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Finding Izzy

Page 15

by Nanette Fox

  Rebecca said brightly, “We’ve got puppy school this week.”

  “Let’s put the ‘Closed for 30mins’ sign up and go for a walk with Basil to get some lunch,” suggested Julia.

  “Yes, let’s,” agreed Rebecca.


  Wednesday afternoon, Rebecca and Julia were excited and acting like proud mums; they were attending puppy school with Basil at the Vets nearby. They both found it hard to settle on anything in the afternoon worrying about how Basil would go with other puppies.

  They had barely noticed her creep in the door. She was sitting by Basil’s playpen fussing him. From the back, Rebecca had thought it was a visitor to the gallery that was making a fuss of him. The thin tall lady got up and turned around. “Isabella, it is lovely to see you. Julia come quick it is Isabella.”

  Julia rushed up to hug her friend. “You’re so thin.” Isabella had discarded the usual dark professional colours in favour of beige slacks and a pale blue angora jumper. She had large sapphire earrings in her ears. Her hair had been cropped to a bob. She was cool and distant not showing any real emotion.

  “I heard that someone is going to puppy school.”

  “I was wondering if I could come. Can I come please?”

  Rebecca quickly said, “Of course.”

  Julia said, “Why do you think you have to ask?”

  They were over-joyed to have their friend with them for Basil’s first day. But she was so reserved and quiet they were struggling to talk with her. Izzy said at last, “I am so sorry I had to leave the gallery to you again. There has been so much to do. I have had to settle Isaac’s estate and deal with his family. I also had to make a decision about what to do with his ashes.”

  “His family had begun pressing.”

  Julia, a little too outspoken, said, “I know what I would have done with his ashes.”

  “Unfortunately, Julia it wasn’t just for me to do something, he belonged to a family. I had to be respectful. I loved him in the early days on my honeymoon.” Julia took a sneaking look at Izzy’s hands the rings were gone. In their place, on her other hand a sparkling sapphire dress ring.

  Izzy wandered around the gallery, looking at everything. She then wandered into her office and walked around touching all the beautiful furniture. “Izzy, can I get you a tea or coffee?”

  “Oh, I have some herbal tea in my handbag.” They looked at the beautiful Michael Kors bag she was searching in. It perfectly matched her shoes. This was a very measured, uptight Izzy. She walked over to Tim’s desk and said, “He’s gone hasn’t he.”

  Without really answering her, Julia went up and hugged her friend, “Come with me and try the new couches, they are very comfy.”

  “We have an hour or more before puppy school.” All three sat down on the couches, stroking the beautiful leather.

  “We’ve only had them a week,” said Rebecca.

  “We must take care of them then,” said Isabella. “That’s what I was always told.”

  “Be careful Babe; take your shoes off if you are going to curl up like that when you sit down.”

  Julia was aghast, her friend had returned but she was so not Izzy, not even Isabella. She felt like shaking some life into this perfectly turned out cardboard doll. Rebecca had known Julia would be a little shocked at the changes she had already seen in Isabella.

  They went off to puppy school. There was quite a group of people. A mother with children and a little beagle, another with teenagers and a mixed breed, two men with an Alsatian, some girls of about twenty who shared a flat, their puppy a poodle. Two couples with their precious bundles. Being proud mums, all three of them thought Basil was a standout but were a little disheartened when the rather handsome Vet looked at Isabella directly and said, “He is a little chubby.” He was a bit taken aback when she brushed a tear and said, “I can’t even take care of a puppy.”

  Rebecca soothed the situation quickly. “Actually, she’s been away, a family funeral, we are the ones responsible for his diet.”

  The Vet, Alan, took Isabella’s hand and said, “I am so sorry.”

  Finally, she smiled and said, “I am being silly, I am just not very good at caring for things.”

  Julia was hoping that once back at the gallery, they could have a glass of wine and Izzy would relax a little. She was being so uptight about everything. So careful not to say the wrong thing, this was not their friend. On their way out of puppy school, the Vet, Alan, had made a special effort to say goodbye and asked Isabella if she was free for coffee sometime. She very politely declined and said it wasn’t possible. Julia was frustrated and scolded Izzy loudly as they walked back to the gallery.

