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Her British Bard (Dream Come True Sweet Romance Book 2)

Page 15

by Darci Balogh

  A few beats went by. She answered, "Yes?"

  He took in a breath and blew it out. Clearing his throat nervously, he gathered his courage and said, "I want to talk to you about something."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  For one completely insane moment Sofia felt certain he was about to propose. She froze, her smile stuck to her face as her mind raced with that thought. No. That was ridiculous. Impossible. The core of her body trembled at the idea even as she used her inner voice to talk herself down.

  After a few drawn out seconds she managed to say, "Okay...what about?"

  He leaned toward her, then pulled back, then shoved his hands into his pockets like he didn't know what to do. Even in his stylish tuxedo with his new ultra manly beard, he looked so nervous. Uncertain. It was devastatingly attractive.

  "I think..." he hesitated, rethought what he was about to say, then started again, "You and" He watched for her reaction to the use of that word. She didn't object so he carried on. "I've been thinking that maybe, perhaps, we should rethink this friends only thing."

  Sofia opened her mouth to respond. Every piece of her wanted to shout out, "Yes, me too!" But before she could answer, Ian continued. It was as if a faucet had been turned on and the words and emotions he'd been experiencing for the past few months spilled out of his mouth. He confessed them to her with a mixture of relief and trepidation.

  "I can't stop thinking about you, Sofia. Since the first time I saw" His eyes moved to the inside of the ballroom where she had first seen him perform and he had singled her out with a wink.

  The moment came back to her and she experienced the same electric shock of attraction that she had felt then. It rippled through her body. She nodded in agreement. Not wanting to talk over him, just wanting to hear him say the words and bask in the sound of his voice.

  Ian pulled one hand out of his pocket and ran it through his hair, impatient with himself to continue. "I know you think we're too different to be a couple and there's the whole international issue to consider. But it's worked for those two," he gestured toward the patio door and the party where Tawnyetta and Michael were happily presiding over the ball. "I don't know why it couldn't work for us." The easy way he now referred to them as 'us' weakened any of her remaining resistance and a quiet sigh escaped her throat. Sensing that he may be convincing her, he continued passionately, "These past few months have been the most amazing months of my life. And do you know why that is?" He didn't wait for a response. "Because I know that you exist in the world."

  Sofia's heart warmed in her chest where it beat so hard and so deep she thought for sure he could hear it pounding. Instinctively, she reached out to him and he took her hand in both of his, surrounding it in the same gentle strength she'd craved since they danced this afternoon.

  He moved closer, his voice low and husky. His eyes shone with emotion. "But they've been the worst months of my life as well. It's horrible not seeing you, Sofia. I can't get you out of my heart."

  A thousand words swirled through her mind. A thousand ways she could tell him that there was a hole in her life since he'd gone away. That the way she felt when she was with him was not like any other feeling she had ever had in her life. He made her feel light. Relaxed. He made her laugh. He made her feel like the world was one big adventure. She wanted to tell him all of this and more, but the words wouldn't cooperate. They refused to form a coherent sentence and in the end all she could say was, "Ian..."

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Ian slipped one hand around her waist, pulling her to him. Her breath caught in her throat. He looked down into her eyes. It was like a magnet pulled her closer and closer to him with an invisible, unbreakable, attraction. She lifted her chin, her mouth was so close to his, her lips warm with desire.

  Ian used his grip on her hand and waist to hold her back. A twinkle in his eyes suggested he was thoroughly enjoying this, the excruciating anticipation of their first kiss. The orchestra began a new song. Notes filtered out to them through the closed doors. The Blue Danube. Ian lifted his eyebrows in delight.

  His cheek brushed hers as he bent to whisper into her ear. "It's our song, Luv." The light touch of his breath on her neck made her dizzy. Ian lifted their hands into a proper waltz stance and twirled her across the patio.

  Sofia wasn't sure that she was on solid ground any longer. As they danced, her feet barely touched the stone patio, she knew that much. Rejuvenated by the cool, damp air, moving under strings of sparkling white lights, she felt light as a feather. Though the ballroom was full near to bursting, it seemed to Sofia that she and Ian were alone in the world, dancing across this ancient patio, preparing to fly off the edge and over the moonlit gardens.

