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The Assignment

Page 27

by Jade A. Waters

  “Heck yeah! The maid of honor, especially this maid of honor,” Alex said, pointing at me, “is traditionally supposed to fuck the best man, right? We can’t have it any other way!”

  Selby turned beet red. “Alex!”

  Dean and I chuckled when she put her hands on her cheeks.

  Alex took a swig of his beer. “What? We have to make sure they don’t get all crazy in a damn coat closet, though. Your parents will flip.”

  Dean grazed my thigh.

  Somehow, I suspected we’d find a way.

  “Well, I’m excited about it. We’re thinking late summer. There’s lots to do, but Maya and I can tackle it.”

  “Sure we can,” I said.

  For the rest of the evening, we chatted and drank. The boys went out back to talk about construction while Selby and I flipped through the first of about twenty wedding books she’d purchased. When the night drew to a close, Dean strolled in to take my hand.

  I peered up at him from the couch. Selby was preoccupied with pages on floral arrangements, but I felt the familiar tug just in the way he looked at me.

  “We’re going to head out, sweetie,” I said, rising from the couch.

  “Yeah, fine. Fiends,” she said. “Really glad we got you two together.” She peeked up with a smile.

  We each gave her a hug, and I shouted a goodbye to Alex and followed Dean out to the driveway. He wove his fingers with mine as he walked me quietly to my car.

  When I opened the driver’s side door, he dipped in for a kiss.

  “I can’t believe we had such a tame date,” I razzed.

  Dean brushed his fingers over my lips, the move bringing a gush of warmth to the apex of my thighs. “It was overdue. I can’t call you my girlfriend and only spend time with you naked.”

  I embraced him. “I like the naked.”

  “So do I. But I also like you. A lot.” He pitched forward for another kiss, this time pushing against me.

  The thickness in his jeans met my crotch, and I moaned beneath his lips. “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

  “Of course.” Dean’s cheeks lifted in a grin, and I raised my finger to the scar on his cheek.

  “You know... I’ve meant to ask about this since I met you.” He cupped my hand, clamping my fingers to his face. “What’s this scar from?”

  “Usually too distracted, hmm?” He kissed my fingers before continuing. “It’s from a sailing accident with Niko when I was twenty. Not a big deal, just a good smack in the face from being stupid around the equipment.” He wet his lips. “I meant to tell you—he’s coming through to visit in a couple of months.”


  “Yeah. Do you want to meet him?”

  “I’d like that,” I said, warming at the thought of meeting his mentor. Dean kept grinning at me, so I poked him in the stomach. “What’s with all the smiling?”

  “I had the best idea for an assignment on the deck while talking to Alex.”

  “Did you share it with Alex?”

  “You and that mouth of yours.” Dean caught my lip in his teeth and drew a gasp from me.

  I curved my arms around his shoulders. “Are you going to tell me this fabulous idea?” I didn’t understand where he came up with these things, but I loved them.

  He kissed me softly, tracing his fingertip between my breasts. “Come to the city. I have a surprise to show you. It will be somewhat public, but secluded.” He ran his hand farther down and gave me a squeeze. “You’ll have to wear something that leaves you accessible.”

  “I can do that,” I said.

  “I’ve got to work out the rest, but how’s Friday night?”

  “It’s all yours.”

  He stooped for another kiss, his tongue wrestling with mine, promising so much more. When he pulled away, I fell forward.


  Dean backed away, his hands outstretched. “Leaving you hanging. But this assignment’s going to take your breath away.”

  I crawled into my car, riled and happy.

  Plus, I had an idea that would take his breath away, too.

  * * *

  When I got home that night, I took the bondage book I’d purchased off my shelf.

  I flipped to the section on decorative ties, admiring page after page of beautiful harnesses. I kept thinking of the first conversation I’d had with Dean after we’d started, when he’d talked about the way my skin would look bound beneath rope. He’d tied me up only once so far, but the feel of it had blown my mind.

  I turned the page, my eyes landing on one design that secured the model’s torso and hips. The gorgeous knots reminded me of Dean’s handiwork when he’d bound me to the bed. The sweeps of the rope elevated her breasts, and the way it cut into her sides made my pussy swell.

  Dean would love this.

  I went to a toy store in Oakland the next day, and was enthralled by their bondage section. The idea that Dean and I might one day play with all of these things intrigued me. By the time I left, I’d purchased two coils of rope—one in red, and one in black.

  A couple of nights that week, I practiced the ties, and every time, the bite of the rope roused me. The subtle adjustments I made by tugging here or pulling there made me dizzy, and I loved the way it wound around my skin. I imagined Dean fucking me between the strands that ran along the creases of my thighs, and found myself sopping once I loosened the harness.

  We’d talked multiple times that week, but a couple of hours before our date, I couldn’t wait anymore. I sent him a text.

