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Therian Priestess

Page 3

by Cyndi Friberg

  “One lifespan is not nearly enough,” Bellin objected. “The abilities we create in her must pass to her female children or our efforts are pointless.”

  He stroked his jaw as he gazed into the distance. “I will allow the potential to flow through her blood, but only one female per generation can possess these abilities.”

  Bellin didn’t seem pleased by the stipulation, but she nodded. “Agreed.”

  Khonish motioned Jatara forward. When she hesitated, he caught her wrist and drew her toward him. Golden light burst within his eyes, consuming the darker tones until his gaze burned like the sun. One of his hands splayed against her back and the other pressed against her chest. He spoke in a language she didn’t understand and tingling heat radiated through her body. She gasped and grabbed his wrist, meaning to yank his hand away, but a surge of strength followed the heat. Her senses came alive as never before, inundating her mind with information.

  “You are ready.” He eased his hands away and offered her a smile.

  She trembled before him, struggling with the sudden rush of sensory input. Sights, sounds and smells twisted within her, vying for attention and interpretation.

  “Remember your time is limited, so choose wisely.” He glanced at his sister and added, “I will see you both on the night of the next new moon. This will only work if I facilitate her definition.”

  His words echoed through Jatara’s mind as Bellin took her hand. “Come. We must begin. One moon cycle is not much time for what we must accomplish.”

  “Is it really possible for me to absorb more than one animal nature?” Jatara hurried along at Bellin’s side. They crossed the grassy clearing surrounding Khonish’s lavish dwelling, but they’d not yet reached the trees.

  “Anything is possible.”

  Bellin’s casual assurance did little to convince Jatara. Such a thing had never been done before, at least not in her father’s village. A female’s animal nature was defined by the blood of the male she chose, or more often was chosen for her.

  “Where are we going?” The ringing in Jatara’s ears was beginning to abate. She still felt odd, oversensitized and restless, but at least she could think again.

  Bellin’s reply was preempted by the blinding vertigo that swept them toward their next destination. Jatara gasped and closed her eyes until the wild spinning slowed. The air cooled and light seeped in under her eyelids. Familiar scents reached her nose—moist earth, verdant trees and sweet flowers. Home. It smelled like home.

  “I thought we would start small and work our way toward the more challenging acquisitions.”

  Jatara opened her eyes and looked around. They were in a forest, as she’d thought, but the trees were larger and spaced farther apart than in her rainforest home. “Are we near my father’s village? This area seems similar.”

  Bellin smiled. “We’re not as near as you think. This world is much larger than you realize. Now, both your parents are jaguars, so you should be able to call forth that shape from your own blood. We will not waste time incorporating something that is already a part of you.”

  Jatara rubbed her arms as uncertainty coiled through her belly. This was real. She was about to gather animal natures like a greedy hunter so Khonish could imbue her with unbelievable power. “Then which nature am I to…absorb? What must I do?”

  “I will identify the strongest member of each tribe and you will bite him hard enough to fill your mouth with blood.”

  “B-bite him?” The thought of filling her mouth with blood repulsed her and made her doubt the wisdom of the goddess’s plan. “I don’t know if I can bite someone that hard.”

  “Your jaguar can.” She held out her hands and waited until Jatara placed her hands on top. “Close your eyes and focus inward. I will guide you to the source of your Therian power.”

  Bellin’s fingers closed around Jatara’s wrists and Jatara squeezed her eyes shut. She blocked out the chatter of birds and the brisk wind wafting over her bare skin. Like the strong current of a rain-swollen river, Bellin drew Jatara deeper into herself.

  “Picture your mother in her jaguar form,” the goddess whispered. “See her grace and agility, listen to the strong steady beat of her heart. Feel the power pulsing through her veins.” She paused for a moment as Jatara formed the vivid image. “Now place yourself beside her.”

  Slowly Jatara created a second image, a smaller jaguar curled up in the shelter of the larger cat’s body.

