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Page 23

by Sean Liebling

  "Commander! Jack!" shouted a voice near them as a figure ran up. It was Seth the Chief administrator and in his hand he held a sheaf of parchment.

  "Seth, great to see you, why in such a hurry? I'm on my way to see the Potentate now and then the council and of course the Ambassadors. Griff has a letter for each of the latter from their Commanders," said Jack with a jovial smile as he clutched Seth's forearm in a handshake.

  "Actually, you'll be meeting with all of them at once. Here, you need to read this," and the sheaf of papers was thrust into his hand. "I've outlined the passages that changed from a standard alliance contract and it's the one we'll be using, moving forward to unite the planet."

  Jack quickly perused the document and nodded in satisfaction at its content. It was as he expected, no more and no less. He noticed they put him in as Warlord for the first five years and nodded again in approval. It was as he expected. He was the only Commander that all the others got along with, without endless arguing.

  "Seems fine Seth. Why is everyone meeting at once?"

  "Because they've come up with you and your men's new strategy for conquest," smiled Seth.

  "Uh uh. We'll see about that. Why don't you accompany us as I have some things to discuss with you."

  "Sure, like what?"

  "Well first. I hope your wife and four daughters are all in good health."

  "Yes they are and thank you for asking. My Youngest daughter just gave birth while you were gone, so I now have 8 grandchildren. Who would have thought such a thing two hundred and fifty years ago." Seth was smiling now, causing both Jack and Griff to smile in return. Everyone knew that Seth doted on his daughters and wife.

  "Good to hear and from this document, you are fully apprised of the Gentes, correct?"

  "Yes, I have one of those things you put in your ear and have been talking to several of them."

  "Excellent, now have you thought of what occurs after we subjugate the planet?"

  "Well, as the document states, each city is its own sovereign nation. Things will go as always, only we'll be united for the first time in our history."

  "Uh uh, and that's what you guys don't seem to get. Once the sentries above us are removed and our world protected, we'll be receiving tens of thousands of visitors. We will be upgrading everything and there will be a need for unified standards of law, conduct and infrastructure. This needs to be added into your document. A common monetary system is another example of what will be required. If you have a visitor that comes to Ashton where swearing is legal and then they leave to visit Bristol where it is not. Do you really want our new friends to be imprisoned, enslaved and doing hard labor for an infraction they knew nothing about?"

  Seth blinked and stopped in his tracks. Slowly he turned his gaze to Jacks, who stood patiently beside him. He had never considered this aspect of the treaty before. When it was only a dozen, it was easy to keep up with the cultures. In a microcosm he understood exactly what the other was saying and the meaning behind it.

  "Ohh, we need to change this and now," Seth gasped."

  "Yep. Get on it Seth, I know you can do it," smiled Jack.

  "This document will be much larger."

  "Thank the Gods for Administrators then," laughed Jack, as he clapped Seth on the shoulder and then grabbing his arm, dragged him along.

  "Oh, by the Gods, this treaty just quadrupled in size," gasped Seth again as he allowed himself to be dragged along while in an obvious daze.

  "Oh yes," laughed Jack, again.


  Chapter 24:

  Carthius looked up from his discussions with the Ambassador of Carlius and four of their council members, as his earpiece chimed. He wondered who it was, maybe Jack was contacting him before the meeting, but they were avidly waiting on him in order to give him his new assignments.

  "Greetings Potentate of Ashton, it is I, Andros, I have some news for you."

  "Oh? Tell me please, Jack should be here at any moment and we do not have much time." Carthius waived a hand to those speaking with him to let him know he was communicating with others and turned sideways to give his full attention to this man up in space.

  "It is by Jacks request that we have done what we did and not only for good reason, but because it directly affects your decisions.

  "Well, what is it? We were just informed Jack and his people just entered the palace, you only have a minute or two. Get on with it man!" demanded the Potentate, with a snarl.

  "Alright, okay. Jack asked me to spy on everyone connected to this process of a new alliance and Federation and we found out a few things. We have just finished our analysis and I thought you should know how deep the deception goes against what you plan. It was an excellent idea on Jacks part and you will not believe the results!" Andros stated, emphatically.

  "Man, would you get on with it? You are wasting my time. Get to the point, damnit!" growled Carthius.

  "Oh right, well you have spies within your midst."

  "Every city has spies from other cities. You are still not getting to the point. Why is this proving difficult for you? The first officer of a vessel as large as that you reside in, should be able to convey information quickly, especially in times of war or strife."

  "Right, good point. There are spies amongst your staff, and the staffs of the other Ambassadors, a few of your council members and so forth. Jack has a complete list. He was just given it by Ensign Caitlin."

  "That is absurd, these are trusted men and women," sputtered the Potentate.

  "Well, I'm sorry to break the news to you but it is a fact and we have recordings of them passing your plans along to Turnin. By now, or soon, Gur will know that you intend to absorb those twelve cities you've been contemplating and will be more than prepared by the time you get around to him." A heavy bang sounded on the double doors and Carthius looked up and muttered.

  "I'll talk to you later, Jack is here." He pushed the earpiece again to shut it off. He didn't want to be interrupted by a man who took forever to get to the point.

