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Pucking Parker (Face-Off Legacy Book 1)

Page 17

by Jillian Quinn

  “I missed you so much, Bex.” He says the words softly, under his breath.

  “I missed you, too.” I’m panting and flushed from our intense kiss. And I want more. “I want you inside me.” I tug at the bottom of his jeans, my eyes fixed on his. “Right here. In the library.”

  “Aww, baby,” he growls. “This is like my dream come true.”

  I laugh, pulling down his pants enough to grab his thick cock through the slit in his boxers. “Sex in a library is your dream?”

  “No, but watching you step out of your comfort zone is.” He strips away my shoes, followed by my leggings, and then he gives himself a few pumps before he inches into me.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I moan from the ripple of pleasure that rushes through me. “Preston,” I mutter.

  He thrusts his hips. “I missed this, too.”

  “Yes,” I moan, both agreeing with him and enjoying how good this feels.

  My fingernails dig into his back as he fucks me, hard and fast on a desk in the reference section of the library. This is so dirty. So damn hot. And so unlike me. I am way out of my comfort zone, but I don’t care. For once, it feels good to live in the moment.

  When I moan again, he covers my mouth with his, smothering the sounds escaping my lips. He’s not going for distance this time—not when we’re in public. Preston reaches between us, his thumb rolling over my clit, as he rocks into me. My muscles tighten around him, the sensation so intense waves of pleasure penetrate my entire body.

  Preston finishes right after me, his performance record timing for us. Still inside me, his mouth separates from mine. He slides his hand to the back of my head, a smirk turning up the one side of his mouth.

  “You’re it for me, Bex. No matter what happens, it’s you and me against the world.”

  I believe him. The anger I had earlier is no longer there, replaced by nothing but love for Preston.

  I smile, my heart swelling with joy. “You and me,” I whisper, and then he kisses me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Bex curls up on the couch next to me, sipping hot chocolate from her mug. We spend most nights this way, now that my schedule has freed up. I flick through the movies on Netflix, unable to make a decision. It’s been so long since I didn’t have a schedule to follow.

  “Would you pick a movie already?” Bex nudges me in the side. “You’re so indecisive.”

  I smirk. “Not when it comes to you.”

  She sets her mug on the table, and then climbs into my lap, with a sexy look on her beautiful face. “Pretty soon you’ll have to make another decision.”

  Bex straddles my legs and throws her arms around my neck. I live for these moments. And not because I’m hard and can’t stop thinking about sex.

  “Oh, yeah?” I cup her ass in my hands and squeeze, causing her to squeal. Her reaction makes me laugh. “What decision?”

  “Which team you want to play for next year.”

  I stare at her, confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “My dad got a phone call earlier. I begged him to let me tell you.”

  “Who did he talk to?”

  She smiles so much her gums are showing. “An NHL scout.” She jumps, clapping her hands. “Can you believe it? They talked about the fight with Kellan. He was a little concerned about your anger issues.”

  My dad assured me I still had a shot, but after getting suspended, I wasn’t so sure I would ever have another chance to play professional hockey. I’d assumed he was telling me what he thought I wanted to hear.

  I’m still in shock.

  “Pinch me,” I tell Bex.

  She giggles and grips the skin on my forearm between her fingers. “This is real, Preston. The Penguins want you.”

  My mouth drops. “Are you serious?”

  “Why don’t you look excited anymore?”

  “Because my dad is the head coach of the Flyers, and the Penguins are our rivals.”

  She shrugs. “It will make for interesting dinner conversation.”

  “Uncle Tyler won’t be happy either. He’s the Flyers’ GM.”

  “Who cares? They’ll get over it.” She hugs me so hard I can’t breathe. “You earned this, Preston.”

  Stroking the side of her face, I lean in to kiss her, our lips almost touching, when my teammates barrel through the front door interrupting us.

  “She’s full of shit,” Tucker shouts. “I didn’t get her pregnant.”

  “Me either,” Trent says.

  Bex’s curious look mirrors mine. I set Bex on the cushion next to me and look over my shoulder at Tucker, Trent, Drake, and Jamie. They drop their hockey bags on the floor by the door and stroll into the living room.

  “You both fucked her.” Drake laughs. “How stupid can you two be?”

  Jamie plops down on the couch across from Bex and me. “Get a paternity test.”

  “But they’re identical twins,” Bex says. “They have the same DNA.”

  I can’t stop laughing. “This is awesome. Best. Day. Ever.”

  The rest of the guys fill up the couches in the living room.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Some girl is claiming one of the twins got her pregnant,” Jamie says.

