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Love Like Ours (Sugar Lake Book 3)

Page 17

by Melissa Foster

  Derek pressed another kiss to Talia’s cheek.

  “I got that one, too!” India waved her phone.

  “I want in on this action.” Eli pushed his head between Derek and Talia and kissed Talia’s cheek. They all laughed as India took the picture.

  “Get in here, India.” Derek pulled her forward as much as he could with her skis and held her phone up for a group selfie.

  “I want copies,” Talia said.

  They took a bunch of silly pictures as they waited in line, which was a great distraction from Talia’s nervousness. She and India exchanged phone numbers, and India texted her the pictures.

  “We’re up!” Eli said as he skied out to wait for the lift. “See you guys at the top.”

  Talia drew in a deep breath.

  “You okay, babe?” Derek asked as Eli was swept up the hill and Talia transferred her poles to her left hand.

  “Yeah, I think so.” During breakfast, Derek had drawn cartoons of them skiing while he reminded her of the ins and outs of riding the lifts. She wasn’t that nervous about riding the J-bar or even skiing down the bunny hill, but the bigger lifts and the more difficult slopes had her stomach in knots.

  “I’ll be right behind you. Remember, all you have to do is slide forward at the top. Eli will be waiting for you, and I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Just what she needs. A freak sandwich,” India teased. “You’re going to kill it, Talia!”

  Derek swatted Talia’s butt as she skied out to wait for the lift, and India took more pictures. Talia blew Derek a kiss, and then the bar slid into place, pushing her up the hill. Eli came into view, standing at the top of the hill with his phone in one hand, either recording or taking pictures; she couldn’t tell which. When she skied away from the slope, he cheered and applauded.

  “You’re a pro!” Eli said.

  Derek and India arrived a minute later.

  “Derek must have been pulling our legs about you not skiing,” Eli said.

  “No. He was telling you the truth. I haven’t skied in forever. But this is just the kid area. It’s the bigger slopes and lifts that worry me.”

  “I get that,” India said. “It took me forever to brave the bigger slopes.”

  “Why do they worry you?” Eli asked. “Just tell yourself they are all bunny slopes.”

  “Oh, right,” she said sarcastically. “A hill this size is doable. But the steeper slopes make me feel totally out of control.”

  “You must be an oldest child,” Eli said. “How many siblings do you have?”

  “How do you know I have any?”

  “Because most eldest siblings need a sense of control,” Eli explained. “So . . . ? How many?”

  She told him about her sisters and Ben. “Once I was able to drive, I’d bring them skiing, but there were definite advantages to hanging out in the lodge.”

  “Hot guys,” India said, and held her hand up for a high five. “I hear ya. My sister and I totally figured that out, too. All the hot guys would snowboard, then hit the lodge to warm up.”

  “We’re breaking you of that habit today.” Derek gave her a possessive—and hot as sin—stare.

  She and India laughed.

  “Let’s go, Tallie girl,” Derek said. “You set the pace, and I’ll ski beside you.”

  True to his promise, he stayed in line with her the whole way down, even though she skied slower than nearly every kid on the slope. When she got to the bottom, India and Eli both had their phones out, taking pictures.

  “What are you doing? Making a documentary?” she teased.

  “Life is short,” India said. “We capture the good times when we can.”

  Her heart squeezed at that little reminder. While she’d been enjoying the time with everyone, she’d forgotten the choreographing that had to happen in order for the others to go on outings such as this and the reality that nobody lived forever or remained the same throughout their lives. She kept that in mind as they skied the bunny hill two more times and then headed to a more difficult one. As she and Derek rode the ski lift up the mountain, the sun beat down on the glistening snow, laughter drifted up from below, and she felt a new level of appreciation for those simple things.

  She took out her phone, cuddled closer to Derek, and took a selfie. She became aware of how good it felt to smile and how the man beside her kept her smiling. She turned and took a picture of India and her wild hair and Eli with that silly hat on his head on the lift behind them. Eli put his hand on India’s leg, and she swatted it away.