  As the double doors opened, Jack strode in, along with over four squads of guards, Griff, Seth and an older man dressed in the robes of Barshu. The Potentate blinked, as the armed men immediately proceeded around the table and grabbed, at sword point, a number of individuals, eight in all, including one of the Ambassadors and two of Ashton's aides.

  "Sir, Potentate and honored Council members and Ambassadors. We have traitors within our midst. I am arresting them, and across the city, other arrests are occurring. There are four hundred and thirty six in all, Thank the God our councilors are untainted by the stain of Turnin," intoned Jack, as he strode angrily to the front of the table to stand beside Carthius, who looked up and nodded.

  "I was just informed and you seriously need to have a discussion with this Andros on brevity in communications."

  "That I do, Sir. What do you want to do with them?"

  "Put them all to the sword this afternoon, just outside the gates and dump their bodies in the river. Their lands and holdings are confiscated and their offspring enslaved. Is there any other way?"

  "No Sir, will do, but the Ambassador from Matrisk?" said Jack as he pointed at another individual with a sick expression on his face.

  "We will send him under heavy guard to his city. I would prefer to execute him, but I will allow their Potentate to have the honor. Wait, is the Potentate of Matrisk on our side?"

  "Yes sir, only the ambassador and all of his aides are guilty."

  "Kill the aides and ship the Ambassador back as I stated. Now, talk to us Jack. How are things going?" All watched as the traitors to the alliance were escorted from the room before Jack spoke.

  "Of course. Things are going well, we'll receive new uniforms, weapons and so forth, but I'm sure Andros has kept you apprised of that, even though that man needs to learn how to communicate properly. I'll work on him as I said. Now, I understand you have an even dozen cities you wish us to conquer first before we move on Turnin, is that correct."

  "Yes, we need the numbers to limit loss of life. We do have enough to win a siege, but that could take months. They have quite a few guard and heavy defenses," answered Carthius, as Jack stroke down the table to address all.

  "Well, where is this list?" Quickly, one of the Ambassadors handed Jack his own copy of the future campaign and jack snorted.

  "Who created this list?" he inquired mildly.

  "I did, with the help of the Ambassadors, why?"

  "Because almost all of these would join us willingly already. We've simply never asked them as they held no strategic value to us. Potentate, you seriously need to listen to your advisors," admonished Jack as he tossed the list now. "I don't think so. We will proceed with plans on attacking Turnin."

  "Commander, I will remind you that I am in charge here," intoned Carthius in a firm voice.

  "That you are sir, but I am the Alliance Warlord. I select the overall strategy of our campaign for the attack of each city and you gentlemen are missing the point. Turnin now knows of your plans and will act accordingly. According to what I just read. They will expect us to attack twelve cities that do not actually need attacking. If we take Turnin, at least forty or fifty cities will automatically join us. Right now, I bet Gur of Turnin, by the God I hate his name, is probably planning on absorbing nearby cities in order to bolster their defenses and offensive capabilities. They will not expect us to attack them for at least two months. So we attack. Simple. Hold on please, let me check something." Jack pressed in on his ear communicator and spoke. "Andros." It was almost a minute before Andros answered and Jack immediately got to the point.

  "Andros. Are you monitoring Gur and his captains?"

  "Why yes."

  "What are their current plans and relay this to everyone present."

  "They are sending out four attacking forces to subdue and incorporate nearby cities on the opposite side of your current alliance. Your guess was correct. We are monitoring them now." Jack saw most of those around him looking astonished and embarrassed.

  "How many of their guard have gone on this crusade?"

  "Funny you should ask, over half and almost two thirds."

  "Keep up the good work, Andros. Tell those military of yours, there will be spots for them soon. Jack out." He turned to the others and remarked. "I predicted this within seconds of being informed of the spies within our midst. This was easy. We attack now and along my plans. Yes, you do control my actions Potentate, but do you wish to win and conquer, or do this piecemeal?"

  "No, I think we all learned our lesson. What do you propose?" asked Carthius, looking attentive.

  "We attack immediately. We have more than enough numbers. We attack in one week, because they are not expecting us for a couple of months."

  "What is your strategy? Their moat is wide and their walls quite tall. Even at half force they will take some time to conquer," spoke Carthius, with a frown.

  "Why we utilize our strengths. We will set our new Amazons on them. You did ratify their treaty with us right?" Several of the councilors present shook their heads.

  "Why not? Stop being lazy. We will use them to infiltrate with a scout of ours with each of their squads. We'll take the tunnels and the gate while keeping the main force well back. The Gentes drones will keep tabs on any of their scouts and we'll take them out if they get near. This is the perfect opportunity, as they will not expect us. They will be down to four or five thousand guard and we'll hit them with fifteen thousand in the middle of their city. It will fall within an hour, if not sooner. Mark my words."

  "Alright, well you are the Warlord, Jack. What do you need from us?"

  "I need your ambassadors to send off missives to their cities and gather the troops. This man here," Jack pointed at the man wearing the robes of Barshu, "is of Barshu and their acting Ambassador. They wish to join the Federation. You can all plan together, but the time for meekness is not now. We strike and we strike hard!" said Jack resolutely, in a firm voice.

