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After The End

Page 45

by Jamie Campbell

  “There is no way to take back a challenge,” Clare explains. “And Blair isn’t the kind of guy that would, anyway. He makes the most challenges out of everybody here. He’s won every time. You’re a dead man walking.”

  Garlind swallows. I think it’s finally sinking in for the first time. “I’ll have to convince him. He has to see reason.”

  “Blair and reason don’t even belong in the same sentence.”

  I can’t watch this anymore. “We have to leave. We can’t stay here. Garlind is not fighting tomorrow. I won’t let it happen.”

  Clare’s eyeline goes beyond me about a second before I hear a male voice. “You’re going to have to come with me.” He grabs Garlind by the arm and pushes him forward.

  It’s the same guy from the pit. The one that did all the talking and thinks of himself as the leader—Buddy. Clare doesn’t move to stop him.

  But I do. “We were just leaving. Let him go and you’ll never have to see us again.”

  Buddy chuckles like I just said something really funny. I’m glad he can see the humor in this because I sure as hell can’t. “You don’t leave the Precinct whenever you want to. I’ll say when you can go and right now I’m saying you’re staying.”

  He pushes Garlind to keep walking. His fingers are digging into his skin so tightly his knuckles are white. It is breaking my heart watching them go.

  I can’t let him take Garlind. I surge forward.

  Clare places a placating hand on my arm to stop me. She gives me a sad look, one that says I should let him go right now. How am I supposed to do that? He’s taking Garlind and I promised myself I would never let him leave again.

  “You’ll only make it worse,” Clare whispers in my ear.

  It takes everything I have not to run after him. Every fiber of my being wants to chase after them and knock Buddy down so Garlind can get away.

  This can’t be happening.

  We came into this stupid town because it was in our way. We only wanted some food and maybe a blanket. We didn’t expect to find this group with their horrible rules and fights to the death.

  I can’t do this.

  I can’t continue to go through these heartbreaking things and see Garlind hurt in any way. If there is anybody on this planet that doesn’t deserve it, it’s Garlind. He has a pure heart and an infuriating habit of only seeing the good in people.

  He’s doomed.

  We both are.

  I look at Clare and see all the pain in her eyes, leftover from seeing her boyfriend killed and his decapitated head shown to her. That will be me tomorrow unless I can find a way out of this. I have to find a way out of this.

  My heart pounds so hard in my chest it feels like a flock of wild animals stampeding across the desert. I can’t control it and I can’t think when all I can hear is my own blood rushing in my ears.

  “I’ll show you a place you can stay tonight,” Clare says, breaking through the thoughts screaming in my head. She walks away without waiting to see if I’ll follow.

  My whole body is numb. I don’t want to leave this exact spot just in case Garlind returns. He’s the smartest person I know, maybe he already has a plan to get out of this terrible situation?

  I’d like to believe that but right now I don’t think it’s true. He thought he could avoid the fight just by talking it out. He probably still thinks that. He probably will right up to the moment Blair hits him so hard he falls to the ground, dead.

  Clare is at the door before she looks around for me. I don’t really have a plan right now so I should follow her. My brain is kicking into survival mode but my panic still wants to shut down control over my body.

  She waves me over.

  I need to go with her. She’s my only ally in this whole damned place right now. Without her, I will be completely alone and blind. I need her right now, even if I don’t know how she could possibly help us.

  My feet move slowly but they do eventually take me over to her. I follow Clare down the street to a house that is beautifully kept with pristine lawns. Someone that lives here cares for this place, they’ve turned the house into a real home.

  That’s what I wanted to do with Garlind. Not right now, and certainly not here in the Precinct, but somewhere and sometime in the future—once our plans have been seen through to the end and all the aliens are gone.

  “This is called the transition house,” Clare explains. She’s talking and I know I should listen to her words but they just don’t seem very important right now. “Anyone new stays here until they are settled. Then they are matched with a house that fits their personality. You can stay here and…adjust.”

  I stop at the white gate that leads up to the white door. “I can’t stay here, Clare. I have to find Garlind and we need to leave. I can’t let him get to that fight tomorrow.”

  She sighs and I see her whole body sag. “There’s nothing you can do, Maisy. I wish there was but the rules are sacred around here. There are no exceptions.”

  “I don’t care about their stupid rules. Garlind cannot fight. He won’t and that man will just murder him.”

  There is regret shining in her eyes but also resignation. “I’m sorry. Try to get some sleep.”

  She turns to leave. I have to stop her. She is my only link here, the only one that is in any position to help me. “What if we speak with Buddy? Everyone looks up to him, right? If we can make him see how ridiculous this is, he has to let us go, right?”

  She turns to look at me over her shoulder. “Who do you think made the rules?”

  I inwardly collapse. I don’t want to admit defeat but it sure is looking that way. If we can’t do things through ‘official’ channels, I’ll have to think outside the box.

  Everything still comes back to Clare. “We have a plan. To get rid of the aliens. That’s why we’re heading north. We think there are people there that can help us. We can get rid of the aliens so we don’t have to live like this.”

  Her footsteps falter.

  My heart pounds.

