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Page 3

by Sean Liebling

  Ivy's upbringing had not been gentle; instead, it had been hard, having been abused by her stepfather for over a decade before escaping as a young adult. Blonde of hair, with amber eyes framed in long lashes her high cheekbones gave her an exotic look and one that constantly garnered her unwanted attention from both men and women. This was one of the reasons she had drifted from small village, to small village, moving on when attention focused upon her. Her looks were one of the many reasons Ivy quickly became a thief. It seemed that everyone wanted her in a collar as a slave and it was much easier to steal than it was to do honest work for a living; for instance as a bakers assistant or tailor. Finally, she had settled in Ashton, which was a rather large city but not the capital of this region. It held tens of thousands of people of all classes, both free and enslaved. It was a good city with good and bad people in it and enough of both for Ivy to lose herself in the teeming masses.

  With deft fingers and sure feet, she pulled on every shelf and stepped over every board until she heard one of the later creak under a foot. With a grin, she pulled her belt knife and quickly pried the board up by one end. This inspection of the room had already taken a full minute and she could not count on much more time before the innkeeper arrived and her discovery a sure thing. She knew the innkeeper would be back shortly no matter what bodily function he was performing in the outhouse and her movements became lightening fast as she sped up into acquisition and retreat mode.

  With a grunt, she raised the rough wooden plank, her full breasts swaying gently in the leather tunic she wore as the exertion of her efforts moved them from side to side and quickly spied the leather sack lying just under its surface in a small alcove built into the original construction. It was of a dark brown in nature and tanned with the embossed seal of the inn upon its front facing surface, which was also quite large. With a small purr of joy, she pulled the bulging sack out and slipped it into the neckline of her tunic where it was held within by the belt around her waist. Sure, it made her shirt distend outward, but by rotating it sideways, she made it appear as if she were in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

  Rising quickly, she swiftly moved to the curtain and parting it, glided through on feet as light as leaves on a forest lawn. A triumphant grin adorned her face as her eyes darted to where the couple having sex lay when suddenly her hair was grabbed from the side and she was jerked around to face the male she found suddenly holding her. Where he had come from and what he may have seen she did not know but upon recognizing him her heart sank. It was Jack the Commander of the city guard and one known for his rough use of the village slave girls. The rumors were out on him and indicated many of the girls he used were unfit for service after his not so tender ministrations, at least not for some time. That the man had rugged good looks and a easy grin had nothing to do with it for he was rock hard with no mercy at all within him.

  "Well well, little Ivy. What were you doing there in the inn's back storeroom?" Jack's evil grin stretched across his face as he batted her hands away, the hands that tried to strike him and quickly disarmed her of her weapons with the same motions. At just over six foot, weighing close to two hundred and fifty pounds, Jacks shoulders were almost as wide as he was tall. His raven colored hair complemented the dark tan on his face, tanned from almost countless exposure to the bright sun overhead as he patrolled the battlements and trained the guard. Ivy knew he was deadly with the sword that hung from his hip and having seen him in action, knew the man could wield it as another would a toothpick; effortlessly and with precision intent. Now, his piercing blue eyes gazed upon her with glee and her heart sank but she drew herself up and presented a bold front.

  "Unhand me, Sir. I am a free. You have no right!" Ivy sputtered as she felt her hair twisted in his large callused hand in an instant before she could fight back further. He shoved her face first against the wall and with a muffled wail of misery; she felt her nose split and blood almost instantly begin to pool on her upper lip only to trickle across her cheek to drip off her chin. She then felt Jack pull her head back, twirling her around before wrenching her belt off with a snarl. Another quick movement on his part and her leather tunic was pulled upward to her face, bunched, then stuffed into her mouth when she tried to shout again. The belt tied around her head, held it in place with her lips parted wide in shock and she groaned as her senses slowly stopped spinning. She realized she was now effectively topless, her breasts exposed to this beast of a man and from the looks in his eyes and their direction, her breasts had not gone unnoticed, when his expression turned to one of lust and greed.

