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Soldiers of Pearl 6: A Touch of Fear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You mean the one in the park?” Stack asked her.

  She looked at him and was surprised he knew which one. It meant so much to her because that was another step in the direction of giving these men a chance at caring for her. Stack had been watching her, and she hadn’t even known it. He respected her craft. He’d understood, seen the mode of her creativity, and dared not disturb her. That touched her in ways she could never tell him.

  “Yes. I want to keep that one.”

  “It sold last night,” Bandit informed her.

  “What? No, it couldn’t have. I didn’t want it to. Are you sure?” she asked.

  Breaker held her gaze. “We were there. It sold.”

  “Oh no. I have to call Howard. I have to get it back. It can’t belong to someone else.” She was in a panic as she searched for her purse and her phone. Breaker grabbed her hand and led her from the room.

  “Breaker, I need to call Howard. That painting was mine, and I wanted to keep it. It was important to me. I don’t want someone else to have it.”

  “The man who bought it seemed to really have fallen in love with it,” Bandit told her as he and the others followed her and Breaker from the kitchen.

  “No, he couldn’t have because it was meant for—”

  “For who? You had someone in mind when you painted that landscape? It makes you think of someone special?” Breaker asked as he stood in front of her and held her shoulders.

  She felt the tears in her eyes. She’d wanted that picture for them and for her, to share and remember the precious moments of them letting their guards down.

  “Yes, Breaker. I wanted it for all of us. It was that day you were in the park watching me and I didn’t even know it. You said you saw how I was painting in my zone, and I was. I was also thinking of the four of you as I caught sight of a couple kissing. It looked like their first kiss. I wasn’t sure if it was or not, but it made me think of Bandit’s kiss and Stack’s kiss. It made me want to let my guard down and allow Logan and you into my heart too. I can’t believe some man has that painting in his possession. I can’t.”

  Breaker smiled softly.

  “Not just any man or men. Turn around, Maggie,” Breaker told her, and she didn’t understand what was happening until he pressed on her shoulders and turned her.

  There, right above the large fireplace in the living room, was the portrait she’d painted.

  She gasped, covered her mouth with her hands, and cried.

  Breaker pressed up against her back and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you, baby. That painting means just as much to all of us as it does to you. There was no way we’d let Howard sell it.”

  She turned in his arms and hugged him as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks.

  “I love you too. I love all of you.” She pulled back and looked at her men.

  They were smiling, and each placed a hand on her and each took their time kissing her and telling her they loved her and that the painting would remain in their home forever.

  Logan took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the knuckles.

  “When we get back from our business trips, all of us are going to talk about you moving in here and starting a family. We want it all, Maggie. We want you in our lives forever.”

  She hugged him tightly and told them she wanted that too and she’d never felt happier in her life. She had four American soldiers to love, and she would love them fully, with all her heart, body, and soul.

  Chapter 8

  “How are you holding up?” Cynthia asked Maggie as Cynthia sat on the chair in her bedroom while Maggie packed.

  “This sucks,” Maggie said, and Cynthia chuckled.

  “Of course it does. You finally let your guard down and accepted Logan, Stack, Breaker, and Bandit as lovers and then you all have to leave for business trips. That does suck. But…Monday will be here soon enough. You’ll be so busy at the gallery it will go by quickly.”

  “All the while I’ll be worried about them. You know they won’t tell me exactly what they do for a living, but I know it’s dangerous.”

  “Well, they saved Dee’s life. The way it went down I’d say your men are very resourceful. I also overheard Karl and Hunter talking one night about your men’s expertise. I think they’re some kind of trackers. Like they are able to find missing people or get hired to smoke out criminals.”

  “You mean to arrest them and charge them for their crimes?”

  Cynthia shrugged. “Or kill them for their crimes. Maybe they’re like mercenaries or hired hit men?”

  Maggie wrapped her arm around her waist and stared at Cynthia. Cynthia wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  “How fucking sexy is that? They’re trained, professional killers who bring justice to victims’ families.”

  “Oh God, that is crazy. It can’t be.”

  But how ironic was that? Maggie wondered as she thought about her past and the fear she had been forced to live with on her own. If men like Breaker, Stack, Bandit, and Logan had been around to protect her back then, Corbin would be behind bars or even dead. She swallowed hard.

  “Hey, don’t go freaking out. They’re smart, and they’re filled with muscles. I’d say they’ll return unscathed and you guys will have even greater, wilder sex when you all return to one another Monday night.”

  “Listen to you, Miss Expert on Sex and Relationships.”

  “Hey, for a woman who was scared out of her mind about having sex, never mind engaging in a ménage relationship, I sure have gained one hell of a sexual appetite. In fact, I was seriously thinking about ordering some sex toys at this site online. The packages come completely unlabeled so no one knows what I’m ordering.”

  Maggie laughed as she continued to pack. “And what exactly would you be ordering?”

  “”Oh, I don’t know, maybe a few vibrators, some butt plugs and nipple clamps. Oh, and one of those small whips and fuzzy handcuffs.”

  “Oh God, Cynthia.”

  “I can see you blushing. I bet you would love for your men to tie you up and let them have their wicked way with you.”

