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Imagine Dragon

Page 10

by Julia Mills

  “There is nothing but a pure heart and soul in that woman. She is Dragoness just as much as I am and her lineage is ancient. To my complete conviction, she is the Princess Emilia MacGréine.”

  Blocking out everyone but Pearl, he tangled his fingers with hers, waited for the second it took her to turn around, and together they closed the distance to his mother. Smiling through the rush of emotions, embracing who he was with all the gusto he always did, Kayne teased, “Welcome home, Mom. Long time no see.”

  Yeah, I’m cool. See, I grew up just fine without you… Annndddd, I’m an asshole…

  Catching her as she jumped into his arms, Kayne refused to let go of Pearl’s hand while being hugged by his mother. His mate was his anchor, his tether to a reality that was being turned upside-down, inside-out, and blown apart with every beat of their combined hearts.

  When Emilia finally let go and stepped back, her cheeks were stained with tears as she worked hard to calm her hiccupping breaths. Motioning for the Asrai to come to her side, she introduced the small Fey. “These beautiful ladies, Aoife, Alannah, and Betha have been my constant companions, my only friends, and the reason I am standing here today. Without them, I would’ve surely died of loneliness.”

  Trilling and tittering, the three Fey each with bright-colored hair and eyes the color of diamonds, bowed and curtsied to Kayne and Pearl, thanking them again and again for saving them from certain death. Aoife, the tallest, and by all accounts the oldest, hopped forward, her long spectacular purple and silver ringlets bouncing as with her every word.

  “We er’ fore’er in yer debt, Sir Kayne and Mistress Pearl. Me Sisters and me are honored tae be in yer service.”

  Her brogue was so thick it took the Demi-God a second to understand but when he did he quickly explained while frantically shaking his head. “I am a Guardsman. It’s my honor and that of my mate to have been of assistance. You owe us nothing.”

  Looking at one another, their glowing ethereal skin dimming as their pink lips turned downward, the Asrai spoke so quickly and at such a high pitch he could only stare and wait. With a nod and a smile, Emilia stepped up to the circle of Fairies and after a few kind words spoken just as they did, she turned to Kayne and advised, “I’ve explained the situation and although they still feel indebted, they only ask to be allowed to stay within the Lair until they are ready to venture out on their own.”

  Beginning to wholeheartedly agree, Kayne’s words were cut off as the three Water Fairies squealed in delight, hopping up and down as they pointed at Tristan’s mate. “Tis you! Tis you. Princess Felicity!”

  Opening her arms for them to run into, Fliss looked up at Tristan who smiled and nodded, obviously answering a private question before glancing up at Kayne and grinning. “They’ll be staying with us. We’ve got room.”

  “Good luck with that, Tris,” Kayne mentally teased. “I know a few your Guardsman who night just be knocking at your door.”

  “Great!’ Tristan sarcastically laughed. “Now, I’m running and Asrai dating service.”

  Glad that was settled and happy Tristan was fitting in after his long sabbatical from all things Dragon, Kayne was still reeling from the appearance of his mother. Laying his hand on Emilia’s shoulder, waiting until she looked up, he asked, “Feel like spreading your wings? I know quite a few people who will be happily surprised to see you.”

  Smiling so brightly he swore he could see the sun in her eyes, his mother answered, “Lead the way, Son. I’ve waited for this day forever.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Landing in the Lair of the Blue Dragons, Pearl’s feet had barely touched the ground before she was marching towards the Clinic, ready to confront her mother and give her a rather large, rather nasty piece of her mind. Walking past Calysta and her sister, Della with a wave and a promise to return and explain, she stalked down the hall, kicked open the door of the large Intensive Care Room and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Looking once, twice, and then three times, finding it hard to believe what was right before her eyes, Pearl slowly walked towards Morrigan as she sat in a hard, wooden chair between the beds of two of her Berserkers. Stopping when her mother looked up, stricken by the tears streaming down the Goddess’ cheeks, all the anger and disappointment she felt at her mother’s failure to appear at the Loch simply evaporated into thin air.

  Kneeling in front of her mother, she asked, “Is this where you’ve been the whole time?”

