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Forbidden Black Love (African American, Taboo Erotica, Young Woman Older Man)

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by Laisha Lax

  ‘Forbidden Black Love’

  By Laisha Lax

  Copyright © 2014 Laisha Lax

  Cover image licensed by Depositphotos

  WARNING: This 5200 word story contains explicit descriptions of sex. Story contains a fetish some readers might not enjoy – AFRICAN AMERICAN TABOO PSEUDOINCEST HARDCORE SEX. All characters are adult. Reader discretion is advised. All characters are adult. Reader discretion is advised. Everybody is 18+.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  ‘Forbidden Black Love’

  “Your parents allowed you to sleep at my place?” Susan asked me.

  “Yes, as they always do, they really trust your folks,” I answered.

  “I know, everybody loves my parent, I have no clue why,” she said as we were walking down the road after our class was over.

  “They are rich and successful people. They both do what they love and earn shitload of money, everybody want to be like them. They seem as if they are always happy.”

  “It not really like that, you know,” she said with a sad note in her voice.

  “What do you mean?” I was surprised.

  “Well, my mom and my dad are not really in perfect relationship. I think my mom might have a lover and past few days they were talking about being in open relationship. Like they were discussing that it’s not natural for a human being to sleep with one person till the rest of their lives. Mom said that she loves dad, but after twenty years of marriage, her body wants something else too.”

  “No matter how reasonable that sounds, I can’t believe that somebody could get enough of your dad.”

  “What’s wrong with you guys? Why’s everybody so crazy about my dad?” Susan asked me.

  “Because Val is one of a kind, and he’s black just like we are, that’s not much of successful people like that here.” I answered.

  “What does that mean?” she sounded a bit pissed off, and she had reason to be. Every girl in school was talking about her father, and when he would come to pick her up in his BMW from school, streams of young girls were coming to say ‘hi’ to him. It was really unusual to see that, and she was angry because all the time in school she had to listen gospels about her daddy. To her, he was just ‘daddy’, but to us he was – ‘Val: the daddy’. He was a man of our dreams and I, myself, have spent countless nights stuffing myself with dildo while thinking about him. I never confessed that to Susan. She was my best friend, and I didn’t want to bother her too much with my desires about her father. I don’t know if she would let me in her house if she knew how much I wanted to be around him. I wanted to smell his scent and watch him do his work in his garage.

  Her daddy was famous watchmaker. He was designing fancy watches for famous brands and clocks for yachts or jets. Companies paid him crazy amount of money to have his signature as part of their collection. Interior designers used his futuristic clocks because they were sign of wealth and good taste. He also made unique, handmade clocks that would be sold on auction for hundred thousand dollars.

  Besides his clocks, in school we talked about his cock. That was a forbidden subject to talk in front of Susan. We heard rumors that he fucked a girl from other school few years back, and apparently she said that his cock was the biggest one in the whole city. That girl from other school was known as a biggest slut in town, and she was not ashamed to admit it. She was indeed very attractive, and she was flattered by the fact that older guys wanted to fuck her. Val fell in her trap, at least according to her, and she said that he was the best fucker she ever had, but as soon as she told other about him, he stopped seeing her. Besides despising her for being a slut, everybody was jealous because she fucked him. I was happy to hear that she loved to fuck young girls and that he was open for having sex outside of his marriage. That gave me hope that one day he might fuck me too. I was also one of hottest girls in school even thou I was not stupid or slutty as others. I was not cheerleader and I didn’t hit on popular guys. That, of course, didn’t mean that I had no dirty fantasies. While many guys were hitting on me, sending me messages how good my body looks, or how what would they do to my boobs and my pussy, the only man I wanted was Val – the daddy. I wanted to be fucked by him like an animal. I suspected that he might have a thing for me because few times I caught him watching me with hunger in his eyes. I knew that look when he glanced my ass or my boobs, it was ‘damn, I would fuck you the whole night’ look – and I loved every second of feeling wanted by him. The feeling of being desired by the most attractive man in the whole town. Of course, I never spoke about that because nobody would believe me and other girls would die in jealousy, but I knew that was true. Yet, every time when I would come to sleep over Susan, it seemed as if he avoided me.

  That night we had to study biology together and get some papers done. Like many times before, that would mean that I would see Val again, or at least I would try to spend some time with him even thou that seemed impossible to happen. Before we were done with studying, Val would come to say goodnight and that was mostly the only contact I had with him.

