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The Imposter

Page 6

by Jenna Stone

  “Aye, we are,” he said smiling. “I’d do anything for Leti, pain in the arse that she can be.”

  “I can tell that you love her very much,” I said, reclining down onto the blanket and supporting my head with one elbow. Devon made me feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease.

  “She’s pretty much got me wrapped round her little finger,” he admitted.

  It was funny to think of this huge warrior being so charmed by his little sister. It was also quite endearing.

  “She’s just so small, feisty, but small, and I’ve always known that it is my job tae keep her safe, protect her, ken?” he confided. “It’s strange that she can be so similar to me, yet so different.”

  Casual conversations brought up topics that I was working hard to repress. It was difficult to answer questions about my home, my family, and my life in general without making a blunder that would expose the fact that I was an imposter. I knew nothing of where the real Ms. Berkshire came from, nothing of her family, and I was unsure of how much the McClain’s knew about her story. My rouse of amnesia after the traumatic murders of my companions was all that I had to protect myself with. I was careful not to give away much information about myself. I had chosen to stick with the story that I remembered bits and pieces about my past, but nothing regarding the murders. I figured that the vaguer I could be the better. I hoped that my rouse would last long enough for me to formulate a plan for safety. I was terrified of being discovered and knew that it was only a matter of time until my safety ran out.

  Just as our conversation had begun to delve into the dangerous realm of my family, we heard the bells. I knew immediately from the expression on Devon’s face that this was not a good signal coming from the keep. The sound that reached us in the hills was faint, but the urgency that it struck into Devon was alarming.

  He sprang up from the plaid. “Hurry lass! It’s an alarm from the keep. Something’s wrong!” I stood up, unsure of what to do. My heart was hammering in my chest and the tiny hairs on my arms bristled with fear. Devon shoved the rest of the food into the saddle bag and slung it over the horse. I picked up the plaid that we had been lounging on and held it in my arms as he readied the horse. Suddenly, Devon had changed from amiable companion into the fierce warrior that I knew he was. Devon’s movements were efficient and precise. I could sense the intensity in his concentration and I knew that whatever was taking place back at the keep was serious indeed.

  He mounted the horse in one swift movement and held his hand down to me, swinging me up and settling me on his lap. His arm was too tight around my waist and although I was comforted by the security that it provided, I knew that he would open up his wound again. He spurred the horse into motion and we were traveling at a much faster speed than I was comfortable with.

  I clutched the plaid to my body with one hand and held onto Devon’s arm that was secure around my waist with the other hand. I made a conscious effort to ease up my grip on his arm after I realized that my nails were digging into his skin. We raced through the clearing towards the forest. I closed my eyes and held on for dear life.

  My eyes sprang back open when Devon suddenly reined the horse to an abrupt stop. My heart was pounding and my breathing was ragged. I was terrified.

  We were at the edge of the forest. Devon swung down from the horse with me in his arms and pulled the saddle bag off the back of the horse. He strode into the trees, still carrying me. His movements were rapid, his stride purposeful as he walked deeper into the woods. He swung me down, settling me onto my feet, and tossed the saddle bag at my feet. My knees were weak. Devon pried the plaid from my fingers and settled it firmly around my shoulders, one hand resting on each of my shoulders.

  “I canna take ye back with me, Kate. Ye must take tae the heather.” His words were urgent as he demanded my obedience by staring directly into my eyes. “Doona move from this place. If ye hear people, hide in the brush. Cover yerself with the plaid. There’s the rest of the food in the bag. It should be enough tae keep ye for awhile. I’ll be back for ye, but I canna say when. The keep may be under attack. Do ye understand me, lass?” he demanded.

  “No, take me with you!” I pleaded, scared by the prospect of being abandoned.

  “I doona have time tae argue with ye! Yer stayin’ here, Kate. It’s not safe back at the keep,” he said, glaring down at me, green eyes impatient.

  “What if you don’t come back?” I questioned, terrified about being left alone in the forest.

  “I’ll be back. Doona fash yerself,” he said, looking anxious to get back to the keep. “I promise,” he added for extra assurance.