  Nodding, her tears still flowing, Morrigan whispered, “Yes, I had to come. They are my warriors, my chosen. They are fading into the Ether and there is nothing I can do. I’ve tried and tried but I cannot bring them back. They are stuck between worlds. It’s as if…” She sobbed then finally went on, “As if they don’t want to come back.” Reaching for Pearl, she added, “I fear it will take a miracle that even I am incapable of conjuring to bring them back.”

  Walking around the end of his brother’s bed, Uther added, “Mara, my mate, and her Sisters, the McKennon Witches are scouring ever Grimoire and scrap of information they can find in Calysta’s vast library.” His voice cracked. Tears flowed down his face. “I’ve tried to reach his mind. Pushed every ounce of Healing magic I have into him, but it’s as if his heart beats and his lungs breathe out of some type of rote memory. The keep the shell alive, but his soul, what makes Zared the great man that he is…” He swiped the tears from his face and whispered, “is gone…”

  The sounds of boots in the hall was the only signal Pearl got before Tristan and Kayne entered the room. Watching the Bronze Dragon make a beeline for the bed of the blond Berserker, she looked at her mate, thankful when he read her expression and explained, “That Guardsman…” he stopped and bowed his head to Morrigan before continuing. “That Berserker is Anton Aristotle MacTarrin. The mate of Tristan’s sister, Bethanee, who was also taken by the Obscured.”

  With the true devastation caused by the Obscured slapping her in the face, Pearl was thrown into a vision of the future with no warning at all. “Taken by the Beast, floating between life and death, one will save his mate, the other will be returned to the living by the One the Universe made for him.”

  Caught in the confusion that always came after a prediction, Pearl felt herself falling forward and prepared for her hundredth black eye. Then, like the true White Knight he would never admit he was, Kayne scooped her off the floor and held her close.

  Floating back to reality, forcing her eyes open, she looked up at her mate and before he could speak murmured, “Damn, if I don’t love you.”

  “Hey, that’s my line,” Kayne laughed out loud.

  Laying her hand on his chest, she winked, “What’s yours is mine, Dragon Man, and don’t you ever forget it.”


  Five days had passed since Kayne finally got ahold of Lugh and the Sun God swooped into the Lair, grabbed up his mate, disappearing without a word. She knew her Dragon was more than a little pissed and most definitely hurt that his dickhead father had taken Emilia without a word, but agreed to go ahead with their official Mating Ceremony when Kayne insisted.

  Any other time, it would have been funny to watch him rant and rave and pace, but in this instance, it pissed Pearl off. Who the hell did Lugh think he was? A Sun God, yes, but more importantly, a father. Sure, he’s mourned for his mate, but Kayne had grown up without a mother. Her Dragon needed time with Emilia, needed to bond with her, need to heal the wounds he tried to hide.

  And as soon as I can, I plan on kicking Sun God ass. Lugh will listen to me, on that the asshole can be sure. And I might just have a few chose words for Emilia. Something about her lack of motherly love and devotion. But all that will have to wait. I’m putting it in the same pile as dealing with Hel and whatever game she’s playing with her bit of the Obscured, looking for more pieces of that bloody Abomination, and praying that Lugh doesn’t start a war with Odin…

  Thankful for Sadie and all her knowledge, Pearl was more than ready when Rian, the Leader of the Blue Drago
n and Stefan, his uncle and their Clan’s Spiritual Elder, showed up the day before the ceremony to go over everything with her. Feeling Kayne’s anxiety mixed with more than healthy dose of anticipation, Pearl burst out laughing when Stephan chuckled, “Looks like someone’s in a good mood.”

  “Have you ever known me not to be?” Her Dragon snickered, plopping down on the couch beside her and kissing her soundly on the cheek. “Can we skip all the pomp and circumstance and you two just pronounce us mated so we can get on with the honeymoon.”

  “I somehow think your mate might have something to say about that,” Rian warned. “Not to mention your father and her mother. I really don’t want to piss off a God and a Goddess before we’re sure the Obscured and all its parts have been destroyed.