  The song was beautiful, the dancing divine, and the anticipation of what would happen after the song tingled over Sofia's skin. She drank Ian in, the look of him, the way it felt to be in his arms, the way he looked at her as they danced. Passion sparked deep inside of her, igniting a lonely place she'd kept hidden away from the world her whole life. A flame rose in Sofia's center, shedding light on a secret truth that she had never admitted to anyone. A desire she had pushed down ever since she was a young girl and decided to become a doctor.

  Sofia wanted to fall in love.

  Just like in the movies, just like in the story books, a small, private place in her soul wanted desperately to be swept away by an intelligent, funny, handsome man. It was the first time she had ever admitted this desire to herself. And waltzing with Ian was making her think that this deepest unspoken wish of hers may actually be coming true.

  Ian's eyes cut away from hers and looked to the patio doors. Every inch of his body stiffened almost imperceptibly. If they hadn't been so close together, so in tune with each other as they danced, Sofia may never have noticed. Within an instant he brought his eyes back to hers, but there was a flicker of something in them that had nothing to do with Sofia. Something dark and frustrated.

  She turned her head to see what had captured his attention. Ian led her in a move that seemed sudden and out of rhythm with the way they had been dancing up to this point. The light and airy feeling she had been experiencing darkened and she turned her head toward the patio doors again, straining slightly to get a better view. She didn't see much, because Ian attempted to lead her in the opposite direction. But what she saw was enough.

  Gaudy, bright purple, skin tight dress. Spiky white blonde hair. Hot pink smeared lips sneering at them through the glass doors. These characteristics belonged to only one person Sofia knew. And they belonged to a person Sofia knew could elicit such a strange response from Ian.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  There are few things in this world as dangerous as a strong woman who has finally opened her heart to love, only to be betrayed. Emery's presence at the ball, at the patio doors, witnessing the moment she and Ian might be falling in love, pierced Sofia's heart. All of the passion she had been feeling curled around itself until it formed a tight, impenetrable ball in the pit of her stomach. Her feet became like lead and their dancing slowed. She needed to hold Ian's shoulder for support, but was sickened by his touch.

  "Sofia..." he began.

  He knew. She could see in his eyes that he knew he had lost her.

  Heat burned the back of her throat. Angry tears welled in her eyes, but she did not blink them away. She leveled an accusing look at him, moving away from him and leaning on the solid stone wall that surrounded the patio instead.

  "Are you all right?" He reached for her arm to help steady her, but she pushed it away.

  "What is she doing here?" She flicked her eyes from him to Emery then back again.

  "It doesn't matter. She's not important."

  "Did you bring her?" Anger rose in her voice.

  "No," he said firmly. "I did not bring her." Confusion filled Sofia's face and he tried to explain. "Her uncle's in Parliament or something. I'm sure she got an invitation through him. She did not
come with me or the band." He cut his hand through the air for definition.

  She didn't know what to say, but the pleasant dizziness she'd been feeling while dancing had soured into disorientation. She was lost and leaned even more heavily against the stone wall for support.

  "Don't let her ruin everything," he said.

  Her eyes shot to his and she saw the pleading in them. The pain. But it was too late, the flickering light that had begun to bloom inside of her was dark again. Boxed up tightly and protected by the knot in her stomach and the fury in her heart.

  She pushed past him toward the patio door, intent on getting away from him and the feelings he brought out.

  "Don't go–"

  The sound of the orchestra and the party drowned him out as Sofia opened the patio doors. Without giving Emery even a cursory glance, she moved as discreetly into the crowd as possible, hoping that her emotional distress was not as obvious to the outside world as it felt from inside. She didn't look back to see if he was following her. It wouldn't matter. There was no convincing her to stay.

  She had to leave the ball. She knew there was no way she could make it through more dancing or merry making. And she could not face watching Ian perform after the orchestra. Her heart twisted in her chest at the thought of it. The way he pulled on her soul with his music, it would be too much.

