Our Secrets

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Our Secrets Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  Today is flying by. My first client of the day took me several hours. He didn’t want to take any breaks while I worked on the outline. By the time we were done, I was stiff from lack of movement and ready for a small break. Walking into the front of the shop, I saw Vicky working on cashing out a few clients Trever and Millie had before cashing out my customer.

  I’ve left my door open today because I wanted to keep an eye on her. She’s been running back and forth between the storeroom and front desk. Vicky hasn’t talked to anyone more than she has to. I have watched her shake as she walks by my room, knowing she’s needing a drink something fierce right now. She has enough respect and wits about her at this point not to drink while she’s working. That’s something. It only took my mom a month to stop giving a shit about that.

  “Vic,” I call out, walking back to my room. “Take lunch.”

  Instead of answering me, she finishes up with my client before leaving. Her bag is over her shoulder while she rushes from Blazing Ink. If I didn’t know she was needing a drink, I’d laugh my ass off because she looked as if her ass was on fire in her rush. Today, my only hope is she’s not going to find a drink somewhere. I’ll have to check on her when she comes back to make sure she’s okay. Otherwise, I’ll have to call in her brothers. Not something I want to do, but I won’t have a choice.

  “Who did the scheduling?” Millie asks, looking up from the computer.

  “Vicky, I guess. Why?” I question her, walking over to her so I can see why she’s asking.

  “You’re double booked in about an hour. I scheduled Grinder for an appointment with you. She’s got a woman coming in to see you now at the same time. You’re slotted to have Grinder in your chair for about three hours,” Millie informs me, glancing back at me.

  “Will the woman go to anyone else?” I ask, looking at the computer.

  Millie looks at the name before shaking her head. There’s a look in her eyes telling me I’m not going to like what she’s about to tell me.

  “It’s Jasmine. You know, the bitch who wants to ride your cock. If one of us try to take her, she’s going to go off,” Millie states as Trevor walks up to us.


  Millie looks up at me with her eyes wide open. If I were a different man, I’d be all over her ass. She’s a gorgeous woman with long, brown hair, large doe eyes, an ample chest more than enough to fill my hands, and always dresses in a unique style she works. Today, she’s wearing an overly large shirt falling off both of her shoulders. The sleeves are up so she can work without them getting in the way. Instead of jeans or a skirt, Millie’s wearing a pair of the smallest shorts I’ve seen a women outside of the clubhouse. Trevor can’t take his eyes off her ass in them. A pair of fishnet stockings slide from under the shorts while motorcycle boots adorn her feet. Rings are on each finger while her ever present necklace is around her neck. It’s a set of dog tags, but we don’t know who they belonged to.

  “I’ll take care of it. Send Vic in to see me when she gets back,” I growl, walking toward my room and slamming the door behind me.

  Sitting in my chair, I work on Grinder’s piece. He’s getting work done on his chest. All the guys come to me because they don’t trust anyone else. Not that I blame them. There’s one other tattoo shop close to Willow Creek and the place is shut down for violations more often than not. The owner, Derek, is shady as hell too. I went in there one time and it was enough to turn my stomach. I don’t let anyone go there if I can help it.

  Working on Grinder’s piece, I get lost. I lose all track of time as usual until there’s a soft knock on my door.

  “Yeah,” I call out.

  Vicky opens the door and pokes her head in the room. I motion for her to enter while sitting back in my chair so I can talk to her.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, holding a takeout container for me. “I brought you lunch.”

  Her hand is shaking so bad she almost drops the container.

  “You double booked me. I had Grinder marked down for three hours and now there’s a woman I’ve been duckin’ scheduled for me durin’ my appointment with him. No clue what I’m supposed to do now,” I state, opening the lid and finding a burger and fries.

  “I’m so sorry,” she murmurs, tears filling her eyes. “Can I do anything about it? I’ll call her and let her know you’re already booked. See if Trevor or Millie can take her.”

