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Page 8

by Sean Liebling

  "No, I'm not an asshole, but I did just have yours." he snickered before continuing. "I'm a hard, demanding master. Get used to it girl. I am also quick to punish. Get used to that also. My advice is to obey in all ways. Now, get off those furs and kneel like a good little whore. We have work to do and I need to check on the men. You will serve each and do so well, with whatever they wish, but with one exception. If you don't, I will happily punish you again." The last was said with a growl and Ivy shrank from him.

  "Yes, my Master," she said a she rose slowly then assumed her new posture, that of the traditional kneeling position with thighs spread painfully wide. As she looked downward, she saw fresh blood upon her thighs and cursed him within her mind again. Every step and every movement brought fresh pain to her torn body as she watched Jack walk over to the table and take out a square of parchment. On it, he laboriously wrote something and when shown to her she read the words "Restricted" with his signature below it. He then pierced both ends and running a leather cord through them, fastened it around her neck. For a long moment, he smiled down at her. What he was looking at or thinking she had no idea but she hung her head in misery as she awaited his next command.

  "Come along mine!" Jack stated as he refastened the leash to her collar and dragged her from the room. Outside there was a small group of men waiting, all with grins upon their faces as she looked at them. Hobbling along she noticed that several frowned when they read the sign around her neck. Ivy could only assume they wanted the commander's new girl and she swore to herself that if he tried to give her to one of them, she would dive off the balcony and hit the ground head first, hopefully, breaking her neck.

  "Commander, we were about to break the door down when we heard the screams and no one answered our knocks, but in looking through the window we noticed who those screams were coming from. You might consider closing your drapes a bit tighter," laughed one of the men, a lieutenant by the insignia on his collar. He then clapped Jack on the shoulder as everyone around them broke out into laughter, causing Ivy's face to burn bright red in embarrassment.

  "No, just teaching my new slave that it's not wise to try hurting her master, even with scalding coffee," Jack was laughing also as he reached towards her, grabbed her by her collar and threw her at the feet of his men. "Look at her men. Even cut up and bruised and well used, she's still a beauty," he was saying in obvious satisfaction.

  "Aye, that she is, Sir. I noticed you restricted her. When will you be removing that?" asked another of the men, this one a trooper as his eyes roamed her body in an obviously lustful way.

  "That depends on the slut. If she displeases me too much, I will do so right away and make her a barracks slut like the others. In the meantime, I will enjoy what is mine without sloppy seconds." Jack was laughing hard now at what was clearly a very poor joke to her but to which the others roared in merriment.

  "Can't wait sir," cried out another, as he also slapped the commander on the shoulder.

  "Alright you lot, get back to your duties. I've my own to attend too," shouted Jack, as he waved the men away while dragging Ivy off.


  Henricus played the clip from the near invisible drone again, all of the size of a man's large fist and floating securely in the corner of the subjects living quarters. He had frowned through several parts of it, although he did acknowledge that this Jack had a type A and strong personality. Still, the man was brutal, however this was a brutal world and perhaps that was needed to unite the planet so they would be able to accept the gifts the Gentes had to offer. It would be easy to bring them up to current levels of technology with the use of fabricators and hypno helmets to educate the people here in mass. He simply did not know what to do about the slaves. This was a new one and with over thirteen hundred and twenty planets, a number that was rising, he wondered what the council would think.

  Mind suggestion was strictly regulated. They could for instance, give Jack a stronger sense of self-preservation and unification, but were forbidden to outright change his worldview, as in make him a pacifist or go against childhood upbringing or any core beliefs. If Henricus tried, he would be stripped of his rank and probably sentenced to a period of hard labor, something he did not relish and was positive his wife and children would become upset.

  "Well, he is brutally efficient. What do you gauge the chances of his success in conquering the girl, Andros?

  "Heh, one hundred percent, Sir. It's a sure thing. This man knows exactly what he is doing. You will notice he never slept last night, thus we were unable to instill a few suggestions."

