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Page 13

by Sean Liebling

  Jack waited until her sobs subsided and allowed one of the apprentices to rub the physicians healing ointment over the wound. It would heal within a few days and care would just be needed to keep the raw burn clean and dirt free. Again, Jack looked at the brand and admired its clean lines before he leaned over Ivy and kissed her again, stating loudly. "I love you, mine."

  "I love you too my Master. Thank you my Master for this special gift. Can you let me up now, my Master that I might kneel at your feet?" Ivy was still whimpering with tears running down her cheeks as their eyes met again and Jack smiled down at her.

  "Oh, we're not done yet, mine. I have something else planned also. This I saw in a nearby city. I was there negotiating an alliance and witnessed something that I told myself I would do if I ever took on a personal slave. You should consider yourself lucky because you are the first. This next deed will also be a constant reminder of my possession of you. Body, mind and soul." Jack stated firmly as he reached over to grab the tiny fold of her clit in the fingers of his left hand and tugged it outward.

  Instantly, Ivy's back arched and her breathing sped up as she started to pant. Jack was gripping it tightly and stretched it out over an inch from her body. A moan escaped the girl at his ministration and he grinned in delight at her responsiveness. Slowly he kneaded the sensitive nubbin, rolling it back and forth between his fingertips and felt where the main bundle of nerves were, then the looser flesh just below it that was less sensitive, yet still sensitive enough for his purposes. During this process, Ivy gasped and moaned, her eyes first widening then closing as the pleasure of the sensations overcame her.

  She had no idea what was about to happen, thought Jack, as he continued to roll her clit back and forth between his fingertips. His right hand moved across her belly and he pinched her left nipple hard causing almost a scream of pleasure to erupt from the girl and Jack realized she was close, very close to cumming. Tugging her nipple outward, he released it with a snap then with a quick hand motion he made a signal to the smith who removed a small wood handled object from the hearth. It was quite long and it's tip, going down over three inches gleamed white hot. Ivy saw none of this as she started to thrash on the rack, much to the amusement of the crowd who cheered Jack on. The awl, normally used for burning holes in leather belts was thrust into his outstretched hand as he continued his ministrations.

  "Oh my master, may girl cum for you please. May I!" the words were needy, begging and plaintive as Jack continued to tug and twist then knead her clit. He could see her juices flowing freely from her pussy and that excited him. His girl was a passionate one, full of sexuality and the need to please her master and herself.

  "Yes, mine. Cum for your master. Cum hard for me," he shouted as he gripped the nerve nexus of her clit between thumb and forefinger then tugged the bottom looser part outward by grasping it between his pinky and ring finger, stretching it out tightly and exposing a small expanse of thin flesh. At his words. Ivy began to thrash and Jack nodded at the apprentices to hold her down which they did and continued to knead her clit as she cried out in pleasure. Then with a swift motion, he pressed the awl to the side part of her loose fold of skin pressing inward, burning his way through.

  "Oh my God!" the scream of pleasure mixed with pain was piercing and many nearby covered their ears as Ivy went into convulsions, screaming uncontrollable and continuously as Jack rotated the white hot awl and then withdrew it when the tender flesh was cauterized. Jack gave her clit one last twist then pulled the silver ring from his pocket which he slipped in through the hole in her most sensitive area. The smith was there beside him in an instant holding out a pair of pliers and Jack squeezed the ends together until they overlapped and held. Ivy was sobbing again, but no longer from pleasure, as the pain of the red-hot piercing finally registered on her consciousness. "What did you do, my Master? Oh it hurts, it hurts," She wailed as she tried to look downward over her body at what he was doing. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her lungs were heaving as she recovered from the process.

