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Eternally Bound

Page 8

by T. A. DeMellet

  “Yes, of course,” I replied to myself. I swung by Adam the new intern’s desk on my way back to my own, and asked him to write up a change order for the upholstery, but my head was swimming with the conversation I just had with Damien. Adam had to ask me three times who the clients were.

  “Steinberg. Sorry. I’m not completely with it today,” I told him.

  “Yes, I can see that,” he said, chuckling. “I’ll get that done this afternoon, no problem.”

  “Thanks Adam,” I said, clutching the sapphire-colored swatch to my chest as I walked back to my desk in a daze.


  I left the office at 6:15, just forty five minutes before I could expect Damien’s to call again. That’s if he actually called me the first time (my rational side was having a hard time accepting the fact that he and I spoke earlier this morning). The dreamer in me was counting down the minutes. I was as anxious and as excited as a teenage girl about to get a phone call from her crush. Good lord.

  I decided to call my mom on the ride home. I hadn’t spoken with her in a while and was actually surprised she hadn’t called me by now either. We didn’t talk on a regular basis, but she usually didn’t let more than two weeks go by without calling. I mean, I was her only child after all. I was struck by a sudden desire to have a closer relationship with my parents. One where we could talk freely; one where they wouldn’t constantly throw in my face that I failed to take the career path they wanted me to take.

  Ever since I was a child, they made it abundantly clear that their greatest wish was for me to take a place in my father’s law firm. He was a lawyer. My mother was lawyer. Naturally, I had to want that life too. But my passions lay elsewhere. I was sketching houses from a young age and redesigning my room every other weekend. And when I grew bored with doing that, I would rearrange everything in my parent’s house while they were at work (which is where they practically lived). They always believed I would grow out of my dream to be an interior designer… all teenagers want to be the opposite of their parents when they grow up, but they eventually come to their senses and choose practical, steady career paths like they’re supposed to, right? Well, much to their disappointment, I never grew out of my childhood dream to go to design school, and I worked my butt off, earned a scholarship and graduated (with an astounding amount in student loans) in three years time with an apprenticeship my colleagues would die for.

  But there are times, like now, that I wish I could confide in them… share with them the strange occurrences I’ve experienced over the last few weeks. They had no idea about the dreams or visions, about Damien, or about visiting Madame Yelena. And I had to keep it that way. I knew my uptight parents would never approve of me consulting a medium, let alone going out to California by myself. I could almost hear her judgmental tone now...

  My mother picked up on the second ring.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hello, dear. How are you? You must be busy at work, huh? I haven’t heard from you in quite a while.”

  “I’m good, Mom. Yes, things have been super busy at work.”

  “Oh that’s good. I am so glad. Your father and I have always worried this decorating hobby of yours wouldn’t pan out,” she said. “But you know there is always a place for you at the firm if you change your mind.” And there it was, her little jab to let me know she’s still disappointed with me and my life… and in record time too! She usually didn’t start in on my failures until at least ten minutes into a conversation.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom. How are things with you and Dad?” I asked, hoping to change the subject and prevent an argument.

  “Oh, we’re both fine. I was actually going to call you. Your father wants you to come by this weekend. Your cousins are coming to town and you should see them.”

  This weekend was not going to work. But I couldn’t tell them I might be flying out to LA to meet Damien Pierce. Granted, my parents didn’t watch many movies or T.V., so they probably wouldn’t even know who he was, but there was no way they would approve of me going across the country to see a guy they’ve never met, let alone heard me speak of.

  “Actually, Mom, I have to work this weekend. This project that Lillian gave me has been pretty demanding. But this is my chance to prove to her that I am ready to become an interior designer and not just her assistant,” I explained.

  “I understand you’re in the middle of your little project, but if you can make it this weekend that would be nice. If not, we understand,” she said coldly.