  “She won’t go to them. She wants me only because she wants my cock,” I tell her, looking her in the eyes to gauge her response.

  Victoria flinches and steps back from me. Yeah, she’s not as immune to me as she thought she was. I see the hint of jealousy in her eyes before they go back to being lifeless.


  “So, now I’m gonna have to push back Grinder’s appointment while I work on this bitch. You can guarantee one of your brothers will be in here to see you too. Better get your shit locked down,” I inform her, nodding my head down to her shaking hands.

  Victoria nods her head and leaves the office. I watch through the door as she takes her bag out and places it under the desk. Pulling my phone from my pocket and message Grinder to let him know to come in an hour later. Today just went to shit quickly and there’s nothing I can do about it now. Nothing except for watch over Vicky and make sure she’s okay today.

  Chapter Five


  I FEEL HORRIBLE for messing up Tags appointments today. Part of it is my fault for not taking in the amount of time he scheduled for Grinder. Though, I had no clue this woman is someone he’s been trying to avoid. If I had known, I probably wouldn’t have scheduled her for an appointment with Tags at all. I’d have offered her a spot with someone else. There’s really nothing I can do about it now.

  The guilt eats at me through the rest of the day. I’ve tried to make sure I didn’t mess anything else up. Including double checking the supply order he’s entrusting me to place for him. While I’m doing that, my ex begins messaging me. At first, I don’t read them, I simply ignore my phone going off and interrupting the songs I’m playing in the storeroom. When I can’t take it anymore, I pick up my phone and take a look at what he has to say.

  Scott: You seriously thought you could hide from me? Wrong. I know exactly where you are. How are your brothers?

  Scott: Bitch, you better answer your phone.

  Scott: Message me the fuck back!

  Scott: I’m coming to get what you owe me. You can’t give me a baby, but you sure as fuck can make sure I’m safe and whole.

  Tossing my phone to the side, I drop to the floor. My entire body is trembling, tears are streaming down my face, my heart feels as if it’s going to beat straight out of my chest, and looking down, I see my skin is so white I can see the veins running under my skin. This is not good at all. Fear, anxiety, and the need to run fill me as I realize I have to protect my family. I should’ve known better than coming home because I’m only putting a target on their backs. That’s not something I ever want to do. Torch and Pyro, along with the members and ol’ ladies of the club, don’t deserve to pay for my shit.

  Giving myself a few minutes to let the fear consume me, I picture everything that could go wrong right now. My brothers being killed, the women of the club getting hurt or worse, and it all being for nothing because Scott will still get to me. None of these outcomes work for me. Especially anything happening to anyone I love and care about. At this point, I don’t give a fuck what happens to me. He can take me, continue to berate me, beat on me, or hand me over to his friends for whatever he wants to happen.

  Pulling myself up from the floor, I pick my phone up, grab the paperwork for the order I’m going to be placing, and make my way out to the front of the shop. Tags is nowhere to be seen while Trevor is with a client and Millie is cleaning up her station from the client she just finished. Setting the papers on the counter, I take care of the woman and make sure she has her after care instructions. As she leaves the shop, I put the papers in front of me and
place the supply order so I can file the papers for it.

  My mind keeps replaying the messages I got from Scott on a loop. Those are just the ones I read. As it sits next to me on the counter, I can hear it vibrating constantly. When it gets on my nerves because I know it’s still him messaging me, I pick it up and turn the damn thing off. Tossing it in my bag, I sit back in the chair just as my brothers make their way in the shop.

  “Torch, Pyro,” I say, tipping my head down so they can’t look in my eyes.

  If anyone will see the fear and worry running through me, it will be them. They know every emotion I feel and can read me as easily as a book. It’s unnerving, but that’s how they are.

  “Little sis,” Torch growls out, reaching over the counter to lift my head to meet theirs. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “Nothing. How are you guys doing?” I question him, flicking my gaze from one to the other.

