Our Secrets

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Our Secrets Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “Anything you want to tag on me,” she answers, lifting her shirt over her head.

  She’s not wearing a bra so her naked, fake tits are on full display. Another turn off for me. I like a woman who’s real and doesn’t have silicone or whatever they use filling her body.

  “Where you gettin’ it?”

  “Anywhere you want, baby,” she says, walking over to me and trying to run her hand down my chest.

  “Listen, Jasmine, you’re here to get a tattoo and nothin’ more. If I wanted to fuck you, I would’ve already taken the ride. Obviously, I don’t want to fuck you,” I state, my voice laced with anger.

  “You don’t mean that,” she rebukes. “Tags, you want me. I don’t know why you’re trying to deny it.”

  “Listen, Jasmine. I’m not about to fuck someone who everyone in Willow Creek and the surrounding towns have taken a ride on. You’re nothin’ special as far as I’m concerned. So, you’re either gettin’ a tattoo or not. If not, get the fuck outta my shop right now,” I yell out, knowing they’ll be able to hear me even through the partially soundproof room we’re in.

  I watch as she huffs and rolls her eyes at me. Instead of letting her antics get me even angrier than I already am, I turn my back while she makes her decision. Plus, I want her to know what she’s showing doesn’t entice me in the least.

  “Fine,” she says, her voice dripping with attitude. “I’ll have a butterfly on my shoulder I guess.”

  “Get on the chair with your back facin’ out,” my tone is professional and the one I use with all my patients.

  There’s no way in hell I’m about to let this bitch think I want her in any way. I draw up a simple as fuck butterfly, so it won’t take me much time at all. The sooner she’s out of here, the better I’ll feel. Plus, I’ll be able to get Grinder in here even earlier. He’s waiting on me to message him at this point.

  “What colors?” I growl out, my frustration at her being in my chair.

  “What’s your favorite color?” she asks, turning her head to look at me while running her gaze down my body.

  “None of your fuckin’ business,” I state. “Either tell me a color or I’m gonna fuckin’ make the whole thing black.”

  “You can’t do that, Tags. I’ll ruin your reputation if you do,” she tries to intimidate me.

  “Like anyone values your opinion. No one around here likes you. And I have clients comin’ from more than just here. You can’t do shit to me,” I state the truth for her.

  Jasmine is not going to try to pull some shit on me. She can kiss someone’s ass if she thinks that’s going to happen. Definitely not mine though. While I’m still staring at her, she begins to laugh. The sound grates on my nerves as it echoes through my small room.

  “I’m not playin’ games here. Either give me a color or it’s bein’ done in black,” I utter, keeping my voice low and menacing so she might finally get the clue I’m not playing with her.

  “It will be red, I guess. And purple.”

  Nodding my head at her, I fill the tubs with ink I’ll need. Once that’s done, I make sure the area I’ll be working on is free of hair and get to work. She saw the picture and I’m not going to bother putting a stencil on her for a damn butterfly I’ve done on thousands of women so far in my life. It’s one I can do in my sleep. If I were an asshole, I’d fuck everything up on her. I don’t have it in me to do that to anyone sitting in my chair, though. So, I put the ink in her skin, change out the gun with new, disposable sterile needles, and get started on the colors. Since she didn’t say how she wanted it, I’m coloring it in as I see fit.

  This isn’t my usual practice. I’d usually stop and ask the client what they want and how they want things done. Jasmine is a bitch and I just want her gone. So, I’m doing the easiest thing I can. Within a half hour, her tat is done and I’m cleaning up her skin. The second she’s done, covered, and I can step away from her, I do.

  “That’s it?” she questions, almost purring once again like a cat in heat.


  “When am I gonna get your number?” she questions, picking up her purse.

  “Never. You can go now,” I tell her, opening the door so she gets the hint.

  Jasmine looks at me with her eyes slightly hooded. Does absolutely nothing for me.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me,” she says, blowing me a kiss as she insinuates something more happened than a tattoo.

