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The Imposter

Page 8

by Jenna Stone

  “Do you feel sorry for him?”

  “I’ve never really thought of it in those terms,” Devon’s eyebrows knit together as he churned over my question, twisting some grass between his fingers as he thought. “Yeah, I guess that I do. It must have been difficult having his Mam die while he was so young, and I can see how he would feel as though Da had tried tae replace her.”

  “That explains a lot about how Collin treats you now, I’ve seen the scowl on his face when you enter the room.”

  “Our relationship is strained at best. We’ve learned to tolerate each other, mostly at the insistence of our father. Da was not fair tae Collin and even though he knew that Collin would rightfully succeed him as Laird due to his birthright as the eldest son, father went tae great lengths tae ensure that I would remain the war-chief, even after his death.”

  “So Collin is jealous, even now?”

  “Aye. He never had a knack for leading men and Da knew this even when Collin was quite young. He began training me tae be a warrior, and it came easily tae me. Father knew that our clan needed a war-chief tae defend what is ours, and he trained me tae do just that. I am proud of my position and secure in the knowledge that even Collin canna take it away from me, although I’m sure that he will try.”

  “Now that he is Laird, can’t he just remove you from the position?”

  “Da figured that is what he would try, but had legal papers drawn up, bequeathing me the position as war-chief and limiting Collin’s job as Laird tae everything except war and defense of the clan. Da was a smart man, always looking into the future tae do what was best for his people.”

  Devon rose up so that he was supporting himself on his elbow and played idly with the small pile of grass that he had made on the plaid between us. He toyed with the strands of grass as he spoke, as if he needed something to busy his hands with so that his thoughts could flow freely.

  He chuckled slightly, “I’d like tae see Collin try tae remove me, it would most likely end in his overthrow by my men. Most of the men only tolerate his presence as Laird out of respect to Da. They hope that I will someday replace him and lead our people.”

  “No wonder he looks at you the way that he does. You’re a threat to him, a threat to his power and control of the Clan.”

  “Damn right, I am. I am a threat, and he knows it. I’d never displace him from his Lairdship out of respect for our Da. However, I am not fool enough tae believe that he holds the same moral commitments that I do. I am forever keeping one eye open out of distrust for my brother. I’d not put it past him tae have me killed so that his claim to the Lairdship is secure.”

  I thought for a moment about Collin, and indeed, I felt sorry for him. I knew what it felt like to lose your mother.

  “My mother died when I was eight.” The words came out, surprising me. I generally didn’t like to talk about my parents. I hoped that this unintentional tidbit of information would not compromise my rouse as Ms. Berkshire. I had to be more cautious. I could not allow my guard to drop. Devon was so easy to talk to. I would have to be more careful.

  “I’m sorry lass,” Devon said, his eyes meeting mine, eyebrows furrowed and drawn together in sympathy. “It’s no right for a lass to be left without her mother.”

  “It was hard. You go on, but you never forget. I grew up wondering what she would have been like, wondering if she would have approved of the things I did and the choices that I made.”

  Devon grabbed my hand, and met my eyes with intensity. “She would have approved, Kate.”

  “I also wondered if she would have protected me from things,” I confessed. “My father didn’t always have my best intentions at heart. I was a pawn in his empire.”

  “Do ye mean that she might have protected ye from marriage? Fought tae let ye choose who ye might marry?” Devon said softly, still holding my hand.

  “Yes,” I said sincerely, amazed by Devon’s uncanny ability to read my thoughts. “I had always hoped that she might have swayed my father into giving me some choice in the matter.”

  “So ye were not happy with the match that was made tae my Da?”

  Devon’s statement brought my thoughts crashing back to my web of lies. He thought that I was Katherine Berkshire, betrothed by my father to marry his father. Letting my guard down, I had been thinking of my real father and the way that he had sold me into marriage to a man twice my age. A man that I had never met.

