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Something New

Page 15

by Jenny Rabe

  Before she could question her, Ava sat up and glowered at her.

  “Look, I’m going to say what I need to say, and then we’re going to enjoy our massage. How does that sound?”

  Emilie nodded. “Fine. Is this about you and Dean arguing outside?” A hard knot formed in the pit of her stomach as she waited for Ava’s answer.

  Ava smirked. “You saw that, huh?”

  “I’m pretty sure all of us saw it. Aren’t you worried about Finn’s family and what they’re saying about you?”

  Ava lifted her head when Sharon passed them then moved over to Emilie’s massage bed and sat down. “First of all, Finn’s family has never liked me. You weren’t the only one mad at him for dumping you. It hasn’t helped that I’ve relied on him for... support since high school.” Her friend shifted before standing and pacing next to the table. “But that’s something for me to worry about. You need to know the truth about Dean.”

  Emilie waited on the edge of the table, her legs shivering from the cool air.

  “Dean’s not who or what you think he is. You’re marrying him, but do you really know him?”

  All Emilie could do was stare at Ava. “Good joke. What are you even talking about?” Ava’s sympathetic expression made Emilie even more anxious.

  “Let’s just say Dean’s been keeping secrets from you. Big ones. Why would Dean and I talk to each other in the first place, much less argue? We barely tolerate each other.”

  She stilled her breathing, not wanting to miss a single word. A sudden thought made her sick to her stomach. Was he dating someone else? Did he have some dark past she didn’t know about? If he did, did she even want to know?

  Finally, she forced the words out of her mouth. “What secrets are you talking about?”

  Ava shrugged. “It’s not my place to tell you, but that’s what we were arguing about. I was trying to convince him to tell you himself. I told him I’d give him a day and if he didn’t come out with it, I was going to tell you. I would want to know if I were you.”

  Emilie’s heart pounded in her ears. It was more serious than she could’ve imagined. She ignored her growing suspicion and glanced around the room. Sharon was glaring at Ava a few stations away. “Finn’s mother is really out to get you.”

  “Humph.” Ava picked at a piece of lint on her shirt. “Same old bat. Such a gossip. I’ve landed on hard times. They have plenty of money. This isn’t even a drop in the ocean for them. Finn is happy to do anything I want, and yet, they’re making a stink about it.”

  No matter how horrible Ava had been, she was still a person with feelings; rumors hurt, and Emilie wouldn’t wish them on her worst enemy. She patted Ava’s arm. “If you’re using Finn, why don’t you stop? Finn is a… decent guy.” She bit her lip. Fire burned behind Ava’s eyes. Emilie had said too much.

  Ava narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about? Of course I love Finn. We’ve been together for a long time. I’m going to ignore what you said. I need a massage.”

  She’d given it a shot. If Ava wouldn’t listen, it wasn’t her fault. Emilie sighed and laid on her stomach, signaling to her attendant she was ready.

  Emilie tried, but couldn’t enjoy the massage. Her thoughts returned to Dean and everything Ava said. He was hiding something. Since moving home, they had only focused on her. All along Dean had his own secrets.

  Emilie rehearsed what to say to Dean all the way back to the room. She had a strong urge to run, but didn’t. She wanted to hear the truth, and not from Ava’s mouth.

  When she opened the door, the room was dark. She turned on one light, in case he was sleeping, but the room was empty. Relief and disappointment warred inside her.

  Since he wasn’t there yet, she showered and changed into one of her fancier dresses, which Ava had advised her to wear for the occasion. It was a cross between a sundress and a sailor dress, with white and blue stripes across it and tiny brown sandalwood buttons lining the sides of her hip. She matched it with a pair of brown sandals. For her final touch, she tied a blue ribbon around her hair. Her look was girly and classy, and she loved it.

  Right when she was about to sit and start her makeup, the room’s door swung open.

  Dean checked her out in the mirror and whistled. “You look beautiful.” He came up behind her. Warmth crept up her back when he put a hand on her waist. “How was the spa?”