  Talia faced forward as she zipped her phone into her pocket. “What’s with that hat Eli wears?”

  “It was his older brother’s.” Derek placed his hand over hers and squeezed. “He was in the military and came home with PTSD. He committed suicide last year.”

  “Oh no.” Her heart broke for him. “His poor family.”

  They rode the rest of the way up the mountain in silence, and it was probably a good thing, because Talia was so nervous about getting off the lift that as their turn neared, everything else fell away. Suddenly there was only the sound of blood rushing through her ears and the view of the clifflike hill they were approaching. Derek was saying something about lifting the tips of her skis, but as she fumbled with her poles, she couldn’t focus on the words. She sat up straighter, watching the ground come up at her as they approached, and then she was standing and Derek was beside her, and she turned, excited to show him she’d done it! But her ski angled, catching on the other one, sending her ass over teakettle down the slope. She landed on her belly with an ooph as Derek tumbled down beside her. She tried to sit up, but her skis were tangled. Derek’s arm came around her waist and he hauled her on top of him, out of the way of the approaching skiers.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to trip you!” she said, more embarrassed than hurt to have tripped him up, too.

  He lay beneath her, grinning like a fool—a lovesick fool—and her heart stuttered.

  “You fell on purpose?” She couldn’t believe it! Why would he do that?

  “Team Grant and all that,” he said. Then he pressed his lips to hers, obliterating her embarrassment.

  As they got to their feet, she spotted Eli and India waiting for them.

  “Are you okay?” India asked as she rushed to Talia’s side.

  “Don’t worry.” Eli waved his phone. “We got it all on video. You’ll be the next YouTube sensation. Ski-Crossed Lovers!”

  Hours of friendship and laughter passed with falls and teasing taunts, making for a fun afternoon. Talia was a fine skier, even if a little nervous. There were times when they didn’t say a word at the top of the mountain, and then skied down together. But other times Derek saw worries rising in her eyes or her smile trembling at the edges. He went to her then, standing close enough to demand all of her attention. In those moments, when her confidence wavered, he reminded her of who she was. Not the polished professor, but the careful woman who wanted to understand things before taking the next step. The woman who weighed her options and the risks before opening her heart to him. The woman who helped him see that he didn’t have to choose between his own happiness and his father’s. And then he took the time to talk through the risks and what-ifs that concerned her about skiing down the mountain. He didn’t push her to confront them. He simply listened and talked her through her worries. Once she felt safe and comfortable enough, they skied down. But he’d have walked down the mountain if she’d preferred.

  As daylight gave way to evening, Derek looked around the dinner table in the lodge restaurant, thinking about the incredible day they’d shared. India was watching him as she whispered something to Talia. It warmed his heart to see how close the two of them had become. Across the table, Eli was scoping out a girl sitting on the other side of the room. And Derek’s sweet, beautiful Tallie girl, whose cheeks were pink from a day in the sun, sat in front of the roaring fire, looking radiant as she reached for his hand under the table. He loved that she could kiss him
in front of everyone and still have shy moments like these, where their connection was kept just between the two of them.

  “Are you guys up for Nightingale’s Wednesday night?” India asked.

  Eli nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

  Man, Derek had been so swept up in Talia, he’d forgotten the dinner was planned for this week.

  He leaned closer to Talia and said, “Nightingale’s is the restaurant where my father used to work. Once a month, before they open for dinner, they host an early dinner hour for us and our parents. It’s nice. I had forgotten it was this week. I’ll have to get Geno to cover my shift at the bar. Can you join us?”

  “You sure you don’t mind?” Talia asked softly.

  “Babe, there’s not a single night when I don’t want you with me. It would seem strange not to have you there.”

  “I already invited her to Phyllis’s for the potluck next Sunday night.” India patted her curls. “Because I’m cool like that.”

  “Pushy like that,” Eli teased.

  India rolled her eyes. “You like me pushy. It’s who I am.”

