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The Christmas Gift (A Wyoming Mail Order Bride Holiday 1)

Page 5

by Annie Boone

  Naomi was crying. Last Christmas Eve had been the worst night of her life, and this one was the best. She looked at the ring and shook her head vigorously. “Yes! Yes, Jackson Pierce, I will marry you. I will most definitely be your wife.”

  Jackson stood and took her into his arms for the first time. She put her arms around him and snuggled into his warm embrace. They stood holding each other for a moment. He broke the embrace by pulling away to look at her. When he looked into her eyes, he knew he had to kiss her. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her sweetly.

  He took the ring out of the box and showed it to her. She wouldn’t be wearing it yet, but he wanted to show it to her. “This is the ring I’ll give you when you become my wife. It belonged to my mother and I’m sure it will fit you perfectly,” he said.

  “I’m in awe, Jackson. Thank you for sharing such a precious family heirloom with me. I’ll cherish it always.”

  “So I have one more surprise planned, my love. A Christmas wedding! I’ve already arranged it all. I hope you don’t mind. If that’s not acceptable, I can cancel everything and you can plan it yourself.”

  Naomi smiled brilliantly and Jackson realized he had inadvertently called her by a term of endearment. It was so unlike him, and yet it rolled off of his tongue so naturally.

  “I don’t wish to change a thing, Jackson. It’s so thoughtful of you to do all this,” she gestured to the decorated tree behind them. “To put the wedding together, too, is an amazing gift. Thank you.”

  “Shall we enjoy some supper before I retire to the stables?” he asked, patting his belly.

  Naomi laughed, “Yes, that would be lovely. I’m quite hungry, actually. Let’s go!”

  After the roasted chicken supper was eaten and the dishes were cleared, Jackson stayed in the house instead of going immediately to the stables. It turned out that there was a piano in the house. It hadn’t been played at all since his mother had played it.

  The piano was dreadfully out of tune, but even an out of tune piano is better than no piano on Christmas Eve. Naomi filled the house with holiday cheer as she played and sang every song she knew. Jackson sang along occasionally. When the clock struck midnight, it was a reminder that he should set out to the stables.

  He stood and walked to her. He held out a hand to her and she took it to stand near him. He held her hand in his as he stroked her scar unconsciously.

  “Merry Christmas, Naomi. In the morning you’ll become my wife and I’ll become your husband. Oh, what a Christmas we shall have!”

  He kissed the back of her hand and then he turned it over to kiss her palm. By tomorrow night, she would be his wife. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Christmas gift than this.

  Chapter Nine

  Naomi awoke on Christmas morning for the last time as Naomi Stafford. After today and then forever after she would be Naomi Pierce. She liked the sound of that, and looked forward to living her days in Wyoming as Mrs. Jackson Pierce, the rancher’s wife.

  The soon to be Mrs. Pierce was a woman in love. When she became Mrs. Pierce, she would be a woman who overcame obstacles. Mrs. Pierce would be a woman who pulled herself out of sadness, and found love in a place where love was never thought possible.

  Naomi thought about the diamond that would soon be on her finger. She never dared to dream of having such a luxurious item. It was more than what her house back home had been worth, of that she was certain. But it wasn’t the value of the ring that was so appealing. It was what it represented. It was given to her by a man who swore he didn’t believe in romantic gestures.

  The man had declared he wanted a wife because it was the logical decision at the appropriate time in his life. This man couldn’t be troubled by decorating for Christmas. In just forty-eight hours, all that had changed.

  Jackson called her, “my love.” He got down on one knee. He decorated the house for her and he had planned their wedding!

  They were meant to be together. She could feel it. In her opinion, his drastic change was a testament to that fact. God had intervened for both of them. He needed her as much as she needed him and God charted a path to bring them together. How else could it be explained?

  The flutters in her belly had settled into a warm pool of happiness. She was going to be all right. They were going to be all right. And happy. They were going to be a happy family.

  They would have a beautiful marriage, and one day, when God decided the time was right, they would be blessed with a child. Perhaps more than one. She knew now that she was right to trust blind faith, for it had led her to this place and this day.