  "Yes, I understand that, but let's say everything goes according to plan and in a few years we have a unified planet. We drop the fabricators, introduce ourselves, explain the situation and conduct hypno education. How will the council perceive their penchant for slaves?"

  "That is an extremely good question. I hadn't really given it much though although there are a few of our women back on earth that I would love to see in one of those collars," snickered Andros.

  For a moment, Henricus laughed with his first and then his thoughts sobered as he pondered what might happen. The Gentes did not own humans as property, yet here they did. It was a dilemma. His people had very strict human rights laws and those were at odds with the planet named by its people as Paradise.

  "I'm serious. How do you think the council will react? I am seriously worried about that. We might have to scrap this mission."

  "Not a chance, Sir. We both know that in less than a thousand years the Malum will be back for harvesting and instead of leaving enough for restock, they may take all in an attempt to garner power. In all likelihood, the council will make another special dispensation as they did for the Anthorans. You have no idea how much I dislike listening to them preach for an hour before each meal and council session. Yet they do and the council did. Those of Paradise are natural shock troops and they will go a very long way in controlling the more recalcitrant of the planets we now manage. The planets that wish to remain within our umbrella, but have not unified yet into a single government. What we are doing is needed, which is unifying the planet under one strong leader before we intervene. We've learned our lesson."

  "Hmm, do you think we should contact the council?"

  "No, and I wouldn't say it will take years. This man Jack is intelligent, very intelligent and is driven to excess in everything he does. Once we are able to implant the will to expand their influence, there will be nothing stopping him or his men."

  "Alright, we will continue to monitor."

  Both turned to the monitor again and watched the replay for the third time.


  Chapter 8:

  The first stop was the compound slaves bathing house. As Jack pushed aside the leather curtain, he saw two other slaves bathing together in a single tub. He knew them both and watched for a moment as they sat facing each other, each pair of hands soaping up the others breasts in a sensuous manner. He grinned as he continued to watch them for a moment as he enjoyed their play. The girls realizing they were being watched, seemed to delight in that, because they now began to kiss each other passionately and their rubbing of each other's bodies became more energetic, pronounced and erotic.

  It was quite common for slave girls to delight in each other's bodies, as it was for them to enjoy the feel of a master above, behind or under them. Theirs was a life of slavery which could be cold, hard and cruel at times and they took pleasure where it could be found, and in any form. These girls before Jack were no different. Typical

  barracks slaves, they were woken before dawn to start their chores. Some worked in the kitchens, others the laundry, still others in various cleaning chores around the compound and city. In addition to all that, they were expected to keep the warriors content sexually, a chore they loved to perform as it was one of the few that also gave them pleasure. One of the few pleasures of life, their situation allowed them.

  Jack chuckled and winked at them, a wink they returned as
they both made little kissing motions in his direction. With a laugh, he waived them over to where he stood with Ivy still beside him, tightly leashed. Both girls quickly doused themselves with buckets of fresh water before jumping out of the tub and quickly approaching to kneel at his feet.

  "May we help you, master?" both asked simultaneously, smiling up at him as water pooled on the floor around their kneeling forms. Both quieted instantly when Jack held up a finger for silence before turning to Ivy.

  "Relieve yourself, slut. I'm quite sure you need to empty out your ass after my use of it," he joked as the two nearby female slaves tittered with laughter. "Then use the remaining tub and clean yourself thoroughly. If you screw that up, I will again punish you and next time I will not be gentle. You have thirty minutes to complete those tasks. Failure to do so will result in additional punishment. Come to me outside when you're done," he thrust her in the direction of the corner where the waste buckets sat and then turned back to the two girls at his feet. Both were looking at him expectantly as he looked down at them.

  "Girls, I want you to help my new girl and clean her up for me. I have used her rather roughly and I think, perhaps she needs some female attention. Only after you have completed that are you dismissed to go about your chores," he commanded as he turned and left the room.

  "Yes, Master!" both girls chorused. They then rose to their feet and waited near the clean tub for Ivy to finish in the corner.