  “Vic get her outta here. Millie, you guys can leave when you’re done here.”

  Turning back around, I go in my room and shut the door. Pulling out my phone, I message Grinder, telling him to come over. No one needs to be here while I work on him. I prefer no one to be here too. If something comes up, we can talk and handle it without worrying about anyone else overhearing shit they shouldn’t. Plus, I need to get Victoria out of here.

  She’s constantly on my mind and I’m going insane with my thoughts and with wanting her. I want to know everything about her. Including the secrets, she’s hiding. They’re bad and she’s not going to solve them by herself. If what she’s been doing, drinking, is anything to go by. I’m so damn frustrated with her and the situation.

  Walking out in the shop, I see Victoria still sitting at her desk. She’s on her phone looking at something as I walk closer to her. When she finally hears my steps walking toward her, she jumps out of her skin.

  “What’s goin’ on? I thought you would’ve left when the others did,” I state, leaning against the end of the desk and looking at her.

  “I’m lookin’ up a tow truck. My car won’t start,” she answers, turning her attention back to her phone.

  “Why not call your brothers?”

  “Because I don’t need them for every little thing in my life that goes wrong,” she growls at me. “I can do things on my own, ya know.”

  “I know you can. Been doin’ it for a long time, babe. Just wonderin’ why you’d rather hang out here when I said to leave instead of walkin’ home. You didn’t used to drive your car here. It’s only been a little bit and now you are,” I inform her, knowing she doesn’t think I pay attention to her and what she does.

  “There’s reasons. I’ll handle it on my own. So, I’m going to call for a tow and ride home. I’ll be gone before you know it,” she informs me.

  “Don’t rush away on my account,” I respond, letting my hungry gaze roam over her body.

  Before she can respond, Grinder walks in. He’s wearing a shit eating smile on his face. I know what that look means. He’s going to cancel on me for a “hot piece of ass”.

  “You ready?” I ask him, standing up straight as he stares at Victoria with his best smile on his face.

  “Nope. Have to come back another day. Met a bitch in the diner when I went to get somethin’ to eat. Gonna make it an all-nighter,” he responds, still not taking his eyes off Vic.

  “Ewe! You’re gross, Grinder,” she tells him, not hiding the shock on her face at his admission.

  “I’m not gross. You ever want a ride, just let me know. I’d leave you more than satisfied. Though, you probably wouldn’t want anyone else’s dick after havin’ mine,” he teases her.

  “Like hell that will ever happen,” she states, pretending to throw up at the thought. “You’re like a brother to me.”

  “You wound me,” he says, grabbing his chest and pretending to fall backward.

  Victoria laughs and I swear it’s the first real laugh I’ve heard in a long time from her. Grinder laughs along with her as he steps back up to the desk.

  “So, when are you free?” he asks, looking at her as confusion fills her face.

  “For you, never,” she states again, more forcefully.

  “I meant your boss man,” he replies with a sheepish grin.

  She looks at the computer for my open slots. I’m watching over her shoulder to make sure there’s no more fuckups. Her body is rigid letting me know she feels me behind her. Oh well. I don’t know what to tell her. Fo
r now, she’s starting all over with me on a probationary period.

  “He’s got a four-hour window tomorrow afternoon. His appointment had to reschedule. That work for you?” she asks him, looking up from beneath her eye lashes.

  “Works for me,” he answers before leaving the shop.

  “Alright, get your shit,” I order her. “I’ll take you home and we’ll figure out your car later on. Your brothers will probably pick it up and take it to our shop. That work for you?”

  Victoria rolls her eyes at me and I stand before her, crossing my arms over my chest. Her eyes are immediately drawn there.

  “I guess.”

  Once she has everything of hers, I make sure the front door is locked. On our way out the back door, I set the alarm and let the door slam shut behind us. Using my key, I make sure the door’s locked. Victoria is waiting for me. She hasn’t walked very far from me. Something is definitely going on with her. More than just the drinking.

