Book Read Free

Private Party

Page 7

by Graeme Aitken

  Whopper looked startled. ‘Really?’

  I nodded.

  ‘Oh,’ said Whopper looking genuinely downcast. ‘Gee, that’s a shame.’

  I did not appreciate being judged and found wanting by this ageing ‘Lion King’ fan. ‘Let’s look at yours then,’ I said tersely, suddenly wondering if the photo he had on his profile was for real or swiped from somewhere.

  Whopper unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled it out, this great fat thing, the size of an infant’s arm. ‘Wow,’ I said, amazed. ‘You really are huge.’

  ‘Yeah,’ said Whopper proudly, ‘and it’s not even hard yet.’

  ‘I’ll get you hard,’ I offered and began to get down on my knees, but Whopper backed away from me.

  ‘Whoa, hang on there buddy.’

  ‘What’s the problem?’ I asked.

  ‘Well, you’ve acted pretty disinterested ever since I got here. Then my cock comes out and you change your tune,’ Whopper shrugged.

  I couldn’t believe it. He was acting like a teenage girl. But his cock was still hanging there, tantalisingly, and I really wanted to get my mouth around it. I could see I was going to have to indulge him. I apologised but even that wasn’t good enough.

  ‘Yeah yeah. All you pretty boys ever want is to suck on it, be ploughed by it, then once you’ve come, you’ll get all uppity with me again. Mate, I’ve been there before.’

  Whopper began to tuck it away. ‘Hang on, hang on,’ I protested. ‘You’re here now. Can’t we work something out?’

  Whopper looked dubious, but then his expression changed. ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘I’d like you to kiss me and have the same look in your eye as you did just now, when you wanted to suck me.’

  Now it was my turn to feel uncertain. I was an actor, but could I fake that sort of lust? I had my doubts. We both stared at one another, at an impasse, when suddenly there was a familiar whoosh from my computer. ‘Ah, you have a new message. Popular boy,’ said Whopper, somewhat sarcastically.

  That message put a new slant on the situation. Perhaps it would be easier to give up on Whopper who was proving to be such hard work and check out this new prospect.

  ‘Let’s take a look,’ Whopper said, striding over to my computer.


  ‘Let’s check him out. If we both like him, let’s have him over for a three-way and that’ll solve our problem.’

  I wasn’t entirely sure about Whopper’s logic. It seemed to me that he was trying to muscle in on my trade. Whopper sat down at my computer and opened the message. It was from a guy whose profile I’d checked out earlier, and left a track on.

  Whopper opened his profile. GreekFreak was thirty-five, hairy chest, nice face, a top, who lived in Woolloomooloo. In his private pics was a very tempting photo of his erection.

  ‘Shall we?’ asked Whopper.

  I hesitated. Whopper leant back in the chair, and brandished his cock at me. ‘Don’t you still want this?’

  I nodded which Whopper interpreted as a yes on both counts. He began to write a message to GreekFreak inviting him over for a threesome. I didn’t stop him. Instead, I reached down and began to fondle his cock while he typed. It began to grow beneath my fingers. Whopper sent his message and glanced up at me. ‘You like that?’ he asked huskily.

  I nodded as I kneaded it, then leant over and kissed him. We were interrupted by a new message. The Greek had responded, confirming he was up for it. Whopper asked for my address and while he was sending it to the Greek, pushed me down on my knees to suck his cock. After a minute or so, I was vaguely aware that Whopper was still busy on my computer and glanced up. ‘Just checking who’s in your favourites,’ Whopper reassured me. ‘Seeing what type of guys you like. This HotBloke is something. You had him?’

  I could only nod. My mouth was full, very full. ‘Shall we ask him over too?’ suggested Whopper.

  I nodded again. I didn’t care. I was totally preoccupied and I knew HotBloke wouldn’t come anyway. ‘I’ll tell him to bring his boyfriend,’ Whopper added. ‘Say we’re having a bit of a party.’

  That gave me a moment’s pause. The boyfriend had been keen on me and would probably jump at the invitation. I took a break from working the Whopper. ‘Tell him that they both have to come,’ I said sternly. ‘Not just the boyfriend, both of them.’

  Whopper nodded and chuckled as he typed the message. ‘So you like a crowd? You are a naughty boy. Okay, I’ll see who else I can find to join us.’