  Ivy groaned as she squatted over the bucket and emptied herself of his seed. The bastard had truly used her this time and it was not pleasurable like the other times had been in or near the end. She felt sick and was hurting badly. When his cock had entered her ass, she felt like her lower body was exploding on fire. The pain had been incredible. Never before had she experienced anything like it and moving stiffly, she proceeded to the tub of water. Near her the girls were still giggling, an action that irritated Ivy to no end because she knew why they were giggling. Ivy was walking bow legged and slightly hunched over in pain as she gingerly stepped into the warmish and clean water of the bath. She needed to hurry because she knew Jack would not wait a second over the thirty minutes he allowed her.

  "So, new girl did the master use all your holes at once?" laughed one of the girls as she handed Ivy a cake of soap when the former thief finally sank into the luxurious water. "Better hurry. He gave you thirty minutes and one is almost is over but we will help" she whispered in a kind voice. She then added, "My name is Hush, because I talk too much and I'm always getting punished for it." She giggled as she unfastened the small sign that was still hanging round Ivy's neck, and belatedly Ivy realized she might have gotten it wet if the girl had not shown this kindness towards her. She smiled at the slim brunette, with brown eyes and small pert lips set on a narrow yet lovely face.

  "I'm called Dahlia, because I please the masters thoroughly, even the one that brought you here," laughed the second slave as she undulated her body before Ivy's, her hands running over her taut skin and voluptuous curves. "What's your name and why are you walking funny? Did the Master beat you?" She asked as she squatted to study the former thief sitting in the tub while picking up another cake of soap and a washcloth, then began to soap up Ivy's back. This girl was the exact opposite of Hush, with red hair, a buxom build that included very large breasts, generous hips and green eyes set over a wide generous mouth.

  "I am called Ivy, although that bastard of a guard calls me Slave. I'm walking funny because he used my ass hard, like some common sluts and it still hurts like I've been beaten by the sharp side of a woodcutters axe." Ivy said the last was said in disgust, though with a slight whimper as after dousing her head in the water before her, she began to soap up her hair, althought slowly, her arms aching tremendously. "Thank you for your help. I can hardly move." The last was said in a whisper as she kept trying to wash her hair.

  "Quit moving, we're here to help," said Hush as she began to soap up Ivy's breasts in an almost loving way as she dropped the washcloth and kneaded the soft tissue with the tips of her fingers and fingernails. Her movements like Dahlia's were sensuous and she paid special attention to the nipples, the tips of her fingers rubbing across them, and then circling the areolas. Ivy could not help but get aroused by the soft gentle touch and she found her breathing speeding up as her body began to experience the now familiar sensations of sexual arousal.

  "Perhaps he used your ass hard because you are a common slut? I am assuming you were once a free woman," remarked Dahlia, with a sneer and another undulation of her body, again teasing Ivy with her curves as her fingers played over ripe nipples and curvy hips before sliding down her belly in a sensuous fashion to stroke her pussy. She laughed gently while smiling to take the sting out of her remark as she waved her hands in an upward motion to Ivy. "Now stand up after we douse your hair. We need to clean your bottom half." The last was said as Hush dumped the first bucket of cold fresh water over Ivy's head, followed by two more from Dahlia as Hush scrubbed the soap from her hair vigorously under the running water.

  "If you mean the commander, the master who brought you in here, he uses the ass as punishment because he's so large. He is hung like the god's, that master is, unlike most others. I would advise you to obey. Both Dahlia and I have seen him whip girls to death who refused. That would be a hard way to die. Do you really wish such?" giggled Hush, as she dumped another bucket of slightly warmer water over Ivy who was now standing with the help of Dahlia. Ivy was so weak; she could barely stand or even move her arms. The cold water was causing her to shiver, goose bumps rising all over her body as her skin and nerves reacted to the coldness flowing over her. That only acerbated the problem of her arousal as now, her nipples went from medium, to rock hard.

  "Well I'll give you a hint, he likes it when you use your mouth on him but for god's sake, don't bite him. The last captive that did was instantly knocked out and woke up missing all her teeth," said Dahlia in a deadpan voice and as Ivy looked at her quickly, she realized the girl was serious.

