Book Read Free

Our Secrets

Page 22

by Erin Osborne

  He leads me inside our room. Once the door is closed behind us, Tags picks me up from the chair and sets me on the bed. From there, he takes his time stripping me down and helping me into one of his shirts so we can go to bed. I know if I’m in here, he’s not going to head back to the party. He’ll go to bed with me even though he knows I don’t mind if he parties with the club.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  IT’S BEEN THREE days since Capone and Hollie got married. They haven’t even gone on a honeymoon since we have no clue what’s going on with Scott or who else is after the women. Right now, we’re all on our way to church so we can try to figure out what the hell is going on. Scott cried like a bitch when I was down there last night. He’s such a fucking pansy.

  Last night, I went down with Torch, Pyro, Satan, and Grinder to pay a visit with Scott. Vic was sleeping and I wanted to get down there so I can let out some aggression. Scott is the perfect person to make that happen.

  We walked down into the basement where he’s being held. Grinder and Gunner have him chained up from the rafters of the ceiling. He’s naked except for the bruises covering about ninety percent of his body. His face is swollen already, and I know at least one of Vic’s brothers have been down here. looking at Torch first, he simply shrugs his shoulders with a smirk on his face. Switching my gaze to Pyro, he’s also wearing a smirk. Yeah, they both got down here before me.

  “Did you leave me anythin’ at all?” I question them.

  “Yeah. He didn’t answer anythin’,” Torch responds. “Well, it’s not like we asked him very many questions.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” I laugh out, looking as if I’m having a good time instead of getting ready to dismantle the fucker standing in front of me.

  Satan and the rest of the guys lean against the wall in the small room we’re all currently standing in. The smell of piss and other nasty shit fill the room making me queasy. Scott definitely can’t handle anything we have to dish out. He’s big and bad when it comes to putting his hands on a woman. Not when it comes to facing a man down.

  “Think we should release him?” I question everyone around me as I pull my cut off and hang it on one of the hooks we have in the room.

  “Nah,” Satan replies. “He didn’t let Vic have a chance to fight back. I’m bettin’ he kept her ass chained to the bed while he beat her.”

  “I didn’t touch that skank,” Scott mutters, barely above a whisper.

  “The fuck you just call her?” I bellow, causing my words to echo in the dark, dank room we’re in.

  “She’s not even a woman. Nothing more than a skank,” he reiterates, looking in my eyes as much as he can with swollen eyes.

  I lose my shit. There is no talking or asking questions right now. The only thing I see is a red haze as I land punch after punch, grabbing anything I can get my hands on from our little tray of tools. Before long, I feel hands pulling me off the soon-to-be dead fucker.

  “We need to get some information before you kill the fucker,” Torch reminds me.

  Satan and Pyro step up while Torch and Grinder pull me back from the asshole. Looking at him, I see blood pouring from several cuts and holes in his body. He’s not so cocky now. I still have the punch in my hand. Dropping it to the floor, I lean against the wall for now. Satan needs to get some answers for us so we can make a decision as a club about what to do now.

  “So, we heard you’re not the only one who is gonna come after Vic. Along with the rest of the women in our club

  “I don’t have to tell you shit,” he murmurs out, spitting blood out toward the two men standing in front of him.

  “Oh no?” Pyro questions him. “I can take another go at you. Or I can let my sister’s man come at you some more. Take your fuckin’ pick.”

  Scott looks around the room. I can see the resignation filling his eyes as he realizes no one is gonna help him out of this.

  “Wait. Don’t let anythin’ else happen,” I suddenly call out.

  Racing from the room, I head to Torch’s war room for a camera. He wants to record my woman as he was beating the fuck outta her? I’m gonna make sure it gets filmed what we’ve done to him. We’ll make sure the right people get it so they can see what a bitch he is.

  Heading back in the room, I set the camera up as the rest of the guys watch me. When they realize what I’m doing, each one bursts out laughing. Yeah, all but Torch and Pyro are the only ones who haven’t seen the video. They’re all on board with me for filming this.