  It was an old slavers trick but effective as her voice, instantly muffled, became a tiny fraction of its former volume. Before she could push herself away, she felt him twirl her back around so her back was too him and then felt his hip slam into her tiny, little ass as he held her in place. Her heart fully sank when she felt her hands wrenched behind her back and quickly tied with what felt like common leather bindings. She had dreaded this moment and the worse possible person to catch her was Jack. The innkeeper she might have mollified with the use of her body, preferably her mouth, but Jack? He would use her and more if she were unable to get away soon. With dread, she bit into her leather gag and hoped for the best.

  "You're not a free anymore, or you won't be for long," grunted Jack, as he held Ivy to the wall with one hand then slid the other around her body clutching at her chest, groping. After fondling both breasts, while twisting the nipples cruelly, an act that caused her to groan in pain, she felt him crouch and pick up the pouch from the floor where it had dropped after he'd removed her belt. There was no mistaking the heavy clink of coin and she heard him juggling it as he held her immobile. With a quick twist of the hand holding her he rotated her around again, his hand now between her breasts, his body turned sideways if case she tried to kick out at him and stared at her as he began to speak.

  "What is this?" Without waiting for an answer he continued. "I believe this is the innkeeper's property, little Ivy. You made the mistake of being caught by me this time. I believe your skills have deteriorated which is a good thing as I've wanted you as mine for some time." With a shout of joy, he lifted her up in his burly arms and tossed her over his shoulder while holding her legs tight so she could not kick as he strode back into the storeroom. Then with a heave, he flipped her down while rotating her body to slam her face first onto the top of the nearest crate. This caused more cuts and bruising as once again her head swam when the sparks exploded before her eyes. Then, as he held her down with one hand she felt cold metal against her lower back and realized Jack was cutting away her trousers with his knife, a thought that chilled her down to the marrow of her bones. The cold steel slid along each thigh and calf and finally she felt the leather fall from her body. Then two sharp tugs at her feet and the warm boots she loved so dearly came off.

  Within seconds, she was not only weaponless and helpless, she was also naked and shuddered when she felt the leather of his trousers brush against her bare ass. This was not going according to plan, she thought to herself as she tried to squirm across the rough boards of the crate to get away from her captor, the dreaded Jack. Even the Amazon's, the tribe that resided somewhere in the nearby forest had a name for him and that name was not a good one as he routinely practiced hunting, capturing, using, then discarding them afterwards. He did not even bother getting trade goods for their release. The man simply did not care about that as he simply thought with his lower brain and not his upper one, a thought that chilled her.

  Now she was naked and bound before him while having no idea really of what he would do, but still with her back to him, she had an inkling. She tried to turn her head to see what was going on, but Jack instantly tightened his grip on her hair, holding her face down against the rough planking of the crate. She briefly sent a prayer to the gods hoping Jack would take her straightaway to the Civil Court, but deep inside she knew she was in for a much rougher time. A collar she could handle. She knew just how pretty she w
as and how convincing she could be. In a short time, she would have had the collar off and be about her business again, only in another city. But, with Jack? There was no way she would get off easy. Now she felt his fingers roughly gripping her, caressing her, a move that sent shudders coursing through her body when she felt his callused digits stroke her bared pussy.

  "Well well. You are well and truly caught my little Ivy. I suppose by rights I should drag you to the Civil Court and let them sentence you, and I will, but first you have to pay the penalty for being caught by me. Call it Commander Jack's penalty for carelessness," he laughed close to her ear while she was bent over her and the smell of beef stew mixed with extra spices was heavy on his breath. She squirmed again to no avail as suddenly she jerked, for his hand slapped her bare pussy hard. Hard enough to make her wince in pain as she wildly tried to shake her head. "No no." She gasped through her gag, the words coming out muffled and unintelligible.