  She turns slightly. “You really think you can get rid of them? All those ships…there has to be thousands of them.”

  “Tens of thousands would be my guess.”

  Her mouth forms an ‘O’ as she lets that information settle in. Clare is a smart girl, she can do the math. She knows it will only be a matter of time before the aliens find the Precinct. It’s not like they’re really hiding here.

  “I need Garlind so we can finish what we started. We’ve seen with our own eyes what the aliens can do. The extent of their power. Trust me, there will be nothing left after they come through here.”

  She turns to face me fully. “If there is any chance, we have to do it tomorrow, just before the fight. That’s when he’ll be let out for a meal before…”

  Her words trail off but she doesn’t need to finish for me to know what she was going to say. At least they give people a last meal before they are killed.

  “I’ll be ready,” I promise.

  She nods and walks away. I have no idea what she is planning but I truly hope she can find it in herself to go through with it. Garlind’s life depends on it.

  I don’t sleep at all during the night. All I can think about is how easily it was for Blair to kill his opponent in the fight yesterday. He didn’t even have to raise a sweat. And the people enjoyed it. Where has the humanity gone from the human race?

  All my hopes are on Clare. If she doesn’t come through, then I have to have a backup plan. I have to figure out a way to get Garlind out of the Precinct so he never has to step foot in that fighting ring.

  We should have gone straight through this town. All these abandoned places might look uninhabited but it’s impossible to tell what lies beneath the layers of dust and dirt. Sometimes it’s nothing, other times it’s monsters.

  The fight is scheduled for noon, like they’re trying to recreate the days of the old Wild West. Except this showdown will happen without guns and all normal rules of society won’t matter.
It’s not honor their fighting for but bloodlust.

  I leave my halfway house to find Clare. I’m desperate to hear her plan—even if it’s just to know she actually has one. I’m ready to do whatever it takes so we can get out of here.

  I’m only a block down the street when I’m stopped by two men. They stand shoulder to shoulder, blocking my path. I have to look up to see their faces.

  “Excuse me,” I say politely.

  “You’re coming with us,” the one on the left says. I don’t recognize them from yesterday. They don’t seem to be the kind that takes no for an answer.

  “I’m looking for my friend. Have you seen a girl named Clare? She’s about my height, blonde hair, really pretty.”

  They move in unison to stand beside me, one either side. Their arms link through mine and lift me up so my feet dangle uselessly below me.

  “You’re coming with us,” he repeats.

  I struggle for the first few meters and then give up. The men may as well be built from bricks. They lift me like my weight is nothing. They don’t even break a sweat.

  I’m taken back to the community area and pushed into a seat outside. With a sickening understanding, I realize I’m in the fighting area. Right in front of me is a ring made out of rope on the ground.

  The sun isn’t fully up in the sky yet, it’s too early to be noon. This can’t be happening yet. We’re supposed to have more time. I really need to speak with Clare.

  “Don’t move or I’ll challenge you next,” the beefy guard threatens. I don’t think he’s bluffing. At least a fight against him would be swift. One blow from that massive fist and I would crumple to the ground.

  Only one of the men remain to watch over me. I can’t believe they’re making me watch this. It’s the same evil nature of the gang that killed River. Why do they enjoy torturing people? How are things so bad in this world that this is what we resort to?

  I press the palms of my hands onto my knees so nobody sees them shaking. Already a few people have started to gather to get prime positions in the audience for the big show. Garlind is an outsider, an intruder, there is no way anybody will be thinking of him in this fight.

  My gaze continually scans the area, searching out Clare. She said she would think of something. I thought for sure I’d had her convinced so she would help us. I hope her absence means she’s busy assisting Garlind. Even if I’m stuck here, it would be better if he left.

  The area continues to grow crowded before Buddy steps into the ring. Everyone claps and cheers for him. They must actually like their leader.

  He holds his hands up to quiet them and they settle down like magic. “We have a spectacular show for you today. As I’m sure you all know by now, yesterday Blair challenged the newcomer to a fight. He dared intrude and question our rules here and Blair is determined to show him just how effective our rules really are. Is everyone ready?”

  I cover my ears as I wince with the noise. The people aren’t just here for entertainment, they want to see pain. They want the acknowledgement that their stupid rules are the one thing keeping them all together and safe.

  Buddy takes a bow. “Then on with the show!”

  Blair steps into the ring just as Buddy leaves it. He holds his hands in the air in triumph, as if he’s already won. It’s clear he’s liked here. The level of cheering escalates quickly the more he rouses up the crowd.

  My stomach feels sick. If I’m going to be forced to watch this farce play out, I’m going to vomit. It’s not enough to be able to close my eyes so I can’t see it all happening. The noise makes it obvious I’m not going to be able to avoid hearing every little thing that happens.

  I finally spot Clare leaning against the door to the dining area. Her arms are crossed as she stares ahead. I try to catch her eye but she’s not looking up. It’s like she’s focused on one spot and refuses to let her gaze wander.

  Garlind is pushed into the ring by two men that are even bigger than the ones that brought me here. They stand by the side of the fighting area, ready to throw him back in again if he decides to run.