  After the midnight passed, Susan was so tired that she fell asleep with her head between the pages of the book she was reading. Then she swiftly went to bed and fell asleep without changing her cloths or washing her teeth. It was a long day and we have been studying for hours until we barely managed to read another line from the book. Yet, I was puzzled by the fact that Val didn’t came by to say goodnight to us. That thought interfered with my wish to go to sleep. The more I thought that he might be still awake in the house, more I was excited when I pictured that I might spend some time with him without Susan knowing about that. I told to myself that I should just keep waiting until he come to say goodnight and then I would talk to him and try to show him that I liked him. I was thinking about getting my clothes off to welcome him half naked. I even thought that I should play with my pussy and wait to get caught by him. How could he resist young girl with her legs wide open? Still, I was afraid to come to him directly, I didn’t want him to think that I was another slut that would fuck him and then talk about that to the whole town. I was more sophisticated than that and I wanted him to know that he could fuck me without anybody hearing anything about that - ever. I wanted to be his dirty little slut and I wouldn’t have any problem keeping that to myself. I didn’t want to fuck him to gain reputation or popularity; I wanted to fuck him simply because he was a god-like creature. He was also sophisticated, well built, amazingly charming man with apparently very big cock. He was a man of my dreams. As I was thinking about him, my pussy was getting wet. I was sitting by the table in Susan’s room and I brushed my pussy with tip of my fingers. I nipped my lower lip as I teased my pussy while thinking about him. My breath intensified and I slid my fingers in my jeans. My pussy was clenching as I thought about his huge and my fingers soaked in juices that my pussy made. Tingling sensation spiraled up my spine as I pinched my nipples in lustful delight. If only I could fuck him! I thought to myself as I was getting hornier with every second that passed by. What if I come to him instead of waiting him come to me? But why would I wonder around the house half naked? How would I explain myself? Susan had a bathroom in her room and I had no excuse to walk around the house. Yet, the only thing that I could do was to go straight in his garage and tell him that I like him. My wet pussy was begging me to do that, I was so horny
that I would thrust in my pussy any item in the room that had shape of a cock.

  When I thought that it might be the only chance to meet him after Susan fell asleep without him coming to say goodnight, I thought I would be sorry till the rest of my life not taking advantage of the situation. After few moments I finally decided to find him and see what would happen if I tell him that I liked him.

  I walked out Susan’s room and I slowly walked down the hall. I could see through the window that light in garage was still on. As I was walking down adrenalin was rushing blood through me and my heart raced. My body trembled in the combination of fear and excitement. I kept repeating myself positive statements just to keep my confidence up. He wants to fuck you Jane, he will fuck you Jane, Jane you are hot and daddy will fuck you because he can’t resist your pussy. That pattern of thoughts averted me from the fear of being turned down by him. Even if that happened, even if he didn’t want to fuck him, I was sure that he would be flattered to know that he was still highly desired man. Maybe from that point on I would avoid him because I would be ashamed, but the risk was worth of taking. The reward – his cock ripping my pussy apart – was desirable enough to give it a shot.

  I walked out of the house through the backdoor and slowly approached his garaged that was in the same time his office. It was actually a small barn rather than where he had machines, materials and tools for his job. His atelier was a place that many called house of wonders because there he would produce his magnificent clocks and watches.

  As I came closer, I could hear tango music playing and him whispering while the metal sound of hammering something followed the rhythm of music. I chocked as I stood by the entrance carefully watching back to be sure that Susan or her mom was not watching by any chance. Her mom was going to sleep rather early and I was sure that she would not wake up because Susan always told me that she slept like a dead horse because she was using sleeping pills.

  I slowly opened the doors, only enough to take a peek inside and see what he was doing. He was nailing something with hammer and pincers. I sneaked inside, he couldn’t notice me and I hid behind a huge machine in a corner. I wanted to observe him for a while before I make another move.

  Hammer in his powerful hand smashed the iron. Sweat was dripping down his face, travelling down his brawny shoulders, soaking dirty white undershirt that was taped against his hot body. Sigh of power followed each slam of the hammer. My pussy tingled and I felt the urge to feel his power, I wanted him to take me with that mighty hands and fuck me like a dirty little slut. I was melting only by watching his spectacular movement. It was not only about how he looked, it was more about the confidence that could be felt with every blink of his eye. He grabbed the sculpture with another pincers, dipped it into some kind of liquid and when he pulled that round-shape out of it, magnificent purple frame of a clock appeared. What he did was truly a work of art. He was indeed, one of a kind.

  As I was gazing at him, I lost myself the overwhelming kindle that blazed from my pussy up my body. I almost forgot why I was actually there and how I came down with intention to fuck him. Yet, I hesitated. I was not that brave as I like to think that I was, but I felt as my clock was ticking, it was now or never. He was working with his clock, but all I wanted was his cock.

  Few drops of sweat dripped down my face and they made me self-conscious. In that moment, intuition told me that I should get naked. I thought I was getting crazy. Get naked? After few moments, that didn’t seem as such a stupid idea. How could he turn down a naked young girl like me? My horniness made me do stupid things. I slowly undressed myself while he was still busy with his tools. I took of my bra and my panties too. My hand rushed down my belly and brushed my clitoris, my finger curling between my slit. I was wet, juices slowly dripped down my pussy and I gently pushed finger, deeper and deeper. While standing there naked, watching him doing his work, orgasmic waves of greedy lust passed through my body. I was so overwhelmed by the feelings that I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the spiral of sexual energy that drawn me into it vortex. My finger was getting deeper in my pussy and I let out a load moan that slips out of my control. Even thou there was music playing, and he was concreted on his work, his sharp senses didn’t miss sound that marked the lust I felt for him.

