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Finding Izzy

Page 10

by Nanette Fox

  “Oh my god Isabella, we all love you as part of our families.” Julia sat looking at her beautiful friend who was tearfully sipping her wine.

  “Maybe borrowed is the wrong word. I just wanted to feel like I truly belonged to someone.”

  Julia’s thoughts, as they shared a few silent moments, took her to memories of Isabella within Rebecca’s and her families. She realized then that Isabella had always been so careful to do and say just exactly what was expected of her. She had never actually got past being ‘a guest’ in the families after her parents died. Although, Julia had to admit, she and Rebecca were often quite envious of the close bond, similar to mother and daughter, Rebecca’s mother Lucy and Isabella shared. “Isabella can I ask why you still wear Isaac’s rings? And why sometimes you refer to yourself as Isabella Thompson?”

  “Because that’s what I belonged to, and I really didn’t expect or think there would ever be anyone else.” She picked nervously at her watch. “I am absolutely terrified.”

  Julia reached out, “Iz, it is okay.” Isabella laughed.

  “You sound like Tim, if I am not sure about something or make a mistake, for example when I was learning to ride the bike or with the ropes when we went sailing.” Julia looked at her friend and reflected that Tim seemed to have been sharing all his favourite things with his ‘girlfriend’.

  “Has he taken you fishing?”

  “Yes, with Simon and Ursula. I was so excited when I caught one.” Julia laughed thinking to herself ‘well, well, little bro you really are very serious about Isabella’.

  Isabella took a deep breath, “There are two immediate problems, your mum doesn’t really have much time for me, and David is so jealous of Tim. So, Julia what’s the advice on those issues?”

  Julia replied, "I am not sure I can help with the second problem, is it jealousy…? Hmm, not sure. David has always felt somewhat inadequate around Tim in the last ten years or so. Dad adored Tim, thought he was the ‘bee’s knees’ and vice versa. David is a very proud person and thinks he’s god’s gift to the world and women. He always needs to put Tim in his place as ‘the kid’, the little brother who doesn’t know anything. David’s always felt massively protective towards you.

  As for Mum, well now there is a twisted web. David is Mum’s golden haired first born. When you chose Isaac over David, you broke the rules Isabella. You ‘should’ve chosen David’ I mean really how many times did you hear that? I know you heard it from me because Mum had us all convinced. Then because you didn’t listen to her about how Isaac wasn’t suitable before you even married him, you were ungrateful for all the care and advice, she was trying to give you. Not to mention, that once you married Isaac and Dad became his new best friend, you connived to take Dad too."

  Isabella was biting her lip. “Your dad was very good to me, and he always tried to help me during all the bad times. You mustn’t ever think badly about him.” Isabella brushed a tear away.

  Julia frowned. “Anyway, Mum is just difficult, she blows with the wind, she loves, she hates, I always think of the game with dandelions. She loves me. She loves me not.” Julia sniggered, "You’d probably get a better idea of how Mum is feeling from whatever her latest painting is, she’s an artist, she expresses herself in her work.

  “Julia, thank you for talking to me tonight, I really appreciate it. I wonder sometimes who I should talk to.”

  “What do you mean, there is always Rebecca or myself? Remember our pledge, ‘We don’t need sisters because we’ll always have each other.’”

  Isabella looked directly at Julia, “We were children and those things don’t always translate when your adults.”

  Julia said simply, “Pfft Isabella, that’s rubbish when it comes to the three of us, the ‘girl triangle’.”

  “Can we just gossip now?”

  “So, you’re engaged to the handsome Antonio. Aren’t you glad I introduced you?”

  “Well I think it was your friend ‘Lucky Lorenzo’ that really introduced us. So, what was the story with him? How come that didn’t become something?” “Lorenzo was just a nice man who was given a lot of money to help me when I was injured after being pushed off a chair by my drunken husband.” Julia, shocked and horrified, looked at her friend.

  Isabella responded to her open-mouthed look, “Don’t pay any attention to my ramblings. He was a nice man but in a friendship way.”

  “So, where is Antonio tonight?”