  Naomi took her time getting up and around. She eventually went down to the kitchen and fixed herself a simple breakfast of toast and jam. She had to force herself to eat because she was so nervous and excited. But she heard her mother’s voice in her head. “It’s not very smart to have an empty stomach on an important day,” she always said.

  Naomi couldn’t think of a more important day than her wedding day. After her light breakfast, she washed the few dishes she’d used and brushed away the crumbs from the table. Then she went back upstairs to get ready for her wedding.

  She took a hot bath to warm her through and refresh her skin. She put on her special wedding dress and pinned up her blonde curls into a loose bun. The dress that Aunt Beth and Uncle Richard had given her for this day was perfect.

  When she looked into the mirror she couldn’t believe that it was really her. She was excited to go down and see Jackson and for him to see her in her wedding dress. She felt like a princess. She had been self-conscious about her scars, but when she realized he’d seen them and that they didn’t matter to him, she stopped worrying.

  She had wanted to kiss him last night. When he did just what she wanted, she thought she was going to melt from the heat. And then when he kissed her palm, she almost burst into flames. That uncomplicated gesture of love held so much promise. In addition to the sensual nature of his touch, by caressing her scar he’d let her know that he’d seen it and that it didn’t matter.

  She saw the way he had looked at her, and she believed he was in love with her. He would kiss her again today, in front of his friends and family. She could hardly wait for their first kiss as husband and wife.

  She felt some sadness that none of her own family and friends would be there for her. She believed that her mama and daddy, brother and sister would be watching her from Heaven. Of that she was certain.

  Some may think that was being ridiculous, but Naomi had not lost everything in the fire. She had her memories that kept her past alive. She also had her faith. She knew when God was whispering to her, and today he was all around her. He was in the sun coming in through the window. He was in the guests that would be present at her wedding, but most prominently he was in the change of heart experienced by the man who would soon be her husband.

  Taking one last look in the mirror, Naomi drew in a breath, and said a final prayer of thanksgiving. Then she opened the door and descended the stairs. Jackson was at the bottom, looking absolutely dashing in his suit and bow tie. She had no words to offer him, so instead she smiled and took his arm that he had offered her.

  “The pastor is waiting at the church for us. Are you ready to become Mrs. Pierce?”

  “Yes, I have never been more ready,” she answered. Then she stopped. “The pastor? I thought we were being married by the town clerk.”

  Jackson beamed a smile back. “We were, but I decided it was more fitting to be married in the church by Pastor Smithson. I’m glad you don’t have cold feet.”

  “No cold feet today, my love. And thank you for thinking of a church wedding for us. That means so much to me.”

  Jackson, fetched her warmest coat, kissed her fingertips, and escorted her outside to the wagon. Naomi smiled an enormous smile and laughed out loud when she saw it had been decorated with evergreen boughs, holly, and ribbon. Even the horses were decked out in red and green blankets.
/>   “Oh! Jackson!” She clapped her hands unable to contain her excitement. It looks beautiful.

  He offered his hand so that she might step up on to the wagon, “Shall we, then?”

  Naomi nodded, still smiling from ear to ear. She was off to the church to become his wife!

  Chapter Ten

  The wedding guests stood when she entered. Someone was playing music on the piano. She was so swept up in the moment, Naomi had to remind herself to move forward. She was trying to take it all in, but she knew she’d never be able to remember it all.

  At the front of the church stood Jackson, wearing the biggest smile she had ever seen. He was handsome and happy.

  When she reached her place next to him, he took her hands in his. “You’ll never be alone,” he whispered as he squeezed her hands gently. The couple turned to the reverend who smiled at them.

  “Ready? He asked quietly so that only the two of them could hear.

  When both of them nodded, he began. “Dearly beloved, what a joyful day it is! We are gathered not only to celebrate the joy of Christmas and all its miraculous gifts, but also the binding of these two hearts.”

  Naomi tried to pay attention to the reverend but was too distracted by Jackson and how handsome he was. She wanted to memorize every line of his face. His eyes were warm and chestnut colored, his skin tanned from years out in the field. He had removed his hat for church, and his hair was cut short and slicked back, neatly. It was evident that he had prepared just as meticulously for this day as she had.

  “Jackson Pierce, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” Pastor Smithson asked.

  Jackson squeezed her hands. “I do.”