  We head to my bike and I hand her the helmet since we’re only riding down the street. I don’t give a fuck if I wear one or not on this short distance. Straddling my bike, I wait for her to climb on behind me. Once she’s on, with her arms wrapped around my waist, and her body pressed close to mine, I start up my bike. Victoria rests her head against my back as I pull out from my spot. On the way to her apartment, I rest my hand on her thigh and feel her trembling. She always trembles from my touch. My cock goes from semi-hard to full on hard within seconds of feeling her tremble. Not an uncommon reaction when she’s around. Which sucks while we’re both in the shop.

  When I pull up to Victoria’s apartment, I shut the bike off to hear her talk and then put on my helmet to head to the clubhouse.

  “Um, do you want to come up?” she asks, shifting from one foot to another in nervousness.

  “Is that what you want? I’m tellin’ you right now, if I come up there, I’m gonna fuck you,” I respond honestly to her. “It’s been way too long since I sunk into your pussy and my cock has been hard every single day I see you.”

  Victoria looks up at me and nods her head. Her lip is pulled in between her teeth while she shoves her hands in the back pockets of her short as fuck shorts. She looks edible. I know I’m making a mistake by fucking her today, but I can’t help it. It wasn’t a lie when I said it’s been too long since I sunk inside her body.

  Getting off my bike, I rest my helmet on the handlebars and follow Victoria to the stairs leading up to her apartment. My eyes don’t leave her ass as her hips sway in front of me. She’s not trying to move her hips enticingly or anything; it’s all natural for her. Victoria is a woman filled with natural sex appeal, fire, sass, and determination. Which is what makes what she’s currently doing to herself even worse because none of that makes an appearance like I’ve seen for months on end now.

  The second we make it through her door, I have her up against a wall. I’m not waiting for a taste of Victoria any longer than I have to. She wraps her body around mine as our lips crash together in a heated, frenzied kiss. Our teeth mash together, and I slide my tongue inside her mouth, not slowing down as I move my hand between us. Lifting her shirt, I break our mouths apart to remove the offending clothing out of the way from her soft, pale skin.

  Looking down at her, I can almost count her ribs she’s lost so much weight. Maybe I shouldn’t be this rough with her. While I know she used to be able to take my roughness, I’m not sure about now. So, instead of taking her against the wall like I want to, I walk us into her bedroom. Her bed is actually made as I lay her across the top of the blankets. Victoria unbuttons her shorts and lifts her hips so she can remove the clothing while I pull my cut from my body and lay it across her dresser. Once that’s placed so it won’t fall to the floor, I hastily remove the rest of my clothes and kick my boots from my feet.

  Victoria is on the bed with her legs spread, one hand rubbing circles around her clit as she watches me stalk toward her. I slide my hand down until I’m stroking my hard cock. Her eyes never leave the movement of my hand sliding up and down my length. I love watching her touch herself as the moans begin to fall from her partially open lips.

  When I’m back at the end of her body, I move her hand from her wet, warm pussy.

  “Are you ready for me?” I ask her, my voice hoarse, low, and deeper than ever.

  Victoria nods her head at me, once again biting her lip in between her teeth. Something goes wild in me as I see her doing that every single time. I’ve never been as attracted to another woman in all my life. That’s why I want to help her, talk to her brothers and the club about us, and then see where we can go. I’d marry this woman laying before me and she has no clue I feel that way.

  Using my hand, I line up my cock with her opening. My intent is to slowly slide in her body, instead, once I feel her wrap around me, I lose all control and slam into her. We both moan out, echoing around her empty room. I remain still for a minute, my eyes locked on hers to make sure I didn’t hurt her. Victoria wraps her legs around my waist as I bend over her on the bed.

  “Fuck me, Colby,” she demands, her voice coming out on almost a whisper.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want you hard and fast. You’re right, it’s been too long,” she answers, digging her heels into my ass.