  “But you’re not a child, Jatara. You are strong and vital, capable of making decisions for yourself.” The cub grew and the image of the mother faded. “Now feel your heartbeat. Feel the strength and ferocity contained within your jaguar body.”

  Jatara sank into the image, pouring herself into the cat’s sleek muscles and instinct-driven mind. She could sense the cat and yet she did not lose control of her thoughts and desires. They were separate and yet they were one. Her temples throbbed and her chest burned, but she stubbornly pushed onward, exploring her potential, recognizing the latent abilities just waiting to be set free.

  “Can you feel the restlessness, the hunger?”

  “Yes. Oh yes.” The wind whipped her hair and teased her sensitive skin.

  “Concentrate on the hunger. Let it flow back into your human body.”

  The sensations were so intense, Jatara gasped then shivered. Her gums ached and her mouth went dry. She tried to lick her lips but found long, pointed teeth in her way. She had fangs? What did this mean? What was—

  “Go now, before the urgency passes. Your first target is just beyond that rise.” Bellin pointed toward the hill on Jatara’s right. “Remember, all you need is his blood. As soon as you have it, return to me.”

  Jatara crept up the hill, nostrils flared, eyes scanning. A twig snapped and she jerked her head to the left, listening. She heard the faint crunch of leaves as someone placed a foot carefully on the forest floor. She inhaled slowly, identifying each complex smell. Then she spotted him—a tall, lanky man picking his way through the trees, spear in hand, ready for jabbing or throwing. His long black hair was woven into two thick plaits and his skin gleamed like polished copper.

  Suddenly his head whipped around and he pivoted, pulling back the spear, ready for attack. His dark eyes narrowed and he spoke in a langue she didn’t understand.

  She needed to get close enough to bite him without allowing him to overpower her. He was bigger and doubtlessly stronger, so she must be more cunning.

  His gaze lowered to her naked breasts and Jatara smiled. Men were so predictable. He spoke again, louder this time, but his spear was still poised to strike. She motioned him nearer with a soft smile, hoping her eyes didn’t give away the anxiety twisting through her belly.

  As if in a trance, he moved forward, closer and closer to her. He lowered the spear and placed his hand on her shoulder then slid it down toward her breast. Before his palm made contact with her flesh, however, she sprang forward and drove her fangs into the side of his neck. He cried out and tried to shove her back, but she held tight, sealing her lips against his skin as his blood began to flow.

  Blood, warm and bitter rolled across her tongue, bringing with it a barrage of information. Images and sensations, memories and dreams. She saw his entire life in the span of a heartbeat. She could picture his tiger-self clearly, though he remained in human form. His tribe respected and adored him. Bellin had chosen well.

  She withdrew her fangs and twisted away as he frantically tried to restrain her. She darted back up the hill, ignoring his angry shout. He called out again but didn’t follow. Her mouth was filled with blood, so she breathed through her nose. How much did she need to ingest to trigger the change? Though the taste was strong on her tongue, she couldn’t bring herself to swallow.

  Bellin waited on the far side of the hill. Shouts echoed in the distance, so Jatara took her hand and Bellin swept them to their next destination.

  Their arrival was jarring and Jatara gasped, swallowing the blood in the process. Warmt
h spread down her throat and radiated from her belly, making her fingers tingle. She felt weak and sleepy for a moment, then the lethargy receded, leaving calm clarity.

  “I saw his entire life in an instant. It felt as if I absorbed a piece of his soul.” Power surged through her, making her feel stronger and more confident.

  “In a way you did. Your body has imprinted his blood and Khonish will make it a permanent part of you.”

  “And this will happen with each man you choose?” Jatara licked the blood from her lips, no longer put off by its bitter taste. “I will sense his being and absorb his strength.”

  Bellin grinned, clearly pleased by her enthusiasm. “You will become the most powerful Therian ever to exist. No man will dare defy you.”