  Observing her mate as he slowly nodded, Pearl slid into his mind and listened to his thoughts. Although there was little doubt that at least one piece of the Obscured still existed in the depths of that blasted volcano in South America, they both agreed that there had to be at least one other. The Beast was symbiotic and parasitic, one piece could not survive without another, not even with Hel’s power and magic supporting it.

  But that is a mess for another day…

  Kayne’s voice pulled her back to the present as he laughed, “I’ve already told Pearl she’s stuck with me. I really don’t give a damn what Lugh or Morrigan have to say about it.”

  Patting his thigh while sending waves of love and support through their mating bond, Pearl raised an eyebrow and teased, “Yep, stuck about sums it up.”

  As the room erupted in laughter and the tension simply faded away, she couldn’t help but smile when

  Stephan stood and walked to the door, jokingly adding, “I can see the Universe has once again done well with Her selection.” With his hand on the doorknob and Rian right behind him, he added, “I’ll see both of you tomorrow. Best wishes and many, many years of happiness to you both,” before both men walked out the door.

  Pulling her feet up on the couch and curling into Kayne’s side, she whispered, “What about we just stay in and relax. I know you have to leave before sun up to finish your super-secret plans for our ceremony, but I really just want to spend the next couple of hours thinking of nothing but our long, happy life together.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Kayne hummed, gently laying his lips on hers and kissing her like she was the very air he breathed.

  Waking up in his bed the next morning completely alone except for the long stemmed red rose and note that read, ‘Today and forever, you are mine and I am yours. Love you always, K.’ the scent of fresh brewing coffee pulled her towards the kitchen.

  Stopping at the threshold and leaning against the doorframe, she mocked irritation as she scoffed, “You people could wake the bloody dead.”

  “What’s wrong, Love. Rough night?” Laurel teased as she filled a mug with steaming java and handed it to Pearl.

  Making her way to the kitchen table, she sat down and took her first sip of what she called Nectar of the Gods when Gwendolyn charged through the back door, carrying a long white garment bag and a big shit-eating grin. “Well, lookie there. Tae Princess has awakened.”

  Ignoring the dig, Pearl motioned with her head to the bag and asked, “For me?”

  “Aye, but ye’ll not be seein’ it yet,” Gwennie teased. “Ye’ve got tae get beautiful first.”

  The room erupted in laughter as she yelled over the roar, perfectly imitating the Thunderbird’s brogue, “Then it willnae take long. Ah’m already bloody gorgeous.”

  The happiness only got louder until Sadie stood up and lifted her mug. Looking around the room at every one of the Ladies of the Sky, the absence of Phryne heavy in her eyes as she and all the Ladies prayed Laurel could find their sister, the Dragoness cheered, “Today, Sister Mine, you mate your Dragon. May you find all the love and happiness that I have with Orion. We are and shall always be, one in heart, one in blood, and one for all the ages.”

  “Aye,” came the uproarious reply from all the Ladies.

  “I know you’re really enjoying your coffee, but,” Tinsley coaxed. “You really need to get showered so Daph can do your hair and makeup before Maddox and Tristan get here.”

  “What the hell are they coming for?”

  “They’re yer escorts, Eejit,” Gwendolyn sighed. “Ah thought ye said ye knew whit twas happenin’.”

  “Well crap, I thought I did,” Pearl chuckled, getting to her feet. “Guess I better get a wiggle on.”

  Three hours later, Pearl’s platinum hair was piled atop her head with wispy curls framing her face with it’s perfectly applied makeup. Doing a double take in the mirror above Kayne’s dresser to make sure it was really her reflection staring back, she hugged Laurel then Gwennie and the others before gushing, “Bloody hell, I love you all so much. You are the best Sisters in the whole blasted universe.”

  Standing up, Gwendolyn grabbed the garment bag from the hook on the outside of the closet door before fussing while grinning, “Come on, me Pearl. Git o’er here and see whit yer Dragon has sent fur ye.”

  Slowly pulling the tab on the zipper until it could go no farther, she stepped back and gasped, shocked into silence by the gorgeous gown Kayne had made for her. The soft white fabric shimmered in the sunlight. The same sunlight that highlighted the golden flames exquisitely embroidered in a haphazard pattern from the high waistline all the way to the hem she knew would lovingly caress the tops of her feet.