  “Now, what were you gonna say?” Satan questions him.

  “You’re never gonna find them,” he says, a bloody smirk on his face.

  “Why is that?” I finally speak up.

  “The cartel is coming for you,” he answers, laughing maniacally until he coughs up blood. “You stole their shipment of women and they’re gonna take yours. That skank ass bitch pretending to be a woman is only the first one they’re taking. You’re never gonna beat them.”

  “That’s what you really think?” I ask, stepping up in front of him, cracking my neck and fingers. “You think we can’t protect our own. Might have taken some time to find my woman, but we found her. Also got her away from your ass and she’s bein’ protected even as we speak. I’m gonna get my hands dirty with you, go upstairs, and make sure my woman knows she has nothin’ to worry about where you’re concerned. What about the rest of you guys?”

  My brothers all agree with me. Even if they don’t have a woman of their own right now.

  “Or, we could leave him down her further, so we have a punchin’ bag to use,” Grinder suggests, looking around the room. “Personally, I like that idea.”

  “I do too. There is a ton of aggression I need to work out of my system,” Torch responds, cracking his own knuckles.

  “Sounds good to me,” Satan announces, turning his eyes toward the piece of shit hanging. “Everyone go up and get cleaned up for church. You’ve got an hour.”

  We all head up the stairs and make sure the lights are off except for the hallway where a Prospect will be standing guard. Instead of going to take a shower in my room, I head to Grinder’s. He told me Victoria shouldn’t see me like this and I agree. I’ll grab clothes after I’m clean. It’s not like I’m going to hide this from Vic, I’m simply not going to give her anything else to see like this.

  Taking my seat around the large table, I wait for everyone to come in. Pyro and Torch are already sitting in their chairs too. There’s only a handful of guys here already. Satan isn’t here so everyone currently missing is still okay. For now, anyway.

  “So, Torch, how’s Becky?” I question him, knowing he’s seen her since the night of the wedding.

  “What you talkin’ about?” he shoots back at me, a glare on his face.

  “I mean, I went to the store yesterday and saw your bike there,” I respond, keeping an eye on the door because I know once more guys get in here, Torch will clam the fuck up.

  “Not talkin’ about it,” he informs us.

  Before I can respond, Satan walks in the room. He’s followed by the rest of the guys and we all shut up. Satan’s not even in his seat when he’s slamming the gavel on the table in front of him. Yeah, he’s pissed as fuck.

  “Okay. A few of us went down to pay our guest a visit. Found out the cartel is after our women after we took their shipment of women and girls. I know it’s not Carlos. So, while everyone who needed to was cleanin’ up, I reached out to Carlos to find out a name. He knows everyone and everythin’ in that area of our world. Carlos gave me a name; Juan or some shit like that,” Satan lets us know. “Also want to let you know he’s heard rumors of this Juan comin’ after our asses. Well, our women any way. Scott was tellin’ the truth about that much.”

  “What else did Scott say?” Wrath asks, since he wasn’t one of the guys down with us.

  “I’m not goin’ into this. All I’m gonna say is he was talkin’ shit and Tags lost his shit. He’s still alive, barely. If Tags,
Torch, or Pyro go down there again, he won’t be for very long,” Satan informs everyone. “I’m thinkin’ we’re not gonna get much more information from him. We’ve decided we’re gonna play with him. Use him when we need to get some aggression out.”

  For a minute, the tension filling the room lessons as we all laugh our asses off about him being here for our entertainment. Then, Satan pulls his phone out of his pocket so he can make a call we’re not looking forward to.

  We all shut our mouths and sit back while Satan dials the number Carlos gave him. Tension fills me as we wait for this asshole to pick up. My legs are shaking, hands fisted at my side, heart is racing, and my breathing is labored. Torch and Pyro aren’t much better as they sit next to me. Finally, this douche canoe picks up.

  “Satan, thought I’d be hearing from you,” a Spanish drawl sounds through the phone. “How can I help you today.”