  As Eli and India traded barbs, Derek said, “Pick your favorite dish for next Sunday night and we’ll make it together.”

  She batted her long lashes, playful and sexy at once, and said, “There’s no oven involved with my favorite dish, and I definitely don’t want to share him.”

  “You’re killing me, baby,” he nearly growled, and kissed her until India complained and they were forced to separate.

  After dinner they headed out to the parking lot. Streetlights glowed against the winter-white sky like beacons in the night. Derek was in no hurry to leave their memories behind, and he hoped Talia wasn’t, either.

  He drew her tighter against him. “What do you think, Tallie girl? Best day ever?”

  She gazed up with the most contented expression. “There are no words . . .”

  You’re wrong, baby. He’d had a few very special words pecking at his heart for the past few days, and it was hell keeping them in. He leaned in for a kiss as they reached Eli’s truck.

  “You two are going to get lip-locked if you keep that up,” India said as she pulled Talia from his arms and hugged her. “See you Wednesday?”

  “Absolutely,” Talia said, and then she hugged Eli. “Be careful driving.”

  “Of course. Have fun tonight.” Eli winked at Derek.

  “We always do.” The bastard was going to ruin Talia’s surprise if he wasn’t careful. Derek reached for Talia’s hand, and they headed for his car.

  “Thank you for letting me tag along,” Talia said when they reached his car.

  “Tag along? Where I go, you go. That’s what couples do. They go skiing and stay at lodges and take sleigh rides through the snow.” He kissed her softly, and she wound her arms around his neck.

  “That sounds amazing. Maybe one day Maria can stay with your dad overnight and we can do that.”

  He reached into his pocket and withdrew the keycard to their room in the lodge, which he’d picked up from the desk while Talia was in the ladies’ room. He waved it between them. “Tonight is our night, Tallie girl. And our horse-drawn sleigh leaves in half an hour, giving us just enough time to get our things up to the room and for me to get you sufficiently hot and bothered.”

  “But . . .” She launched herself into his arms, and he twirled her around as they kissed. “I can’t believe it.” Kiss, kiss. “Thank you!” Kiss, nip, kiss. “What about your dad? Will he get upset or thrown off schedule?”

  “Tonight is all ours. Maria’s staying overnight, and she’s taking him to the museum tomorrow.” This was the first time he’d spend the night away from his father since he’d started taking care of him. It was a huge deal, but he’d had a long talk with Maria about it. He trusted her, and he hoped his father did okay. He and Talia deserved this night.

  “I have no luggage! Not that I care, but . . .”

  He chuckled and kissed her long and hard before setting her on her feet. “You have luggage, babe.” He unlocked the hatchback and lifted out her bag. “I had your sisters pack for you.”

  “Please tell me you mean Bridgette and Willow. If Piper packed, I’ll have a suitcase full of sexy lingerie and Lord knows what else.”

  “I’ll plead the Fifth on that one—and make a mental note to have Piper pack all your bags from now on.” He hoisted their bags over his shoulder and pulled her close again. “Your mother was nice enough to send along lotions and oils. I requested her most potent love potions.”


  THE CRISP NIGHT air stung Talia’s cheeks as snowflakes fell from the sky, but she was warm and cozy, snuggled with Derek beneath heavy blankets as a beautiful chestnut horse with red ribbons braided in its mane pulled their sleigh along the snowy trail. Talia felt like they’d slipped into a world all their own, serenaded by sounds of the sleigh runners gliding swiftly through the snow and surrounded by tall pines, fluffy white snow covering their branches like mops of hair. The horse’s hooves were muffled in the fresh powder, creating a soft rhythm. Derek tipped her face up and kissed her. Snowflakes melted on her eyelashes, but her hands were buffered by mittens, and her body heated as their tongues tangled and their hands began to wander. The driver seemed oblivious, though he was probably used to couples kissing and touching on the tranquil ride through paradise.

