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Our Secrets

Page 26

by Erin Osborne

  Tags kisses me softly as I close my eyes. Vaguely I hear him telling me he loves me and our baby boy. The chair creeks as he sits back down and holds my hand in his. He lays his head down on the bed while sleep claims me.

  Chapter Forty


  VICTORIA IS STILL in the hospital. She got an infection in a few of the cuts on her back. I’m not sure why it took so long to set in, and the doctor isn’t sure either. He’s trying to blame is on going up to see our son. That’s not the case at all. I’ve already talked to Catherine and she assured me everything we touched while being up there is sterile for the babies. Plus, Vic doesn’t get out of the wheelchair when we’re up there.

  She’s upset because she’s still in the hospital when she wants to be home. Plus, she can’t go see Kaysen right now. Not knowing where she got the infection, the chance of passing it on to him is too great. Vic won’t risk him in any form. So, she spends most of her time crying because she misses our little guy. It’s just been rough on her.

  Even Raine and Hollie coming to visit her hasn’t helped. It simply reminds her Becky hasn’t been here to check on her. Able has been by a few times and he feels horrible about everything. Victoria didn’t waste any time laying into him about it not being his fault. I think he’s slightly scared of her now. Yeah, she threatened to cut his ass too. That’s one of her favorite sayings in the hospital apparently.

  I’m out in the hallway, taking a minute for myself since Victoria is sleeping right now. Torch comes walking up to me and leans against the wall beside me. For a few minutes, we simply stand together. Neither one of us says a word as we’re lost in our own little world. My thoughts are filled with Victoria and Kaysen still fighting.

  “How’s Becky doin’?” I finally ask him, not letting my eyes hit his as I stare at the floor.

  “She’s lost, man. I don’t know how to help her get past this guilt she feels,” he informs me. “I’ve tried talkin’ to her, asked her to come here with me, and I’ve told her to at least call Lil’ Bit. She won’t have any of it. It’s all I can do most days to get her to leave her apartment.”

  “This shit isn’t her fault. It’s Juan and Carson’s. Should I go talk to her? Try to talk some sense in her?” I question my friend who looks so lost.

  Torch has never looked lost before in his life. Even when he helped Victoria get sober. He’s always been the large man who’s in charge of every emotion and situation he can control. If he can’t control something, he simply steam rolls his way over it. This situation with Becky has him stumped and he can’t figure out how to handle it without pushing her completely away. I don’t have any words to offer him either. No one does.

  “No. She’ll end up feelin’ worse because you haven’t left here since we got the news and you’re leavin’ for her. I’m at my wits end with her about the situation and I’m ready to just bring her ass here without lettin’ her know what’s goin’ on,” he states, running his fingers through his long, dark hair.

  “We’ll figure somethin’ out. One way or another she’ll get over her shit. Or Victoria will ensure she gets over it real quick. She’s threatenin’ everyone she comes in contact with these days. I get, I truly do. Right now, I think a lot of us are feelin’ guilt over this situation,” I assure him, wanting to get back in with his sister.

  “Yeah. Becky just doesn’t know how to deal with it or help herself. I’m gonna check on Kaysen quick before I stop in to say hi. After that, I’m gonna head back and see if I can talk to her some more about things,” Torch lets me know. “Who’s up there with him now?”

  “Able and Pyro are up there. Your brother has rarely left his side since we’ve been here,” I inform him.

  “Yeah. His own demons are hauntin’ him in a bad way right now,” he responds.

  I know why Pyro is the way he is. It’s not a pretty story and it’s his to share with everyone. Unfortunately, he’s a private man who doesn’t take very kindly to anyone getting in his business. He’ll figure his shit out in due time. Then he’ll make his family whole and finally complete.

  “Hey, before you go, have you seen Wrath?” I question Torch.

  “No. He’s been out a lot lately. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on with him. Other than he hates hospitals with a damn passion. He would be here if he were around,” he responds as I open the door for Vic’s room and make my way back to her side.