  “What are you lookin’ to gain by comin’ after our women?” Satan questions, not bothering to pull any punches.

  “I’m gonna take back what you stole from me,” he replies, no hesitation on his part.

  “You think we’re gonna hand over our women on a silver platter to you?” Capone pipes in. “See, we cherish and protect every woman associated with our club. You’ll never catch them out alone or take them from us.”

  “Oh, we’ll get our hands on them. You’ll see just how far my reach is, Satan. I know every single move your club makes and where the women are at all times. Including the women at your strip club and your whores. I’ll take every single fucking one of them. My main target is your wives though. They’ll be broken in by me personally,” Jose states as most of us jump out of our chairs. “Just like I know you have Scott in your clutches right now. We’ll get him back sooner than you think.”

  “The fuck you will,” Satan growls out.

  Jose hangs up on him before he can get more out than that. Rage and anger flood my veins. I’m ready to go end Scott’s life quicker than I anticipated. Not to mention we now have a new problem on our hands. Someone in the club is giving up information to Jose or one of his contacts.

  Looking around the table, I see rage filling every single brother sitting here. They’re just as pissed realizing we have a rat in our midst. This leads me to believe none of the guys in this room are who we’re now gonna be looking for. Unfortunately, that still leaves any hang arounds, the house bunnies, and the Prospects. That’s a long as fuck list of people to look at.

  “Torch, I want you to go through every mother fucker in this club. I’m not sayin’ it’s one of you in here. I want every background checked and a thorough history on each man and woman in the club. Especially the women and Prospects. Take who you need with you to help. I want this done yesterday. Anythin’ else? For now, I want all ol’ ladies and women on lockdown. They are not to leave the clubhouse for any reason. If they aren’t here already, get them here. You guys ride out in pairs only. I don’t want anyone alone until this shit is dealt with.”

  Not a single one of us says a word. Satan slams the gavel on the table, and we all file out of the room. Torch grabs Grinder, Wrath, and me to head to his war room with him. We all sit down at the various computers he’s got and get busy pulling up everything we can find on everyone in the club. Starting with the Prospects and women. Not the ol’ ladies, but the strippers and sluts here at the clubhouse.

  We work tirelessly for hours on end. Pulling up every single piece of information we can find on everyone. Not a single one of us takes a break or stops what we’re doing. Yeah, I should be going to check on Victoria. However, she’s in danger. Possibly by someone in this club and I’m not gonna rest until we figure out who’s helping this twatwaffle get information on our club and women.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I WAS SUPPOSED to go out for lunch with Becky today. Since the wedding, we talk almost daily. She doesn’t have any friends and she’s such a sweet, caring soul. So, I’ve made sure to let her know she’s not alone. One of these days she’ll let me know her story to feel even less alone. For now, I’ll keep working on her and let her know I’m here. Raine and Hollie will end up getting her on their side too. It’s just who they are.

  Instead of going out, because we’re on lockdown right now, Becky is going to come here. She’s really hesitant to come here after dancing at the wedding with my brother. Still, Becky is not letting her insecurities get the better of her and she’s gonna show up here.

  For now, not many people are around. I know the guys are either at work, on club business, or a few have gone down to pay Scott a visit. Again. Yes, I know he’s here and I’m perfectly fine with it. I hope he gets everything he deserves from doing what he’s done to me and however many other women. Tags has been down there more than once. He doesn’t hide things from me. Even if he doesn’t give me full details.

  I’ve already gotten ready for the day and I’m in the wheelchair since crutches are a no go. I hate this damn thing. It’s hard as hell to get around in when I only have one hand to use. Plus, it tires me the fuck out. I’m not cancelling on Becky though. This is our day for lunch, and I’ll do whatever I need to.

  As I’m trying to get out the door of Tags’ room, the door opens. My man is standing there fresh from the shower. He must’ve been down to see Scott again. I smile, looking up at him. Tags bends down to me and gives me a deep kiss.

  “Where you goin’, baby?” he asks me.

  “I’m having lunch with Becky today. I was going to head to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat,” I respond to him.