  I crossed my arms in defeat and exhaled slowly in an effort to slow the raging beat of my heart. “Hurry,” I added, looking up at him.

  He nodded at my response. His hand moved from my shoulder to the base of my neck. He drew me towards him and placed a quick, hard kiss on my lips. I was stunned by the unexpected kiss and by the smoldering look in his eyes. Then he was gone.

  I leaned back against the tree behind me. The bark was rough and scratchy, even through the plaid. I tasted Devon on my lips. His kiss stirred feelings of arousal that were new and foreign. I wanted to kiss him again.

  My knees quivered and I allowed them to give out, sliding my back down the tree until I was settled at its base. I gathered the plaid around my shoulders and picked up the saddle bag, hugging it to my chest. I leaned forward and rested my head on my bent knees. I would not cry. I would be strong. I willed myself to believe that Devon would come back for me.

  Hours passed slowly and there were no more bells. My mind raced with fear about what could be happening at the keep. I knew that it was serious because of the urgency that I saw in Devon. He was the war-chief and injured or not, I knew that his role in protecting the Clan was a vital one.

  Why had he kissed me? Why was I so attracted to this man despite trying to keep him at a safe distance? The spark that I had felt at the touch of his lips to mine lingered with me. It was getting dark. I would not be afraid. I chanted this mantra over and over again in my mind. I gathered his plaid around me and listened to the sounds of the forest as night overtook daylight. He would come back for me.

  My eyes flew open. This was my chance to escape.

  Chapter Six

  I heard a rustling in the brush and instantly awoke. Had I actually fallen asleep? After hours of traipsing around in the maze of the forest, I must have rested for a moment and fallen asleep. My heart thundered in my ears. I had lost this precious chance to escape.

  “Kate?” his voice was calm, questioning, almost a whisper.

  I jumped up from my hiding place in the bushes, and was enveloped by Devon’s strong arms. The feeling of safety overwhelmed me as he wrapped me up in his arms, held me tight against his expansive chest and kissed the top of my head. I knew that I should let him go but I was so happy, so relieved that he was back safe to rescue me that I couldn’t find the strength to pull myself away from him.

  “Why did ye move from the place where I left ye?” he asked eyes stern, yet heavy with concern.

  “Thank God you’re safe,” I said ignoring his question, surprised by the tears that were flowing freely down my cheeks. I wasn’t sure if they were tears of elation or tears of relief that I was rescued and Devon was safe.

  He chuckled. “Thank God that I’m safe? Ye amaze me woman! Worrit about me, when ye were the one who was dumped alone and unarmed in the forest! I couldna get back tae ye soon enough.”

  He pulled away from me and held me at arm’s length in the moonlight. “Are ye well, lass?” he questioned, brushing the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

  “Yes. I’m fine,” I sniffled, suddenly self-conscious by the tears that stained my face. I sniffled and resolved to stop crying at once. My tears were replaced with a strong surge of anger. I was angry that Devon had left me alone in the forest. What would I have done if he hadn’t returned to collect me?

  “Now, why did ye move from where I left y
e?” Devon asked again, eyes flaming as they scrutinized my face.

  “I umm…I went looking for a more comfortable place to lie down,” I lied terribly, defeated that my attempt at escape had culminated with walking in circles, then giving up and falling asleep under a clump of bushes.

  Devon’s intense green eyes scanned my face. He didn’t believe my story.

  “Next time, stay where I put ye,” he ordered with an air of challenge in his voice. “If it was escape that ye were after, even the smallest child could have tracked ye tae where ye slept. Ye left a quite conspicuous trail. Doona try that again,” he warned.

  I crossed my arms defiantly and looked down at the pine needles by my feet. Admittedly, I had failed this time, but I vowed to be more prepared when I planned my next escape.

  He continued easily now, the anger having dissipated from his voice, “It was the Camerons. Relations between our clan and theirs have been strained at best for some time now. Their Laird and a group of men dressed for battle were spotted entering our lands. They came peacefully, but threatened war. Jamie knew that I was needed, but couldn’t find me, so he sounded the alarm. All is well for now. Doona worry, lass. Let’s head home.” He looked down at me and abruptly noticed that the expression on my face had changed to anger. His eyebrows to drew together in question.

