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Invasion of the Nylonians

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by J80

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  Invasion of the Nylonians

  Copyright © 2011 by J80

  ISBN: 978-1-936394-33-3

  Cover art by Dara England

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Invasion of the Nylonians




  For many years, women adorned their legs with silk stockings, but on one fateful night, a little known scientist named Charles Marks changed it all.

  It was 1:30 a.m. when Charles heard a noise from outside. He looked out his window and saw a yellow glow a few hundred yards away from his secluded country home. The baffled scientist threw on some clothes and stumbled his way toward the light.

  “Great Scott!” he exclaimed, when he reached his destination. Carefully reaching into the four-foot deep crater, he removed the glowing egg.

  He studied the smooth surface until it cracked open.

  A black substance exploded out at him, hitting him in the arm, and hurtling him to the ground. Following a few minutes of struggle, the substance went limp and released its hold. Catching his breath, Charles examined the sample farther and discovered that it had an elastic quality. He sat for hours, running the possible uses for his discovery through his head.

  While flipping through a magazine for ideas, he came across an advertisement for silk stockings. He looked up how to make stockings in one of his many books and swapped out silk with the sample from the egg. The result was a sleek, stretchy, durable pair of black stockings. With only one sample from the egg, the scientist worked diligently over the next few days to mimic his prototype stockings using common ingredients.

  At last, he had success.

  Charles kept his pair of prototype stockings, but sold the new formula to a large clothing company. Since then, silk stockings have taken a back seat to the ones now known as nylon. In the sixties when hemlines of skirts went up, the same formula was used in the creation of modern day pantyhose. Though the hosiery that adorned women’s legs today looked like the prototype stockings made by Charles Marks, they lacked the one ingredient—instead of making them look good—would transform them into obedient nylon servants.

  In 1938, Charles sold his findings to a big company in the city. A week following the purchase of his findings, the company’s vice president announced the invention, upcoming mass production, and sales of nylon stockings. Over the years, the styles of stockings changed, and eventually evolved to pantyhose. However, from then until the present, the base formula for all hosiery products never altered from the one developed by Charles Marks.

  Chapter One—Arrival

  John Baker maneuvered his car along the Main Street of Shadyville, Nebraska. It had been many years since he’d visited his now late uncle who used to live there, but surprisingly, not much had changed. Though he was here for the reading of his late uncle’s will, John made a pit stop to see his old college friend, Lucas Cane, in Omaha. After graduation, the two had kept in contact through email, phone, and the occasional visits to each other’s home. John worked in a research lab for a large pharmaceutical company, while Lucas had joined the army and quickly rose through the ranks to become a general. The two grabbed a meal at the airport restaurant before Lucas had to board a plane to Washington, and John saw his friend off before continuing on to Shadyville.

  The town still had a retro 1950’s look to it; the only modern building on Main Street the recently constructed courthouse built when a freak fire destroyed the old one.

  John parked in front of the courthouse and walked inside. He had missed his uncle’s funeral days earlier due to being in Europe, but upon his return to the states, his uncle’s lawyer insisted John be present at the will reading. He entered the lawyer’s office on the fourth floor, and to his surprise, found a young woman seated in the room.

  “Hello, I was unaware of any remaining relatives besides myself.”

  “You’re correct,” the woman replied. “My name is Julia Rainer. I was your uncle’s health care worker for the last three years. I was surprised when the lawyer called me in for the reading.”

  As Julia continued about his uncle’s health and her job duties, John could not help but notice the chatty woman’s beauty. Her long, freshly permed hair fell just beneath her shoulders. John discreetly ran his eyes up and down her long-toned legs, and he ogled her breasts. Despite the fact she was seated, John figured the woman to be around five-foot six.

  The door then opened and the lawyer entered. “Hello, you two. Sorry about the wait, I was hung up in court.”

  “Not a problem, Harold,” Julia said. “I was just getting to know John.”

  Harold nodded and sat down. The trio shared a few pleasantries, and then Harold proceeded to the will. “I, Robert D. Marks,” Harold quoted, “bequeath ninety percent of my wealth and all my properties to my only surviving relative, my nephew John. The remaining ten percent of my wealth will go to my loyal and caring health worker, Julia Rainer. She has performed duties above her job description and pay grade numerous times. In addition, Julia Rainer shall be allowed to live in my guesthouse rent and bill free for as long as she wishes.” Harold rose from his seat. “I hate to rush this, but I’m due in court in a half-hour. You can pick up a copy of the will at the front desk when you leave.”

  Harold shook both their hands and left. Julia was the first to rise from her chair, and as she did, John could not help but stare at her. He couldn’t help it.

  “Are you looking at my ass?” Julia asked.

  “No,” John lied. “I was looking at the picture on the wall.”

  Julia rolled her eyes and walked out. John followed. “So, you’re going to live in the guesthouse?”