  Jack ignored her as the smith then took a small block of steel and an even smaller hammer and as Jack tugged outward on the ring, the smith placed the cold steel against the side of her clit and started hitting the joined ends of the silver ring with his tiny hammer. This process, called cold welding had been around for centuries and it only took a moment to get the ends to meld together into a shapeless, round irremovable joint. Both men grinned at each other as Jack finally released the ring after rotating the joint into her flesh. It was only then that he spoke to her. He was pleased at the process and the smith's accuracy with the hammer. They had rehearsed it earlier but her clit might have been permanently damaged if his aim was off. It had not been though and both men grinned again in triumph.

  "I have pierced you mine, something special to all of Ashton. I saw this in another city I visited and was captivated by the elegance. You will be proud to know you are the first girl in the city to be pierced by your clit and the best part is, the ring is big enough i can lock a chain to it if I desire." Jack chuckled at her surprised look, then angry expression. Around them and outside, the crowd again roared its approval at the deed, much to the embarrassment of Ivy who simply glared daggers at her Master. Jack chuckled again and said, "I am also having your ears pierced this afternoon by one of the warrior hall slaves. They say she is quite good at this." His broad smile was not returned, as Ivy hissed.

  "You have marked me beyond what I can overcome if I'm ever freed again, master," she said in an angry voice. Jack instantly slapped her hard, rocking her head to the side and leaving a red imprint upon her cheek. His expression was fierce as he ground out.

  "You are mine, my property, you willingly submitted of your own free will. I can do as I wish and never take that tone with me again, or not address me as 'my Master' unless you wish to be whipped," he stated firmly. Again, a roar rang out from the crowd, which must have numbered close to a hundred by now. Ivy kept her head turned to the side, not looking at her master.

  Jack shrugged as he first clipped then locked a small thin metal leash to her clit ring, then signaled the apprentices to release her. Irritated he tugged her off the rack and Ivy came quickly, kneeled close to his feet to take the pressure off her clit, yet still refused to acknowledge his presence. Jack was not surprised as the pain must have still been intense but right now he did not care in the slightest at her discomfort. He gave a sharp tug, causing her to gasp in pain and declared.

  "Come along mine!" He growled.


  Chapter 14:

  Ivy was fuming inside. How dare her master pierce her most sensitive place. It was something you would do to an animal, not a human. Disgust and fury burned within her as he dragged her around town like some goat, tethered by her nethers. Everyone was looking at them and her face burned with shame. The leash he had attached was lightweight but sufficient and she made sure to stay close to him or the pain of a tug on the freshly burned hole in her clit was excruciating. Her thigh ached as did her clit, in fact her entire pussy hurt for some reason, throbbing with pain at each step. She would become used to holding the chain when her master was not looking but dropped it when he was. It simply...hurt!

  Why in hell did she submit to him? She could not remember the reasons although it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now she was branded, and pierced in three places as just a short bit ago, they had stopped at the warrior compound where a seemingly nice girl had pierced her ears and admired her clit ring. Ivy had caustically told the slut that she was welcome to get one of her own or take Ivy's, which earned her a sharp tug on the leash and caused her to double up in pain. The girl had simply snickered and said she would gladly accept one if Ivy's master would take her as his. The comment did not go unnoticed by Ivy who already knew her master was popular, in fact too popular with the slaves of Ashton. That thought also caused her to burn inside but not in anger this time, in jealousy.

  Damn her master, the son of a bitch act
ed as if she should be happy, to be proud of these adornments attached to her body. She hated them with a passion and hated him. Why again had she submitted? She had no idea. She only knew it had been the wrong decision. She grunted as he tugged on her clit again with the chain. She had been too much in her thoughts and fell behind a bit too far. Hurriedly, she caught up and stayed close as he entered a nearby tavern. For the last hour, her master had walked her all over town, showing her off and her new piercings. She hated him with a passion.

  "Mine, get me my usual," Jack said jovially as he unclipped the leash to her nether parts and swatted her on the ass, sending her on the way. Ivy scowled at the raucous roars of laughter from the assembled patrons directed at Ivy as all eyes were upon her and tried to ignore them. As she looked back over her shoulder, she saw her master sit down on a cushion to one side of the dance pit where a slave gyrated for the assembled masters, while conversing with those on either side of him. As she neared the kitchen, she saw the back door was open and without conscious though, slipped out and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her.