  She found Tawnyetta talking to some diplomatic looking men. Her friend's brow creased in concern when she saw Sofia's state.

  "What's happened?" Tawnyetta asked.

  Sofia dismissed any issue with a quick shake of her head. "Nothing's happened. I don't feel well."

  "Oh no! Do you need anything?"

  "No, I just need to go to my room and lay down."

  "I'll take you," Tawnyetta moved to excuse herself from her guests.

  "No, don't do that."

  "I'll get Luna." Tawnyetta scanned the crowd for one of the others.

  Sofia laid a hand on Tawnyetta's forearm. "No, I'm fine without anyone. I don't want their evening to be ruined because of me."

  It took a little extra convincing for Tawnyetta to allow Sofia to leave the ball on her own, but she managed to do it in the end. She was soon rewarded with the dark quiet of their grand castle guest room. Wearily, Sofia pushed her whole body against the heavy door and heard it click shut. She was alone. Utterly alone.

  That's when the tears came, silent and strong. So strong she doubled over and clutched her stomach as she wept. She was shaken to her core, the emotional extremes she'd been feeling were too much. She made it to the bed and collapsed onto it, sobbing into her pillow. By the time Luna checked on her a while later, Sofia had stripped off her gown and curled up tightly under the heavy covers where she slept fitfully into the night.

  "You look exhausted," Bridget said as she peered at Sofia over the rim of a crystal cup.

  "Gee, thanks," Sofia responded, taking a sip out of her own crystal cup.

  Their cups were part of a larger punchbowl set that was currently full of a fizzing pink concoction and set on a buffet table laden with a variety of goodies. Hot flaky cheese puffs, tiny strawberry tarts folded like little diapers, deviled eggs sprinkled with crispy bacon bits, and miniature pink and turquoise cupcakes with tiny white marzipan baby booties on each one were some of the treats. Everything had been created by the castle cook under the guidance of Bridget, who was officially throwing Tawnyetta's baby shower. And officially giving Sofia the third degree.

  "I didn't mean it like that," Bridget said.

  They had just finished setting up the gift table with balloons and flowers and were taking a minute to taste test the punch before everybody, including the guest of honor, arrived.

  "What did you mean it like, then?" Sofia asked. She was feeling sharp and moody. Luna had let her sleep through breakfast, but Bridget had taken that to mean she had plenty of rest and could help her put the final touches on the party.

  "I mean I want to know all of the details of what is going on with you and Ian Law," Bridget said, stressing Ian's name.

  Sofia cringed internally. "There's nothing going on."

  Bridget arched an eyebrow. "Really? Because last we saw you two last night you were thick as thieves on the patio. Then you disappeared."

  Sofia had not had time to process everything with Ian since last night. She certainly didn't want to do it right now, minutes before they were surrounded by baby shower guests. She shook her head, denying whatever Bridget had concocted in her overactive imagination.

  "Nothing happened. I told you. I didn't feel well and I went back to the room and fell asleep."

  Bridget studied Sofia's face then shrugged. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

  Sofia sighed and wished everyone else would arrive. Bridget needed a distraction and nothing distracted her quiet so well as a party to command.

  The guest list for this party was fairly short, even though Bridget had announced it as a co-ed party. Michael would accompany Tawnyetta, of course. Luna and Angie should be there soon. Bea and Travis had promised to come. Thomas would be here with Marin, because where else would she go? Even though she barely knew Tawnyetta, she was Thomas' girlfriend and went with him everywhere according to Luna and Angie. Sofia wondered what that would be like, to have someone you loved with you at all of your important events. A fresh wave of sadness washed over her.

  "Welcome," Bridget said with delight as Liza poked her head into the room. Bridget had invited Liza and Dr. Clara as they were Sofia's guests. Henry also came, mostly because he was following Liza around.

  In a short time the small parlor style room was full of happy, chatting people. Sofia did her best to fit in. She decided to talk to her three co-workers in order to avoid any more intimate questions from her closer friends.