  “It’s a very big project, but I’ll see what I can do. And if you ever want to take Dad’s firm out of the 80’s and give it a much needed modern facelift, I’d be happy to use my decorating hobby to help you guys out!”

  My mother gave a short, terse laugh on the other end, “Thank you dear, we’ll keep that in mind.”

  I completely regretted calling her at this point. All she ever did was put me down and slip in her snide little remarks. Just then, my cell phone beeped with another call. I stole a quick glance at the phone. Emily was calling on the other line.

  “Hey, Mom, Emily is calling me on the other line. I’ll talk to you later?”

  “Yes, of course. Tell Emily I said hello.”

  “Will do. Bye, Mom.”

  I switched over to Emily and quickly readjusted my mood so I could fill her in on what happened today.

  “Damien Pierce called you, and not some overpaid executive assistant?” Emily asked in disbelief.

  “Yep.” I smiled so broadly, I bet she could feel it on the other end of the phone.

  “Holy cow... So, you actually wrote to him and he actually got your Twitter message, huh? I thought you were bluffing when you told me you were going to reach out to him.”

  “Gee, thanks Em. He called me last night too, but I missed the call and thought it must have been a telemarketer,” I said, laughing.

  “Dude, that would be a great story to tell your kids one day,” she joked.

  “It was just a phone call, not a marriage proposal. Don’t get carried away.”

  “Yeah, but your souls are destined to be together. Madame Yelena said so, remember?”

  “How could I forget,” I replied, feeling suddenly anxious.

  “So he wants you to fly out to LA and meet him? That is seriously cool. When are you going?” she asked.

  “Well, I told him I would try and get this Friday off, which means I would go this weekend.”

  “Whoa! So soon?”

  “He sort of insisted on it. The sooner the better, he said.”

  “Wow, this is crazy, Maddie. Are you freaking out? I would be totally freaking out.”

  “You better believe it,” I admitted. I looked at the clock on my dashboard. It was quarter to seven and Damien would be calling me soon. I was approaching my apartment and wanted to get inside and change before he called.

  “Listen Emily, I have to let you go. Damien promised to call me again tonight at seven, and I am almost home,” I explained.

  “Oh, he did? This just keeps getting better... I’ll talk to you later, then. Call me tomorrow and tell me everything.”

  “Okay, I will. Bye, Em.” Just as I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat, it rang. It was Damien’s number, but he was early. I took a few deep breaths, trying desperately to compose myself before answering.

  “Hello?” I answered, my heart hammering in my chest.

  “Hey Madelyn, sorry for calling early. I couldn’t wait.” His voice was just as deep and husky as it was in each and every dream we shared. My heart fluttered at his words.

  “No problem. I was anxiously awaiting your call,” I admitted.

  “You were?” How could he sound so incredulous? Wouldn’t most people be giddy with excitement talking to him?

  “Did you have a chance to look at your calendar and see if you can come out here this weekend?” he asked.

  “Yes, I did,” I told him, although I hadn’t actually approved it with Lillian yet. But I wa
s almost certain she wouldn’t mind if I took the day off on Friday. “I have to confirm it with my boss, but I should be able to fly out Friday morning. However, I insist on paying for the ticket. I couldn’t accept such a generous offer, Damien. I mean, it’s not…”

  “Wait,” he interrupted. “I asked you to come here, and I practically demanded it be as quickly as possible. You’re making the time to do this, and it would be my pleasure to buy your airline ticket.”

  I felt so uncomfortable accepting, but I also didn’t want to hurt his feelings or deny his gift. I drove into my apartment complex and parked under the carport. He had me hold while his assistant searched online for a flight. I quickly got out of the car and ran inside.

  “Are you still there, Madelyn?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,” I said, blushing. I smiled at the double meaning of my words.