  "What was that my new little pet? You want more?" Jack snickered, as he began to slap her pussy hard until it blazed with pain. Almost numb with dread and a sick feeling in her stomach, she tried to ignore him even though the pain was intensifying. Maybe if she did not respond he would simply release her or take her to the Civil Court offices. Luck was not on her side that day, as she then felt herself roughly opened and her vagina probed by his large fingers. At least two of them slid into her several inches and she cried out at the pain, as her pussy stretched against its will and most likely wider than the gods intended. Groaning into her gag, she thrashed under him while he played with her, praying now that the ordeal to be over soon.

  "So you are not a virgin I see. A pity really," remarked Jack and one Ivy did not respond too. She was not a virgin, she simply had not been used much and was usually able to talk her way out of the sexual act. Not always, but enough that she was still relatively inexperienced. She did not bother giving Jack the satisfaction of knowing how bad he was hurting her, or shaking her head to indicate she was not a virgin, she simply did and said nothing. This was the price a girl paid when caught thieving, she knew. It really was not that big a deal and she even enjoyed it if done right. She groaned into the gag, knowing it was going to happen anyways and probably not done right. She could only hope he would not beat her up too badly.

  Then she gasped as she felt something huge, heavy, hard and warm slap down on top of her left ass cheek, and then her right. She instinctively knew it was his cock. She had certainly seen enough of them and had knew what it felt like against her and now she knew what Jack's felt like. She groaned louder and then grimaced as the man behind her chuckled evilly.

  His manhood was already hard and the weight of it scared her. At that moment she knew she was about to be used and abused and resigning herself to bad sex she allowed the tears to flow from her eyes at the mere thought of being used by a rough man wearing the uniform of a city warrior. She was sore, hurting, scared and now resigned to her position under him. She slumped in place as she awaited the inevitable.

  "Ah, I see you know what's coming don't you my little pretty," remarked Jack and she heard him spit, then felt the bulging head of his cock rest against the sacred slit of her opening. She squirmed under him, again vainly trying to get away, but to no avail. Without warning, she felt it enter her. Only a little over an inch of it but it was still enough to cause her to gasp in both surprise and pain, and knew that perhaps it had been too long since she last had sex because her body didn't appear to be used to it. Tears of anguish flowed from her eyes and her fists clenched in fury, and helplessness, as he prepared to use her like some cheap street slut. "No no, I'm not a slave. You don't have the right," she tried to scream through her gag, but it was of no use. He could not understand her pitiful cries and even if he did it, it would probably goad him into even more punishments because he did have the right and they both knew it. She felt the bulbous head of his member rubbing up and down just inside her slit and simply groaned. She knew what was coming.

  "I see your pussy is already lubricating for me, my pretty," remarked Jack as he grunted behind her and suddenly searing pain erupted throughout her lower extremities. A pain so intense it traveled along her nerve pathways to engulf her entire body. Mindlessly, she screamed as what must have been another six inches of cock entered her and stretched her tiny pussy out and inward while tearing at her insides. Tears exploded from her eyes as incredible waves of pain coursed through her body and in that brief moment she knew what men felt when piked at the city gate entrance after a failed raid. She moaned as she realized she had not felt his hips against her tight buttocks and knew he had not entered her fully yet. She shuddered as she wondered against her will, just how large he was. Already she felt as if one of the logs of the palisade was inside her, and it was getting worse.

  A wave of blackness washed over Ivy and she mercifully tried to fall into unconsciousness, but it was not to be for his next trust speared her even deeper, a full seven inches or more. It had to be, and she still had not felt his hips against her ass. By the gods just how big was Jack, she wailed within her mind as she felt more tearing within her occurring and knew without a doubt her birthing canal was damaged. It had to be because it hurt so badly. Helplessly, she cried nonstop as he hammered into her.