  I slapped him hard across the face, catching him completely off guard. “Don’t you EVER do that to me again, Devon McClain.”

  His hand reached up to tentatively explore the terrain of his face. My palm hurt like hell from the impact and I figured that his face must at the very least be stinging.

  “Next time, take me with you. I demand it. I’ll not be left at the mercy of the forest hoping for you to come rescue me. I can take care of myself, and I do NOT appreciate being left stranded, waiting on you.”

  “I’ll not compromise yer safety by taking ye straight into danger. Listen here, woman,” he commanded, “I ken what I’m doing, and ye’d be wise tae do as I say in the future.” The sting of the slap resounded through his skin. He had never in his life been slapped by a woman.

  “No man will tell me what to do!” I barked, seething with anger as I glared up at him, hands on my hips.

  He smiled a crooked smile and didn’t hide the fact that he was appraising my body as he looked me up and down approvingly. “Ye are a feisty wee hell kitten,” he smiled, still rubbing the sting out of his skin where I had slapped him.

  This was not the response that I had expected when I was trying to assert my independence to this insolent man. Anger boiled up inside of me as he chuckled, still smiling that devilish smile. I reached up and smacked him across the face again, this time using all of my might.

  A low growl escaped his throat and he was inches away from my face, backing me against the large fir tree. His muscled frame towered over me and he placed one arm on either side of me, resting his palms against the bark of the tree and glowering down at me. “I happen tae like my women on the feisty side. But I’m warning ye, Kate. Ye’d best not try that again. Doona play too close with fire wee hell kitten. Ye might get burned,” he warned, voice challenging me.

  His lips settled on mine in a shocking surprise, demanding that I open my mouth to receive his kiss. Devon’s hand was at the base of my neck, wound in my hair, pressing me towards his mouth. His touch sparked the fire inside of me again and I couldn’t deny that I wanted more of him. I forgot all about being mad at him and met his kiss with fervor, body pressed between the contrast of his insistent muscled chest and the rough bark of the tree. His velvety lips slanted over mine and I opened my mouth in response.

  I pressed my body against his, and ran my fingers over his arms and back. I felt his desire for me pressing into my belly and I wantonly pulled him against me more fully. I felt him stiffen against me and a masculine growl escaped from deep in his throat. He slowly ended the kiss and drew slightly away from me. As the heat of the moment passed, I realized much to my shame that I had not wanted him to stop. Thank God that he had stopped.

  “I thought ye might be like that,” he whispered, using his hand behind my neck to draw me in again and place a chaste light kiss on my lips that were swollen from his greedy assault.

  “I am not a whore, if that’s what you mean,” I said looking away, suddenly embarrassed by the impassioned response that my body had to his touch. I was ashamed of myself for kissing him back, for prodding him onward, for encouraging him.

  “That’s not what I meant, Kate. I ken yer not a whore.” He took a deep breath, recalculating his thoughts. “I meant that I thought ye might respond tae me in such a way. I felt it between us the first time I saw ye.”

  I felt the color flush my face, which tingled from the scratching of his stubble where he had kissed me so passionately.

  “Doona tell me that ye dinna feel it as well,” he challenged, alluding to the chemistry, the energy that was between us.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whispered, lying, eyes downcast looking at the leaves fallen on the forest floor.

  “Aye, ye do,” he said sternly. “I can feel it within ye. I ken that ye feel it too,” he said, lifting my chin with his finger, forcing my eyes to make contact with his. “Believe me, I didna want tae stop, but someone had tae or well……ye might have taken advantage of me right here against this tree,” he joked, seeking to lighten the mood between us, but still not allowing me to deny the energy that was there, palpable, right between us.

  “I’m sorry for taking advantage of you in such a way, but it serves you right after abandoning me in the woods.” I said tartly, slipping out of his arms and stomping off towards the horse.