  "You will also need to send off written proclamations of our new Federation, the reasons behind it and why it is important to unify our planet, to every single city out there. Stress the involvement of the Gentes, an advanced civilization that for whatever reason, has decided to side with Ashton and our alliance and of course myself. Yes, gentlemen, I do realize that means thousands of documents will need to be copied and sent, so pull all the scribes together and start working on it. I think you will find that most will accept the proposal of a Federation. As with these twelve cities you choose, most will simply accept the Alliance or Federation because there is no downside for them. They maintain their sovereignty as such, however with a common set of laws for visiting signatories. There will be some across our planet that have never heard of us and those will need to be either negotiated with, or taken by force. I am fine with either."

  "Agreed, Jack," said Carthius, firmly.

  "Then I'll leave you too it while I meet with my captains.


  Ivy smiled warmly, as her master finally arrived at their quarters. Earlier on, she had grown bored as Jack discussed boring matters such as food staples, manpower, number of horses, best attack times and too many other subjects for her to remember. She had begged to be allowed to leave to tidy up their home and permission was granted, after a warm kiss and a squeeze of her firm ass. Therefore, she had taken advantage of her free time and while shopping in the market for fresh fruits, ran into a recent, yet close friend.

  "My Master, you're home!" Ivy squealed, as she jumped into his arms. Laughing he kissed her soundly before responding.

  "Aye, that I am, my little Ivy and your master is horny. So prepare yourself for a long evening!" Jack reached down and tugged on her clit ring gently, yet firmly as he kissed her again, causing her to gasp and then moan in pleasure.

  "Well my master," she stuttered, "I have a couple surprises for you." Walking over to the sideboard, she lifted the plate laden with thinly sliced meats, cheeses, fruits and bread and along with a large goblet of mead, came back to him, carefully kneeling before him and holding out his meal. She was reassured when he smiled and reached out both hands for his repast.

  "What a wonderful surprise, my Ivy. Thank you. I am hungry, how did you know?"

  "Because you've been in meetings all evening and did not have time to eat properly. A girls knows these things master. But that's not the only surprise I have for you." Ivy smiled, a mischievous look on her face, causing her master to grunt as he asked.


  "Before I tell you, how do you think the Amazons will work out? The guard have been training them for a full three days now and Conrad and your chief scout say they are almost ready for what they call infiltration work. Whatever that really is, but I believe it means, they sneak in and open gates for the men."

  "That it does. Good that you are learning the terminology that we use and good that they are coming along. I received reports of course. I had reservations concerning them at first, but Conrad swears they are now firm allies, so I did command they be allowed free passage to and from the city. I hope that was not a mistake." Jack affirmed as he munched on a thick sandwich with everything but fruit stuffed between two slices of thick bread and then took a large gulp from his mug before adding. "What you did there was good, Ivy. You brought it all together and I and others are once again grateful to you." Jack munched on his sandwich thoughtfully, as he finally said. "You continue to be full of wonderful surprises, my little Ivy."

  "Well I do have one more surprise for you my master," she purred, as she rose to her feet, walking over to the door of the storage room, the same room the rats used to be kept in, then turned back to smile at her master.

  "Aye, you did say a couple of surprises, although the food was not only great, but needed. I didn't take time to properly eat, because I missed you a little too much." Jack wolfed down the rest of his meal and rising took his kilt off, slinging it into the corner, shortly followed by his tunic and then his boots and h
e divested himself of clothing while remarking. "So what is this second surprise? Did you get rid of my rats and clean my storeroom?"

  "Yes my master, and yes and this," with a flourish, while her master was once again sitting on the bed, naked now, she opened the door in a sweeping gesture. Behind that panel of hard wood and steel stood Andrea, the leader of the Amazons, naked but for a cloak of fur and smiling with her long red hair carefully brushed and fanned out around her shoulders. Jack appeared stunned, finally at a loss for words and Ivy giggled as Andrea strode forth, boldly, approached her master, then dropped to her knees in a picture of humble meekness, while throwing off the cloak and waited silently as Ivy spoke.

  "May this girl's friend, suck your cock, my master?" An impish smile spread across Ivy's face, as she gripped Andrea by the hair, drawing her head and shoulders back, which forced her chest to thrust outward, ripe and full breasts on display for her master. Of course, Jack recognized the woman, it was Andrea of the Amazons, but she must have put on a growth spurt since the last time he saw her, as her breasts were much larger than they had been.


  Mutely, Jack simply nodded. Completely caught by surprise for once in a very long time, moments later Andrea's face was buried in his groin, her mouth eagerly taking his now, half-hard shaft into her mouth and sucking hard. He groaned as he felt himself stiffen further, then even more as Ivy joined Andrea, her mouth also on his shaft, but the side and sliding up and down as her long tongue did it's best to wrap around his girth. Jack groaned again as both girls sucked, licked and stimulated his cock and then groaned louder, as Ivy began to suck gently on his balls, taking first one and then the other into her mouth. .


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