  "No, I don't wish to die right now, but I did for awhile when he was using his cock in my ass. Nor, do I wish to lose all my teeth," sputtered Ivy with a glare at Dahlia, who was grinning at her in delight.

  A last bucket of water and Ivy was finally rinsed of soap and stepped from the now, dirty tub. To say she was sore would have been an understatement. She was beyond sore, yet she turned towards to door and made to leave after nodding her thanks at both girls who were now toweling her dry. A quick hug by Hush caught her by surprise, and then another from Dahlia dumbfounded her. For a moment, she was speechless.

  "Take care and good luck," whispered Hush. "Your master is a good man and you are lucky. He has no other slaves and he is not hard to please. He just expects obedience. Above all, he is one of the cleanest masters around here. He takes cleanliness very personally unlike most others." The last said, as once again the sign was fastened around her neck.

  "I'm not always a bitch and I've had your master's cock in my ass before, twice. Yes, I can be a bitch at times but I am a good girl, mostly. But, it is true that i couldn't walk straight for a pair of days afterwards," Said Dahlia with a wink then a quick, "Obey and he's really very kind for a grumpy old master."

  Limping from the bathing room, she suddenly froze. Her master was before her, his back turned and looking out over the courtyard. For a moment she wracked her brain for how a slave should kneel to her master, then remembered and knelt behind him and slightly to his left, thus to leave his sword arm unencumbered if he needed to draw it. The damn thing was almost as long as her body and she had no wish to be in its path if he did need to pull it from the great sheath at his side. He turned as she arrived and nodded in approval.

  "You clean up nicely, mine," he remarked, as he looked her over with a smile. For some strange perverse reason his comment pleased her, before she stifled that impulse and simply stared at his boots with a neutral expression.

  "Thank you, my Master," she was quick to say as she knelt there
on the cobblestones. They were clean and dirt free; probably cleaned by the other slaves several times a day to keep them that way. Her only consolation thought was that he'd now cum twice in one day and wouldn't be able to again until tomorrow. At least she could rest up between now and then and hopefully feel better, instead of sick and hurting.

  "Come along girl. I'm not going to leash you. You seem to remember the positions well and the distance. Stay within three foot of me always unless I tell you otherwise." he commanded and strode off.

  It was all Ivy could do to keep up with her new master, hobbled as she was by the steel shackles. They had long since begun to bite into her ankles and she could feel a trickle of blood running down to her feet at each. But, she was getting the hang of the short shuffle and though barely, she did keep up with him. Walking down the street, they proceeded to the village wall and within ten minutes, had reached the first of many guard posts, set along the parapet at regular intervals. Ivy knew from the experience of living in Ashton that there were twenty in total spaced evenly on all four sides of the city.

  "Greeting's Commander, good to see you up and about. Who's this with you? A new barracks slave?" asked the first of the men with a lust-filled grin on his face as his eyes raked Ivy. "She's a bit scratched and cut up and bruised but by the Gods she is sweet, Sir."

  "No! She's mine and she's restricted. Use her at your own risk," growled Jack, as he stared at both men. Both instantly looked at her in surprise and then nodded at their commander after reading the sign around her neck. Jack added, "How goes duty? Anything I need to hear about?"

  "No sir," responded the second man, "All is quiet in the outside forests, and although we've been watching, we've not even seen a she warrior poke their head out."

  "Excellent, well hopefully it will stay that way. Mine," he said addressing Ivy, These are some of my men. You will serve them whatever they need with that one exception. Make sure you serve them properly or I will punish you again. This tag will get you anything you need from any nearby tavern or inn; they will bill the Guard accordingly." From a nearby shelf, he pulled down another tag, this one was red and embossed with the city guard symbol and placed it around her neck, arranging them so both were visible. The new tag had no words but Ivy could guess what it meant. "If I'm not here when you get back, the men will direct you to the next post if you don't know where it is already. Now take their orders while I converse with them." Jack turned from her and looked out over the parapet as one of the men pulled down a wooden tray and handed it to her.


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