  “But I am only one woman. Even empowered as you say, how can I make a difference?”

  “We will choose your abilities carefully, make sure you have everything you need.”

  “Are there Therians who can move from one place to another as you have moved with me? That would be extremely beneficial.”

  Bellin nodded as speculation clouded her gaze. “We must prioritize. We have much to accomplish and not a lot of time for each task. Are you ready for your next acquisition?”

  Jatara’s heart leapt within her chest and she grinned. “I am more than ready.”

  * * * * *

  Jatara gazed out across the icy sea and trembled. She had never seen anything like it, never imagined such wonders existed. Her feet were bundled within warm boots and layers of clothing protected her from the frigid wind. This land was harsh and foreign, yet undeniably beautiful.

  Wooden vessels lined the rocky shore, larger and more elaborate than the ones her people used to traverse the Great River. “Where do they go in these boats?” Jatara whispered in the hazy twilight, afraid of revealing her hiding place to the man bathing in the sea. “Why do they need to be so large?”

  “The men or the boats?”

  Bellin’s playful question made Jatara smile. “The boats.”

  Ever patient, the Mother Creator seemed pleased by Jatara’s curiosity. “They are explorers. They go anywhere the wind takes them and when the wind will not cooperate, they row. This is one of the oldest and most powerful of all Therian clans. They are highly favored by Khonish. They transform into beautiful snow leopards.”

  Splashing drew Jatara’s gaze to the sea, and the man bathing there. Tall and broad, he appeared even larger than her father’s fiercest warrior. Pale hair streamed past his shoulders, framing a face starkly masculine, yet pleasing. Even from this distance Jatara could tell that his eyes were light, but their exact color was lost in the haze.

  “This one will not be taken unaware,” Bellin told her. “You must appeal to his protective instincts. Slip off your coat and sneak toward his clothing. Let him catch you trying to steal his cloak.”

  “I would like to speak with him. Is that allowed? Is it possible?”

  Bellin’s smile took on a knowing edge. “Anything is possible, but what would you say?”

  “I do not know. He is just so different from anyone I have known. I would like to… Never mind. We do not have time to indulge my curiosity.”

  She crept across the beach, trying not to draw his attention too quickly. Her well-padded boots muffled the gravel’s crunching, but still her steps seemed unusually loud. She had just reached the large rock formation on which he’d spread his clothing when his head shifted in her direction. His gaze narrowed and he strode from the sea, water streaming off his body in silvery rivulets.

  With her hand outstretched toward his cloak, she stood frozen and speechless. He was massive! Far larger than she’d realized. She allowed herself one lingering glance at his magnificent body, then backed up and lowered her hand, preparing to flee.

  He caught her wrist and brought her up short as she launched her frantic departure. “We hang thieves, my beauty. I am glad you changed your mind.”

  She felt her eye round as she tugged against his hold. Though his words sounded odd to her ears, somehow her mind comprehended their meaning. “I…” Would he understand her language? “I am cold.”

  “I would be happy to warm you.” He pulled her toward him, unconcerned by his nudity. “Your accent is unusual. Where is your home?”

  “Very far, I fear. I am not sure exactly where I am.”

  His brows were several shades darker than his hair and they scrunched together over sky-blue eyes. “How is that possible?” He held up his free hand and smiled. “Hold that thought. If I release you, will you promise not to run? I cannot warm you until I am warm myself.”

  She glanced toward the settlement in the distance. “I do not want trouble. I should not have tried to take your cloak, but I have been cold for so long.”

  He gradually released the tension in his fingers until she pulled her hand free. “No harm was done. I only want to speak with you.” He quickly dried off and dressed, but rather than securing the heavy cloak around his shoulders, he led her around to the sea side of the rock and drew her down onto the coarse sand. They sat side by side and he wrapped the cloak around both their bodies. “Who are you? How came you to be in my father’s village?”