  When I see you tonight, I have a surprise for you, too.

  Dean wrote back twenty minutes later. You do? Tell me more.

  No, I typed. You’ll have to wait.

  Are you spoiling your assignment?

  I giggled at the message. I don’t think so. I think it’ll add to it. Can’t wait to see you.

  You too. What have you done, naughty?

  You have to wait!

  I could picture him on the other end, tempted and inquisitive, exactly how I felt every time he issued me an assignment. We texted for a few more minutes, working out the details for the evening—he’d send me an address at eight o’clock, and I’d wear the prearranged easy-access outfit.

  The anticipation made it unbearable to keep my hands off myself in the shower. I was swollen with want merely thinking of him, and I did my best to ignore it while I washed my hair and shaved. I rushed through my makeup, leaving plenty of time to wrap myself up in the harness I’d successfully mastered through all my practice that week.

  And when I gazed into my full-length mirror, I gasped.

  I’d chosen the longer black rope, which left excess at the ends once I finished the ties. There were four knots down the front—one above and below my breasts, one below my navel and one about two inches above my clit. The parallel strands from the knots went through my legs on either side of my sex, then ran between my cheeks to another knot at my lower back and up to a loop around my neck. I’d practiced enough times that I’d figured out clever ways to drag the rope along my skin, and the look of the black cotton fanning out around my breasts, over my hips and around my sides felt insanely erotic. I tied a bow with the ends right above my sex, making sure I remained accessible despite the rub of the twine.

  Standing there, tied up like a sexual present, my heart pounded in my chest.

  I slipped on my boots, startled at the dig of the rope when I bent over. The drive to the city would be excruciating, but I was so excited I didn’t care.

  I threw on my trench coat and buttoned it up with nothing else underneath.

  I was about as easy access as I could get, and I was ready.

  * * *

  I arrived breathless at the address Dean gave me. The drive had been as
difficult as I’d expected, the rope rubbing my folds with every shift I made in my seat. It was a miracle I hadn’t come with the heat searing through me, but I was determined to save the sensation for when I was with Dean.

  I parked my car in a garage on the corner, and when I found the building a minute later, Dean came out from inside.

  “Hi,” he said. He reached to take me in his arms, but I stepped back.

  “Eh-eh. You have to wait.”

  He pursed his lips. “What are you up to?”

  “You’ll see soon. Are we where we need to be?”

  “Yes,” he said, his eyes narrowing over my trench coat. If he thought the wait made him anxious, he had nothing on me. My body was primed, the harness rubbing and putting me on edge. I couldn’t wait to reveal it to him.

  I focused to ask, “What is this place?”

  “You’ll see. Can I take your hand?”


  Dean laced his fingers in mine, then opened the door and led me in. I struggled to keep up, trying not to give away the tension in my walk from the ropes, but I was eager to see where we were headed. We followed a flight of stairs to a lobby of what looked like a corporate office, the lights off but the glow of the nearby buildings illuminating everything in the room. The view was spectacular. Huge windows ran the length of the floor, as if showcasing the windows of all the other buildings outside. In the distance, I could almost see the bay.

  “This isn’t your office. What is it?”

  “It’s not. Come on.” Dean took me to the elevator and inserted a key to get it to run. When we got inside, he hit the button for the roof and backed me against the wall. “Do you remember our first real kiss?” He lowered his mouth to an inch from mine, staring at my lips.


  “It was in an elevator.”

  I nodded slowly. Oh yes, I remembered.

  I’d never forget anything that happened with him.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about you teasing me...” he said, his voice gravelly.

  I tried to cover the frenetic pace of my breathing. “My, how the tables have turned,” I said, but he leaned closer, his lips practically touching mine. I wriggled and stifled a moan at the rope digging into my mound.

  “I hope you’ll at least let me kiss you.”

  Dear God, yes...

  I bit my lip, inviting him with the coy glaze of my eyes. When Dean pressed his lips against mine, I struggled to keep from arching my hips up. I didn’t want him to feel the rope beneath my coat yet.

  He grinned as the elevator doors parted.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  Dean took my hand again and led me down a corridor, hurrying toward a door at the end. “This is one of my projects.”

  “This building?”

  He used another key to unlock the door, and once he opened it, I gasped.

  We stood on the roof, a wide area enclosed by a waist-high wall that gave way to an incredible view of the entire city. I broke from his grasp and moved to the edge, putting my hands on the wall to gaze out at the tops of all the buildings below and the beautiful San Francisco night sky. “Dean! This is gorgeous!”

  From here, the bay sparkled under the glimmer of stars, and I could spot the lights of both the Golden Gate and the Bay Bridge in the distance.

  I whirled around, stunned, as he came up behind me. He placed his hands on either side of my body and blocked me against the rail.