  By then she was half-numb, the pain having drifted her into subspace. She had never thought she would ever be used like this and this badly, like a common slave, like a beast or whore. The pain was still incredible but getting easier as the blood caused by either his use of her or her own body's defenses, creating juices that caused her canal to lubricate and ease his member in and out. Suddenly, another searing pain erupted from her ass this time and she realized Jack had just slapped her hard as he thrust in and out of her without stop. Too hard, and she grunted in surprise and pain yet at the same time a mixture of pleasure tingled through her body. About damn time, she thought. His cock was huge and it hurt her but by the same token it was actually starting to feel good. Nooo, she wailed within her mind. You will not like it. You will. Resist, she thought to herself but her body ignored her as another slap on her tender ass sent even more tendrils of excitement and pleasure rushing through her body. That action and her bodies instinctive reaction to push backward against his cock had not gone unnoticed by Jack who slapped her ass again even harder with a rough laugh in his voice as he shouted.

  "That's it Ivy, take that hard cock. Know that I own that pussy of yours. I know you like it. Nod your head, you silly slut," the last said in a growl as he slapped her ass again and again and against her own will she felt herself nodding her head and cumming, her pussy clenching tightly around his cock as it penetrated smoothly in and out of her cunt now. The feeling was amazing and unlike anything, she had ever experienced before. The pleasure easily overrode the pain as her body spasmed, impaled on Jack's cock. A muffled scream erupted from her throat and she hated herself with a passion when she heaved upon the rough boards of the crate as brilliant swirls of light erupted behind her eyes as the orgasm overcame her. At that moment, she hated Jack with a passion. This was unforgivable. Forcing her body to overcome her mind and betray her. Ivy enjoyed a good fucking but she hated that it was Jack giving it to her. Now, the betrayal of her body caused deep hate to set within her.

  Her muffled scream of anguish and pleasure seemed to excite him even further as now he gripped her hips in both hands, slamming into her harder and harder while moving faster if that were possible. The pain returned and with it, incredible waves of pleasure. Then she heard his breathing. It was fast, panting, brutal in its urgency and she instinctively knew he was about to cum inside her. Her mind almost blanked out again at the thought, for she had not had any form of birth control...ever as she had always timed these things. The thought of pregnancy and being pregnant with that bastard Jack's child caused her stomach to heave but again her body betrayed her. Just the thought of this man, this hard and evil man caused her body to explode in a frenzy of emotion beyond her control. She felt herself onc
e again building up. Her pussy and clit tingling and starting to pulsate which she now knew was the forefront of an impending major orgasm. Not another! Her mind cried. Nooo! She wailed again as she felt him begin to shudder.

  Like a volcanic wave of fiery warmth, his cock expanded within her tight and very sore pussy and exploded. Gush after gush of wet liquid heat filled her as he half fell upon her back, his hips still thrusting, his breathing labored, and his voice hoarse as she continued to shudder under his weight and from her own orgasm. She truly hated herself now. He had forced her body to cum twice for him and she knew he was observant enough to have noticed. What he would do and what would happen next she did not know. Her mind shut down as she wailed her misery within.

  Ivy groaned wretchedly. Her pussy was raw and sore and her belly ached from the intrusion of his cock that reached up into areas that should never be reached, she thought. Damn bastard was too big for a tiny girl like herself. Now, she felt stretched out, abused, battered, all the above. This must be what women felt like after birthing a child, she thought, as the ache reached deep inside her body. She hurt and hurt badly.

  Ivy moaned again through her gag as Jack fastened his trousers then picked her up off the wooden crate and threw her over his shoulder like a haunch of venison. As she landed across the muscular expanse of muscle she could not help but yelp as the wooden splinters from her ordeal on the wooden box, still imbedded in her, dug into her naked flesh. With a soft moan she rode Jack's shoulder as he walked purposefully towards some unknown destination. Another brief prayer to the gods whom had remained silent so far to her pleas also went unanswered as she begged for release from both her pain and captivity. Jack was a sadistic bastard and she heard him pick up the bag of coins as he headed from the storeroom.


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