  His father’s village? She hid her smile. Already they had something in common. “We travel far and wide, trading with many villages.” That was true, it just had nothing to do with what had brought her to his village. “A storm came upon us suddenly and our boat was destroyed.” She shivered, hating the lie, but unable to tell him the truth. “I do not know what happened to the others. I woke up on the beach alone.”

  He slipped his arm around her and drew her close against his side. “I am very sorry. How long have you been wandering all alone?”

  “I am not sure, exactly. The days and nights run together. I did not know who I could trust. Many are quick to take advantage of a woman on her own.”

  His strong fingers curved around her chin with surprising gentleness and he tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes. “My people are not like that. And even if they were, I would not allow anyone to harm you. You are safe with me.”

  His vivid blue gaze searched hers and she felt her lips tingle. What would it feel like to be kissed by such a man? He emanated power, like Khonish, yet the stranger seemed noble and kind. She had nothing but his word on which to base her trust, but—

  We do not have time for this, Bellin cautioned. If you have stumbled upon your mate, we can return after the new moon.

  Had she stumbled upon her mate? Was that why she felt as if she knew this man, as if she could trust him? “Thank you for not turning me over to your lawmakers.” She raised her hand and lightly stroked the side of his face.

  He mirrored her touch, his fingertips cool against her flushed cheek. “Tell me your name.”

  “Names are unimportant,” she whispered. “Call me whatever you like.” Determined to take some small part of him with her when she left, Jatara straddled his lap. She pressed her mouth against his then touched her tongue to the seam of his lips.

  The stranger growled low in his throat then wrapped his arms around her. His lips parted and his tongue greeted hers with a hot swirl. He tasted wild and clean and…familiar. How was that possible? He angled his head and deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth.

  Bite him now! The longer you wait, the harder it will be to leave him.

  Jatara kissed him with passionate longing, knowing it was likely all she would ever share with him. His hands swept up and down her back then dipped lower and cupped her ass. He pulled her forward, pressing her against the distinct ridge of his hardened cock. Lust pulsed within her, making her tremble and ache.

  Do not make me shut off his mind. I could harm him in the process.

  Torn between her desire for the handsome stranger and her need to obey Bellin, Jatara savored the kiss a moment longer then reluctantly separated their lips.

  His damp hair swept back from his flushed face as his gaze searched her
s. “Did you kiss me because you wanted to or because you felt obligated—”

  Before the tenderness in his gaze could draw her deeper into their attraction, Jatara manifested her fangs and lunged. She bit into the side of his neck and quickly filled her mouth with blood. He cried out, his hands squeezing her ass. She didn’t hesitate or give him time to recover from the shock. She scrambled off his lap and ran for the trees where Bellin was impatiently waiting.

  Jatara swallowed his blood and let the psychic rush overwhelm her. She savored each image and treasured each sensation, absorbing every detail of the stranger’s life. He was brave and honorable, fiercely protective of those he loved and unafraid in battle. With dark spots contrasting sharply with off-white fur and bright blue eyes, his snow leopard was captivating, perhaps the most beautiful cat Jatara had ever seen.

  “Is he your mate?” Bellin held out her hand, her expression revealing her concern.

  “I am not sure. He affects me differently than the others. I cannot seem to rid my mind of his image.”

  Bellin nodded. “If you still long for the snow leopard prince after we have completed our hunting, I will bring you back here so you can explore your feelings for him.”

  Jatara nodded, but her heart ached as if it were tearing in two. She had little doubt she would still want the prince, but would he still want her after she’d attacked him so viciously? And yielded her body to the Great Lord, Khonish?

  Chapter Three

  Aylon gritted his teeth as Naedar pressed a fresh poultice against the wound on the side of his neck.

  “You seem distracted.” Her voice was gentle yet knowing, like her pale blue eyes. Aylon had never been able to hide anything from Naedar.

  “It has been three days and I am still unable to banish her image from my mind.” Frustrated by his own weakness, Aylon shook his head. “I do not even know her name.”


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