  Julia leant over and holding Isabella’s arm looked into her eyes and said, “I believe your very handsome boyfriend and my Antonio have gone out for drinks.”

  Isabella blushed and shyly giggled. “Maybe they’ll find new women,” said Isabella.

  Julia snorted, “Well missy, Antonio will look around like he always does because he is a typical Italian man. As for Tim, he is absolutely stunning to look at, has an engaging but quiet personality but has absolutely no idea women would fall at his feet if he uttered even the cheesiest chat-up line. He’ll be there taking everything in, possibly thinking of you, but certainly watching Antonio make an idiot of himself.”

  “You seem to know Tim well.”

  “He is my very precious ‘baby bro’, look after him.” Isabella just nodded.

  “It’s getting late, I have committed to working all weekend and then there’s the party on Sunday night, I had better go home.”

  Chapter 15

  A Party

  The gallery was quite busy all of the Saturday. Isabella and Tim were both involved with clients and customers. They didn’t have the opportunity to sit and chat, which stressed Isabella, and left Tim feeling relieved. He was happy that he hadn’t had to be anything more than an efficient gallery employee. When there had been a lull, he’d had time to look over some of his own work. Closing time came, and he almost bolted out the door, with a quick, “See you.” She saw him roar away on his bike. It wasn’t exactly how she had wanted the day to go; she hoped they would get the opportunity to talk tomorrow before having to go for the dinner at Ruth’s.

  Sunday was a gorgeously warm day. A more relaxed Tim suggested they take their lunch and sit in the sun. It surprised her. She wondered how she could start the conversation, but Tim stepped in, “So we have to go to this dinner thing this afternoon, do you want to go together?”

  “Why Tim?” biting her tongue before she blurted out ‘to annoy your mum’, ‘piss David off’ but Julia’s words from Friday night were circling her mind. She knew she had to be so careful.

  “I brought an extra helmet, and another jacket, I thought you could go for your first bike ride, what do you think?” Hesitantly, she replied, “Yes, that would be nice.”

  Tim gently elbowed her and said, “Promise not to go fast.”

  Later that afternoon, cladding her in the jacket, Tim helped her with the helmet and let her snuggle in behind him on the bike. Arriving at Ruth’s, Tim called out as they stepped into the foyer, “Hey, we’re here.”

  Someone called out “Good”. He took Isabella in his arms, and in a move that was gentle, unbuckled her helmet. Then ever so sexily pulled the zipper of her jacket down and slid his hands inside and around her waist pulling her closer ready to kiss her as he pulled the jacket off. They were startled by the sudden wolf whistle and ‘smart move mate’ comment. Looking up, they saw David leaning against the doorway of the living space. Isabella went bright red and ran from Tim’s grasp into the room. Tim looked at the ceiling, growled, “You’re gone bro.”

  David turned and walked back inside to the party. Tim stood with one hand on his hips and ran his hands through his hair. He stood for a few minutes deciding whether to join the party or flee out the door. Deciding on staying, as he knew he would let Julia down if he went, he walked in. Julia was sitting at the head of the table with Antonio, Rebecca on one side with her Paul, who was home on leave. Isabella had snuck in beside Antonio; then there was Brad, Vicky, some lady called Veronica who was snuggling up to David. There was a spare seat next to David, and furt
her around were Bec’s parents Lucy, Michael and then his mother. He was unhappy to have to sit next to his brother. He was ready to tussle with him and punch his lights out. The party gathered momentum, the food and drink shared around. Everyone was jovial. Tim sat hunched over, he didn’t want to eat. He certainly didn’t want the beer Mike, Bec’s dad, had passed him.

  Tim couldn’t really say when he had started the fight, they had been pushing and shoving, David egged him on by elbowing him. Tim grabbed his brother and frog-marching him outside to the patio and onto the grass by the pool started fighting him. It was reminiscent of the scene from the Bridget Jones’ movie as lo and behold, Tim dragged his brother into the pool. Tim remembered Julia screaming to them both to stop. They were out of the pool when Antonio pulled them apart. Most of the others watched the drama from inside the house. Ruth was sitting staring at Isabella in anger; Isabella held her head in her hands. She was absolutely shamed as she had a feeling it was about her.