  ‘That’s not what I meant,’ I tried to protest but Whopper just grinned, then guided me back towards his cock which had now swollen up to its full magnificence.

  I gazed at it in wonder feeling certain that Whopper must surpass Rick in the size stakes, a thought which turned me on even more. ‘Thinking about how much you want that in your arse, eh?’ snickered Whopper, his hand delving down the back of my jeans. ‘Yeah, I’m gonna make you squeal like a pig.’

  Actually that remark made me think a little more seriously about taking the Whopper. Sure, being fucked by that thing was an enormous fantasy, but in reality, I began to have my doubts. I’d always been on top in my relationship with Blake. The only times I’d been fucked was when we’d had our three-ways or I’d cheated on him. Though I’d been making up for my deprivation since discovering Gaydar, was I really ready to be impaled by the Whopper? Then I remembered that both the Greek and HotBloke were tops, while HotBloke’s boyfriend was ‘dying to fuck me’. Suddenly, I felt a little too popular and the idea of having another bottom or two to ‘share the load’ seemed imperative. ‘Find a couple of guys who are passive,’ I instructed Whopper. ‘I think we’ve invited a surplus of tops.’

  ‘Good point,’ Whopper nodded. ‘And it’ll be no problem rustling up a couple of bottoms in this town. In fact, I know just the pair. They’ve been sniffing around the Whopper for weeks.’

  Whopper pulled up their profiles for me to inspect. ‘And they’re online,’ Whopper exclaimed with delight.

  SmartArse32 (passive) and his boyfriend Butch-Bitch (versatile) were a hot looking couple who I vaguely recognised from dance parties over the years. ‘Okay,’ I agreed. ‘Let’s ask them over.’

  Whopper typed the message. While we waited for their reply, we studied their private photos more closely. They replied almost instantly saying they could make it in thirty minutes. I took over the keyboard and sent them a message with the address. Whopper pulled me into his lap. ‘You like the feel of The Whopper, don’t you? Pressing up against your hole? Wanna try it for size before the others arrive.’

  I quickly scrambled out of his lap. ‘I think I’d better get things organised,’ I said hastily, ‘seeing as we’re expecting a few guys. Get the condoms and lube out, find a few towels.’

  Whopper sighed. ‘Okay, but hurry back. The Whopper’s rearing to go here.’

  I took my sweet time. I went into the bedroom, pulled the blinds and took the doona off the bed. Then I retrieved the pump pack of lube and a box of condoms, and dug out some towels. My wallet and mobile were sitting out, so I hid them, and then scouted the room for anything else of value that should be tucked away. Finally, I went into the bathroom to check my appearance and freshen up.

  ‘Still no response from HotBloke,’ Whopper called out to me. ‘Looks like he’s not into it or he’s away from his computer.’

  I walked back into the living room and offered Whopper a beer. However, when I took it over to him, I was startled to see that he was sending a message to someone. I checked the screen. The computer was still logged into my profile and he was sending messages!

  ‘What are you doing?’ I asked icily. ‘Who was that message to?’

  Whopper turned, startled by my tone. ‘Well, HotBloke and boyfriend aren’t coming, so I invited a couple of others.’

  ‘What?’ I bellowed. ‘You’ve invited people over here without checking with me first?’

  ‘You were busy and we need a couple of backups, in case some guys don’t show,’ he justified himself.
‘You know how it is. Guys make an arrangement, then never show up. It must have happened to you.’

  It hadn’t, though I had been guilty of that practice myself once or twice.

  ‘What’s the big deal if we end up with five or six guys instead of four? It’s just more fun all round, right?’

  ‘Show me who you’ve asked over,’ I demanded.

  ‘Okay, okay, but chill man. I’ve done this before and it was sweet. No problems.’

  ‘This is one of Sydney’s premiere buildings,’ I said, quoting GymHotJock. ‘Things can’t get out of hand.’

  ‘Yeah, well exactly. You’ve got a bloody concierge downstairs. He won’t let anyone dodgy into the building.’

  ‘Show me who you invited over,’ I repeated coldly.

  Whopper retrieved the profile of a muscular Asian boy, Fornicasian. ‘This guy sent you a message while you were in the bathroom, so I responded, told him what we were doing and he’s keen.’