  She never imagined life could be this beautiful. Not just their winter wonderland or the way Derek turned her insides to fire, but life with him, where responsibilities mattered but so did . . . love? She breathed a little harder with that thought as he deepened their kisses. She’d felt herself falling long before tonight, but still her pulse quickened with the realization.

  Derek pulled off his gloves and caressed her cheek. “You’re so beautiful, Tallie. I want to give you everything. Nights like these, days filled with laughter, friends, family. I want so much to make you happy.”

  “You are my happiness.” It was the truth, and she felt it all the way to her bones. “I’ve kept myself closed off for so long, afraid to let anyone in. I have no idea how we happened, but I’m so glad we did.”

  “We happened the way all the best things in life happen. Our worlds collided in the parking lot, and once we found each other, we were drawn together by some inexplicable force of nature.” He kissed her again, slowly and sensually. “You needed a man you could count on, someone real, who knew the value of a woman like you. And don’t think I mean an accomplished woman, because that’s far too simple to describe you, Talia Dalton. A professor is what you do, but who you are is a caring, feminine woman, as strong and determined as you are cautious. I respect and love all those parts of you. You bring light into my world, Talia, and I don’t want to imagine a day when I don’t wake up with you in my arms.”

  Her throat thickened, and at the same time, she felt like she was really breathing for the first time in years. She didn’t even try to respond with words. She simply drew his mouth to hers and kissed him. She felt him smile against her lips, and then she was smiling too, inside and out. She’d watched her sisters fall in love, and as badly as she’d wanted to feel the incredible sensations they’d described, she’d never fully believed she would. And she sure as heck never expected it to feel this good.

  They made out, took selfies, talked, and lay in silence, running their hands leisurely over each other’s bodies on the way back to the lodge. Once they were in the elevator, Derek pinned her against the wall, hands above her head, his blue eyes burning through her like lasers.

  “You’re mine, baby, and I’m yours. All night, with no restrictions. No worries about anyone else needing my attention,” he growled hungrily. “Tonight there’s no holding back.”

  She couldn’t stop a needy moan from escaping. His eyes flashed dark and insolent as his mouth came ravenously down over hers, kissing her like he’d been freed from years of captivity. She was right there with him, arching and moaning, biting at his lips, earning his strong, rough han
ds all over her body. By the time they reached their room, she was hanging on to her sanity by a thread. Derek tore their coats off, hauled her into his arms, and shoved the door closed with his hip. She pulled at his shirt as he lifted her sweater over her head, leaving her in a skintight Under Armour top.

  “Boots!” fell urgently from her lips, and they both dropped to the floor, struggling to rid themselves of the confining footwear.

  Four boots thumped onto the tile, and then she was in his arms again, his hot mouth caressing hers, his hands in her hair, holding, tugging, claiming her as they made their way toward the bed. He worked the button on her jeans free and stripped them down. His eyes locked on her Under Armour leggings.

  “Baby, is this like one of those box tricks, where I have to keep taking off more layers?”

  She giggled and wiggled out of her Under Armour. “Willow said to dress in layers for warmth.”

  “Your man says to strip naked,” he said as he shucked his own clothes. “I’ll keep you so fucking hot, you’ll never want to wear clothes again.”

  “That’s a big promise,” she said as she tugged off her socks. “I hope you plan to fulfill it.”

  God, he was gorgeous, leaning one hand against the wall, those piercing blue eyes sending sinful messages, his hard length beckoning her, as he pulled off his last sock and pushed from the wall. He crooked his finger, beckoning her to him. The way he looked at her, touched her, the things he said and did, had the most empowering effect on her.

  Tonight there’s no holding back. She shivered as his words played in her mind. She walked slowly, trying to saunter seductively, while not focusing on the embarrassment of being on display. The wolfish look in his eyes told her she’d nailed it, and then there was no room for embarrassment. When she was within reach, he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her against him.

  “Are you doubting my sexual abilities, Professor Dalton?” He rubbed his cock against her belly in a dizzying rhythm.


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