  She was only blocks from the eastern gate, her master and her having made a complete circuit of the city and as she neared, she saw two guards she didn't know along with Conrad, a guard she did. She paused to the side before entering the open interior of the gateway and waited for her heartbeat to normalize then walked in casually and knelt beside Conrad. To the other two guards who suddenly looked at her with suspicion, she smiled at and said.

  "Greetings Masters, I hope this afternoon brings you a lack of excitement and pleasure as you perform your duties, and Master!" Now she looked at Conrad, frowned at him and declared. "What are you doing out of the infirmary, Master? Shame on you and I'm quite sure the physicians did not release you. After all, I know exactly how deep that wound in your side was. It was all I could do to stop the bleeding." Her gaze traveled to his side, a side she had bandaged not two nights before and she frowned as she scolded him. He laughed and ruffled her hair for she was kneeling close to him and looked sheepish, a reddish coloring transfusing his face.

  "Ahh you caught me Ivy. The two gents here, Bert and Efram helped me sneak out earlier. They came to visit just before the beginning of the shift and I was going crazy in that place. Gosh, surely you can understand. They carried me most of the way so all your hard work didn't go to waste." He said in a plaintive voice as he ruffled her hair again, an action she enjoyed and she leaned up to kiss his cheek, which caused his face to grow redder still. Then she wagged a finger at him and declared.

  "Don't make me regret saving your life, Master, which means, don't be reckless" She giggled as she said this and smiled at him again.

  "You are the slave that saved our sword brothers life?" asked one of the guards as he approached her. His expression was one of admiration and he smiled as he went to one knee beside her. Then to her surprise he leaned forward to hug her tightly before releasing her and rising. "Thank you girl, for doing what you did. We heard all about it. You even took down five of the enemy with my brother's bow." A thumb jerked in Conrad's direction, "Then saved another five or more of my brothers with your quick actions, not to mention saving our commander, your master from certain death. You are to be commended girl." the guard smelled of sweat, mead, and a faint muskiness that must have been his personal body odor. Ivy found herself attracted to it and him as she smiled yet again. She was praying they would stop talking so she could make excuses and slip out the gate. So far, no good. She waited.

  The other guard walked up and with a big grin leaned down to slap her ass hard. An action that caused her to flinch and double over slightly, as the clit ring bounced up and down. The thing hurt like blazes yet she stilled herself and put a smile back on again.

  "What's wrong with you girl? I only slapped your ass because we appreciate what you did but you act as if I kicked you," he stated, as he stared closely at her. This caused her to blush and she did not' answer and instead turned to Conrad seeking help.

  "I'd rather not talk about it," she whispered.

  "Too late, we're all interested now, speak girl," demanded Conrad, as he leaned over his wicker chair to stare at her. Ivy gave up and confessed, knowing without doubt that she would be required to show the ring.

  "Well, Masters. My master branded me today. So, it hurts when I'm slapped there. But he also pierced me down here." her hand cautiously indicated the direction of her clit and she blushed bright red as all three stared at her in sudden interest. "That hurts worse every time I move." she stated as she leaned forward and stared at the cobblestones of the gate.

  "Show us girl," demanded Conrad. No surprise there, she thought when she saw grins on the faces of all three. Sighing to herself, she rose, and shyly pulling her red silks aside, exposed herself. She closed her eyes while they stared at the silver ring looped through her clit.

  A gentle fingertip stroked her clit above the ring and her eyes snapped open in surprise. It was Conrad, leaning forward and gently touching her. The other two were crouched, staring in fascination at her knew adornment. Conrad's expression was serious as he asked.

  "I assume they put healing salve on it?"

  "Yes, Master, my Master has done so twice today."

  "But you say it still hurts?"