  Victoria is still sleeping soundly as I lay a kiss against her thankfully cool head. Her fever was so high for a few days I was worried about her health. It seemed as if more than an infection was ravishing her body. The doctors and nurses kept trying to reassure me it was her body trying to protect her from the infection. I don’t give a shit what they say, my woman was not good, and it almost cost her more than I’m willing for her to give up. Her life means everything to me, and I’ll do anything I can to protect her.

  Today is the first day she’s been cool to the touch like this. My heart isn’t as clenched as it’s been since she got the infection. It’s not long before there’s a knock on the door and Satan pokes his head inside. He’s quiet with Vic resting as I make my way over to him.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I question him.

  “Need to have a meet of the officers. I know you don’t want to leave your girl, so I got a room here for us. It’s three doors down from here. Able is gonna stay up with Kaysen while Wrath is here with your girl. I’ll catch him up when we’re done. He wants to be here with her. He’s been MIA for a reason and knows some of what’s about to happen,” he fills me in as Wrath enters the room.

  “Take care of my girl,” I tell Wrath.

  “I will. With my life,” he promises me. “I’ll be goin’ up to see the little man when you’re back. Sorry I haven’t been here before now.”

  “You’re good, brother,” I tell him, walking out of Vic’s room after placing a soft kiss on her head.

  Once we’re all in the room, Satan pulls his phone from his pocket and sets it on the table in the center of the room. We’re in one of the conference rooms in the hospital. There are several chairs surrounding the table and we all choose to stand instead of sitting in them. We may be in a private room, but we won’t use it for long. You never know what’s going to happen.

  “So, we know for certain Juan was behind the explosion. Carson followed Torch when he left the clubhouse alone. Since we’ve been tryin’ to ride in at least pairs, Carson thought it was weird Torch was alone. After takin’ care of business, Carson went to the buildin’ and set up the explosives. The girls were lucky the timer got stuck or somethin’ because it should’ve gone off while they were still inside,” Satan informs us.

  “How do you know that?” I question our President.

  “Wrath found an informant. Carson had a piece on the side and told her everythin’. Once we knew that it didn’t take Wrath long to work his magic. He also went to spy on Juan’s guys who are in town right now. They wanted an eye on Carson to make sure he followed through with his promises to his uncle. So, we’re gonna call Juan and let him know war has been started and we’re gonna beat their asses until they’re all buried,” he tells us as he pulls up Juan’s contact information in his phone.

  The phone rings until I feel it’s going to go to voicemail. Yeah, Juan is playing his own fucking games. We’re simply better at them then he is. And we’re playing to fucking win. Not fold at the first sign of trouble.

  “Satan, what can I do for you?” Juan questions in his thick accent.

  “You just started a war you’re not gonna win,” Satan states simply.

  Juan has the balls to fucking laugh at the statement. I see red and have to remind myself I’m not at the clubhouse. There is no way in hell I can destroy this place like I would if we were home. I’m not about to shell out the money it would take to not only get new furniture but keep my ass out of jail while my woman and son need me here where they are.

  “Nothin’ funny about this shit,” Satan states, rolling his
eyes as his body goes rigid with the disrespect being shown to him. “You injured three of our own and killed your own fuckin’ nephew. I can see how loyal you are to your own blood. Doesn’t bode well for you. So, you can either back the fuck off and we’ll only kill the guys we have here with us now. If you choose to come at us, we’ll fight back and we’re not gonna stop until we’ve won. Those are your choices. Choose wisely.”

  “There is no choice to be made. We’re getting back what is owed to us with your women. It’s a shame one is still in the hospital. And that little boy is fighting for his life. All casualties of war,” he states, threatening my woman and son.

  Torch and Grinder hold me back as I fight them off. I’m ready to leave here and gut the fucker for threatening my family. No one is going to touch them while I still have breath left in my body. I will die protecting them and so won’t every other man in the club.

