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Love Finds You in Valentine, Nebraska

Page 28

by Irene Brand

  She slowly held out her hand, and the infamous Gabriel Morgan clasped it tightly.

  “We didn’t send invitations to anyone,” she said, “but it’s an open reception, as we indicated in the newspaper. Of course you’re welcome,”—but Kennedy hesitated before she added, “Grandfather.”

  Tony must have heard what she said, for he glanced toward her, and his face turned ghostly pale. By now, all of the guests must have been aware of Gabriel Morgan’s presence, because an unearthly quietness settled over the room.

  Gabriel Morgan’s strong voice sounded loudly in the crowded room. “I came to congratulate all four of you, but also to publicly apologize for many of the things I’ve done that brought sorrow to you and Tony and your families. I hope you’ll find it in your hearts to forgive me.” Kennedy stepped closer, put her arms around him, and kissed his dry, wrinkled cheek. “It won’t be easy to forget the past, Grandfather,” she murmured, “but I’ll try. Thanks for coming.”

  Tears filled Gabriel’s eyes as he turned to Derek. “Congratulations,” he said. “I’m glad she chose you, and you have my blessing if you want it.” Derek quickly grabbed his outstretched hand. “Thank you, sir. I do want it. I appreciate having you here today. Kennedy doesn’t have much family left now, and I want you to get acquainted with her. You’ll find out that she’s worth knowing.” As Gabriel moved on, Esther Holmes took Kennedy’s hand and whispered in her ear, “God bless you, my dear. He’s a sad and lonely man, and he wants to make amends. Please be kind to him.”

  Kennedy breathed a prayer of thanksgiving when Matti and Tony also accepted Gabriel’s presence and his apologies. When she swiped at her tears, Derek leaned close and whispered with a smile, “My love, history is being made tonight. Our wedding day will always be remembered as the day the Blaines and the Morgans finally buried the hatchet.”

  “It’s about time,” she said, latently wondering what her father would say to her if he were present.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Except for a few occasions when she’d stayed overnight with childhood friends, Kennedy had always slept alone. She’d actually wondered if she could sleep in the same bed with anyone. After Derek carried her over the threshold, without being reminded, and in love they came together as husband and wife without hesitation or embarrassment, she had gone to sleep easily. The last thing she had remembered was Derek’s whisper: “I love you, City Girl.” Waking with Derek’s arm around her and her head on his shoulder was about as near to paradise as she would experience. She was happy that Matti and Tony would have their honeymoon in Hawaii, but she had all she wanted—the Circle Cross and Derek as her husband. He was still asleep, and she lay quietly, not wanting to disturb him.

  She closed her eyes again and thought of their wedding day and night and how right it all seemed to be. She and Derek had traveled a rocky road before they got to this point, but how good it was to have him beside her at last. Moving slowly, she slipped out of bed, put on her robe, and went to the kitchen.

  To prove to him that she could cook, she fried several slices of ham, scrambled eggs, and had bread in the toaster when Derek ambled into the kitchen. His hair was ruffled, and he looked sleepy. He rounded the table, took her in his arms, and kissed her.

  “I was scared when I woke up in bed by myself. I thought maybe it was all a dream and that we hadn’t gotten married after all.” He looked at the clock. “I can’t believe I slept until ten o’clock.”

  “Just remember you’re on your honeymoon,” Kennedy reminded him. “You’ve promised that you won’t work for a few days.”

  “Unless there’s an emergency,” he amended.

  “So what are we going to do today?”

  “Now that the weather’s so good, this will be a fine time for you to see a lot of Nebraska you haven’t seen. We’ll head out soon and go wherever you want to.”

  “I’d like to go right now, but we’ll need to take Daniel and Rebecca out this evening. Let’s plan to leave tomorrow morning and stay overnight someplace.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They ate leisurely, and Kennedy was happy to see that the stress she often sensed on Derek’s face was gone. He seemed more relaxed than she’d ever known him to be. They were sipping slowly on fresh cups of coffee and discussing her grandfather’s presence at the wedding reception when his phone rang.

  “If that’s somebody wanting you to work, I’m going to handcuff you to the porch post,” she warned.

  Derek listened for a while before he said, “Yes, that will be all right. We’re going away for a couple of days, but we won’t be leaving until tomorrow. So come on out.”

  Answering Kennedy’s uplifted eyebrows, he said, “That was Daniel Trent. He apologized for barging in on us but asked if he and his mother could visit us for a short time this morning.”