  It wouldn’t do any good to get too upset without knowing the facts. She had no reason to trust Ava. “It was relaxing and then… weird. Ava said something about you that’s been going through my mind ever since.”

  Dean turned her so they faced each other. He was frowning when she met his eyes. “What did she say?”

  “Nothing. She said you had something to say to me.”

  A muscle in Dean’s cheek flexed. “Did she? There’s nothing much to say. She has her own issues she needs to work out instead of focusing on mine.”

  “So there is something to say?” Emilie asked.

  Dean dropped his hands. He was suddenly interested in the stray thread peeking out of the bottom of his shirt. “Honestly, I don’t know what she’s talking about. Besides, I’m not sure Ava is capable of telling the truth after all the lies she spread about you.”

  Emilie turned away from him and applied some eyeshadow. “You two were arguing on the golf cart. What was that about?”

  “That was about something I said to Finn.”

  Emilie’s attention piqued. The story was getting more and more warped. “What did you say to Finn?”

  Dean’s face twisted with worry. “Nothing to concern yourself about. I was just defending you after Finn said something.”

  “Defending me?” Emilie dropped the eyeshadow brush to the counter. “What did Finn say about me?”

  Dean sighed. “I’m going to kill Ava.” He sat down on the plush chair next to the makeup counter. “I’ve wanted to tell you, but it’s never the right time. We’re either fighting or making up. I don’t want what I tell you to ruin what we experienced earlier. Let’s talk about it after I shower.”

  Emilie bit her lip. It was more serious than she could’ve imagined. His tortured features struck fear in her heart. Maybe she didn’t want to know.

  Emilie stopped applying her makeup and played with her phone. No game in the world would satisfy her curiosity, but she didn’t need to wait long.

  The bathroom door swung open, letting out steam and an even steamier man. She twirled around when she saw his ripped, very bare chest. She tried speaking. “O-Oh. Okay, you’re out. Tell me what you and Finn talked about.”

  Even though she wasn’t looking, she felt him walk by her, smelled the aftershave and shampoo he used. She shook her head. Focus.

  “Finn and I talked about the past, and I got mad at him for treating you the way he did. I told him he was an idiot for trusting Ava.”

  “I’m getting dressed, just to let you know.” She heard his towel drop to the floor. Emilie closed her eyes and counted two minutes in her head before opening them again. She caught his reflection in the mirror. Pants were on but he was still shirtless. Oh, goodness. She swallowed hard at the small peek of his skin. Desire lit in her belly.

  She forced the next words out. “And what did he say?”

  He slipped on a blue button-up shirt that would match his eyes perfectly. She tried not to glance over while he buttoned it but failed. “Finn didn’t say much. I’m sure I gave him a lot to think about.”

  Emilie forced herself to study her reflection. She laughed, though it wasn’t funny at all. The wounds from Finn abandoning her in her greatest time of need reopened, igniting pain, sorrow, and anger. For such a nice person, he was a moronic blockhead when it came to compassion.

  “And that’s really it?” she asked. “There are no other secrets?”

  A long silence passed while he stared back at her in the reflection. He shook his head and winked. “There’s nothing else you need to know.” His voice was softer than before, filling her with rea

  Her heart lifted. Good thing she hadn’t attacked him at first sight. Of course Ava hadn’t told her the whole truth.

  Dean added a sports jacket to his outfit. It made him extra handsome.

  Dean… She leaned toward the mirror to create a smoky eye and caught Dean watching. Her heart fluttered. She wanted to be extra hot, so she put on a pretty gloss that tinged her lips red. It was enough to elevate her look and draw Dean’s attention to her mouth.

  When she came around the corner, he sat on the couch, studying the wall. “How can you do that? One minute you’re cute and doll-like, and the next you’re sexy and drop-dead gorgeous.”

  A thrill of excitement coursed through her. Since all the misunderstandings were cleared, she could focus on dating him. The nervous butterflies returned as he appreciated her with his eyes.

  “It just takes practice. Lots of practice.”

  “Let’s go join the happy wedding party.”