  I shake my head. “Is this the one who found out you two were tag-teaming her?”

  “We weren’t tag-teaming her,” Tucker shoots back.

  “She had sex with both of you, right?”

  They both say yes.

  Jamie shoves a hand through his messy hair and sighs. “Which of you assholes are telling your dad?”

  “Fuck that,” Trent says. “I didn’t knock her up. I used a condom.”

  “Me, too,” says Tucker.

  Bex leans forward, with elbows on her knees, staring across the coffee table at the twins. “Okay, so why did both of you have sex with the same girl?”

  “It was an accident,” Tucker explains. “Sort of. I didn’t know Trent was already hooking up with Jemma. She pulled me into a classroom a few months ago, and I just went with it. People mix up our names all the time, so I didn’t think anything of it.”

  Bex fights a smile. “You had sex with some random girl who didn’t even know your name just because she wanted to?”

  “There’s not much to understand,” Drake says. “That’s pretty much how it goes.”

  “Right,” Bex mutters. “You guys are such whores. I forget Preston used to be like you.”

  I laugh, pulling her back against my chest, and kiss her forehead. “I still am, babe.”

  She sighs. “Yeah, but you’re my whore.”

  The room erupts into laughter.

  “I love you,” I whisper so only she can hear.

  Bex smiles and mouths, “I love you, too.”



  Three months later

  This moment is surreal. I sit across the conference table from Preston—right next to his mom, who is also my new boss. Coach offered me an internship at her firm, DMG, right after I graduated from Strickland University. I have six months of shadowing Preston’s mom before I can speak to clients alone. But at least it’s a start.

  Preston clutches the pen in his hand, peeking up from the contract his mom negotiated with the Penguins. He smiles at me, a smile so wide it reaches up to his eyes. We have an unspoken bond, one that doesn’t require us to exchange words. His eyes tell me he loves me. That he’s glad I’m here with him on the biggest day of his life.

  I smile back, motioning with my head for him to sign the damn contract. He’s been staring at it for so long, as if he can’t believe it’s real.

  As part of the deal, Preston has to be on his best behavior, obviously. After the fight with Kellan, the Penguins’ General Manager was concerned he had behavioral issues. But the GM wasn’t going to allow one incident to get in the way. Like my dad, he knew a star when he saw one. Preston plays like his dad—maybe even better. They would have been fools no
t to want him.

  Preston’s contract was my first foray into the sports world. And if all goes well, it won’t be my last.

  “Go on, honey,” Coach says to Preston. “Sign it.”

  His dad sits next to him, a ridiculous grin on his face. He’s so proud of Preston it oozes from him, filling the air with his love.

  “This is the first of many.” His dad slaps him on the back. “Wait until the big money starts rolling in.”

  Preston has never cared about the money. It was always about the notoriety and living up to the Parker name. That’s all he’s ever wanted. To make his parents proud of him. And he has.

  As Preston signs the contract, I can’t stop smiling. Everything’s worked out for him in the end. The guilt I felt for so long over his suspension gutted me. I hated seeing him in pain, unable to play with his team.

  Preston drops the pen on the table and slides the papers in front of his mom. She glances at them, making sure he didn’t miss a spot.

  JP walks into the room. He stands in the doorway, looking like a million bucks in a three-thousand-dollar suit. He’s delicious, an older version of Preston. The men in the Parker family are seriously hot as puck.

  “Is it official?” JP asks Preston. “Is my little brother now sleeping with the enemy?”

  Preston laughs. “Yeah. I signed my life away for less than a million bucks.”

  I laugh, because Preston has a hell of a lot more money than that in his trust fund. Rookie contracts are small, nothing like what the more established players make.

  “You’ll get there,” JP says. “It just takes time and numbers. Keep your nose clean and your head in the game, and you’ll be pulling in seven figures in no time.”

  “You just want the commission,” Preston jokes.

  JP shrugs. “I’m a selfish bastard. What can I say?”

  Preston smirks. “That you are, brother.”

  JP angles his body to stop a woman passing by in the hallway. She’s a tall blonde with a toned, athletic body. Her short skirt reveals her muscular legs.

  “Hey, baby girl, think you can get me a coffee?” JP removes a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket. “Run down to Starbucks—”

  “John Michael Parker,” Coach yells. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He gives his mom the cutest little boy smile that Preston has also perfected when he’s in trouble.

  Coach points at the woman. “You don’t recognize her?”

  JP studies the woman’s body, his eyes eventually landing on her face. He likes what he sees, that much is evident in the way he appraises her. “Did we, you know, have sex?”