  “Izzy an attractive guy just asked you on a date, what is your problem?”

  “He won’t bite, and it is possible for you to have coffee sometime.” Rebecca shot Julia a warning glare.

  They got back to the parking outside the gallery, and Izzy stopped at the little Fiat Pop and said, “This is me.”

  “I will see you both in the morning.” She bent down and wished Basil a good night.

  Rebecca could see Julia spoiling for an argument and grabbing her friend quickly to shut her up, said, “Izzy it is lovely to have you back, see you tomorrow.” Isabella drove away into the night.

  “Julia,” started Rebecca, “what are you thinking?”

  “I was trying to get some normal response from her.”

  “Something besides, Yes, No and Thank you.”

  Rebecca repeated her mother’s caution as she had been equally disillusioned at the less then improved Izzy, “It is going to take some weeks, maybe months for her to be normal again.”

  “From what Mum has told me she has had to deal with every possible stress causing situation over the last months. Selling the house and getting rid of her car. There was dealing with Isaac’s estate, his family and the ashes, some other things too apparently.”

  Hmm like what?" said Julia as she opened the wine.

  “Apparently according to Mum, there was even a court case in relation to her uncle’s estate. Because of Isaac’s actions, she wasn’t available for the original estate settlement; things had become messy because it was held over.”

  “You know what Rebecca, one of the stresses should have been that she has completely stuffed up any chance of a relationship with Tim.”

  “Julia how can you say that?”

  “She didn’t deliberately get swept up in this tangled mess of stuff to be sorted?”

  “Her pride about not letting anyone know about her problems has pushed him away. He said to me that if she had talked to him face to face, he wouldn’t necessarily have had immediate solutions but would have supported her and worked through it together.”

  “You know Rebecca I didn’t know how much of a good man my baby bro had become.”

  “I actually second that,” said Rebecca.

  Rebecca then said they should enjoy their wine and talk about nicer things like Antonio and her wedding. Bec was curious if she had set a date as she had every intention of going to Italy with Paul, and it had to be when he could get leave. Julia tossed her dark hair back and pulled it into a ponytail. Her blue eyes, so similar to her brother David’s, looked at Rebecca. There was never the warm softness, or cold broodiness of Tim’s brown eyes. You could feel an indeterminable intensity by looking at David or Julia. It was always difficult to gauge what they were truly thinking even when they appeared to be angry. Just briefly, Rebecca thought, she saw hesitation.

  “I want you there, at my wedding, as I have an awful feeling Izzy won’t be,” said Julia. “It’s just that how do you know if the person you believe yourself to be in love with is really around forever. How do you know that you will definitely grow old together?”

  “I don’t know,” said Rebecca. “It just seems that deep down I know Paul is right?”

  “You know, this whole situation with Izzy has me thinking. Why did she think Isaac was right for her? Didn’t she suspect anything? S
he was so determined to marry him. Remember? Even you and I had our doubts about that bastard. Didn’t she see how he would be? I just don’t get it.”

  “Are you having second thoughts about Antonio?” Rebecca was direct and to the point.

  “Not him as a man. It’s, I don’t know, it’s about the whole moving to Italy thing.”

  “Away from Mum, Dave and Tim and you guys, of course. I love going to Italy, helps I speak fluent Italian, thanks Dad, but I just have a niggly worry.”

  “Do you want another wine?” asked Rebecca.

  "No better not. It’s like eleven o’clock.

  Are you taking Basil home, or should I?

  “Definitely should be me, you looked after him all last week while I was with Paul.”

  At which point Rebecca gathered the glasses to put them in the tea-room. “We can’t just shove them away to be dealt with later anymore.”

  Julia laughed, “That day with Tim and the cupboards, and the underwear must have been so funny. My little bro can be a bit obsessive about things in their places, Dad was too.”

  Rebecca said, “Do you miss your dad?”

  “Yes, I do, I love going to see Gramps because he is so like Dad, just older,” said Julia. They let themselves out into the night. Hugged goodnight and drove off into the dark tooting as they went.