  Emilie laughed and grabbed for his hand to pull him up. He continued to hold it once they left the room, and she didn’t want to let go, either. It was time to discover what it was like to be Dean’s significant other.



  Cloud nine. There was no other way to describe it. Dean would’ve floated to the elevator had it not been for Emilie’s hand anchoring him.

  Guilt tugged at him, though. He’d omitted the truth Emilie sought. There really wasn’t anything else she needed to know, but… maybe he should’ve shared it with her. Then again, he didn’t ask about men she’d dated before returning home. However, Ava used to be her best friend.

  Crud. All he wanted was to focus on the moment with Emilie. To enjoy her presence.

  He held Emilie’s hand tighter while the elevator traveled to the top floor where the fancy dining area was.

  He held up their entwined fingers. “What does this mean?”

  She looked at their hands, joined together. “It means we are giving us a try.”

  Dean couldn’t have hoped for a better answer. He grabbed the edge of the elevator railing with his free hand, which meant his other hand was held by the woman he loved. He pulled her into a tight embrace. “You can’t imagine how long I’ve wanted this.”

  She glanced at him with her beautiful green eyes. “It’s been a long time coming, and I think we’ve waited enough.” She pressed her nose to his cheek, sending exploding fireworks down his jaw all the way to his feet. He lifted her chin and kissed her. Warmth and tingles erupted. She was finally his. Her lips moved eagerly against his, soft and willing. He cradled her face and deepened the kiss, enjoying every sensation.

  The elevator dinged open, but they never broke their embrace. Someone coughed in front of them. Emilie pushed back, a shy smile on her face as an older couple waited to go into the elevator. They hurried out, laughing and skipping down the hall to the banquet room. It was worth every second of hesitation.

  They walked into the banquet room, holding hands. No one knew any different, but in his life, everything was changing. The banquet hall was decked out with lavish decorations, none of which he cared about. He steered her away from the main table, opting for privacy.

  They’d arrived early and while they waited for things to start, Dean pulled her to the windows overlooking the water. He moved her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned against him, sweetening the moment. His heart swelled with joy. In a moment of weakness, he lowered and rested his chin on top of her head, slowly inhaling her scent. Citrus shampoos, fruity perfume, coconut lotion. Everything he loved.

  “It’s a beautiful night.”

  The view? He chuckled and leaned forward to whisper. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  She turned, bringing her face inches from his.

  “You’re the only one I see.” He was tempted to kiss her earlobe but backed up so he could read her expression.

  A sparkle danced in her eyes.

  He understood what it meant to live and breathe for only one person. He hugged her tightly, savoring each passing second while fire ignited in his chest and spread out, warming his whole body.

  In one fluid motion, her hand trailed up his back. He shuddered when it stopped and lightly gripped the back of his neck. Was she aware what she did to him? How her actions spurred him on?

  “Whoa, who’s getting married this weekend? Us or you two?”

  Emilie and Dean startled at the sound of Finn’s voice. He and Ava were standing together, arms wrapped around each other. Of all the rotten luck… Finn’s timing… Dean owed him a punch in the gut.

  “Is it time to start?” Dean asked.

  Finn dropped his arm around Ava and patted his stomach. “Worked up an appetite after you left. Joined another group, and they beat the tar out of me.”

  Dean smiled. Now that he had Emilie, he didn’t have a care in the world. Even Finn’s goofy face made him smile. “I’m surprised someone could beat you.”

  Finn slapped Dean on the back. “Yeah, they gave me a run for my money, but I got them on the last hole.”

  Dean nodded. “Glad to hear it.”

  “You look nice tonight.” Emilie lifted the lacy sleeve of Ava’s white sundress.

  “You too,” Ava said. “That sailor dress looks good on you. So cute! By the way, I hope you two had a good talk this afternoon.”

  Emilie shifted in his arms and held him tighter. “We talked.”

  Dean chewed on his lip. He searched Ava’s face but her eyes were unreadable. Ava wouldn’t say anything if she wanted her marriage to Finn to happen. Pulling Emilie tighter against him, he kissed the back of her head, smelling her sweet perfume and blocking Ava from his mind.