  I laugh so hard I snort. Because the more I look at her, I realize she’s not some woman from the secretarial pool, and her skirt is way too sporty for work. She’s Andrea Banks, one of the best tennis players in the world.

  “She won the US Open, you idiot.” Coach shakes her head. “Andrea, I’ll be with you shortly. I’m so sorry about my son.”

  “I’m fine,” Andrea says. “No worries.”

  “John, take care of our newest client, and please don’t hit on her.”

  JP flashes a wicked grin at his mom, and then looks at Andrea again, this time noting his major mistake. He holds out his hand to her. “I’m John Parker, but you can call me JP.”

  She smiles, as if he didn’t just treat her like a secretary, and shakes his hand. “How about that coffee, JP?”

  He wiggles his eyebrows, a simple gesture that reminds me of Preston when he gets his way, even though he shouldn’t. They disappear down the hallway together, and Coach sighs loudly.

  “How did I end up with two boys who are exactly like their father?”

  Alex leans his elbows on the table, holding her in his clutches. “Because they learned it from me, sweetheart.”

  Even my skin tingles from the intensity between them. Like father, like son. This man still has it. That something. Even at his age.

  She shakes her head at him, somewhat amused. “At least Preston turned out okay. He found himself a good girl. I can’t say the same about John. That boy is hopeless.”

  “He needs a woman like Bex,” Preston says. “She changed my life.”

  “Your mother changed mine,” Alex chimes.

  I reach across the table to touch Preston’s hand, and he slips his fingers between mine. His heat warms my skin. “And you mine.”

  Coach shuffles the papers in her hands, the sound of them tapping on the table drawing my attention to her. “Bex, I was thinking you could work remotely after your internship is over.”

  I withdraw my hand from Preston’s to sit back in my chair. “You want me to work from home?”

  I’m so confused. Is this a nice way of firing me? My stomach knots at the thought of leaving a place I love so much. When I’m at DMG, I feel at home. I was meant to become a sports agent.

  “Yes.” Coach continues, “But I was thinking you could do it in Pittsburgh.”

  My mouth falls open in shock. “Are you serious? But don’t I need to be here with you and JP?”

  She shakes her head. “You’ll still have to travel to meet clients with either JP or me. I’ll also expect you to come into the office once a month, but you can live with Preston in his new apartment for the remainder of the time.”

  “Thank you.” I practically jump out of my chair to hug her, and she laughs, patting me on the back.

  “You’re welcome.” I sit back in my chair and she adds, “Exceptions can be made for family.”

  My heart beats a little faster from her words. After idolizing this woman for most of my life, she’s taken me into her home, into her office, and now calling me family.

  “Family,” I whisper.

  Preston locks eyes with me and nods.

  “Did you know about this?”

  His cocky smirk is a dead giveaway. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Now we both get what we want.”

  “I already have what I want,” I confess, feeling like a total sap, even though it’s true. “I have you.”

  Love you, baby, he mouths, and I say it back.

  Our love was never perfect, but it’s ours, something no one will ever understand but us. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  After that shocking ending with Tucker and Trent, are you ready to find out what happened with the twins and Jemma? Learn more about Keeping Kane HERE.

  Dear Reader

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading Pucking Parker. This book and series is for all of the fans of the Face-Off Series who asked me for more books in the original series. I hope you loved Preston, Bex, and the rest of the gang that you will see in future books.

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  Also by Jillian Quinn


  Puckng Parker

  Keeping Kane

  Jocking Jameson

  Kissing Kane

  Defending Donovan

  Playing Parker







  More Than Friends

  More Than Roommates


  Out of Bounds

  In the Zone


  The First Sin

  The Ultimate Sin


  Cruel King


bsp; Corrupt Me

  One More Night

  For more information, visit

  Sign up for my newsletter HERE.

  About the Author

  Jillian Quinn is the international bestselling author of over fifteen romance novels, most notably known for the Face-Off series. She’s from Philly, a city girl to the core, now living in Southwest Florida, where she still hasn’t adjusted, though she’s not opposed to the warm weather or lazy days by the pool.

  Jillian sets all of her books in her hometown, dreams of getting her hands on a real cheesesteak, and still cheers for her local sports teams. She’s a lover of sports, especially those involving tackling, checking, and men in tight pants. A self-proclaimed Coffee Queen, Jillian practically lives at Starbucks, where you can find her most days, drinking all the coffee.

  For more information about Jillian’s books, visit her website at Sign up for Jillian's Newsletter for free books, book deals, giveaways, and exclusive excerpts from her books. Jillian loves to connect with her readers on social media. You can find Jillian on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.




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