  I bit my lip, unsure of how to continue. Devon’s eyes were searching my face, his thumb brushed against the back of my hand, causing my blood to rush in my veins in response to his touch. I pulled my hand away from his and settled it in my lap.

  “I’m sorry if I have pressed ye tae much. I’ve overstepped my bounds,” Devon said, raking his hand through his hair and standing.

  “Can we get started again?” I asked, uncomfortable with the silence that had fallen between us.

  “I’d not expected ye tae be such an eager student,” he said raising his eyebrows approvingly. “Maybe it’s just that I’m a superior teacher?” he chided as he stood and unsheathed his dirk. “If ye must slit someone’s throat from behind, ye must move quickly. The instant that they sense yer movement, they will react. Reach around in front of them and slice with all of yer might. Turn around. I’ll show ye the motion.”

  I did as he instructed and turned my back to him. In one swift move, his arm was around in front of me and the dirk was at my neck. He showed me the slicing motion that was necessary, drawing the dirk quickly across the front of my body. Shivers ran down my spine.

  “Try it now, lass,” he said, turning his back to me. I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach his neck, but I reached around in front of him with my dagger and just as I was about to make a tentative practice strike, he reached up and grabbed my wrist, jerking it hard and pulling me around to face him. “Now what do ye do, lass?” he questioned, squeezing my wrist painfully, causing me to drop the dagger in surprise.

  Adrenaline coursed through my veins and my heart beat faster. Devon loomed over me and yelled, “Nae what do ye do?” his brogue thick, his grip on my wrist painful. I did the only thing that I could think to do. It was a matter of instinct. I brought my knee up hard and kneed him in the balls with all of my might. He released my wrist and doubled over in pain. A look of shock overtook his face. Caught up in the moment, I took his advice and ran like hell. I then realized that this was just practice, and I had just kneed my teacher in a most sensitive area.

  “Oh my God! Are you alright? I’m so sorry!” I pleaded, rushing back to Devon’s side.

  He held out a hand, palm out, pushing me away. He wheezed, turning away and slowly straightening to his full height. He exhaled sharply and then turned back around. My face must have been the color of the blood that once again saturated his white shirt. I was embarrassed beyond belief.

  His eyes met mine and he smiled a somewhat painful smile, still breathing heavily as he recovered from my unexpected blow. “That’s a braw lass,” he said, smile broadening across his face. “That is exactly what ye should have done. It’s just that I didna actually expect ye to carry though with it,” he chuckled, coughing slightly as he struggled to regain control.

  “I’m so sorry, Devon! Are you alright?” I said, wanting to die from embarrassment.

  “I’m fine. I’ve been better, but I’m fine. Honestly, I’d fancied that ye might someday touch me there, but that’s not exactly what I had envisioned,” he admitted brazenly.

  Oh my.

  I knew that my face had turned a whole new shade of crimson. The man had openly admitted his attraction to me and I was taken aback by the boldness of his statement.

  Saving me from responding to his comment, he gingerly regained control and jumped back into his teaching. “There’s one more thing that ye must ken about fighting with a dirk. I want ye tae ken what it feels like when ye hit bone so that if ye get the chance for a second attack, ye can adjust and meet yer mark.” He walked over towards a towering p
ine tree and ordered me to follow. “Strike this tree with all yer might, and ye’ll ken what it feels like to land a blow against solid bone.”

  I settled the dirk in my hand and adjusted my grip. “How hard?” I asked, unsure of what exactly he wanted me to do.

  “As if yer life depended on it. As if ye meant to kill a man.”

  I drew the dirk back and stabbed the tree with all of my might, burying the tip of the dirk into the flesh of the tree. Pain reverberated through the bones of my arm, causing me to release my grip on the dagger and yelp with the surprise of my pain.

  “Now pull out yer dirk,” Devon demanded. “If yer lucky enough to get a second attack, ye must be ready. Don’t be stunned by the pain, expect it.”

  I reached up and pulled the dagger from the tree, wiggling it to release it from its wooden entrapment. My arm was numb and tingly, still not yet recovered from the initial pain of the blow.