  “Good. I’m glad to hear that,” he said. “It’s kind of weird talking to you on the phone. I mean, I like talking to you, but it’s different from when we talk in our dreams. There, it seems like we’ve known each other forever, but talking to you now, I’m reminded that we’re basically strangers. I guess I’m just nervous.” He paused for a moment before finishing. “I don’t want to be strangers…not with you,” he stated.

  Desire spread through me at his words. His voice could melt a glacier, and left me feeling warm all over. I felt so sure of our feelings for one another when I was with him in the dream realm, but in reality, things were new and awkward. And I didn’t want them to be either. I wanted what I felt for him in these dreams to happen in reality.

  “Oh, hold on,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. “Bentley found a non-stop flight. You would leave Miami at 9:15 on Friday morning and arrive in LAX at 11:45 am, 2:45 your time. How does that sound? Bentley can be at the airport to pick you up and bring you here.”

  “Alright, that should work perfectly. I will just need to be back home by Sunday night for the return flight. Thank you again, Damien. You don’t have to send anyone, though. I can get a taxi.”

  “Nonsense. Bentley will be there to pick you up. It’s really no problem,” he assured.

  “Thank you,” I said gratefully. “I’m excited to meet you in person. Nervous as hell, but excited.”

  “Same here,” he chuckled. “Bentley will be making dinner for us that night, so we don’t have to dine out. It will be more comfortable, I think. And private. We can talk and relax…it’ll be nice,” he said warmly.

  “Your assistant cooks too? What else does Bentley do?” I asked, curious of his role in Damien’s life.

  “Bentley is my personal assistant, chef, and personal trainer. Actually, he’s my best friend. I hired him to help me keep my life on track when it became abundantly clear I couldn’t do it on my own anymore,” he laughed.

  “Well, he sounds awesome. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “He’s an amazing cook, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy dinner Friday evening.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” I smiled on the other end, thinking how unreal it was that Damien Pierce was planning all of this for me.

  “It’s a date, then,” he exclaimed.

  “A date…” I whispered mostly to myself.

  “No pressure or anything. It doesn’t have to be a date in the traditional sense of the word,” he stammered, back-peddling.

  “No, Damien, I don’t feel pressured. It’s just that this whole experience has been so unbelievable. I’m eager to meet you and in a state of shock all at once. I’m sure you understand,” I tried to explain. I wasn’t liking these moments of awkwardness.

  “Of course I understand. Madelyn?”


  “May I call you tomorrow, too?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” I replied, smiling.

  His throaty chuckle put me at ease. “Until tomorrow, then. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Damien Pierce,” I said, in awe of the fact that I had actually been talking to a prominent figure in Hollywood for the last hour.

  “Oh boy, why the full name?” he asked.

  “No reason. I’m still pinching myself, that’s all. I still don’t believe I’m actually talking to you. This kind of connection would be unbelievable regardless, but it makes it even more unfathomable that it’s with someone who is known around the world.” Instantly, I realized what I said and felt the blood rising to my cheeks.

  “Don’t think of me that way. Once you get to know me, you’ll see that I’m not like most people’s preconceived notions of celebrities. The so-called fame and status - it doesn’t really mean much to me. I enjoy being an actor for the pure and simple pleasure of entertaining people,” he said seriously.

  “Oh…” I wasn’t sure what to say after his admission. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply anything…”

  “Please, you don’t need to apologize,” he said kindly. “Is it alright to call around the same time tomorrow?”

  “Yes, the same time is perfect. It was really nice talking to you. Goodnight,” I said, trying to end the conversation quickly, and thus end my embarrassment.

  “Goodnight, Madelyn.” He disconnected the call. I scolded myself for being such a blubbering idiot on the phone. I couldn’t help feeling ridiculous and I was now completely wound up after speaking with him.

  I hurriedly stripped my clothing and tossed them into the hamper before getting into the shower. I hoped the warm water would calm my nerves and wash away the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. In a few days, I would be traveling across the country to stay with someone that I have never met and who just so happens to be a celebrity. He could secretly be a deranged psychopath for all I knew, and I was just as deranged for even considering it. The craziest part is that I knew I was going to do this no matter what. For once, I was going to throw caution to the wind, follow my gut instinct, and hope for the best.