  “I’ll be glad to see them, but I’m surprised they would bother us today, of all times!”

  “I’m sure they have a good reason, but we’d better get dressed.”

  “You go ahead. I’ll rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.”

  Although they rushed, Derek was just pulling on his boots and Kennedy was brushing her hair when they heard a car pull into the driveway. Derek opened the door, and Kennedy was surprised to see not only Daniel and Rebecca but June on the porch also. All three of their visitors had strained expressions on their faces.

  Derek and Kennedy exchanged astonished glances, and she stood to one side, allowing Derek to be the host. She intended to do everything in her power to keep him from feeling inferior to her because of her wealth and family background. He must realize that Riverside was their home now, not hers.

  “Daniel and Rebecca, it’s good to see you again. Hi, Mom,” he said. “Come on in to the living room.”

  “I have coffee made,” Kennedy offered, but the three visitors shook their heads as they sat where Derek indicated. She and Derek sat on the couch. A strange silence filled the room, and Kennedy didn’t know what to say. Finally Rebecca Trent cleared her throat.

  “I apologize for bothering you today, but I didn’t want to leave without talking to you. When we met you, Derek, both Daniel and I were amazed at how much you look like my brother. I called him at once and asked him to send me one of his photos when he would have been about your age.” With a sharp intake of breath, Derek shot a sidelong glance of disbelief toward Kennedy. She moved closer to him, and he grabbed her hand.

  “Daniel received the picture on his phone last night,” Rebecca continued. She nodded to Daniel, and he lifted the lid of his cell phone and turned it to face Derek and Kennedy. They stared at a full-screen photo of a face so nearly like Derek’s that it seemed impossible to believe that it wasn’t his picture. Speechless, they both looked to Rebecca for an explanation.

  “Daniel didn’t know until I told him last night, so this is a surprise to him, too.” Swallowing with difficulty, she continued, “I got pregnant when I was sixteen, and I gave my child up for adoption. Derek, having watched you closely for the past two days, I’m convinced that you must be my son. Not only do you have physical traits like my family, but your mannerisms remind me of the young man who fathered my child.” Derek’s fingers tightened around Kennedy’s hand, numbing it, and she wiggled her fingers until he relaxed his grip. Daniel’s face was ashen, his eyes downcast.

  June sat with her head bowed.

  “We’d like to hear what else you have to tell us,” Kennedy said quietly, for she knew Derek was beyond words. “As you can imagine, this has come as quite a shock—but a pleasant surprise, too. Derek has been troubled all his life because he didn’t know about his biological parents.”

  “We stopped at June’s house before we came here, and I learned about Derek’s childhood from her,” Rebecca said, and her lips trembled. “I opposed giving up my baby, and my parents took charge of the adoption. They went through an adoption agency with a nationwide adoption program. I never knew what happened to him. It nearly bro
ke my heart when June told me he’d been abandoned on the streets of Chicago, so I have no idea how that happened. I eventually married his father, but I didn’t try to search for my child because I felt sure that he would be in a good home and I shouldn’t interfere.”

  “And I didn’t try to find out,” Derek said, finally able to talk, “because I was afraid of what I’d learn. I struggled against marrying Kennedy because I didn’t know what kind of background I’d bring into the marriage.”

  “You have no need to be ashamed of your heritage,” Rebecca said. “Our families are God-fearing people, even if we have no great riches among us. My parents were very reputable people, youth leaders in our church, and they thought my disgrace would hurt their influence among the other young people. They later regretted their decision, but it was too late. No one else knew. Even after we married, I didn’t tell your father I was pregnant. We lived together happily until his death ten years ago, and he died without knowing that he had two sons. I’ve paid all my life emotionally for deceiving him and for abandoning you. Will you forgive me?”

  “I’m sure I will eventually,” Derek said slowly, “but I just can’t take it all in now.”

  “I’ve always wanted a brother, Derek,” Daniel said, standing and reaching out his hand to Derek. “I didn’t like being an only child.” Quickly taking Daniel’s hand, Derek said, as his lips spread in a boyish smile, “It hadn’t dawned on me that you’re my brother.” The gentle look of childlike wonder on his face was the most precious sight Kennedy had ever witnessed.

  wonder on his face was the most precious sight Kennedy had ever witnessed.