  He finds me in the crowd and we lock eyes. I don’t know what he’s thinking right now but I hope he’s only thinking of his survival. If he has to kill Blair to walk away from this, then I truly hope that’s what he does. I’m not going to lose him again.

  He has to fight.

  I don’t care that it’s wrong and this whole system is messed up. We stepped foot on the Precinct’s turf and now we have to follow their rules before we can get out. Garlind has to fight Blair, even if I know it will take a darkened piece of his soul to do it.

  I mouth the words ‘fight’ and hope he can understand what I’m telling him to do. This is no time to stand on his morals and just let himself fall victim to this horrible new world. If he doesn’t stand up for himself now, he’s not going to get another chance.

  Buddy blows a whistle and it all happens too quickly after that. Blair immediately charges for Garlind and swings a fist that collides with his temple.

  There is a sickening thud as Garlind’s head whips around with the blow. He just stands there, taking it. Is this really how he’s going to handle this? He’s just going to let Blair beat him to death?

  Even more confident now, Blair goes in for another hit. I force my eyes to remain open so I can see everything. Otherwise my imagination fills in the blanks and it’s never kind.

  Garlind puts up a hand to block the blow. Blair’s fist stops mid-swing. The boy that doesn’t fight uses his opponent’s brief surprise to throw him off balance and push him back.

  Finally. He’s going to fight.

  Blair immediately comes back at him, swinging with the opposite hand. It can’t be his dominant hand as it swings clumsily and has little impact when it hits Garlind in the stomach.

  Garlind takes a step forward. He’s taller than Blair but lacks the layers of thick muscle that the man has pumped up through some serious exercise. His arms are corded masses and his legs just as thick.

  Blair doesn’t let any time pass before he tries anew, this time with his good arm again. Garlind is too slow on the uptake and receives the punch to his jaw. He works his jawbone back and forth, trying to shake away the pain.

  It’s so hard to watch.

  Clare is still standing by the door, staring at nothing. She’s completely removed herself from reality. She’s probably lost in a fantasy world playing out inside her head. Is she thinking about River now? What it would have been like for him just moments before his death?

  I can’t become her. I’m not going to let this single stupid fight define how I live the rest of my life. I’m not going to do it without Garlind.

  It’s time I did something. Maybe if I challenged Blair now? What would happen then? Would it create enough confusion to give Garlind a chance to get away?

  I go to stand on my shaking legs.

  Only to be pushed down by my burly guard. “Sit. Stay. Good dog.”

  My blood boils over. Rage is firing all synapses in my brain but I can’t act on any of them. I can’t even stand up. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this absolutely useless.

  If I knew there was a god, I would pray right now. I would beg and plead with the heavens to intervene in this one thing so we could walk away from here. I would get down on my knees if I thought it would make a difference.

  There is nothing I can do but watch.

  Garlind stands in the middle of the ring and lashes out at the smaller man. He manages to land a blow to the side of his head but it barely makes an impact. I know Garlind’s strength. I’ve seen him lift impossibly heavy things, he’s carried me before. I know he’s far stronger than the energy he’s putting into this fight.

  He’s still not really fighting.

  What is he doing, hoping to wear out Blair and put him down for a nap?

  I’m angry at Garlind now for not wanting to win this. But a part of me is also proud that he’s not giving in. He’s sticking to his beliefs which is in
furiatingly noble.

  “Garlind, fight!” I scream and hope he hears me. I need him to know that it’s okay right now. He can deal with his guilt and conscience later. Right now, he needs to survive so he can feel bad about it afterwards. The good that he brings to this world far outweighs this one impossible moment.

  The punch isn’t enough to stop Blair. It seems to only make him angrier. He lunges for Garlind with both fists flying and makes contact—one fist to Garlind’s temple and the other to his chest.

  Garlind stands frozen for a moment before crumbling to the ground.

  He doesn’t get up.

  My heart leaps into my throat and lodges itself there. I can’t scream, I can’t breathe, I can’t think. I go to stand so I can get to him. I need to hold him, protect the unconscious Garlind from Blair. But as soon as I move, I’m pushed down again by my guard.

  “Stay there or you’ll be next,” he warns me.

  I don’t care if I’m next. I need to help Garlind. He needs me. He needs someone on his side. Someone to look after him. He’s all alone in the hostile ring with a killer ready to finish him off now he’s incapacitated.

  Tearing my eyes away from the ring, I frantically search the crowd for Clare. She was just there. Where has she gone? Surely she can do something. If anyone can, it’s her. Buddy listened to her when we were in the pit. Her words have meaning here. If she can just—

  Blair pulls his leg back as he readies himself to kick Garlind in the head. It will be all he needs to do to end the fight permanently. The boy I love has no chance. He can’t even defend himself.

  My blood pulses in my ears, much louder than the roar of the crowd as they smell blood. They know this is the end. They will be able to congratulate Blair for the win and then go back to their lives.

  They won’t have their hearts torn apart like I will.

  “No!” I scream, so loud I think I burst my vocal cords. My guard steps closer to me, physically holding me back now so I don’t rush for the ring.


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