer, when he said the following,”autistic withdrawal of the patient to his fantasies, against which any influence from outside becomes an intolerable disturbance.” You have just described the Leftist who continues to pursue Socialism when all history dictates that it fails. They will not tolerate a different view. They
froth at the thought of the John Birch Society and the Tea Parties as horrible people who threaten their One-World. Our Chief of Home Land Security calls Veterans and Tea Party people as dangerous as terrorists.

  Now autism is still being categorized and listed in its various parts, if we can find the parts. We have a long way to go in understanding it. There is severe and mild and many names have yet to be invented. In the area of political preference, I coin the term “Social Autism Dysfunction” ( S.A.D.). This may be a new idea for you, but it is not a new observation. Every family has a member who is probably autistic. You know them. The mild ones otherwise appear normal, except that they never do well in most things. Sometimes they will excel in one thing or subject, but that is another category. They are the cousin, or brother, or sister or another, who, when they are in little league, they were not good and generally played outfield and most time did not pay attention to the game. You know the kid who had to be dragged to the game. It made them very uncomfortable. They may have been slow to talk but that is not necessary to have autism. When it came to self-discipline in anything they flinched or did poorly.

  Even though the autistic child may have a high IQ, they have difficulty using it. In high school the autistic youth just gets by and tends to be loner. Oh, they might hook up with other loners, but they do not run in the main stream. Most are not evil or intentionally bad. They just do not seem to fit. As one educator told me, they will go through life not able to rough it in the free market system. They cannot respond accurately and on time. Now you may understand why a Leftist does not like the free market system. It scares them and frustrates them. They need a comfy blanket.

  Autism is generally described as a disorder of neural development. I have said autistic people are wired wrong. Since there are so many synapses which comprise the brain the wiring can take on an imponderable amount of variances. It is not considered a mental impairment, by some, but some so called experts do not make a distinction between IQ and common sense. Mild cases of autism are not even observable unless you know the person well. It is most dramatic in youth and as a person grows into adulthood they can, if they realize the problem, begin to modify their behavior to reduce the impact. Unfortunately, the more severe do not have this opportunity. The mild and slight may never realize they are different, in which case, accommodation is slow. Accommodation means learning what is normal and copying it.

  To support the above observation, think about yourself. Be candid. All of us have some wiring problem. Maybe you transpose numbers or letters routinely. You have learned to accommodate. Maybe you cannot remember names well. You accommodate. Maybe you stand out as special in remembering names or numbers. Maybe you find playing music way over your head. With music, maybe you do not accommodate, but you could. Even if you are tone deaf (a mental problem), you can accommodate well enough to have a good time playing. You still may not be able to recognize the tone of middle C, but you know where it is on the piano. Maybe you feel uncoordinated in some activities. A typewriter key board baffles you. You accommodate. You see no one is perfect. Some are less so. Most of these problems, however, are isolated and do not fit into a pattern and do not make you different. Autism is a known pattern of misfires.

  Let me spend some time discussing it in scientific terms. If I repeat myself, it is necessary for a complete understanding. First, Autism is listed as one of several Pervasive Developmental Disorders: It is often referred to as PDD. One other PDD is Rett Syndrome which has to do with a small head and brain development. Another is listed as Asperger Syndrome. This is autism without a communication problem. Another is listed as Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Again this is a form of autism. In this type, the child will develop naturally to about age 3 and then begin to regress into the type of characteristics found in autism’s definition.

  Autism is generally described as a “Disorder of Neural Development” It is highly variable, from really disabling to barely noticeable.

  Its characteristics fall into three categories which are not necessarily exclusive.

  1- Impairment of social interaction: It is often said that these social deficits distinguish autism from other developmental disorders. I do not agree. They are not exclusive to autism, but always a part. Generally the social deficits are:

  a- A lesser attention to social stimuli, such as their name, eye contact, and social participation. This is one factor which makes employment difficult. If they had good common sense this would not be a problem.

  b- They exhibit more attachment to their caregivers, but without good feelings of security. Spoiled children have a similar attachment. Common sense could cure this attachment problem.

  c- They have problems making main stream friends and tend to function alone or with other similarly dysfunctional people. The obvious reason is they say and do things which do not fit the normal. For example, several boys are gathered together and are having a general discussion about sports, cars and girls. The Autistic child will become super focused on the new BMW Coupe and go on and on about it. Pretty soon the other kids look at each other, roll their eyes and avoid the autistic boy. A healthy good common sense would have warned the boy to cease and desist BMW’s.

  d- They develop frustration which can result in tantrums or unusual responses. Of course, this is caused by a and b above. Common sense is the aspirin.

  e- They often display sleep problems. Oversleeping, going to bed late, going to bed with noise from the TV or radio, and leaving lights on. A healthy common sense tells us to conform to the sun and the moon. It is from the light of the day and dark of the night that we develop our bio-rhythms. Obtaining a good night’s sleep is a major part of mental health. Disrupting the bio-rhythms gives us jetlag. Autistic people suffer a lot of jetlag even if they are not flying. Common sense would cure the problem. Their accommodation helps, if they know the problem.

  f- Often they have atypical eating habits. For example, at breakfast they may reject the normal breakfast foods for dinner foods, etc. A bowl of chili and a hotdog are perfect for 7:00 AM. Common sense tells us to conform to the mores of our surroundings.

  2- Impairment in Communication: (Not a part of Asperger.)

  a- More severe cases will exhibit early problems with speech, unusual gestures, diminished responsiveness and different vocal patterns. As the autistic child get older, he or she can modify this conduct to appear more normal. As stated this is called accommodation. It is pretty certain most adults, who realize they have a problem, will accommodate. For example, such a person can learn that it is normal to go to bed early, so they learn to do that. They learn it is not normal to talk off the subject. They will work hard to stay on it.

  b- Their focus in communication may be off center. For example, they may fix on the pointing hand rather than on the object pointed at. Again, what are considered normal hand gestures as an aid to communication can be impaired. As a child, they may run with their hands out instead of in line. This they can accommodate by faking common sense.

  c- They may have difficulty with self-generated imagination, but become attached to an imagination generated by others or things such as electronic games and shows. Common sense stops us from going there or pulls us back if we do.

  3- Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behavior:

  a- They may have repetitive body movements. This may not even be noticeable and can be removed with accommodation. A good effective common sense tells us waving our hand around is wasteful energy and causes others to stare at us.

  b- Often they have compulsive behavior. Stacking things, putting things in a line, obsessive play with small things. What they are doing here is generally repetitive. Again, accommodation is fairly easy. What goes on behind the Green Door is another matter. Perfect example of a defect in common sense. You see, common sense is a tool to avoid things that fail. Leftists never get the message about Utopia’s built in failure.

  c- They tend to be resistant to environment change. When one feels threatened by their surroun
dings, obviously any change will be perceived as an additional threat. Maybe threatened is not the correct word. An autistic person has trouble relating in a normal way to what surrounds them so these things have to be coped with. This is their environment. If there are birds and bees, they will be resistant to changes about them. They will spend millions on the reintroduction of the California condor, when common sense tells you it is doomed. There were good reasons the birds became endangered and those reasons cannot be rolled back. The Leftist will be emotional about saving a smelt in the Sacramento Delta and to hell with the farmers and people who populate the Southern part of the State. A Leftist will be very resistant to oil and its production even though they know that we need it and have to buy it (with billions of dollars) from people who basically would like to see us dead. If the leftist does not have to see those nasty ole oil rigs and pipes and such, then it is better for them. They get very emotional about such things.


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