  The last thing we hear is Juan’s maniacal laughter as he hangs up on Satan. Everyone’s eyes are on me as I try to calm myself down. It takes forever to get my composure and calm my racing heart. My breathing is still ragged, sawing in and out of my chest like never before. I look around at the officers in the club and make a vow.

  “That fucker is mine. I don’t care what the fuck else happens, but Juan is mine. No one is gonna threaten my woman and son like that and not be gutted by me,” I state with no remorse or emotion other than anger filling me.

  “You got it,” Satan promises me. “For now, everyone is on lockdown. I want no less than six men here at all times. Only one Prospect in case someone needs somethin’. That’s until Victoria and Kaysen are released. We’ll all take shifts. I’m callin’ Bender’s crew in to help while we’re here. They’re itchin’ for a fight anyway. Bender already knows the situation. We’ve been in contact since this started. It shouldn’t take them long to get here.”

  “Who’s takin’ first shifts?” Grinder asks him.

  “Capone, Pyro, Torch, Wrath, Gunner, and Able are here. The rest of us head out and get all the women to the clubhouse. I want all family there. Includin’ Becky. I’ll put her in your room, Torch. Pyro, you’re gonna have to make the call. I’m not takin’ any chances this fuckface knows about your situation and uses them to his advantage,” Satan orders. “Pyro, let them know someone will be there in less than twelve hours. You choose where they go. Has to be somewhere on the compound though.”

  Pyro nods his head with his eyes closed tight. This is the last thing he wants to hear.

  “I’ll make it happen. Can Bender pick them up on their way out?” he asks, looking at Satan and then his older brother.

  “We’ll make it happen. I’m sorry, man. No one else has to know they’re here. You keep them as separated as you feel necessary,” Satan promises.

  Satan calls Bender and lets him know what’s going on now. Again, he keeps the phone on speaker so we can all hear. Bender is pissed as fucked about Vic and Kaysen being threatened. It looks as if we still have a rat amongst us and will have to be extremely vigilant about who’s on guard duty from now on. Everything is set in a matter of minutes. Including what has to happen with Pyro. This is the last thing we need. However, it’s going to happen now and we’re all gonna pull in close.

  Once we have all the arrangements made, I make my way back to Victoria’s room. She’s still sleeping as I resume my position in a chair next to her bedside. Out in the hallway are the rest of the guys. They’ll switch out when they need to. I also know Pyro isn’t going to go far from here until he absolutely has to. He’ll never put his family in jeopardy like that.

  My thoughts are jumbled as I sit with my woman. I’m torn about what to do now. There is so much resting on not only Victoria’s health, but Kaysen’s too. They can’t leave here yet even though things are escalating, and the situation is turning dangerous. For now, there’s not much I can do about anything other than stay by my family’s side. This shit sucks when there’s so many unknowns here in the hospital. Fuck my life!

  The end…..for now!



  TORCH IS TAKING me to a location for me to open a bakery. Once Victoria told them about me wanting to open one, the club decided to back me. I guess it has something to do with the cakes and things I’ve made for the club. They love them, so they decided to put up the cash I’d need to open one. No one will ever know how truly grateful I am for their help with this.

  We’re doing this even though the club is on lockdown. I know it’s not normal for us to be allowed to leave the clubhouse during this time based on what Raine and Hollie have said to me. So, I’m not exactly sure why Torch is getting me away from the safety of the compound today. Unless he knows something the rest of us don’t. Not that the women know much about what’s happening in the club as far as business goes anyway.

  Owning my own place is something I’ve dreamed of since I was a little girl. I never thought it’d become a reality. If it weren’t for the Blazing Outlaws MC, it still wouldn’t be. I’ve been saving the money up to rent a place for now so I could open one. There’s just so much money needed to even begin to save enough in even a year. I’ve been taking on clients as private catering, selling cakes and other baked goods, and other things, I still have nowhere near enough to do this on my own.

