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Redemption: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 8)

Page 6

by Michael Todd

  The demons scaled down the main building, a grotesque horde that came running across the base toward the group. Korbin threw down his arm. “Now! And don’t fucking shoot us!”

  Calvin, Korbin, and Stephanie yelled a battle cry as they took off toward the demons. They fired their weapons into them before slamming into them head-on. Stephanie took careful aim and fired shot after shot, hitting demons right and left and filling the air with demon dust. When her magazines were empty, she holstered her guns and grabbed her knives. She crouched and suddenly sprang forward, deadly blades flashing around her as she cut the throats of four snarling demons. She pulled her knives back and another demon swiped at her, slashing her across the shoulders. She hissed, and her eyes flashed bright red. With lightning speed, she stabbed the demon in the throat. She pulled the knife out and watched the demon fall, spitting on its body as it turned to dust.

  Korbin blasted the crowd of demons with a shotgun, pumping the weapon after every shot. The spray of pellets struck several demons at once, taking them down in hissing, writhing heaps. A fat beast ran for him as he reloaded his gun and Korbin kicked the demon in the stomach. It stumbled backward but recovered, then bared its teeth and roared. Korbin narrowed his eyes. “Okay, fucker, you want to do this the hard way?”

  He let his shotgun fall to the ground, and from sheaths on his back, he pulled twin swords. Korbin slashed them, raising one in front of his face and dropping the other low. “Well, come on, then. Show me how low those balls really swing.”

  The demon growled and lunged at him, managing to get a talon deep into his shoulder. Korbin winced and his swords flashed, cutting off the demon’s hand. The beast wailed and stepped back, leaving his claw stuck in Korbin’s shoulder. Korbin yanked the demon’s hand out of his flesh and threw it to the ground. He raised his swords to finish the job when a shot rang out. The demon’s head exploded. Joshua blew the smoke from his large-barreled pistol. Korbin nodded to the young man, and they fought on.

  They fought hard, slashing through demons at every turn. Every fighter was gashed and struck and bloodied in the process. Several of the soldiers were taken down, and more were being carted off by Joshua’s girls with extremely serious injuries. The demons just kept falling from the sky above them.

  Calvin ran up next to Korbin, creating a circle of dead demons around him. “Sunny with a chance of fucking demons? This is fucking insane. We need to get that portal shut.”

  Korbin looked at their defenses, but the weapons had either been taken out or mangled by the demons. “We need more weapons. We need something to blow right into that portal to close it, but we can’t take the chance of opening the armory.”

  The portal was shimmering and wavering from the heat it was producing. Calvin holstered his weapon. “What if I took a shit-ton of grenades and launched myself up there? That would blast the hole shut.”

  Korbin shook his head vigorously, then his eyes went wide and he raised his weapons and shot three demons approaching them. Calvin didn’t flinch, just courageously held his head high. “Not a chance, buddy. We aren’t losing anyone else today. There has to be something we can do; something that can launch explosives up there. Not everything could have been damaged that quickly.”

  Just then, the sound of tires crackling over gravel echoed behind them. The extra troops sent in by the general were arriving, looking hard as hell and ready to go. The troop carriers came to a sliding stop, and armed men flooded into the base. They laid down covering fire, shredding waves of demons as they came.

  A middle-aged man with a scar down his cheek jumped from the troop carrier and put on his lid. “Korbin?”

  Korbin put out his hand. “That’s me.”

  The man shook it and yelled over the firefight, “First Sergeant Elroy, platoon leader of this fine group of men. How can we help?”

  Korbin looked at the portal. “You got anything that can blast that hole back to hell?”

  Elroy chuckled, the scar twisting his face. “Damn straight, we do.”

  Elroy waved at a Humvee, and three men grabbed a rocket launcher from the back and ran over. They unloaded the launcher and the missiles. “This should do the trick. Stand back. It might be a big blast.”

  Korbin pushed Stephanie back, and they covered their ears as Elroy loaded and launched several RPGs at the portal. The first one hit and exploded, but the second two flew right through. As the portal began to shudder, the smaller demons went scurrying to the building, trying to get back to hell. They were too late. With a loud snap, the portal shut. The demons on the ground were stuck on Earth.