  “I think traditional lovemaking will due just fine for now, thank you,” Maggie said as she thought about her men and the intensity of their lovemaking. Especially Wednesday night when they’d made love for the last time before having to bring her home and head to the airport. They didn’t even tell her where they were going.

  “Honey, there is not traditional sex in a ménage relationship. Unless you didn’t make love to them together.”

  “No, we did, and it was amazing, but sex toys, nipple clamps and butt plugs, whatever they are, will have to wait for maybe way in the future.”

  Cynthia chuckled.

  “Not with those four men you snagged. They look like they like to get wild, and what better way to celebrate their return home than to have some very interesting toys for them to try on you waiting by the bed?” Cynthia suggested and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. Maggie laughed.

  “You’re crazy,” she said, and Cynthia leaned back in the chair and smiled wide. “And you are definitely interested in ordering with me. Come on. The things will get here by Monday.”

  She pulled Maggie’s iPad off her desk and then sat down and brought up the website. Maggie looked over her shoulder in shock as she saw some of the items. She nibbled her bottom lip and wondered what her men might like and what she might like.

  “Well?” Cynthia asked.

  “I’m in. Let’s read the description on that one.” Maggie pointed to a gift set that contained a multitude of products, including a blindfold and a pair of restraining cuffs.

  “Oh yeah, I knew you had a very naughty side to you, girl. I’m going to get that set too.”

  They both laughed, and Maggie sighed. Monday seemed like such a long time away. God, let me get through this. I’m missing them so much already.

  * * * *

  It was Saturday night, and the gallery was jammed packed. McCoy’s
was a huge venue and very well known in the industry, so a multitude of big shots were in attendance. Howard was by the main table concluding another order and looking around for Maggie. She was going to go crazy when he told her he’d just sold her painting for thirty-five thousand dollars to one secretive man. A cash sale, and Howard felt his forehead perspiring as the man in front of him handed over the cash.

  He looked to be in his mid thirties. He was hard, as if he’d seen a lot in his life and wasn’t a friendly man at all. But he had muscles and was built well, which Howard found attractive. He flirted with the man a little to feel him out. Lots of times the big macho types were as gay as could be but hid it from society. Howard didn’t mind much at all. He liked a good time as much as any other single guy.

  Howard licked his lips. “Are you staying in the hotel?”

  “Yeah. You?” he replied.

  Howard placed his hands under his chin and gave the guy the once-over. He would be nice to roll around with.

  The guy looked around them and then back at Howard.

  “How about the artist who painted what I just bought for a friend? She staying here too?”

  Howard was instantly disappointed. Maggie was a knockout.

  “She’s is, but she’s taken,” he said because he was insulted. The guy seemed annoyed, and then he smirked.

  “You know her well, huh?”

  “Good friends and business associates,” Howard said and glanced away as he closed up the receipt book.

  “Do you get a break from here at all?” he asked, drawing Howard’s attention back to him.

  “Yeah, I’ve got coverage for a bit.”

  The guy smiled. “Meet me by the corner bar in ten?”

  Howard nodded, surprised at the direction the conversation had turned. Looks like the sexy guy was more a man’s man than a woman’s. Howard watched him walk away and reach for his cell phone. He had money and power. Now that would be nice.

  Howard caught sight of Maggie and gave her a wave. She looked tired, and she was working so hard. She also seemed to be missing her men. She mentioned a few times about Monday not coming soon enough. He had to smile. She’d never dated anyone and she always seemed to hold back and decline men’s advances for dates. He’d witnessed that many times over the past two years, and he wondered why she declined. He had asked her once, and she mentioned getting hurt and not trusting easily. He could understand that. Howard envied her because it seemed she’d found four men who truly loved her. His heart had melted when Breaker bought her painting before some other guy did. They seemed like good men, and he hoped they loved her like she obviously loved them.

  He looked at his watch and waved over at one of the other helpers to cover for him. Fixing his bow tie and then his sliding his palms along his hair, he headed toward the bar.

  “Watch out, tough guy. You’re not going to know what hit ya.”

  * * * *

  Maggie was walking through the gallery, as she finally had an opportunity to view some of the more famous artists’ work on her own. Howard was nowhere to be found, but Lester said he’d seen him by the bar an hour ago with some attractive big guy. She smiled to herself. Howard was a character, and maybe if he met some guy he could hook up with, he wouldn’t keep reminding her about Breaker, Logan, Stack, and Bandit and how good looking and sexy they were. She missed them terribly.

  She felt her purse vibrate. She was going to let it go to voice mail because she knew it wouldn’t be one of them calling or texting her. They said they couldn’t from where they were going.

  She reached into her purse and saw it was Howard.


  “Where are you?” he asked in a high-pitched voice and then giggled. He had been drinking. Good for him. She sure could use a drink, but they had a good two hours left to stay and mingle.

  “In the back room by the elevators, checking out Hendrix’s portrait of a man’s fantasy. I think the model is supposed to be a hooker. Have you seen these?” she asked as she looked sideways.