  Chapter 22

  Getting Isabella Back

  Julia was in the next morning very early, six am. If she was honest, things were getting away from them with running the gallery. Her Import Export work was piled high. She had actually gone to the trouble to make five piles across Izzy’s desk. Urgent, ASAP, Must Be Done, Next, Could Wait. She was desperate for Isabella to pull herself together and get back into the business side of things. Rebecca had been working extraordinary hours too. Then had taken the week to be with Paul in Perth, and it was all beginning to get a little out of control.

  At about 8:30, Isabella swanned in, beautifully dressed in a silk top Julia knew she had bought when they were in Chiang Mai, tailored trousers, again beautiful accessories. Lucy was with her. When Izzy announced she and Lucy were going to Mornington to see Phyllis and have lunch, Julia exploded. “Isabella, I need you to get your act together and come back to work. Rebecca and I have been breaking our backs to keep it all going.” Izzy it is falling in a heap. Wake up, become Izzy again, and come back to the gallery."

  Realizing Lucy was looking a little alarmed at her rage towards Isabella, Julia dragged Izzy to near Tim’s desk. That was a mistake as Izzy, totally distracted, went to the top drawer of Tim’s desk and said, “The paper is not there anymore.”

  “Isabella,” she screeched, “what are you talking about?” Isabella didn’t do herself any favours when she looked tearfully back at Julia and said, “During the renovations in my office, there was always a note in this top drawer, a folded piece of paper with Isabella written on it, it said ‘I love you’. It’s not there anymore.”

  Julia replied, “You’re a stupid girl, do you really think he was going to hang around and put up with the last few months? He’s back with Victoria and he’s gone to Perth.”

  Isabella screeched back, “You’re lying.”

  Lucy listened to them yelling at each other and discretely made a phone call. “Ruth, it is Lucy, what are you doing today?” It was then she realized Rebecca had also come in and had joined the yelling match. When they were younger, she had seen the three of them fight like this. It was anger, it was emotional; there were signs of frustration. They would calm down. Lucy was, in a way, pleased that Isabella was being challenged. Lucy had become weary with the constant support Isabella was demanding from her. She needed to spend uninterrupted time with her husband, and quality time with Rebecca.

  Ruth could hear the yelling and screaming in the background. “Why, Lucy?” Ruth queried.

  Lucy said, “I was wondering if you would be involved in a little intervention with Miss Isabella. It’s become too much. I am driving her to Mornington to see Phyllis and have some lunch. I thought if you could come, we could both have a bit of a talk to her, she would listen to Phyllis too. What do you think?”

  Ruth didn’t miss a beat. “David is here, I will get him to drop me to the gallery. He was just telling me he is getting frustrated too as he needs to settle some business matters with her. I will check with him, but I certainly will be there shortly.”

  After about 30 minutes, there was quite a gathering in the office. Isabella and Lucy were already there. Julia and Rebecca, who were still very angry at Isabella, were running around trying to catch up with their work. If all the phone calls and customers arriving to view the gallery were any indication Julia and Rebecca were in for a busy day. David had agreed to drop his mother off. Ruth wanted to present Isabella with her work ‘Strength will find love again.’ She had it wrapped and didn’t know how Isabella would receive it. Julia was on the phone at the desk when she saw David come in with their mother. “Izzy,” he said holding out his arms. Isabella had walked into them and was snuggling up to David, talking about a breakfast date. He was admiring her new hairdo, her top, smiling down at her. She was smiling up at him. Julia banged some books about on the desk and said, “Wrong one.”

  Everyone startled, she flipped some papers up and said, “Oh I was just looking for an order and I had the wrong one.” Ruth looked at Julia as did Lucy, knowing full well what she was getting at.

  Ruth spoke up, “Isabella I have something for you. I am not confident you will like it, for the wall here.” The painting was unveiled, and Izzy stood looking at it. To her it was beautiful. It showed her much younger face, full of anticipation for life ahead and faded to abstract faces using the emotions evoked by colour as your eye travelled across the work. “It is called ‘Strength will find love again.’ It is to remind you to believe.”