  “Why don’t I run to the diner and pick you two up somethin’?” he asks me, a smile on his face.

  “That sounds good. Just grab some burgers or something. I’m not really sure what she likes though,” I reply, my own smile returning.

  Nodding his head, Tags helps me maneuver out of the door. He pushes me toward the common room after locking his door. After parking me at a table with a book I found on one of the tables, he rushes from the clubhouse to grab our lunch. I’m excited to see Becky. Hopefully the guys will behave themselves while she’s here. Or the women. I think I’m more worried about them than the guys. The guys at least know how to be respectful. Not so much with the skanks who hang around here.

  As I’m sitting at the table reading, minding my own business as I’m lost in another world, something distracts me. Or should I say two skanks distract me.

  “Ugh! Since one of them are out here we have to be on our best behavior,” skank number one states in her nasally, whiny voice. “When will they learn they’ll never be as good as we are?”

  “I don’t know. This is the one Tags keeps bitching about though. Says she’s nothing but a drunk who can’t handle her own shit. That’s why she got taken and beat on. They were trying to make her understand her role here and she didn’t want to learn her lesson,” skankarilla number two responds, just as annoying.

  “When did you talk to Tags?” the first one questions her.

  “He was in my bed last night. It’s not like she can satisfy him anyway. You know, he said she’s like a dead fish when he’s giving her a pity fuck,” she replies, tossing her hair over her shoulder as they continue to walk by me.

  What the actual fuck?

  “Really? That’s the best you two skanks have?” I question them, setting the book down on the table in front of me.

  “Bitch, you ain’t got shit on either one of us. Even when you’re at your best,” the blonde skank in dire need of a touch-up declares.

  “I see. Well, let me tell you something. Tags wasn’t in your bed last night. He was with me. All night long. See morning sickness tends to rear it’s ugly head at the least opportune times. He was helping me to the bathroom and back several times. And as for any of these guys trying to teach me a lesson on what my role is here, you’re out of your damn mind,” I state, not moving from the table as the two skanks glare at me. “In case you don’t know, two of these men are my b
rothers and have been looking out for me since the day I was born. You may know them; Torch and Pyro.

  “Yes, I was taken by my psychotic ex who tortured and beat me to the point I thought I was going to lose the baby I’m carrying. The baby Tags and I created. So, no, they didn’t send me away so I could be taught my role here in the clubhouse. Yes, I did have a drinking problem. Torch and Pyro helped me get past it and I struggle daily with the want to drink versus dealing with this pain I’m in from the beating I received. However, unlike you two slut, I know what it means to be loyal, strong now, and not try to start shit with anyone here at the clubhouse. The guys hate it,’ I inform them as I spot Torch and Satan leaning against the wall out of the skanks eyesight. “Hey guys. Did you need something?”

  Both of the skanks spin around so fast I’m surprised they aren’t dizzy from how fast they moved. Their eyes bulge out of their head and their mouths drop open. Something they’re used to doing.

  “Satan, Torch, can we do something for you?” skank number one purrs.

  “Yeah, you can each get the fuck outta my club. You know better than to talk the shit you were spillin’, yet you chose to anyway. There’s no room here for that,” Satan orders, an evil smirk on his face.

  “Satan, we were minding our own business when she went off on us because Tags wasn’t with her last night. She just assumed he was with one of us. When we tried defending ourselves, she got nasty. I wasn’t worried because it’s not like she can do anything with the way she’s banged up,” she tries to lie her way out of the shit show they started.

  “Yeah, we all know that’s a lie. My sister could give a fuck about any of you. She’s never once talked shit to you or tried to provoke you to the point you need to defend yourselves that way,” Torch defends me. “She’s out here waitin’ for her man to get back so she can have a peaceful lunch with her friend. That book sittin’ in front of me lets me know she was mindin’ her own business and you were tryin’ to start shit. Oh, let’s not forget to mention I heard everythin’ you were sayin’ before we came out here. There are several cameras throughout the clubhouse after all.”


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