  “Stay right there. You’re not going to believe this, but the man who has been secretly purchasing your artwork is here in McCoy’s. He traveled from abroad. Well, that’s what his assistant told me. Anyway, he’s headed your way. Be nice and let me know how it goes. Oh, by the way, he purchased the last piece of yours for thirty-five thousand,” he said in a high-pitched voice again.

  Maggie was shocked. She felt her cell phone vibrate with a message as she ran one palm along the long green dress she wore. It was very snug-fitting and accentuated her breasts but wasn’t as revealing as the black dress she’d worn in Tranquility.

  She smiled wide, surprised by the text. They told her they wouldn’t be able to text from where they were. As she read the text from Breaker, she couldn’t help but feel excited and lighthearted. She missed them so much. She couldn’t wait to be with them again.

  Miss you. See you in two days.

  She texted back.

  Miss you guys, too. I am about to meet the man who has been secretly buying my paintings. Wish me luck.

  Good luck.

  She put the phone in her bag and waited for the door to open. When time passed and it seemed as if he wasn’t coming, she walked farther into the hallway and to the next room. She looked at the paintings, surprised that no one was in here. The images were quite beautiful. One was of a young teenage girl holding her dress against her chest as she sat on a couch sideways. The back of the dress was open down to her lower back. She looked beautiful and innocent, but her eyes appeared to show concern.

  “She’s not as beautiful of a teenager as you once were.”

  Maggie swung around at the sound of the voice and stumbled backward.


  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t get her feet to move as she watched him approach, dressed in a suit, looking important and pompous. He seemed smaller or maybe it was because she was a grown woman now and had spent several hours in the arms and presence of four very large, tall men.

  She’d turned to look away, prepared to leave, when she heard his strong voice.

  “Stay still,” he demanded, and she jumped as the metal doors to the room closed and a tall, large man stood guard there.

  She was so scared she was shaking, and a thousand thoughts went through her head as she watched him and absorbed his appearance. She was older now, but the man still induced fear in her like nothing ever had before.

  He stepped around her and looked at the painting of the teenage girl and then back at her.

  “I remember you like that. All dressed up for one of your father’s business parties. You were sixteen, and your dress was a golden yellow. Your mother had you pose by the rose bushes.”

  He walked closer to her and then around her.

  “Look at the picture. See how the dress falls from her shoulders, baring her soft, silky skin. Her eyes are glazed over in passion, in need of a man’s direction and guidance.”

  She swallowed hard. She needed to stand her ground. He wouldn’t get away with doing this to her. Not now. Now when she was twenty-four years old and no longer a weak, easily manipulated child.

  “She looks scared to me. Like perhaps the one watching her shouldn’t be watching her. She’s just a child.”

  He grabbed her shoulders tightly and held her firmly. His body pressed up against hers.

  “You forget our times together, Maggie? You used to abide by the rules and never talk back. Never question my orders, my proclamations to you.” His grip was firm, but she wouldn’t show fear. His hand moved along her shoulder to her neck, and he massaged her muscle. She felt sick and tried stepping from his hold, but then he wrapped his arm snugly around her waist.

  She felt his hot breath against her skin as tears filled her eyes.

  “I’ve waited for you for far too long. My patience will be your reward when I take you slowly and finally claim you as mine.”

  She shook her head. “No. Never. I’ll never be yours. You can’t do t
his to me.” She tried to pull from his hold, and he squeezed tighter.

  “The hiding is over now, my love. I’ve got it all planned out just as I told you I would. You remember, don’t you, Maggie? You remember my promises?” His lips touched her skin, and she felt sick and angry as she tightened up and tried to pull from him. He wouldn’t have it.

  “Remember? I know you do. Now tell me. What did I promise?” he demanded to know.

  She shook her head as the tears stung her eyes.

  “I’ll refresh your memory, but I expect real answers when we leave here and start our lives together.”

  “What? No. No, I’m not going anywhere with you,” she told him, and he squeezed tighter, making her cry out in pain.

  ‘”I said that you were going to be my everything. That you would be my perfect little wife. That I would teach you to be the best, most obedient lover. You’ll learn to serve me, to honor and obey me.”

  “I’d rather die,” she said to him in anger.

  “That can be arranged,” he said, and then he waved his hand.

  She was so angry and scared that she pulled free from his hold as she turned her back on the man approaching, and she screamed at Corbin, “I hate you! I always have, and I won’t go anywhere you. I have men who love me, and they’ll kill you for touching me.”

  He squinted his eyes tightly and stalked toward her. The smack across her cheek came at her so fast. The other man caught her by her shoulders. She felt enraged as she swung at Corbin and missed him. He grabbed her throat and held her tight. She couldn’t breathe. He was choking her as she gripped his wrists and he lifted her off the ground.

  “Do it, Pete. It seems my prize likes it a little rough.”

  He lowered her feet to the floor and started to loosen his hold on her throat. She was crying, and she tried to get him away from her. He just stood there and smiled, and she didn’t know what to do and why he wasn’t saying a word. She felt the prick to her neck and gasped as he let go and dizziness overtook her. The other guy caught her, and instantly she was numb as she stared up at Corbin’s smirking expression.


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