  He shook his head and walked after me, running a stray hand through his disheveled hair. “Ye are likely to drive me insane, Kate. I swear that I will never understand women,” he mumbled underneath his breath as he followed me towards the horse.

  Devon settled the plaid about my shoulders and lifted me in his arms. He strode, carrying me as if I weighed nothing, from the forest and mounted his horse while still holding me. I felt warm and safe against his solid body. We did not speak. I was ashamed of myself for kissing him. Not for just kissing him, but for kissing him and liking it.

  Chapter Seven

  I awoke slowly, my thoughts and dreams still swirling about in my mind. I reached for the cup of water that I kept on the bedside table and took a deep gulp of the cool liquid. I finished the glass greedily, realizing that I had not drank anything or eaten since yesterday afternoon. I sat the earthen cup back on the table and it landed with a loud clunk. I stretched my arms over head, trying to shake the last grips of sleep from my body.

  It was then that I realized that I was clad only in my low cut shift, my shift that left very little to the imagination. Had Devon helped me unlace my dress last night before putting me into bed? If so, he would have most certainly seen me in only my shift. I felt the color flush to my face.

  I saw my dress folded neatly, the dirty mess that it had become, sitting atop a chair that had been moved to the side of my bed. Atop the muddy frock there was a neatly folded piece of paper. I slid one leg out of the warmth of the quilts, toes barely touching the cold flagstone floor and reached over to grab the paper. I bundled myself in the warm quilts and flipped open the note.


  I hope that you have slept well. You were sleeping like the dead when we arrived at the keep. Did ye know that you talk in your sleep? Don’t be worried for your modestly. Leti was waiting for us last night, and she helped you get undressed and into bed.

  I’ll have the maids bring up that bath that I promised you yesterday. I hope that you enjoy it, being that it is now more deserved than ever. I’ve a surprise for you this afternoon. Meet me at the stables midday.


  The day had turned out to be surprisingly warm, and the crisp autumn sunshine felt radiant upon my clean skin. As I walked from the keep towards the stables, the smell of lavender wafted from my hair,
again causing me to smile. I would have requested a bath long ago had I known that it would improve my spirits this vastly. As I reached the doors of the stable, the pin in my hair loosened and my long bangs fell forward. I huffed and came to a stop outside of the stable door, reaching for the pin and re-twisting the unruly mass so that I could pin it back. I heard men’s voices from inside the stable as I worked the pin back into my hair, making sure that it was more secure this time.

  “I can assure ye that’s no the case, Jaime.” I recognized the deep burr of Devon’s voice through the stable doors. I was out of sight, so I stopped for a moment, not wishing to interrupt his conversation.

  “I’ve seen ye look that way before, cousin, and ye ken that she’s a canty lass.”

  “Canty or no, I’ve told ye, she did me a great favor, and I acted like an idiot. Then after what happened yesterday….takin’ her out to see the Clan’s lands and dumping her in the heather! I’m just trying tae repay a debt.”

  “A nice warm lass tae warm yer bed, think about it!” Jaime prodded. “She came for a McClain husband, why no show her a McClain good time anyway?” Jaime laughed.

  Instantly, I was angry. Angry might have been an understatement. In fact, I was steaming mad to be spoken about in such a manner. I was not a conquest here for his taking. As I was about to step forward and confront these insensitive bastards, I stopped in my tracks as I heard what suspiciously sounded like the blow of a fist landing into the stomach of Jaime.

  Jaime coughed and wheezed, struggling to regain his breath. “What was that for?” he wheezed painfully.

  “I told ye. It’s not like that with the lass. I’ll not have ye joking about her in such a crude way,” Devon replied, challenge evident in his voice.

  I took this as my cue to step forward. I walked into the stable confidently, smile still lingering on my lips from my realization that Devon had defended me, and that indeed, his intentions to make amends were pure. Jaime was doubled over, both hands holding his middle, still struggling for breath. Both Jaime and Devon smiled like idiots when I walked in, glancing quickly at each other, hoping that I hadn’t overheard their conversation.


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