  “Why didn’t you tell me it would hurt like that?” I said angrily, glaring up at him.

  “Because ye wouldna have used all of yer might. I wanted ye to ken what it feels like so if need be, ye’ll be prepared for a real fight.”

  “Obstinate man! You could have at least warned me!” I said, gingerly rubbing my sore arm. I smacked him playfully on the bicep, noticing that it really did hurt to use my arm.

  He smiled radiantly at my reaction. He was so beautiful and when he smiled at me like that it unnerved me.

  I can’t think when you look at me like that.

  Nodding in approval and looking quite pleased with himself, Devon sheathed his dirk and ended my lesson.

  “Now ye’ve kicked me in the ballocks and taken a needle to my skin, but I feel better knowing that ye might be able to protect yerself if need be. The dirk is yers to keep, have it with ye always, tucked into yer garter.” Apparently, Devon was ending my lesson, feeling that I had accomplished enough to get me by for now.

  “I’m not wearing a garter,” I said truthfully. The garment seemed useless, and I much preferred having my legs bare under the voluminous fabric of my dress.

  “Christ woman,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s as if ye were sent here tae taunt me, tae drive me mad. No wearing a garter?” he said shaking his head in dismay, raking his hand through his dark hair. Put it in the pocket of yer dress then, but carry it with ye always.”

  He walked back towards the horses and busied himself with readying them for the ride back to the keep.

  “Thank you,” I said simply.

  He froze, stopped what he was doing and turned around to face me. “I’ll no have ye left unprotected again. If I canna protect ye myself, which I fully intend tae do, I must be certain that ye can take care of yerself.”

  I was struck by the possessiveness in both his statement and the tone of his voice. I felt his gaze settle on my breasts, and my pulse quickened along with my breathing. His eyes were intense, desire clouding them as he openly looked at my body. I held his gaze, challenging him.

  “I am not yours to protect.” I said, thinking of how hard I had fought to be a free woman, only to feel myself becoming trapped again by my feelings for Devon McClain

  My statement was a futile attempt to deny my attraction to this alluring Highlander. Truth be told, I wanted nothing more than for Devon to protect me. I wanted to feel safe and indulge in the new feelings that he stirred deep within me.

  “At least ye might be able tae do it on yer own then,” he said, untying the tether that bound the dapple horse to the saddle of his stallion. He tossed me the reins of the dapple mare and effortlessly mounted his own horse. He spurred the stallion into motion and headed back towards the keep, leaving me to wrestle with not only my conflicting emotions, but the fact that I had no idea of how to get onto a horse, let alone ride one.


  Devon avoided me like the plague for the next two days. It was agony. I saw him several times as I went about my business at the keep, each time he thoroughly ignored me, pretending as if I was not even there. His rebuff stung, but I knew that removing the temptation provided by his presence allowed me to focus on what I needed to do. I needed to escape this place before I was found out to be a fraud. I lived in constant fear that visitors to the castle would turn out to be relatives of the real Katherine Berkshire and that they would expose me for what I was: an impostor. I had resolved that it would be better to devise a plan to leave the McClain keep and the rouse of safety that it provided. Now all I had to do was come up with this marvelous plan for my escape, which was proving to be much more difficult than I had expected.

  I needed to figure out just exactly where I would go when I left the castle. I needed to plan quickly, because I feared that I wouldn’t get away with posing as Ms. Berkshire for much longer.


  “Ye fancy her, do ye no?” Leti asked as she settled down into the seat on the bench next to her brother. The tables and benches had been moved to the edges of the great hall to allow room for music and dancing in the center of the room. Devon sat scowling, watching the merriment, taking deep draughts from his mug of ale, and watching Kate.

  “I’d like to tup her, if that’s what ye mean,” he said, making a mental note of how beautiful, how alluring she looked tonight. Watching her twirl through the crowd on the arms of his clansmen, jealousy flared as he watched one warrior laugh and whisper honeyed words into Kate’s ear.