  I didn’t believe him. I hadn’t heard any message arrive.

  ‘He’s hot, isn’t he? Look at that arse and he loves to be fucked too.’

  I nodded reluctantly. He was sexy and didn’t look like he’d be trouble but nevertheless, Whopper had overstepped the bounds. It seemed to me that he was making use of my profile—my youth and looks—to snare the guys who usually ignored him. ‘Anyone else?’ I demanded.

  Whopper hesitated and I knew he’d sent out more messages. But before he could reply, the buzzer rang. Whopper and I exchanged a glance. I went over to the video intercom, with Whopper hard on my heels. To my surprise it was HotBloke and his boyfriend. ‘Hey. Buzz us up,’ HotBloke demanded.

  I couldn’t obey fast enough. ‘Sweet,’ Whopper grinned. ‘They made it after all.’

  ‘Yeah, but how many guys have we got coming over now?’

  ‘Oh chill, it’ll be cool.’

  We were still arguing over Whopper’s transgression when the doorbell rang. Desperate to get away from me haranguing him, Whopper darted away to answer it. HotBloke stepped inside, nodded curtly to me and introduced Moby, who winked at me and tried to pat me on the arse. But I was intent on HotBloke, whose eyes were looking beyond me, scanning the room, checking out what was—or rather wasn’t—going on. ‘Is all the action in the bedroom?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeah, well actually, you got here faster than we thought,’ I explained. ‘You guys are the first to arrive. Can I get you a beer while we’re waiting?’

  HotBloke looked unimpressed. ‘Four guys isn’t what I call a sex party,’ he complained.

  ‘Hey mate, just chill,’ Whopper interceded. ‘We’re expecting twelve, maybe fifteen hot guys and they’ll be here as quick as they can. While we’re waiting you can come over here, get down on your knees and take it in turns to suck my big cock.’

  Whopper pulled his cock out. There was not another word of protest or disappointment from HotBloke. He and MobyDick obeyed Whopper’s instructions, as if they’d been hypnotised. Whopper’s claim that we were expecting twelve to fifteen guys gave me a moment’s pause, though I figured he was exaggerating to keep the two of them interested. He had to be exaggerating. But I couldn’t have quizzed him about it anyway—HotBloke had just thrust his erection into Whopper’s mouth.

  Watching the three of them go at it was kind of mesmerising and pretty soon anything other than a desire to ease my way in on the action had drifted out of my head. Whopper noticed me hovering. ‘Your turn,’ he instructed me, pulling his dick away from Moby and nodding at me to take over.

  It was so hot: sucking on Whopper while I watched him suck HotBloke, who in turn was whispering filthy encouragement in my ear. When Whopper paused for a rest, I fell upon HotBloke’s cock with a hunger that I’d been nursing for the past couple of months. Meanwhile, Moby had started unzipping my jeans. Things were getting extremely heated between the four of us when the buzzer sounded. I really didn’t want to stop and attend to it, so I didn’t. When it buzzed for a second time, Whopper nudged me. ‘Hey, get the door buddy.’

  Reluctantly, I disengaged and ran over to the intercom. It was Butch-Bitch and SmartArse and I quickly buzzed them in. But when I tried to return to where I was, Whopper was greedily working HotBloke’s cock. However, HotBloke swept me into a kiss. Wrapped in his arms, I was swooning, when the doorbell rang. I cursed and hurried across to let the newcomers in. I scarcely glanced at them, just nodded hi, and shut the door behind them. I was in no mood to play host. As far as I was concerned, Whopper had invited these two and he was responsible for any niceties. But as I moved back to join the fun, Butch-Bitch caught me by the sleeve. ‘So what’s the deal here? Are there any rules we should know about?’

  I groaned inwardly. Not another couple with fucking rules. ‘What do you mean?’ I snapped impatiently.

  ‘Usually at this sort of thing there are some rules. Like say no politely and accept it in the same spirit.’

  ‘And something about safe sex. Unless this is a bare-backing party?’ SmartArse added hopefully.

  ‘It’s not,’ I said tersely. ‘Strictly safe sex.’

  ‘I don’t see any condoms,’ pouted SmartArse.

  ‘The condoms are in the bedroom. I’ll get them. Things just kind of got started out here.’