  Holding the dress in front of her, she could only stare as she continued to be in awe of the beautifully fabricated garment. From the thin, satin straps delicately sewn into the sweetheart neckline to the corset type bodice she had no doubt would show off her chest to perfection, down the entire length of the skirt, her mating gown was absolutely perfect.

  “Damn, you are truly gonna be the Queen today,” Tinsley cooed, her southern accent taking on a sing-song quality.

  “Most definitely the bell of the ball,” Laurel complimented as she zipped Pearl into her dress and wrapped the thick gold satin ribbon around her waist.

  One quick look in the mirror and a swipe of lip gloss finished off the look as the doorbell chimed.

  “That’ll be for you.” Sadie hugged her tight, whispering, “Be happy, Lady Pearl. You deserve it.”

  Throwing open the door, Pearl winked at Maddox and Tristan, teasing, “Damn, you two sure do clean up nicely.”

  “Why thank you, ma’am,” Tristan, who’d been living in Texas for centuries, answered in an overly exaggerated southern drawl. “It’s our pleasure.”

  Looking them over from head-to-toe, they looked exactly as Kayne had explained – like they’d stepped right out of a Knights of the Round Table movie. It was all so surreal and if she was honest with herself, damned exciting.

  The Dragons’ black pants were tucked into the top of their polished knee-high black boots that Pearl knew she could see her face in if she dared to kneel down. Their long-sleeved black undershirt gave the perfect backdrop for the glittering gold surcoats, the color an exact match to the color of Kayne’s Dragon’s scales. Black braiding trimmed the top and sides, but it was the Dragon in the throes of battle embroidered on the front that lifted their uniforms to absolutely magnificent.

  “Are you ready, Pearl?” Maddox asked, his voice less grumbly than any other time she’d heard him speak.

  “Let’s do this,” she readily agreed, smiling at both men, who turned until their backs were to her, crooked their elbows, and looked over their shoulders, returning her smile.

  Feeling like Cinderella going to the ball, something she would never ever admit aloud, she placed her hand on the Guardsmen’s arms and let herself be led to a carriage that rivaled something a Fairy Godmother had whipped up with her magic wand. Deep mahogany with elegant carvings bordering the door and decorating the ledge of the entire vehicle, there was absolutely no doubt the antique had been around almost as long as she had.

  Gently removing her hand from his arm, Tris
tan stepped forward and opened the door, prompting a set of three steps to effortlessly roll to the ground. Helping her into her seat and making sure she was comfortable before shutting the door, Maddox winked and whispered, “Give that boy as much hell as you can.”

  “Oh, I plan on it,” she chuckled in response.

  Marveling at the cream, crushed velvet seats and spectacular, hand-painted mural of a Dragon Clan in the midst of a celebration that covered all four walls, she was transported back to a simpler time. Following the splendor of the artist’s depiction, her eyes landed on an exquisite bouquet of long-stemmed red roses tied with a single golden ribbon lying on the seat opposite her.

  Reaching across, she inhaled their succulent aroma as she opened the envelope and read the words, ‘Always, forever, and always, my Pearl. Love, K.’.

  Traveling comfortably, Pearl perked up when the carriage slowed to a crawl. She knew they had to be close even though her Dragon had refused to tell her the place no matter how persuasive she tried to be.

  Knowing him, it’s at the bottom of the ocean or high in the sky in a hot air balloon…

  Coming to a complete stop, the butterflies she’d been expecting in the pit of her stomach made a magnanimous entrance, amping up her excitement at what was to come. In a few short moments, against all odds, she and Kayne would be mated. They would receive the Blessing of the Universe and of the Dragons. It was nothing short of miraculous.

  Opening the carriage door and holding out his hand to help her down, Tristan stood tall and proud as he handed her off to Maddox who led her to the front of the carriage. Unable to believe her eyes, looking back and forth, trying to take it all in, Pearl finally let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding at the masterpiece Kayne had prepared for her.


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