  “I am. Do you have an issue with my living there?”

  “No, no, I was just wondering so I can fill out paperwork to separate the lots when I sell the main house. Then the guesthouse will be its own residence.”

  “I know what it means. Why are you selling the house?”

  “Well, I live and work in Boston. Despite the large inheritance, I am going to continue my career.”

  “I have ten percent of your uncle’s money,” Julia reminded him. “How about you sell the house to me?”

  His eyes ran over her again. He didn’t know why. There was something about her that held his attention. “Tell you what, I have some paperwork to do here, but we can discuss this over dinner tonight.”

  “Where and when?”

  “Eight o’clock at the main house. I’m not staying there because of the mess upstairs, but the kitchen and dining area are clean. I will have the meal catered.”

  Julia agreed and the two parted ways. He filed the paperwork needed for the guesthouse and transferred his unc
le’s funds to his account. Once he settled the rest of his uncle’s affairs, he was finally able to leave the courthouse and check in to the motel. With a busy morning behind him, he decided to take an afternoon nap but continued to think about Julia. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Upon waking from his nap, John started planning his dinner with Julia. He ordered a lobster dinner for two from a seafood place in the next town, and with it—for a little extra—he got a server.


  A few miles south of town, Julia returned from her day’s errands to the guesthouse. She had lived in the house since being hired to take care of Robert Marks. With the time of her dinner quickly approaching, she took a quick shower and laid out her clothes for the evening. She chose a forest green knee-length dress, not too formal or casual, and accompanied it with one-inch closed-toe heels, which matched the color of her dress. She put on a little make-up, and threw on some cheap yet classy jewelry. As Julia admired herself in a full-length mirror, she felt like something was missing. When her eyes gazed down at her bare legs, she was unsatisfied with the sight and decided to wear pantyhose. This was a dinner to discuss a possible sale. She needed to look her best. Julia grabbed a pair of suntan hose from her dresser and quickly, but carefully, glided them on. She adjusted the hose a little and slid on her shoes.

  She exited the guesthouse, followed the paved path to the main house’s front door, and rang the bell. John answered the door. “Good evening, Julia, come on in, dinner will be ready shortly.”

  Julia stepped inside, closing the door behind her.


  A couple hours later, their dinner was complete.

  Julie put her fork down. “The meal was very good. The lobster was perfectly tender.”

  “Yes, it was,” John agreed. “Now, before the server brings dessert, I’d like to discuss the sale. I know you just got fifty thousand from Uncle Robert, however, the place is worth a couple hundred.”

  Julia nodded. “I am aware. What I would like to do is use thirty thousand for a down payment. With smart investments of my remaining twenty thousand, as well as my health care pay, I can pay off the rest with monthly installments.”

  “I see,” John replied. “You have it all planned. I’ll run this by my lawyers in Boston and give you an answer within a few weeks.” With business out of the way, the two retired to the den for a few drinks.


  While her clients had their drinks, the caterer, Rachel, cleaned the table and prepared to leave. It was at this time she noticed a ball of yellow light shoot out of the sky and land a few hundred yards from the house. Curious, Rachel quietly exited the rear door and went to investigate. As she got closer to the impact site, the glow became brighter, until she found herself standing over a small, three-foot deep crater with what looked like an egg inside of it. The fascinated caterer knelt down to grab the illuminated item. The instant her soft feminine hand touched the egg, it exploded open and a dark matter shot out.

  A black mass attached to the right calf, sending pleasurable tremors through her body. The ooze expanded and molded itself to the lower body, dissolving her panties and skirt in the process. Within a few minutes, the intense ecstasy subsided. Rachel rose to her feet, her legs now completely encased in sheer black pantyhose. The transformed caterer turned back to the house.


  Back inside, John left to use the bathroom, leaving Julia alone in the den. Julia suddenly heard a noise. Expecting to see John, she instead found herself looking at the gorgeous African-American caterer, Rachel, now encased in sheer black pantyhose from the waist down.

  “I seek the prototype. Where is the prototype?” the caterer said, her eyes glowing yellow.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Julia nervously stammered. “I don’t even live here!”

  The hose-clad woman raised her arm and pointed an opened palm toward Julia. A black solution shot out, but before it could reach Julia, a silver tray flew in from nowhere and diverted its course. Both women turned to see John standing in the doorway.


  Julia fled into the hall as John held the attacker off by throwing anything he could grab at her. Now that she was clear, Julia helped John slam the door shut, and blocked it with a chair. As the pair bolted down the hall, they could hear the caterer crash through the door. Not wasting any time, they escaped outside

  “What the hell is going on?” John yelled.

  “I have no idea. All I know is she asked for the prototype.”

  “Whatever’s going on…” He caught his breath. “It’s going to end as soon as I get the police out here!”