  “Naomi Stafford, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  “Well, then, I happily pronounce you husband and wife. Jackson, you may kiss your bride!”

  It was the moment that Naomi had been day dreaming about since she first responded to his ad. Jackson tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was timid at first, and then they melted together into their kiss. Their first kiss as husband and wife was better than she had imagined. To think that she could be kissed like this every day was more than a dream come true.

  Deep inside, all warm from his kiss, she knew they would have a happy life from this moment forward.

  The guests broke into a gracious applause, reminding Naomi that they were not alone. His kiss was so powerful, she had momentarily forgotten where she was as she looking into their future together. They broke apart and smiled at everyone, Naomi could feel the blush in her cheeks, but she didn’t care. She was a proper, married woman.

  “Everyone here is invited back to our house for a great Christmas celebration! Food, drinks, and festivities!” Jackson sounded so excited that she giggled. He was foolishly in love, just as Naomi was.

  They stepped outside where we were greeted with another surprise. There would be fresh snow on the ground for Christmas Day. It made for a winter wonderland. Jackson lifted Naomi up and twirled her around. “I’m never going to let you go.”

  “That’s good, because I never want you to.”


  The house seemed more like a home when it was packed with people. Jackson had even hired a cook for the occasion. He told her that Nettie had argued but he wanted her to be part of the party, not having to do any work. The spread of food was exceptional and everyone enjoyed the special feast.

  Naomi met so many people she didn’t know where to begin making conversation. But the two people that she was the most excited to meet was Jackson’s sister Melissa, and his father, Patrick.

  Melissa pulled her into an embrace rejoicing over how she had always wanted a sister. She was married too, with little children of her own. That only made Naomi even more eager to start her family. All the holidays they would celebrate together. All the joy and memories to be shared!

  Patrick was next and he pulled her into a big bear hug. “You have done the impossible,” he said.

  “And what might that be?” Naomi asked.

  “You have melted the ice in my son’s heart.”

  “His heart wasn’t frozen, it was just lonely, as was mine.”

  Jackson heard her words and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. The gesture caused her heart to race. “You’ll never be alone again, that I promise you.”

  “And I promise you the very same.” They looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. It was almost like they were alone. And then his father cleared his throat to remind them that all the people were still here.

  “Um, Dad. Melissa? Did you notice the angel there in the center of the evergreen decoration?” Jackson asked.

  The both nodded, but clearly the looks on their faces said they didn’t understand where he was going with this.

  “Well, that was a gift from my wife. Before she was my wife. She painstakingly made that just for me. Isn’t it fabulous?”

  His father and sister looked at each other and smiled. “It certainly is,” said the elder Pierce.

  “I think it’s lovely. It reminds me of Mom,” Melissa responded.

  Jackson nodded. “Me, too, Sis. I was overwhelmed when Naomi presented it to me. I’m afraid I didn’t respond as graciously as I should have,” he said, turning toward Naomi. To her, he added, “And for that, I’m sorry.”

  She nodded and waited for him to finish.

  “Mom loved Christmas and she loved angels. She used to say that Christmas angels always bring good news. Now I know what she meant.”

  The four of them embraced each other in a hug meant for families. And they were truly family now.

  When the family moment had ended, Jackson turned to the rest of the guests with Naomi’s hand in his. “We are so happy to have you all here today to celebrate our marriage, and Christmas. I have been blessed that this remarkable woman agreed to marry me. I can’t think of a greater Christmas gift than that. Merry Christmas, everyone!”

  “Merry Christmas!” The guests replied.

  Naomi looked lovingly at Jackson, the man who had made her dreams come true. Above the happy couple, the angel ornament hung, overseeing the celebration. This was the angel’s first Christmas, but it wouldn’t be her last.

  The End

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read The Christmas Gift. I hope it brought out some Christmas spirit!

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  If you’re looking for more Christmas Mail Order Bride Romance, here are some sweet stories that you might like:

  Christmas Hearts of the West Box Set

  Two Miracles for Christmas by Trinity Bellingham

  An Impoverished Widowed Bride with a Crippled Son for Christmas by Emma Ashwood

  Christmas Baby by Indiana Wake and Belle Fiffer



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