  "Terribly, Master." She responded.

  "Efram get me the yellow jar over on the shelf please. The girl needs pain ointment. Seems our commander can't think of everything," barked Conrad, as the other men laughed and broke up. One going to the shelf and pulling down a small jar filled with what looked like a thick yellow paste, while the other went to the gate opening and watched outward. "Ivy, hold up your silks, girl." He commanded, causing her to obey instantly.

  Unscrewing the lid, Conrad gently smeared the yellow paste over her clit and around the ring. His fingers barely touched her but it was enough to cause arousal. She shuddered slightly, causing the man to look up with a grin stretched wide over his face.

  "Yeah, you are a hot one. The Commander was right. Too bad you're restricted girl, or busted up side or not, I'd use you thoroughly." he remarked as he finished rubbing in the salve. Ivy relaxed with a grateful sigh, because as soon as this new salve touched her, she felt a cooling sensation, then a numbness spread throughout her nether region. Instinctively and without permission, she reached out to caress his stubble-laden cheek as she whispered.

  "Thank you, Master."

  Conrad blushed brighter still as he finished rubbing in the numbing salve. Ivy breathed a sigh of relief as everything down below her waist went numb, at least on the surface. Inside, her guts were churning as she felt an attraction to Conrad. But just thinking about her attraction to him instinctively made her remember and feel her love for her master. Her masters hands upon her and the weight of his body pressed against hers, holding her down as he took her.

  "There you go, girl. Now run along. Wait, where were you headed?" Conrad asked.

  "Master, girl was intending to go outside to pick fresh apples for my master, I thought to surprise him with this evenings meal as I know he enjoys their taste. But then I saw you and thought to check on the condition of your recovery." Ivy lied with a smile. Conrad grunted as he looked outside the gate and to the forest beyond.

  "I don't think that's a good idea girl. Patrols have tripled lately. Shadowy figures seen in the woods and there is a large amount of she warrior sign. The vicious bastards have already killed several of the livestock and dragged them off," stated Conrad firmly, as he stared at her. Inwardly, Ivy quaked in fear. She wanted to escape, to get away from her master for what he'd done to her but the love she'd come to hold for him overwhelmed her. Standing there she almost cried in frustration and tears of anguish leaked from her eyes, tears she quickly wiped away.

  "Hey hey, it's ok, Ivy. They just brought in fresh apples a short bit ago. Just go to the market and get it now before it has been picked over. Simply have them add it to the warriors hall tab. No big deal girl, and your master will understand
." Conrad said as he patted her on the back gently and she nodded at his words. The other two warrior's looked at her in sympathy before turning their attention back to the surrounding countryside, their ever watchful gaze taking note of everything happening outside the gates.

  Ivy turned away in frustration and quickly slipped out of the interior of the gatehouse. At this time, she had no idea what to do, where she would go, what would happen to her. She knew her master had to be looking for her by now and after leaving the gate area going in one direction she doubled back and hid behind a large group of slaves proceeding in the opposite direction, which just happened to be the way she wished to go. Nearing the corner of a nearby alley, she cut into it, looking around for a place to hide. There she found one, until she felt the hand, grip her left shoulder as she lay huddled behind the crate.

  "Going somewhere?" inquired Jack, kindly as he let go of her shoulder and crouched next to her on the dirty cobblestones of the back recess way.

  "I was going to run away but that's impossible, it seems," said Ivy bitterly, as she refused to look at her master and only stared at the ground between her heals as she held her luxurious red silks up from the filth at her feet, crouching huddled behind the wooden crate and now caught.

  "Uh, uh. Not impossible, simply improbable. What you did for Conrad can never be repaid and the men know it. I was just around the corner, following you and heard what you said to him. I also saw him use the numbing salve on you and curse my soul, I'm sorry I forgot to use some on you, Ivy. That was your master's fault and not yours. I have never owned a personal slave before in all my years so I'm not used to thinking of all the fine details."


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