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WAKING THE MAJORITY (Anonymous Justice Book 4)

Page 10

by Boyd Craven Jr

  ‘Attention! Attention! This is decreed by the Islamic State; because of your attacks on Muslims around the world, and on our mosques in this country, you will no longer enjoy safety anywhere in this land. For Mohammad, peace be upon him, has said; whoever shall resist the advancement of Islam shall know only fear and death. On this day, your punishment begins! Allahu Akbar!’


  Inside the hospital: Just as Williams’ interview with TH Donald was finished, a picture on the muted TV caught their eye. TH Donald turned the sound up on the TV just in time to hear the audio message from the Islamic State.

  Donald sat back, his face pensive. “Is that thing still running?” he asked Jermane Williams, in reference to the camera.

  “No, it’s off.”

  Donald sighed deeply. “Turn it on. You can record this for the site.” Then he waited until he saw the light of the camera blinking, and Williams cued him.

  “My fellow Americans, yesterday we suffered unthinkable acts of violence in Minnesota by the Islamic State, causing general unrest all across the country. The current administration is directly responsible for enabling the Islamic State in Iraq. After hearing their message at the massacre at the Mall of America, it’s obvious that we’re not safe. Not in our own cities. Not in public. They have declared war on us, on our own soil. As your next president, I will enable all of us, to make this country safe again! Be prepared for them, and be very wary. Don’t fail to act on your instincts because you’re scared of political correctness! Look what happened in San Bernardino. The neighbors knew something was fishy, but they were silenced the first time they mentioned suspicious behavior. You know what they did afterward? Nothing. Political correctness is what kept the families around the shooters silent. If you see something, say something. Or better yet, do something!

  “I have a list of actions that I’ll implement immediately when I’m elected.

  “Number one, I’ll work hand in hand with the governors of each state, and encourage them to organize and train local militias that can respond quickly in times of need, to assist local law enforcement. It takes time to mobilize the National Guard. We’re seeing that in real life, right now in Minnesota.

  “Number two, fix our immigration system and reverse this executive order our President put in place that prevents our monitoring of what is being preached in the mosques on American soil. We need to find out who the radicals are before they split our nation apart.

  “Number three, coordinate governors working hand in hand with their mayors, to properly train and equip their local law enforcement to better deal with this. To hell with those whining about the militarization of the police! Listen, the Second Amendment was the reason I was saved yesterday. I’m hearing early reports that it also helped prevent even more horrors, in that mall in Minnesota. We don’t yet have all of the details, but the Second Amendment; we need to strengthen it. We need all able bodied men and women who want a concealed carry permit to be able to get one, and we need to fix our mental health systems. It’s not working, and the bad guys don’t go to Walmart to buy their guns… So this whole argument about more gun control is just stupid.

  “Sorry folks, I’m really saddened by what’s gone on, and by what could happen if we don’t put our foot down, as a nation. Now, I’m going to sign off, and they are going to poke and prod me some more. I’ll be back in the game tomorrow, you just wait and see. Let's make America Safe Again!”

  =-The End-=




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