  We’re riding in a jacked-up truck and Torch has been quiet since picking me up. I’m surprised Victoria and Tags aren’t riding with us if this is the club backing me. Turning to Torch, I debate talking to him. Honestly, he kind of scares me a little bit. He’s tall as hell, almost a foot taller than I am. In heels. His hair is dark and not that much shorter than I keep my own hair. It’s past his shoulders and when it’s laying in front of his body, covers part of his chest. Torch’s eyes are brown, depending on his mood. If he’s angry, they turn almost a pure black. Still, they suck me in. He’s got tattoos I’ve barely seen glimpses of when he wears his tee-shirts under his cut. Muscles. Don’t even get me started on his muscles. They are the things dreams and fantasies of women are made of. I’d give almost anything to explore his body. With my tongue.

  After thinking about Victoria and wondering why she isn’t here, I remember. She’s in the hospital because of me. Her baby almost died because she was with me. The guilt I’ve been feeling, consumes me as I think about that little boy and the pain I heard from her room in the hospital when she realized she had her little one and he was in NICU. A few tears slip from my eyes as I think of the woman I thought could be a good friend. Now, I’m sure she won’t want to have anything to do with me.

  “What are you starin’ at me for? And why the tears?” he questions, turning his head slightly to look at me while keeping his eyes on the road as much as possible.

  “I was just wondering if you drew the short stick,” I respond, knowing I’m not good talking to guys, and avoiding the second question he asked.

  Especially sexy as sin guys.

  “What do you mean?” he asks, keeping his attention on the road as he turns down another street.

  “I mean, why are you the one to take me to see the location? I’m assuming the club is backing this thanks to Victoria. So, what did you do in order to have to be the one to take me?” I ask, knowing I’m rambling.

  Torch laughs. His laughter is rich, deep, and lightens his entire face. It honestly makes him look human instead of the monster he usually resembles with his deep scowls and quiet attitude. I love hearing him laugh.

  “Who told you the club is the one backin’ this?” he questions me as he pulls over to a curb in front of a large building at the very end of Main Street.

  “Oh, um, no one did. I just figured that’s what happened when your sister told me someone was giving me the money for the bakery. That they were investing in my business,” I state, turning to look out the window.

  The building we’re in front of, is large. One of the larger ones on the street. From what little I can see through the coverings on the window, there’s plenty of room for me to put tabl
es in the front of the bakery. Maybe even a couch or two in the very front for those who want to read or do some work. My concern is the state of the building. This one seems to have been sitting here empty for longer than I’d like to imagine. The papers and signs on the outside of the building are torn, yellowed from the sun beating down on them, ink running from weather affecting them, and a ton of trash and newspapers littering the ground.

  Torch pulls me out of my head with a finger under my chin. He turns my head so I’m facing him and we’re so close. I could literally kiss this man without moving my head an inch. His hot, minty breath fans over my cheeks as I’m locked in place by his searching, probing gaze.

  “Babe, you may as well realize now, this ain’t a club investment. I’m the one investin’ in your bakery. No one else is involved. I didn’t draw a short straw accordin’ to you. This is what I want to do. I’ve got more money than I know what to fuckin’ do with. You’re a sexy as fuck, baker who wants to fulfill her dream. I’m helpin’ you do what your heart wants. I’d do anythin’ for you. All you gotta do is ask,” he informs me without batting an eye.

  I’m literally stunned silent as I take in his words. No one has ever believed in me or called me sexy. Torch can have any woman he wants so I don’t understand why he’s doing this for me. Or telling me the words I’ve longed to hear from someone my entire life. I’ve never had attention from the male part of the world. I’m not exactly what a man looks for.

  While I grew up with a loving family; it was just my parents and me. They couldn’t have any other kids and constantly told me I was their miracle. My parents doted on me, but they didn’t believe I could make it as a baker. Especially when my dream became to open my own bakery. As far as they were concerned I should be working for someone else in any other job but baking. That’s the only things we ever disagreed on. Now, they aren’t here to see if I make it as a baker or not. They died in a car accident one night. My mom was at work. Because it was raining harder than normal, my father drove her and picked her up. On their way home, a tractor trailer lost control around a corner and hit them head on. They were killed on impact.


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