  Sergeant Elroy handed the launcher to one of his guys and waved his hand in the air. “All right, boys, let’s clean house. No demon spared. Send these fuckers whence they came.”

  Gunfire echoed through the valley. Korbin winced as he limped across the battlefield. There was a messy gash on the back of his thigh he hadn’t noticed until then. He wasn’t alone. They were all beat to hell. Many of the defenders were seriously injured, and many had given their very lives. It had been a success, though. They’d defended their ground.

  “Puoi sentirti libero di guardare attraverso i libri ma non ho conoscenza di ciò di cui parli.” The woman behind the desk spoke quickly, and Katie didn’t speak Italian.

  Pandora did, though, and translated. She said she doesn’t know anything about it, but you’re more than welcome to dig through.

  Katie nodded. Can you tell her we already searched the floor? Ask her if there are archives in the basement?

  Pandora took over Katie’s voice. “Abbiamo già controllato il piano principale. C'è un archivio nel seminterrato?”

  She pointed to a staircase at the back. “Giù le scale e a destra. Ha degli archivi scritti sulla porta.”

  Pandora nodded Katie’s head and gave the woman a smile. Down the stairs to the right. It will say it on the door.

  And ask where she got those shoes. What? I can afford it.

  Katie walked across the museum and down the steps. She was already exhausted from their search. They’d been at it for hours, combing through museums and scouring for sources that might lead them to understand what Juntto needed. So far, nothing had come up. They reached the door to the archives, opened it, and blinked at the mess on the other side.

  With a groan, Katie leaned against the doorway. This is insane. I thought museums were organized. It looks like a small tornado had its way with the room. It’s going to take forever to go through all of this shit.

  Pandora sniffed. It’s not categorized, either.

  Katie walked through the room, looking at different stacks of paper and flipping open boxes. None of this stuff has any connection to demons or the Leviathans. They’re references to historical wars in Italy, not wars of the Damned.

  There was no use going through it all. If there had been an ancient text about the demons, it would have been cataloged. She left the archives and shut the door behind her. Frustrated, she trudged back up the steps. She waved at the woman as they walked out onto the busy sidewalks.

  She was tired and annoyed, and felt slightly hopeless. I just don’t get it. I have no clues to follow. It’s not like I’m going to walk along and accidentally trip over a giant battery that’s labeled “Life for Juntto.”

  Pandora chuckled. No, but it would be funny if you did. I mean, let’s think about it. What might be the source of energy Juntto needs but is not getting? Even with everything I know about his people, nothing pops into my mind. There are many differences, of course, but nothing that would help us. They don’t walk around with plutonium milkshakes or inject uranium vitamins or even stand out in the sun without sunscreen to keep them going.

  Katie walked along the medieval streets and wracked her brain. What if it’s not something ingestible? What if it’s like a spell or a magic word that transfers whatever energy source he needs to him? I know that sounds hokey, but I’m part angel, you’re a demon, and we’re talking about an alien here. Nothing sounds too crazy thes
e days.

  Pandora clicked her tongue again, thinking.

  Katie shivered. Do you have to do that? Can you think without clicking your tongue? When did you start doing that, anyway?

  Pandora scoffed. Okay, snappy bitch. Calm the fuck down. I can’t tap my fingers, obviously, and I can’t rub my chin. It helps me work through my thought process. If I need energy, I eat a dozen donuts. To be honest, I have no idea how it works for Juntto. He was all outward emotion. I mean, he constantly was bragging about how he was the greatest Leviathan in the universe. He was angry ninety-nine percent of the time. He would stub his toe and have a fucking meltdown and massacre entire cities.

  Katie nodded. He was a fighter too. He was almost happy to be causing pain to people. There was something about the adrenaline he glommed right onto, but none of those things really carried over when he joined us. They weren’t keeping him alive, or he would have collapsed long before the battle. Or at least, I’m assuming he would have. Maybe he stores that or something. I mean, I’m not familiar with the anatomy of a frost giant Leviathan.