  “Thank you, Ruth, thank you. She turned and hugged Ruth,”I love you Mum Ruth." In that short few minutes, all the problems and disagreements between Ruth and herself over the years were swept away.

  “Isabella,” said Ruth, “would you like to come and work on some art with me, when everything is all sorted and you have the time?” Isabella’s shining eyes and nodding head were enough.

  Ruth, Lucy and Isabella headed off in good spirits for the day ahead. David watched them go and turned to Julia. Making small chat, he asked her how she was. She said, “Are you really going to chase Izzy again?”

  “No, I was just really pleased to see her back and well, maybe not fully happy, but she’ll get there.”

  “I do need to have a professional meeting with her about her business interests. And no Jules, I am not going to chase her anymore. I doubt she is mine to chase.”

  “Oh well, if that’s what you say,” said Julia.

  “Julia I am going to Bali next week. I need to spend some time with Tim. It’s a bit of a boy’s trip. I am traveling with his friend Simon.”

  “What? I am so jelly,” said Julia, continuing with, “maybe I need to give you leeway in regards to Izzy then.”

  “Just believe that I am going to treat her right okay. She might be my sister-in-law one day,” said David.

  “You don’t honestly think that do you?” she replied.

  Julia went on to say to David that she didn’t think there was a chance of Tim and Izzy getting together. She told him she thought too much had happened. “I mean David he’s gone back to Vicky.” She went on to say she thought the working in Perth, the Bali trip it was all going in the opposite direction. She had heard that Tim and Paul had been doing some serious night-clubbing to the extent Rebecca was a bit nervous about it.

  David then asked Julia, “Could we catch up over a meal. The whole how didn’t we know is bugging the hell out of me and if we could talk about it that’d be good, I think.”

  “Tonight, say about six?”

  “Yep,” said Julia.

  “Don’t work too hard Jules.” She tossed a notepad at him as he sauntered out.

br />   Julia and David met in the local pub. It was the usual red wine for Julia, scotch and soda for David. Julia started the conversation saying they needed to come up with a timeline and work out what signs they’d missed. Julia started with Isabella and her Swiss Finishing School. David said he was in a relationship with Izzy then. It was a boyfriend girlfriend relationship, sneaking away to make-out, hold hands, go to the movies. Julia asked him how much their parents knew at the time, he thought they weren’t aware of it. He reminded Julia of the Christmas holiday at the ski slopes in Northern Italy. Marco had packed them all off, David, Julia, Isabella and little Tim. Julia told him she had spent bags of time with Tim because he and Izzy where always sneaking off together.

  Then they remembered that Izzy went to University in the UK, and for three years or so they didn’t have much contact with her. Julia, David and Rebecca had all been at University in Australia. When Izzy had been twenty-two, she had come back home to Melbourne, and she and Bec had gone off travelling around Australia for a year. Dave and Izzy had picked up their relationship when Izzy was twenty-three and Julia was starting her Import Export business. But then, Isabella had met Isaac and dumped David after the trip to Malta.

  Jules had seen Isaac hit Izzy at a party in Malta, but they were all a bit drunk and nobody really remembered the details the next day. They decided that just before Isabella got married, Rebecca had gone to the US for a further business degree. Rebecca wasn’t at Izzy’s wedding, and she had been away for about four years. Julia was busy travelling to get her business up and running. Julia and David decided that was how Lu0cy had been away with Isabella in the UK for such a long time without Julia or Rebecca realizing. Dave worked out that it was the time he was doing his CPA and he’d been with a girl called Tamsyn, it was the closest he’d come to marriage so far.

  Jules, who was getting a little tipsy after the next round of drinks, went on to tell Dave about the time that Isaac had allowed Izzy to meet her in Italy. She had a broken arm. She said she’d fallen from her horse. Dave had looked at Jules and said really a horse. Jules replied maybe she had one at the time or maybe it was a fall from a push-bike or something so there was no reason to question what Iz had said. Jules remembered the time ‘Iz’ had met her at Surfers, she and Isaac were staying with his family up there. Jules had been surprised at all the bruises down one side of Izzy’s body, again there had been a feasible reason, something about slipping at a pool.


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