  “She does look great.” Dean waved and steered Emilie to a chair, far away from Ava.

  Emilie gave his knee a playful slap. “You could’ve told her I knew the truth, and it was no big deal.”

  Dean took her hand and rubbed his thumb across her palm. “Our relationship is none of her business.” Thrills coursed through his fingers at the intimate contact. If this was all they did tonight, he’d fall asleep the happiest man on the planet.

  She pointed out some of the décor, the twinkly lights, and little angel statues set throughout the room. The lights were dim enough to set a mood but not dim enough to take the sparkle out of Emilie’s eyes.

  As Finn’s parents started the welcome, Emilie leaned over to him and whispered. “I forgot to tell you earlier, but Sharon is not too happy with Ava. She’s been taking care of all the wedding bills.”

  “Bummer.” He needed to steer the conversation away from Ava. “Should we go out after this, maybe take a walk around the resort?” He was happy to see Emilie’s face light up.


  Too soon, servers walked in carrying silver trays lined with food. Bread, salad, and clam chowder were brought in that order, then either steak or chicken, and a Baked Alaska for dessert. The dinner went too quickly, and for once, Dean savored every minute of the wedding event.

  Before they left, Finn and Ava stood at their places, welcoming everyone.

  “Thank you all for coming to our special wedding week,” Ava said. “We hope you’ll have an enjoyable stay.” Someone grunted further down the table, and Ava froze for half a second before she cleared her face of all emotion. “Tomorrow we want you to relax, settle in, visit the spa if you choose, and take advantage of the many pools this resort has.”

  “I’m going fishing in the morning if you want to join,” Finn added.

  Ava smirked at the group and then back at Finn. “Men will be men.”

  Finn squeezed Ava’s hand. “Then we hope all of you will join us on our boat ride in the evening. We plan to make a loop around the resorts here, have a nice dinner on the boat deck, and fit in some dancing time.”

  Holding Emilie close for a lengthy amount of time sounded like something Dean wanted to do. Throughout the whole dinner, he’d thought about the perfect way to spend the evening,
but not even a walk to celebrate their first night together felt right.

  When they reached the elevator, Finn’s relatives rushed in and pushed them apart.

  Emilie frowned and pressed the main floor button. When the elevator descended, he tried to shift his way over to her, but it was impossible. When they reached the lobby floor, everyone piled out, including Dean and Emilie.

  He pulled her to a corner, eager to have a few seconds alone while the crowds died down. His phone rang just as he lifted his hand to caress her face. “Hang on a second, Em.”

  He gave a testy answer, hoping it was enough of a clue. “Ranger, I’m kind of busy. And back away from the phone, you’re breathing too hard.” Dean stilled. Ranger only panicked when something went missing or broke. “What happened?

  “I’m sorry to call you on your vacation, boss, but one of the boats isn’t starting.” Ranger’s heavy breathing increased. “It ran fine in the morning, but I think it’s missing you something fierce.”

  Dean ran a hand through his hair. Why now? “Did you check the gas?”



  “Checked that and the radiator. Everything is fine.”

  Emilie stared at Dean with wide eyes, waiting expectantly. He stared at the ceiling before resting his gaze on her. Why tonight? “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. If you guys broke my boat, you’re doing pushups for an hour.”

  Emilie covered her mouth and laughed. The tension in Dean’s shoulders released, and he chuckled, too. He hung up with Ranger a few seconds later then turned to her with a frown. “I gotta go back tonight.”

  “But we just got here. You’re leaving on the first night?”

  He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to it. “You won’t even miss me.”

  She gave him a challenging look that made him want to take her in his arms right then and kiss her. Staying the night in the same room with her wouldn’t work anyway. He needed sleep, not pining.

  She placed both hands on his chest and leaned closer. “It’ll be fine. Tomorrow, I’ll lie out in the sun or swim. It’s late, and I don’t want you traveling in the dark.”


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