  The front door of the house suddenly flew open and off its hinges, landing on top of John’s car.

  “I want the prototype,” Rachel repeated as she emerged. With her eyes glowing bright and her arm extended, she began to shoot a black ooze at Julia and John. The pair dodged and retreated in the direction of the guesthouse. The crazed woman continued to shoot at the pair as she chased them. The two quickly leaped into Julia’s Jeep and sped off, leaving their pursuer far behind.


  John and Julia reported the incident to Shadyville Police. As expected, the fat, bald, entirely useless sheriff was no help.

  “Tell you what I’ll do. Even though your story sounds unbelievable, I’ll send a couple officers out there in the morning to have a look around,” Sheriff Nelson said, with a chuckle.

  John thanked the Sheriff and went back to his motel. Julia got a room as well, fearing to return home.

  “I guess I’ll talk to you in the morning.” Julia yawned as the two of them stood in the hall.

  “Okay,” John responded. “See you tomorrow.”

  Julia placed her key in the door, but it did not open. John heard the rattling and Julia’s curses at the door. He moved behind her and grasped the key in the stubborn lock. He yanked the key to the right and the door squeaked open.

  Julia gave John a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Thanks.”

  John stumbled backward, nervously. “No problem, see you in the morning.”


  Early the next morning, two Shadyville officers pulled up to the Marks house in a town patrol car. Senior officer Larry Waters and his partner, Jenny Adams, were here to investigate a strange report made the night before. For a guy in his mid-thirties, Larry was still good-looking. He stood six-foot-four with a full head of short, dark brown hair, and a well-groomed beard. A small gut was forming, but for the most part, Larry stayed in excellent shape.

  As they exited the car, Larry barked orders at his partner. “Walk around the west side, I’ll go east. We’ll meet back here in fifteen minutes. Call me if you have any trouble.”

  “Okay,” Jenny replied. “I’m on it.”

  Larry smirked a little as he walked off. His twenty-three-year-old partner was very chipper, and wasn’t bad to look at, either. Her flowing blonde hair often caught Larry’s eye during patrols, but it was her large bust that proved to be a major distraction. More times than not, those breasts drew his attention when his focus was supposed to be elsewhere. As Larry walked around, searching for anything to back up the report, an African-American woman sprung out at him from the bushes. She stood around five-seven, had medium size breasts, and long legs covered by black pantyhose.

  “I must find the prototype. Where is the prototype?” the woman asked.

  Larry unholstered his weapon. “Look, lady, I don’t want to put you down, but I’ll do it if you come any closer!”

  As Larry stood with his pistol drawn, he noticed the woman staring at the weapon as if she were analyzing it. “Your weapon poses no threat.” She raised her arm and shot black solution at the officer. It landed on his pant-covered thigh before he could react. A wave of arousal coursed through his body, causing him to drop his pistol. He looked down and watched as his pants dissolved. Once the obsidian element made its way to skin, the ecstasy increased and Larry doubled over. He rolled around on the ground as sensations
beyond comprehension coursed through his body.

  Between his lustful moans, Larry cried out, “What the hell is happening to me?” The black mass spread across the entire lower body, attaching to everything, including his bulging cock. It then stopped moving and changed into sheer tan pantyhose. The woman placed her hand on his head, and Larry’s mind became invaded with commands of obedience and servitude. Seconds later, the converted officer rose and faced his new mistress.

  Larry then noticed his partner walking back to the car. He carefully sneaked through the long grass and approached Jenny from behind.

  “Larry!” Jenny yelled, as she stood by the police car. “I finished patrolling the west side, where are you?”

  “Right here,” he answered from behind her.

  Larry could see the shock in Jenny’s eyes when she turned to find him, wearing only sheer tan hose that formed around every muscle and curve. Before Jenny could comprehend the sight, he forced her to the ground. He moved his open palm across her lower body just enough for the black stuff to dissolve her pants and panties.

  “What the hell are you doing? Let me go!”

  “You’ll know soon enough,” a female voice chimed in.

  Jenny shifted her eyes enough to see a hose-encased woman standing over her. “What do you want from me?”

  “We seek the prototype,” the woman replied. “Do you know where it is?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” She struggled to break free.

  The woman laughed. “No matter, you’ll make a fine Nylon Servant.”

  Larry glanced over to his Mistress for further instructions, she nodded, and Larry latched onto Jenny’s creamy thighs. A black mass oozed from Larry’s hands and began to spread across Jenny’s lower body. The young female officer writhed around in lust as her eyes took on a yellow glow. The solution then faded and formed into sheer white pantyhose. As with Larry, the woman knelt down and placed her hand on Jenny’s head, filling it with commands of obedience and servitude. The moans stopped and with her eyes still glowing, Jenny got to her feet and stood at attention next to Larry.


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