  Pandora wasn’t sure either. Who knows what he has in that body? He’s probably full of angst and teenage hormones. I mean, the guy never ate or drank anything out of necessity. He ate a lot, don’t get me wrong, but he did it because he loves food. He could go long periods of time without a meal and be fine. He was always so angry you would never be able to tell if he was hangry instead.

  Katie shook her head. Drinking, too. He would down tequila, drink beer, or even swig soda, but I never saw him take a single sip of water. Even after being in hell, he didn’t seem thirsty. Nothing seemed necessary for him. Not showering, not grooming, not food, not water…nothing. He could eat an entire pizza in one sitting, but it didn’t seem to change anything for him energy-wise. And the frozen thing, that’s like a capsule for him. No human or anything like a human could withstand that. Cryogenic freezing isn’t really a thing.

  I heard Walt Disney’s head is frozen somewhere.

  Who told you that?

  Nobody, but his headless body’s in hell, so I assumed his head was still here. Great fun at parties.

  Still, it’s not something you want to do if you want to remain among the living.

  Pandora sniffed. Speaking of food…

  I was not.

  You totally were…sometime today. I remember. You should go into the patisserie and get us something. I’m starving. We can brainstorm what’s next. It’s obvious we’re going to need help from someone more educated on the matter than we are.

  Katie walked toward the bakery, not paying any attention to the people staring at her in awe. Even in Italy, they knew who she was. She was a sensation across the world. She had gotten used to it, though, especially living in New York where there were people around her all the time. She went into the restaurant and allowed Pandora to place the order in Italian. They took the food outside and had a seat in the sun.

  Katie took a bite of her zeppole and sipped her espresso. So what’s our next move? I mean, we obviously need help on this one.

  Pandora was silent.

  Katie lifted an eyebrow. Hello? Did you get lost in the pastry?

  Pandora sighed heavily. I can’t believe I’m about to say this. Seriously, I’m beginning to think I’m losing my mind. If you think I’m crazy, I want you to put me down easy, okay? I’ve been your friend these last couple of years. Put me out of my misery.

  Katie rolled her eyes. Dude, spit it out. What the hell are you talking about?

  Pandora groaned. Okay. We need help figuring out this battery situation. My thought was that the people who would know are those who’ve been heavily invested in these sorts of issues for the longest time, right?


  Pandora paused but decided to go with it. I think we should go to the Vatican.

  Oh, boy.

  Wait. We should go to the Vatican and ask their research people. They have a secret library where they have stuff hidden.

  How do you know that?

  If there’s one place on Earth that has a secret library, where do you think that is?

  Okay. Point taken.

  They will for sure have information on Juntto’s people even if they don’t have the answer we’re looking for.

  Katie cringed. Can we just roll up to the Vatican like that?

  I don’t see why not. You are Katie, and I promise you they’re curious about us. Maybe we’ll even high-five Popie MacPopePope while we’re there. I will refrain from telling him that God doesn’t think he’s any better or worse than Joe Lasagna who goes to church on Easter and Christmas.

  Katie sipped her espresso with a smirk. Yeah, I would probably stay away from calling anyone Joe Lasagna or telling the Pope how inconsequential he is, especially if we’re looking for his help. I’ve heard the Catholic church doesn’t look too kindly on those who question their importance and authority.

  Pandora started laughing. Nope, not in the least. They enjoy burning people at the stake, murdering them in wars, and condemning them to a life of house arrest for having—gasp!—ideas. For now, we’ll play nice.

  Katie shook her head. Is that something you’re capable of?

  I’ll do my fucking best to keep my goddamn language clean and my words on point. I won’t mention dicks or balls while we’re there, scout’s honor.


  Katie waited until the evening hours to take her trip to the Vatican. She was trying to keep a low profile, so sprouting wings and soaring over the city in heavenly armor at noon probably wasn’t the best course of action. Once the sun was low in the sky, she stepped off her hotel balcony and spread her wings. She soared higher and higher until she was right below the clouds. She hoped that at that height she would be mistaken for a large bird.