  ‘Yeah well maybe you should pull those blinds,’ added Butch-Bitch. ‘And what’s the deal with refreshments? If there’s some beer going, I’ll take one.’

  ‘Me too,’ said SmartArse as he began to undress. ‘Do you have Cascade? And what about plastic bags to keep everyone’s clothes separate?’

  ‘Perhaps you’d like me to hang them in my wardrobe for you?’ I said sarcastically, furious that I was being treated as a maid.

  ‘Yeah, okay, that’d do the trick,’ said SmartArse, handing me his shoes and tee shirt. ‘Hang on, just let me get out of my jeans and underwear.’

  I couldn’t believe him, but as I stood there flabbergasted, Butch-Bitch started giving me his garments as well. ‘Hey check him out,’ said Butch-Bitch, nudging his boyfriend and indicating HotBloke.

  SmartArse looked over approvingly. ‘Yeah, definitely. I hope he’s a top. Hey you, do you know if the guy with the cropped hair is a top?’

  It took me a moment to realise that ‘Hey you’ was addressed to me. That was the last straw. I dropped their clothes on the floor and headed back to HotBloke before I had to fight those two for him. ‘Hey man, the blinds,’ Butch-Bitch called after me.

  He was right. I did need to close them. I hurried across and snapped them shut. Then I remembered the condoms. It seemed some of my guests would need little encouragement to fuck without them. As I hurried past Butch-Bitch and SmartArse, en-route to the bedroom, SmartArse tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at their pile of clothes. I kept walking, though I did do a double take. SmartArse was a petulant, demanding little miss, but now that he was stark naked, I could appreciate that he did have a superb arse (which he was trying to position in HotBloke’s line of vision) and a cock that had morphed into a very tasty mouthful indeed.

  I scooped up the supplies from the bedroom, checked myself in the mirror, but when I turned to leave, MobyDick was standing in the doorway, stroking his cock. ‘I saw you come in here. So you’d like something more private, eh? I like shy boys. They’re always the hottest fucks.’

  I was surprised to see him there—he’d seemed so engrossed only moments earlier when I’d walked by him—that I really couldn’t think what to say to get rid of him. ‘I’m sure you remember me from my messages. I sent you some nice photos of this,’ he said, shaking his cock at me. ‘I’ve wanted you ever since my boyfriend showed me your profile and told me about your session together. And now here we are, alone together at last.’

  ‘Yeah, but unfortunately I’m kind of busy right now,’ I said trying to keep my voice polite. ‘I’m the host and so have a few chores and responsibilities. I really need to get this stuff out to those guys. We wouldn’t want your boyfriend to go doing anything without a condom.’

  ‘Oh he does that stuff all the time,’ said Moby carelessly. ‘He’s a bad boy.’

  That gave me a moment’s pause and suddenly I didn’t feel quite so strongly about getting back to HotBloke. In fact, I felt relieved that he’d never fucked me. ‘Well, he shouldn’t,’ I said fiercely.

  Moby stepped closer and began to run his hands over me. ‘But doing what we shouldn’t is always the most fun. I mean you should really be looking after your guests, but why not let this guest look after you instead? My boyfriend told me what you like, every detail.’

  Moby took my hand and shoved it against his erect cock. ‘Do you like my MobyDick?’

  Of course I grasped it, seeing as it was right there, and while I did, Moby was easing down my jeans and underwear. I was thinking about what Butch-Bitch had said—say no politely and it will be taken in that spirit—but when I tried to step away from Moby, my feet got tangled in my jeans, which were now round my ankles and I fell onto the bed. Moby took this as an invitation and the next thing I knew, he had spread my arse cheeks and begun to rim me. It actually felt so good, I couldn’t bring myself to push him off and I decided to just let him do his thing for a while. But then after a minute or two, I found I was really getting into it, and kicking myself free of my jeans so that I could spread my arse cheeks just that little bit wider.

  Then the buzzer sounded but I no longer wanted an excuse to leave. Moby really knew what he was doing back there. ‘Keep going,’ I hissed. ‘Someone else can get it.’

  I was aware of someone talking into the intercom and then a knock at the door a few minutes later, but I really didn’t care who it was. I was too caught up in the moment. Later, someone new came into the bedroom, the Greek guy, who sported an impressive erection and had a deliciously muscular hairy chest. ‘You got condoms in here?’ he asked brusquely.


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