  Tim came inside and slamming through the other side of the downstairs rooms went upstairs. David was laughing and winked at Veronica, “Just have to get some dry clothes.” He also disappeared upstairs.

  Julia was glum but said to Antonio, “Don’t worry, just my stupid brothers putting on a show.” Everyone sat back down, Ruth couldn’t apologize enough to anyone that wasn’t family but continued to glare across the table. Isabella sat with a cold look on her face. She wanted to disappear. Rebecca squeezed Paul’s hand to show affection and swapped with Antonio, so she could offer some support to Isabella. Lucy and Michael tried to engage her in conversation and include everyone else. An awkwardness hung over the group.

  Upstairs, David knocked on Tim’s closed door and went in to find his brother towelling himself and putting on dry clothes. David hadn’t been in here in a while and whistled. The large bedroom was perfection. The furniture, he thought, probably Tim’s own handiwork. The décor was clean, and elegant, very masculine. He’d had much to work with though as his father had designed all of the bedrooms on the second floor as if they were junior suites in a five-star hotel.

  Tim stood there buckling his belt, and then pulled on a dark t-shirt: David was in awe at how ripped his younger brother’s body was. Tim was angrily glaring at David. “What do you want?”

  Tim then said, “Why the hell are you wearing Dad’s golfing gear?”

  David replied, “Mum must have missed it in my old wardrobe, I needed something dry.”

  Tim gestured to his wardrobe, “Choose something please, not Dad’s clothes.”

  David said, “Nah,” and walked out. That steeled Tim’s resolve, no way was he going downstairs and watching his brother in their father’s clothes, he was out of there. He grabbed David just before he went back downstairs, “I am not staying, I am going?”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know, off somewhere on the bike,” he replied in agitation.

  David came back down and at the sight of Marco’s golf clothes, Ruth gave a cry of anguish. Lucy immediately went to hug her. Ruth said, “Where did you get those?”

  “I found them in the wardrobe in my old room.”

  “Why, Mum?”

  “It’s not right David; couldn’t you borrow something of Tim’s?”

  “Funny, he said the same thing.” Then David floored everyone by saying it was actually an honour to wear his father’s things. He reported Tim wouldn’t be returning to the party. Not long after, they heard Tim come down the stairs, slam out the front and roar away on the motorbike. “Hey Mum,” said David, “just package up the golf clothes, Tim will want them later when he becomes all professional. Don’t people, like that, those creative types, play a lot of golf and draw pretty pictures.”

  Julia shouted at him, “That’s just cruel to say that.”

  David was shocked when his mother said, “I blame you for this, how could you spoil this party for Julia.” David had hardly ever been chastised by his mother.

  Veronica, his latest girlfriend, suddenly spoke up, “David you are being an obnoxious twit, not much better than my year ten boys.”

  “Just come and sit by me and behave yourself.” To everyone’s surprise, he meekly did as he was told. This prompted Michael to ask what she did. Her reply of ‘teaching science’, floored everyone as they were used to David’s endless parade of younger women. It had been a sea of giggle; usually very pretty younger girls for years. This Veronica was attractive, well-spoken, and more importantly, closer to David’s age.

  Brad spoke up then, “So Dave, you’re stereo-typing architects.”

  “Well, I happen to know a footy-playing, motor-bike riding one, who gets down and dirty with us trades on site and has even been known to sit on a tool-box eating a pie and sauce out of a paper-bag.” Everyone said hear, hear, and things settled.

  Isabella drank her wine and sat quietly taking everything in. What had gotten to her the most was the conversation about Marco’s clothes. She heard Ruth and Lucy whispering about how she must have missed the golfing things. No one was really taking any notice of Isabella, and she drifted off in her own thoughts about Isaac’s abandoned belongings still in the walk-in robe. Whilst she understood Marco had assisted with the business side of things, solicitors and business partners had taken most of his files, there were still all his personal things in the study drawers. She reflected that Tim had been right too, the house was ‘Isaac’ not her. Pouring herself another wine, she was away in her world removed from the party around her.