  “Nothin’ is up with us. Kind of wonderin’ what’s goin’ on with you though. You haven’t answered our calls, answered the door when we show up at the apartment. Kind of feels as if you’re avoidin’ us,” Pyro states, leaning on the counter as he glowers at me.

  I stare at them, trying to come up with an excuse they’ll buy. I’m not really sure of what I can say to make them believe there’s nothing wrong. Something pops into my head though, so I let it come out my mouth without much thought.

  “I haven’t felt particularly good. It’s been stressful and everything moving here. I’m good though,” I state, trying to maintain eye contact so they don’t know I’m lying through my teeth to them.

  “Not buyin’ it,” Torch says. “Vic, we’ll find out what’s goin’ on with you. Maybe not today, but we will learn your secrets. And just fair warnin’, we’ve got a key to your apartment. Next time you don’t answer your door, we’ll just come on in.”

  “You guys can’t do that,” I order, knowing it’s no good for me to tell them anything.

  “We can and we will,” Pyro speaks up, leaning over the counter and pulling me up so I’m standing before them. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve lost so much weight.”

  “Probably the stress and shit of moving,” I answer, not letting his angry tone bother me.

  “Bullshit!” Torch roars out, stopping any all movement or talking in the shop.

  Tags even comes from his room with a set of papers in his hands. As I turn around to look at him, he’s staring at the papers with a confused look on his face. He brings his head up and notices my brothers staring at me while everyone else is motionless.

  “What’s goin’ on out here?” he questions.

  “Nothing. They were just leaving. Did you need something?” I ask him, wanting to know what the papers are.

  “You sure nothin’ is wrong?” he avoids my question altogether.

  “I’m sure. Guys, I’ll see you some other day. Maybe we can have dinner,” I suggest, my stomach turning at the thought of eating.

  “You’ll see us real soon,” Pyro states as they turn to leave the shop and everyone else gets back to what they were doing before their invasion.

  Once my brothers leave, I turn to face Tags who’s still standing behind me. He’s got a serious look on his face and dread fills my gut. I have a feeling I’ve done something to make him mad. Again. First the appointment mistake and now something else apparently.

  “I thought you already turned in a supply order,” he states.

  “No, I took one down but didn’t submit it,” I inform him.

  “Well, I’ve gotten two order from today. That tells me you’ve submitted the same order twice. So, we’ll get twice the amount of supplies needed. What the hell is goin’ on with you? Well, other than what I’ve already seen at your apartment?” his voice is laced with frustration and anger.

  “Nothing is going on with me. I made a few mistakes. Is it a fucking crime to make a mistake here?” I demand from him, my own anger rising to match his.

  “No, there’s nothin’ wrong with makin’ mistakes. The ones your makin’ a rookie wouldn’t even make. So, what’s goin’ on?” he demands from me, stepping up in my space so I have to tilt my head back at him.

  “Nothing. Just drop it,” I say, shutting down.

  I always shut down when I don’t want to answer someone. Especially lately. Instead of trying to talk my way out of this shit, I turn my back on him. Tags huffs behind me before slamming the papers down on the desk I’m sitting at. I listen as his booted feet stomp away from me before his door slams shut behind him. Slumping down in my chair, I tilt my head down against my chest and close my eyes. I’m ready for a fucking drink and it’s only noon. What the hell?

  Turning my attention to the computer screen, I double check the appointments and realize the woman Tags doesn’t want to see should be here soon. I’m not sure if I want to see who she is or not. Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to get out of here because a stunning woman walks through the door.

  “I’m here for an appointment with Tags,” she sneers at me.

  The woman is taller than I am. She’s got brown hair with streaks of blonde throughout it. Her face is caked with make-up while her brown eyes are dull and lifeless. Jasmine is wearing clothes showing more skin than it’s covering. Honestly, instead of looking pretty or anything, she looks like a skanky tramp. Obviously, she’s only looking for one thing from Tags.