  "Lady MacBrody certainly is a beauty, isn't she?" Dr. Clara commented as she placed three small cupcakes on a china plate.

  Sofia smiled. "She is." Tawnyetta was a ball of glowing prettiness at her baby shower. At around five months along she had that radiant mid-pregnancy look about her, especially in the charming maxi dress she'd chosen for the occasion. With black and white stripes on top and a floral print on the bottom she was casual chic and the picture of darling maternity wear.

  Sofia glanced down at her own denim dress. It was soft and comfortable, which is why she'd chosen it today. Plus she thought it had that pseudo 70's look that she often saw Meghan Markle wear. She figured if it was stylish enough for the Duchess of Sussex, it would be stylish enough for Lady MacBrody's baby shower.

  "And he's a handsome devil, wouldn't you say?" Dr. Clara's beady eyes had shifted and were resting on Michael who had just entered the room. "Can you imagine how attractive their wee bairn will be?" She popped one of the turquoise blue cupcakes whole into her mouth and chuckled with pleasure.

  "He is quite handsome," Liza agreed.

  Henry puffed up a bit at her comment. "Oh, I don't know. His mouth is a little crooked...if you ask me." All three women looked at him. "I'm just sayin'..." Henry shuffled uncomfortably under their scrutiny and he glared in Michael's general direction. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "What's this?"

  All three women followed his gaze and Sofia felt her heart drop when she saw what Henry had seen. Ian. Walking in the doorway, apparently following Michael, Ian in jeans, a tight black T-shirt, and dark sunglasses, looked every bit the rock star.

  "That's Ian Law from The Tellers," Henry exclaimed. If Ian heard him, he didn't respond.

  Bea had materialized at Sofia's elbow and corrected Henry, "The Robot Tellers."

  Liza furrowed her brow, studying Ian from across the room. She looked at Sofia then back to Ian again. "Isn't he–"

  "He was brilliant last night," Henry continued. Ian had definitely found a fan in their young friend. "Did you catch that last song?"

  Liza continued to look at Sofia. "I thought he was your–"

  "Cupcake?" Bridget appeared in front of them with a tray of goodies.

  Dr. Cla
ra took another blue cupcake as she said, "Yes, yes, Liza. I thought he was, too."

  "Thought who was what?" Bridget asked.

  "Ian Law," Henry explained. He pointed at Ian as he said it and this time Sofia was sure Ian had heard him, because he turned to look at them. "He's the lead singer of The Tellers."

  "The Robot Tellers," Bea corrected again, taking her own pink cupcake from Bridget's tray.

  "No, no, no," Dr. Clara chimed in, her deep voice lifting over all the other conversations in the room.

  Sofia was frozen where she stood. Her heart beat wildly as she watched Ian take off his sunglasses, his golden eyes locked on hers. Bridget watched them both with rising interest.

  "Liza and I were discussing that we've seen him before last night," Dr. Clara explained, so loudly Sofia knew the whole room could hear.

  "You've seen him in concert?" Henry asked. Dear, single minded Henry.

  Dr. Clara shook her head 'no'. "Actually, we saw him at work when he came to see you." She turned to Sofia with an amused smile and, her voice booming, said, "We thought he was your boyfriend!"

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The room fell into an awkward silence as all eyes turned to Sofia. Ian lifted his eyebrows in amused surprise and kept his eyes locked on hers. As heat rose in her cheeks Sofia tore her gaze away from Ian and searched the room for any reason that she could leave. On the buffet table she spied the almost empty cheese puff tray.

  "Cheese puffs," she said. Mild confusion flickered across everyone's faces. Especially Ian's. "We're almost out of cheese puffs. I'll go check on that."

  "We can ring for–" Bridget started to explain that there were servants to help them with things like cheese puffs.

  "I'll check on it," Sofia insisted. She grabbed the almost empty tray and made her escape out the door. In her haste to leave she moved the tray so swiftly that two cheese puffs rolled off and bounced onto the ornate rug. Sofia was so embarrassed she didn't stop to pick them up.


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