  In an hour or so, the party had settled, and talk had turned to the upcoming wedding. Isabella put in the odd comment or two, pouring herself yet another wine. Vicky had not spoken to her, other than acknowledging her when she came in those few hours ago. Vicky was now sitting next to her and whispered, “It is okay, Tim will settle down, he really likes you.” Isabella was astounded. She hoped Ruth, who had been engaged in a deep conversation with Lucy, hadn’t heard. Julia and Antonio and Rebecca and Paul were standing together at one end of the room, laughing and talking, all very happy. She downed another glass of wine. Isabella looked across at them and felt very alone. She wanted Tim. But first, she needed to ‘get rid of Isaac’ she needed to clear away the horrid memories. She needed to close that chapter, so she could move on.

  The evening was coming to a close. Julia and Antonio stood, shoulder to shoulder, with arms around each other and thanked everyone for coming. Julia said, “Thanks everyone for the welcome for Antonio, thanks for coming, thanks for enjoying the floorshow provided by my esteemed brothers. And particularly Mum, thanks for all the wonderful food and wine.” Then with a wicked grin and a wink at her mother, “A party is never a party at the Martinelli’s without a ‘doubtful experimental salad’,” and picking up an untouched bowl, asked, “Mum, what is this?” Everyone broke into gales of laughter.

  Rebecca and Paul suddenly realized Isabella was quite drunk. As everyone organized to leave, they asked her how she was getting home. “I came here on the back of the bike, I don’t know.” Rebecca whispered to Paul, that they would take her home, but they would have to go past the gallery to pick up her car, Paul could follow Rebecca back to Isabella’s. It was a good plan; Paul was rapt to drive the Mercedes. He followed the girls to Isabella’s house. Because she had drunk so much, Isabella had dozed off. She came awake with a start outside her house.

  Tim was sitting on his bike in her driveway. Both she and Rebecca got out. Paul parked the Mercedes in the driveway and came across to where the girls were standing with Tim. He gave Isabella the keys, which she dropped into her handbag. Tim grabbed Izzy’s hand and pulled her towards him, so she was holding on to something, he could see she was quite unsteady on her feet. “Bec, I’ll make sure she gets inside safely.” Rebecca and Paul drove away wondering what was going to transpire between the two. Rebecca was anxious for her friend.

  Paul stroked her hand and said, “Tim is a good guy and he’ll do exactly what he said.”

  Fifteen minute
s or so later, the motor-bike roared past. “Gosh, either he is going incredibly fast, or we are driving very slowly,” as she looked over at the dash.

  Paul looked at her and said, “I am just enjoying driving in the moonlight with my love, my special girl.”

  Rebecca said, “Aww,” she appreciated Paul’s romantic thought. Rebecca’s phone beeped with a message. From Isabella, it was ‘Tim ok, me sleep’. It was childlike.

  Tim had realized Izzy was not up for a conversation. He grabbed her handbag and scrambled to find the key to park the car in the garage. While he did it, he had set her down on the front steps. Then helping her to her feet, escorted her inside, made sure she took the alarm off, asked her if she would be alright, kissed her goodnight and shut the door behind him. Half an hour later, Rebecca’s phone went again, it was a message from Julia, ‘Tim home. Don’t expect Isabella in tomorrow, apparently had a lot to drink, when did that happen?’

  Rebecca messaged back ‘with all the stuff going on, she sat drinking in Isabella world.’ Julia sent back a smiley face and a wink.

  Isabella had crawled into bed in her clothes. Waking with a headache, she lay for a few moments pondering the activity at the party. She was trying to get her thoughts together and remembered Tim had been there when she got home. She had a vague recollection of him escorting her inside, being the perfect gentleman, asking if she was okay and could manage by herself. She obviously had put herself to bed. She looked down at her clothes, and realized her handbag and shoes were sharing her bed. She ruefully spoke aloud, “Well I did a good job of that, then.” She looked over at her bedside clock and registered it was eleven in the morning. She sat up with a start and after hunting for her phone under the bedclothes, rang Rebecca.

  Rebecca answered with a, “So how are we this morning?”

  “I have a massive headache and I am going to beg off today.”


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