  “It’s more than that, I can tell. I’ve never seen ye look upon a lass in such a way. She intrigues ye,” Leti called him out.

  Devon resigned to be more careful. He would need to be much more careful, given that his sister had picked up on his interest in the lass so easily. He hadn’t imagined that it was so obvious. Devon could not afford for Collin to come to the same realization as his sister had.

  “The thought of her warming my bed intrigues me,” he said, denying that there was anything more than a physical attraction that he held for her. “If Da were not already dead, I assure ye that this hellcat would have been the death of him when he tried to bed her.”

  “I’d rather not think about that,” Leti said, looking away and swirling the wine that filled her glass as the color rose in her face. Devon knew that his prim and proper sister would drop this inquisition when he turned the topic to love making. It was a topic that she was both unfamiliar with and embarrassed about.

  The song came to an end and Devon watched as the lively dancers began to move from the floor, headed towards the tables for refreshments before the next song would begin. The musicians struck up the first notes of a song with a quick beat and ale mugs were slammed back onto the tables as the dancers fled back to the floor. Kate’s hand was grabbed by a young man named Gavin, and he pulled her smiling behind him out onto the floor.

  An attractive flush had spread over her cheeks and as she was swept around the floor, she giggled and smiled at Gavin. This was enough to make Devon steaming mad. He watched from his seat on the bench as Kate’s auburn hair glistened in the firelight and her breasts bobbed seductively up and down. He decided right then that her dress was much too revealing. Each time she leaned over, her breasts almost spilled from the confines of her dress.

  He hated the way that Gavin’s eyes were upon her. He hated the way that she was smiling at another man. Hands way too low on her hips, on the precipice of resting on her bottom, Gavin leaned forward and whispered something into Kate’s ear, which caused her to put a hand to the pale skin of her breasts and giggle. Devon fought the desire to kill Gavin right there on the dance floor.

  Kate was so damn beautiful it pained him. He had no claim to her. She should have been his father’s bride, but still he wanted her. She deserved better. Better than him and better than he could ever provide for her. Let her go, he thought to himself. Forget her, he commanded himself.

  Gavin held her too close during the dance, his desire for her was evident. Devon clenched his fists on the table, rage boiling within him. He watched as Gavin spun Kate to the rhythm of the mu
sic, twisting her so that her back was flush against his front. The he did something that nearly got him killed. He kissed her. Softly, right beneath her ear, he kissed her as he held her close.

  Devon reacted in an instant, possessiveness overtaking him. He pushed back the bench, nearly unseating Leti, and sprung into action, ready to leap over the table and punch Gavin squarely in the face. It was Kate’s reaction that stopped him, saving Gavin’s life. Gavin’s kiss melted the smile from her face and she froze. She turned and smacked him hard across the face, leaving him with a look of awe as she sauntered away.

  The song ended and Devon stood, watching Kate slip through the crowd, hips swaying delicately as the threaded her way through the people and made her way out of the room. He noticed how the men in the crowd watched her as well, jealousy setting his blood on fire. At once, he was in motion, following her from the room. He would make sure that none of these would be suitors would bother her. He would make sure that she was safe whether or not she deemed his protection necessary.

  He trailed behind her up the stairs, glancing quickly over his shoulder to ensure that none of the men followed her. He gave a glare to the crowd for good measure. If there was one thing that Devon McClain could be when he wanted to, it was intimidating.


  My breathing was heavy and my skin was flushed from the exertion of dancing. It had felt wonderful to lose myself in the music, in the rhythm, to allow an array of men that I didn’t know take control of me and spin me around the dance floor.

  The sound of boots on the stairs behind me startled me and I turned around quickly, starting into the same pair of green eyes that I had noticed were watching me all night.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed, surprised by the emotions that spilled forth when I finally came face to face with Devon McClain. He had gone out of his way to ignore me for the past two days and I just realized that this had infuriated me.

  “Following ye tae yer room, tae be sure that ye get there safely.” Devon said, scowling.


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