  I hung up the phone and fell back onto my bed. I was really going to meet this girl. In four days’ time, I would finally meet Madelyn. I was curious how that evening would play out. Would she be the same Madelyn I’ve seen in the dream realm; the same woman I pictured in my mind every single day? Would the connection I feel be as strong in person as it was in this otherworldly place we shared?

  My questions would be answered soon enough. I got up and left my bedroom in search of Bentley. I could hear the clanging of metal and Bentley’s workout music drifting down the hall. He was in the gym. I opened the door to see him doing chest presses like a beast.

  “Hey Bentley, thanks again for finding and booking that flight for Madelyn.”

  “No problem,” he said huffing and puffing. He lowered the music and turned to face me. “What’s her take on all of this by the way?” he asked.

  “She’s excited to come out here, but nervous, naturally. Just as I am,” I admitted.

  Bentley re-racked the weights then crossed his arms over his chest. “Aren’t you having lunch with Ava tomorrow?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes, I finally agreed to meet her. I’m hoping she can behave like a big girl and we can remain civil. Hopefully she will get the closure she needs.”

  “Let’s hope so, D. That girl gives me bad vibes. She might look all sweet and innocent to everyone else, but I guarantee she has a dark side,” Bentley proclaimed.

  “Bentley, you think everyone’s got the Devil in them. Just relax, I know how to handle Ava.”

  “Good luck, man. You’ll need it. Oh and I assume you and Madelyn will be dining here on Friday night?”

  “You assume correctly, my friend.” I chuckled.

  “Sounds good. Hey, let me know once your doctor clears you for working out again. Can’t have you getting fluffy now, can we?” he laughed. “But seriously, you do need to get back to your routine,” he added.

  “Oh, I can’t wait,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.



  The warm shower had the desired effect on my nerves, but a cup of tea couldn’t hurt either, I thought. I dressed in my comfiest pajamas and made my way into the kitchen to put water to boil. While I waited, I microwaved a bowl of homemade chicken and vegetable soup left over from the night before.

  I turned on the T.V. as I sipped my soup, hoping to watch something entertaining enough to take my mind off Damien and my flight out there… and what in the world was I going to wear when I met him? The thought of what to pack sent my anxiety levels soaring again. I flipped furiously through the channels until I finally gave up on the whole endeavor. Turning off the television, I went back into my bedroom and grabbed my laptop. I sat crisscrossed on the bed and decided to research what there was to do in Los Angeles.

  I had never flown out west, and Damien had mentioned he wanted to keep a low profile, but maybe I would be able to find time to do a little sightseeing by myself. I searched through a few websites before coming to the realization that it was all rather useless. Did I seriously think I would want to spend any time away from him while I was there? No, I was going to spend every minute of those three days in his company. I could always go to California again someday. I closed my laptop and set it aside. This trip was going to be solely for the purpose of getting to know Damien and discovering what this connection meant for the both of us now, and in the future. I picked up my well-worn copy of Jane Eyre and settled against my pillows trying to get more comfortable. Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep…

  I felt myself entering the dream realm, the familiar tingle washing over the surface of my skin being the usual indicator. I wandered... and waited. My being hovered restlessly as I waited for Damien to enter this place. The anticipation was building as the seconds ticked by. I squinted, trying to make out my surroundings. I could feel soft sand between my toes. The sound of the ocean suddenly flooded my ears and I inhaled the saltiness of the sea. I was on a beach and it appeared that I was just in time for sunrise. As I waited for Damien’s arrival, I sat down on the sand, which was somehow warm, although the sun’s rays had yet to touch it. I dug my fingers into the warm sand, enjoying the sensation. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes, the same pair of hands which covered them once before in the very same manner.


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