  “I’m convinced that you are my firstborn,” Rebecca said, “but I would like to verify it if you don’t object to DNA testing.”

  “Not at all,” Derek readily agreed. “I’d like nothing better than to have the mystery of my past cleared up.” But turning to June, Derek said, “Mom, how do you feel about all of this?”

  “Happier than I ever thought I would be. I knew you were a special child and have never considered that you didn’t come from good parents, but for your sake, I’m glad to learn the truth.”

  “Then you don’t mind sharing me with Daniel and Rebecca?”

  With a wan smile, June said, “You know me better than that, son.”

  Promising that they would come to visit Rebecca in the summer and meet his extended family, Derek and Kennedy stood on the porch and silently watched Daniel drive away.

  Kennedy looked at Derek, wondering what his reaction would be when they were alone.

  To escape the cold wind, they hurried inside. Derek still had a dazed look in his eyes, as if he wondered when fantasy would be gone and reality would set in. He started laughing and flung himself down on the couch in the living room.

  “So, City Girl, what do you think of your husband now?” he asked. “Not only is he the owner of one of the best ranches in Cherry County and married to a millionaire, but he suddenly finds out that he was born into a reputable middle-class American family. Can you believe it?” She sat in his lap, put her arms around his neck, and planted a kiss on his lips. He responded as she expected him to do, but before their kiss deepened, Kennedy said, “I’m deliriously happy for you to finally know that your biological background is nothing to be ashamed of. But to answer your question, if you were still just a cowhand, I wouldn’t love you any less. I’ve loved you since the first day I saw you, even before I knew that you were an adopted kid. Your past never mattered to me. For your sake, not mine, I’m delighted to have you learn about your heritage. But I’m glad we didn’t find out until after we were already married.” He looked at her questioningly, and she added, “If you had learned beforehand, you might always have wondered if I would have married you as long as your past was unknown. Now you’ll never doubt that I love you for what you are today, not what you were in the past. And I want you to stop thinking you’re inferior to me,” she said sternly.

  Derek grinned, and Kennedy read his thoughts.

  “And I am not like my grandfather!” she said. “Except in his opinion of you. The way he accepted you and acknowledged you publicly as a good husband for me will go a long way in my forgiveness of him.”

  “I appreciated what he said. So actually both of us have gained a family in the past few days. What better wedding present could we have?”

  “You know, Derek, I’m going to like being married to you.”

  “I guarantee it! We had to go through a lot of heartaches before we got to this point, but it’s worth it, my love.” Kennedy agreed with a kiss. “Only God could have brought us together, so let’s thank Him and ask His guidance for the future.” Kennedy nestled her head in the curve of his shoulder and listened in gratitude as Derek poured out his heart in thanksgiving to God. This was the first time she’d heard Derek pray, but his fervent words of humility, praise, and thanksgiving brought added happiness to her heart. She was doubly blessed to have a husband who not only loved her more than himself but also loved God.

  “Oh, Derek,” she whispered brokenly, as she molded to the contours of his strong body, “thanks for marrying me.”

  Want a peek into local American life—past and present?

  The Love Finds You™ series published by Summerside Press features real towns and combines travel, romance, and faith in one irresistible package!

  The novels in the series—uniquely titled after American towns with unusual but intriguing names—inspire romance and fun. Each fictional story draws on the compelling history or the unique character of a real place. Stories center on romances kindled in small towns, old loves lost and found again on the high plains, and new loves discovered at exciting vacation getaways. Summerside Press plans to publish at least one novel set in each of the 50 states. Be sure to catch them all!


  Love Finds You in Miracle, Kentucky by Andrea Boeshaar

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  Love Finds You in Snowbal , Arkansas by Sandra D. Bricker

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  Love Finds You in Romeo, Colorado by Gwen Ford Faulkenberry

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  Love Finds You in Valentine, Nebraska by Irene Brand

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  Love Finds You in Last Chance, California by Miralee Ferrel

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  Love Finds You in Maiden, North Carolina by Tamela Hancock Murray

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  Love Finds You in Paradise, Pennsylvania by Loree Lough

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  Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida by Debby Mayne

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  Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana, by Melanie Dobson

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  Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas by Janice Hanna

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  Love Finds You in Revenge, Ohio by Lisa Harris

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  Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon by Melody Carlson

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  Love Finds You in Charm, Ohio by Birdie Etchison

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  Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire by Lauralee Bliss

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  Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska by Loree Lough

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

>   Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one




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