  Pandora scoffed at the thought. Maybe if it was the Jurassic period and you were a fucking pterosaur.

  Katie’s jaw dropped. Uh, excuse me? Did you just name a random flying dinosaur from the Jurassic period? Please tell me how you knew that.

  I would have you know that I’ve been through an Ivy League education. I have traveled the world. I’ve studied with wise men and monks.

  Katie snorted. I fell asleep while watching Jurassic Park on television and you stayed up.

  Pandora paused. Yeah, okay, I did. But education is education. I learned something new, and if you hadn’t remembered watching tv, you would have thought I was a genius.

  Do you think this is a bit much? The wings and the armor?

  Hey, dress to impress, I always say.

  Katie smiled as she descended into St. Peter’s Square in front of the Vatican. Immediately a slew of guards rushed forward with their guns pointed at her. She put both hands in the air. “Easy, boys. I’m here on business. If you don’t know who I am, name’s Katie. I’m half-angel, half-Damned.”

  Pandora cleared her throat. Let me. They speak Italian, my dear.

  Katie let Pandora take over her voice. “Ragazzi facili, sono qui per affari. Se non sai chi sono, chiama Katie. Sono mezzo-angela, mezzo-dannata.”

  The guards looked nervously at each other until one stepped forward and waved his hand at her weapons. “Devi rimuovere le tue armi prima che ti permettiamo in chiesa.”

  Katie rolled her eyes. Let me guess. They want me to take off my weapons.


  Katie shook her head. Translate the following, please. I have angelic attributes. My wings, my weapons, and even this armor are all heavenly gifts. Do any of you young men have the ability to take away these weapons? If not, you can move to one side and let me through. I don’t go anywhere without my weapons, even in the Vatican.

  Pandora chuckled and relayed the message. “Ho attributi angelici, le mie ali, le mie armi e persino questa armatura. Qualcuno di voi giovani ha la capacità di portare via queste armi? Altrimenti, puoi semplicemente spostarti di lato e lasciarmi passare. Io non vado da nessuna parte senza le mie armi, nemmeno il Vaticano.”

  A man dressed in b
lack stepped forward. “Katie, it’s good to see you. I’m sorry, but we must insist you remove all your weapons.”

  Katie tilted her head to the side. The man was good-looking and had a killer Italian accent. “I appreciate your need to keep everyone safe, but as I’ve told every world leader I’ve met in my travels, I do not remove my weapons for anyone. It’s not a matter of fear, but preparation. I might have to defend you. You’d be surprised how often demons drop in wherever I am.”

  The man crossed his arms, an amused look spreading across his face. “Then I believe we are at an impasse.”

  Katie looked past the man in black to a figure approaching them. “I don’t know if that’s true.”

  The man in black saw who was coming and stepped to one side, lowering his head. The armed men parted, and the Pope walked across the cobblestones. Katie found she was nervous, though she wasn’t sure why. To her, he was like any other man. A shorter and older man, but still just a man. She thought it had something to do with Pandora, but she wasn’t about to call her out on it. The Pope was dressed from head to toe in robes so white they almost glowed. He looked as regal as ever. He put out his hand, and Katie leaned down to kiss his ring.

  Pandora made a gagging sound. Do I call him Mr. Pope?

  Pope isn’t his first name. I think the proper title is “Holy Father.”


  Katie smiled at the old man in the robes. Maybe His Holiness?


  I have no idea.

  Pandora and Katie stood in the evening breeze, chatting with the Pope, who thankfully spoke English. “Thank you for seeing me, uh, sir. I know I kind of flew in without notice.”

  The Pope smiled. “It does not surprise me to see you here. With the world in turmoil and the Enemy and his demons attacking, I assumed I would meet you before this.”

  Katie smiled and cleared her throat. “We have some things we would like to ask you. We, as in my demon and I.”

  His Holiness nodded. “I’m aware that your demon is Lilith. I’m no stranger to the first wife of Adam.”


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