  I’m not one to deny a lady what she wants, so I begin to pump my hips in and out of her. Leaning down over her, I pull one of her hands from my chest and slide it between our bodies until she’s playing with her clit. Our mouths meet again in a frenzied kiss. There is just no going slow with Victoria this time. It’s been almost a month since I’ve last tasted her or been encased in her warm sheath.

  “Baby, you gotta get there,” I warn her, not wanting to find my release without her finding her own.

  Victoria’s back arches as I lean down and pull one of her nipples in my mouth. Biting and sucking on the hardened nipple as she begins to squirm beneath me and arch off the bed even more.

  “Colby!” she screams out, her body going taut as her eyes close.

  Her pussy is spasming around me. That’s all it takes to pull me over the edge with her. Bellowing out her name, I toss my head back and continue to pump in and out of her as my orgasm flows from my body into . . .. Fuck! I forgot a condom.

  Looking down at her, Victoria’s face is flushed, her eyes are hooded, and she looks completely sated.

  “Vic, baby, I didn’t use a condom,” I inform her as I slowly slide from her body.

  “What?” she questions, sitting upright so fast she almost knocks me on my ass.

  “I’m sorry,” I state, trying to put my arm around her.

  Victoria pulls back away from me. She moves off the opposite side of the bed and heads out of the room. I stand there, completely in shock about her attitude about this. This isn’t the first time I’ve forgotten to use a condom with her. She’s the only person I’ve ever not wrapped up with. This has something to do with whatever is going on with her. Now, I just need to figure out what it is.

  Walking to the bathroom, I hear the shower running. So, I make my way into the kitchen, grab a towel out of the drawer, and use it to clean up with. Once I’m done with it, I throw it away and make my way back to the bedroom. I’m not leaving her alone tonight like this. There’s no way in hell. Maybe I can get her to go an entire day without drinking. It’s a hope I have as I climb in the bed and pull the covers up to my waist to wait for her to come back out and join me.

  Chapter Seven


  WAKING UP THIS morning, I’m slammed into by two realizations. The first massive one is that I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol last night. When I invited Tags up to my apartment after work, it wasn’t so we could have sex. I’m terrified of Scott getting his hands on me. He’s in town, but that’s about as much as I know. I stopped reading his messages. There’s no point in blocking him because he’ll just buy burner phones and message me from them. Using one right after the other when I begin blocking them too. Y
es, he’s done this already.

  The second thing I realized is a hard body was wrapped around me and my body was infused with warmth I haven’t felt in a long time. You know, the heat from a man’s body who is wrapping you up as if you’re the most precious thing in the world to him. That’s how I wake up as Tags’ body is wrapped around me. I take a few minutes to savor the feeling before getting out of bed.

  I’m shaking and nauseous as I make my way to the bathroom. Even though I had a shower last night after having sex with Tags, I need another one. Plus, I can take a few sips of one of the bottles I have hidden in there. Hopefully that will be enough to stop my body from shaking as bad as it is. If not, I may have to come up with a reason to stay home.

  Last night, when Tags let me know he forgot to use a condom, I lost my shit. Not because I think he’s going to give me something, but because I’m not on birth control and the chance of getting pregnant again is very real. Knowing how broken I am from everything the last time; I know I wouldn’t survive losing another baby.

  Walking in the bathroom, I start the shower before searching through my drawers and cupboards for one of those little bottles of alcohol. The long I search for one, the more agitated I become. Did Tags remove them all from my house after seeing the empty bottle litter every room in the apartment?

  Finally, when I’m about to lose my mind, I pull out a small bottle of vodka. Screwing the cap off, I swallow a few sips. The alcohol burns down my throat until it settles in my stomach. Closing my eyes, I savor the feeling. It’s like an old friend I’ve been missing. After taking one more sip, I put the top back on, hide it in my drawer, and get in the shower. I rush through my shower so I can brush my teeth before I head back in my room to get dressed for work today.

  With a towel wrapped around my body and soaking wet hair, I make my way into my bedroom. Tags is up and sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

  “Morning,” I say, my voice low in case he has a headache or something.


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