  First he stopped doing as if he was not sure did he actually hear something. Then his head slowly turned towards me. Half of my body was visible to him and I had no intention to hide. There was no going back. I knew in that moment that it was all or nothing, right there, right now. I took a deep breath, gathered every molecule of confidence that I could pull out of my hot body and made a step to unveil my naked body. I leaned on a machine, acting cool as if it was the most common situation for me to be in. I casually wrapped arm around my waist and bit my lip, throwing a look of a hungry filthy girl to him.

  He stood motionless, as if he was in complete shock to see me. I left him speechless. His arm that banged the iron slowly stopped moving and straightened up, putting hammer down on a floor.

  “Good evening Val,” I said, with a dose of deadly seduction.

  “Good evening Chloe,” he murmured, scanning my naked body, my big boobs and my long legs. I knew in that moment that he wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to do him. He smiled, confidently as if he wanted to let me know that he condoned what I what I was doing.

  “I didn’t expect to you here,” he said and cleaned his hands in towel.

  “You didn’t come to say goodnight as you always do,” I said, continuing to spit seductions like a deadly snake. I calmly made few steps towards him, swinging my hips left and right.

  Not a single blink interrupted our eye contact. Mesmerizing link was established in that moment and as I kept slowly walking towards him, he took off his shirt. I controlled myself, but I felt as if my eyes will drop out as the urge to run towards him and feel his musculature rushed through me. I whimpered looked at his hairy torso and perfect six-pack. Hunger in his eyes gave me all the confidence that I needed.

  “I heard that, you are not really happy with your wife?” I said, half way between the entrance and him.

  “Promise me something,” he said, sternly.

  “Yes?” word stretched seductively.

  “This stays between us,” he ordered.

  “Don’t worry; I don’t want one night stand. I want this to happen again, and again, and again…and I can fuck you only if you trust me…”

  I came on a breath-reach to him. We didn’t rush to touch each other as we knew that there was a whole nights for that. We enjoyed the moment of mutual seduction that was melting both of us. I felt as if we were two magnets electrified by our sexuality.

  I leaned towards his earlap, without touching any part of his body.

  “I want you to fuck me like a dirty, filthy slut,” I whispered on his dear, as slowly as I possibly could. My tongue outlines his earlap and then I pushed it deep in his ear, leaving wet trail to mark dirty intentions that were rushing through my mind. Courage that I had surprised me. Yet, I felt so small, I felt like a little fragile girl, and I wanted to feel his dominance, his strength, his power.

  Like a wild animal, he grabbed my butt and pulled me up in air, adrenaline rushed thought my body as his might powerful hands pulled me against him. His face was still blank, he showed no emotions what so ever, but he made it clear that he would make my wish come true. Although he was wearing jeans and few layers of protective cloth, I could still feel his hardness pressing my pussy as my legs wrapped him. His huge palms tightly squeezed each of my butt cheeks and he started rubbing my pussy against him while I let out the moans of pure pleasure. I trembled in satisfaction of feeling his hunger to fuck me and his dirty scent of a man who worked hard the whole day. My breasts nudging his torso, grease was melting on my skin as he pressed my body against himself, and I could feel every part muscle of his body straining. My hands embraced him around his wide shoulders, and his one-day beard scratched my neck as his head moved lower until his tongu
e touched my earlobe.

  “I will fuck you like a dirty whore,” he said in slow motion with his deep, rusty, voice. Then he licked my ear the same way I licked his.

  “I wanted to fuck you for a very, very long time,” he continued. I rubbed my pussy against his cock that became hard under all the layers that he was wearing. Thunders stuck my body and I felt as if I was expecting orgasm before we even started to fuck. I gave myself to him, I gave my body to the most desirable man I knew – The Daddy.

  “I’ve been watching you giving me that looks for a very long times, and even things I was jerking off thinking how I would come in that room, and fuck your head out, that was the only reason why I was coming in that room,” he said, with a threatening voice.

  “If I only knew…” I murmured the words out as I was gasping.

  “But, now we will make up for all night that I didn’t fuck you tight little ass.”

  “Yessss,” I whimpered. I squirm against his greasy body.

  I passed my hand down in his jeans. His cock was rock hard and I could feel how blood was pulsating through him, I jerked it off few times while I was coping with size of it. He had the hugest cock I ever held in my arm. I moved my hand lower and it took me a while to grab the bottom of it and reach for his balls that were swollen. Those balls were packed with cum that I wanted all over my face. I wanted him to fill my mouth with after he fucks me. I unbuttoned his jeans and they fell down together with the cloth that he was wearing. His huge cock jumped out like a spring. I slid my wet pussy and he pushed my ass to rub it harder as I was hanging on him.

  I kissed his tender lips and out tongues became two hurricanes that crashed into each other. The passionate force was holding us tight together as if wanted to be sealed like that until the rest our lives.


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