  “Yes, I have you down here. Let me see if he’s ready for you,” I state, standing from my chair to go to his room.

  “No need. I know where his room is,” she flashes me a phony smile, before walking around the desk and straight to Tag’s room.

  I watch as she goes straight in without knocking on the door and waiting for a response from him. Before turning back around to face my desk, I notice Millie glaring in the direction of Tags’ room. Shaking my head, I let them know I’m going to lunch. Today is a clusterfuck of epic proportions and I just want to go home to be alone. Instead, I’m here for a while longer since I fuck-up and Tags has to work late now because of it.

  “Millie, I think I’m going to head to lunch. Is that okay?” I ask hesitantly.

  “Sure, honey. Don’t worry about Tags. His bark is worse than his bite,” she informs me.

  “I know. I’ve known Tags for a long time now. He’s in the MC with my brothers and they’ve been friends forever. I should say I’ve been told about him for a long time now. I’ve only actually known him for a little while,” I respond, grabbing my purse and heading out.

  The second I step through the doors and outside, it seems as if the deflation I’ve felt since messing up this morning lifts from me. I still feel like shit because of everything seeming to pile on top of one another. It’s as if it’s a never-ending battle. No wonder why I drink; to escape the shitshow my life is.

  Walking through the streets, my head keeps swiveling. I’m not feeling as if I’m being followed or anything, but after Scott’s messages, he has to be in town. It’s probably not a smart idea to be wandering around Willow Creek without someone knowing what’s going on. I choose to look at it as if he gets me out here while I’m alone, then my family will be safe. No one else will be harmed because of me and I’ll be able to rest easy.

  Without even knowing where I’m going, I walk into one of the diner’s lining the road of the tattoo parlor. Ordering food for me, I make sure to place an order for Tags too. It’s not like he’s going to have time to leave the shop so he can get his own food. So, hopefully I can begin to make this up to him by bringing him food. Or he won’t give a shit and will still be pissed off at me. I’ve really got nothing to lose.

  Instead of playing on my phone while I wait for our orders, I leave it buried in my purse, so I don’t look at anymore messages from Scott. The more he sends me, the worse I’m going to feel about everything. So, I’ll pretend nothing is going on and everything is right in the world. Today, I stare out and watch the people passing by. Some are alone, walking down the street, minding their own business
. Others are in small groups and they’re talking, laughing, and having a normal day. I forgot what a normal day is like.

  Once my order is ready, I make my way back to the shop. Placing Tags’ food in the refrigerator in the break room, I head to the desk to get back to work. As I pass by his room, I hear giggling coming from behind the door with muffled conversation. There isn’t the buzz of the tattoo gun. It hurts to think of what’s happening in that room, I try to brush it off. Whatever Tags does is no concern of mine. He’s a grown ass man and we don’t have to continue having sex. It would just be nice if he told me he’s done with me. I can take a hint though. It will be easier this way. Tags has already seen too much of what I’ve been trying to hide.

  Chapter Six


  IT’S BEEN A long as fuck day today. When Jasmine came in for her appointment, I had to fight her off. She was dressed much like the women at the clubhouse. Jasmine thinks that’s what I like and she’s dead wrong. If I’m going to fuck a woman, I want to know I’m the only one seeing her naked skin. Plus, I’m not interested in anyone except for Victoria. My cock doesn’t even take notice of other women these days.

  Jasmine walked in my room without knocking or letting anyone announce her being here. I’m not dumb enough to believe Vic didn’t tell her she’d get me. This woman is a pushy bitch and would’ve made sure she could walk in on me. I’m not sure what she was trying to catch me doing though. Anyway, I was sitting at my table, feet up, and figuring out what to do about Victoria when Jazz burst in the room.

  “Hey, sexy,” she purred thinking she looked sexy. “I finally get to have your hands on my naked skin.”

  “What are you gettin’ done today?” I questioned her, keeping my tone aloof and trying to be professional.


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