  “They hired me to redesign the top floors a couple of years ago. I have designs to work out for this floor and the one below. They want to make it something of a party deck. Fields is going to help with the actual construction.”

  “Alex is?”


  “This is amazing!” I spun around, still awed by the view. We had to be at least forty stories up.

  “Well, as far as anyone knows, we were never here.” He rested his palms over the back of my hands, careful not to press close.

  “I’ll never tell,” I gushed. A slight wind gusted this high up, blowing my hair into my face and cooling my skin, but I didn’t mind.

  “It’ll be our hot little secret.” Dean trailed his fingers up my arms, and I turned to him.

  “Among many.”

  “Yes.” He eyed the buttons of my coat, and my pulse raced, all the blood in my body whirring through my ears.

  “So what’s the assignment this time?”

  Dean reached for the top button of my coat and popped it open.

  I didn’t object.

  “It’s a partial assignment. Mostly, I had to get you naked in front of the entirety of San Francisco. This seemed like the ideal way to do it.”

  The wind covered my gasp, but I grinned.

  So hot.

  “You want me screaming from a rooftop, don’t you?”

  “Sounds exquisite.” Dean attempted to unfasten the next button, but I brushed his hands away and undid the three buttons holding my coat closed.

  “Look,” I said. I parted the sides, revealing my harness.

  Dean’s jaw dropped. “Maya.”

  He reached out to caress the rope that ran down from my shoulders and between my breasts. His breath grew heavy when he traced the strands fanning out on my sides and over my hips, then he clutched my waist with pure pleasure written on his face.

  “You’re gorgeous, so...” He shook his head. “I’m instantly hard, you know.”

  “Good,” I whispered.

  “You did this for me?”

  “I did it for us.”

  Dean’s mouth formed the tiniest O shape while he surveyed me. My body shook with the rampant beating of my heart, and when he lowered his fingers to the bow at my sex, I couldn’t contain the quaver of my breath. “It’s not coming off,” he said.

  He took his time untying the bow, the wait torturous. He let the ends dangle down by my thighs and dipped his fingers between my lips.

  “Fuck. You’re drenched.”

  I closed my eyes, completely on edge. The wind kicked across my chest, drawing my nipples into sharp peaks.

  Dean’s breath wavered as he came closer, and once he kissed me, he shoved his fingers all the way in. I moaned, loud for him, for the sky to hear.

  I could scream and no one would hear me.

  It was incredible.

  Dean thrust his fingers in and out, sweeping his thumb over my clit while he undid his slacks with his other hand. He paused to yank his shirt over his head and pushed his slacks around his ankles, naked, beautiful and unbelievably hard.

  I draped my arms over the rail, my shoulder blades resting against the top of the stone. I loved the feel of the air up here, of his fingers gliding in and out of me as I stood with my coat draped open and the harness tight around my skin. Dean hooked his fingers under the strands around my groin, tugging them.

  “I’m so wound up,” I said.

  “Are you?” Dean stared into my face and slipped his fingers inside my cunt once more.

  I was spinning out of my head, but somehow I moved it in confirmation.

  “I’ve got to be in you.” Dean guided his cock where his fingers had been, groaning when he sank in to the hilt. His motion cinched the rope tighter, and I tensed with the burn of it around my hips and at the crease of my thighs.

  “Oh, fuck...” I was close to coming right then.

  Slowly, Dean made tentative pinches along the rope in sync with his thrusts. Every tug rubbed me, rubbed us, in a different way, and in his face I saw how much it pleased him. I clenched my eyes in delight.

  This was bliss. He was bliss.

  “I don’t think I’ll make it long. You’re so fucking hot inside, and the rope feels...” He kissed my neck, and made his own soft noises as he moved
tantalizingly in me.

  I lay my head back on the rail, high on the feel of him. I clawed at his waist. “Fill me, please.”

  Dean drove himself all the way in. Both of us moaned, the feeling intense. He slid out once before pushing in, and I cried out for the wind to hear.


  Dean went crazy then, fucking me and biting at my neck. He grasped at the strands, the rope abrading so erotically, my wails poured from me in loud shrieks. My entire body shook when I came, shuddering waves of pleasure that took me over while Dean stretched me and latched onto my shoulder. He was grunting, riding me, the rope chafing my skin and drawing a second orgasm from me that made my knees give out.

  Dean caught me. He held me in his arms, his cock still lodged inside. The wind kissed our naked skin as our breaths fell into a steady pace. Carefully, he laid me back against the wall. His fingers trailed down my neck and over my breasts. His touch formed a sweet reminder and brought me back to the present while he layered kisses over my chin.

  “That was unbelievable,” he said. “You’re a goddess, Maya.”

  I grinned, languidly coming to, my mind having careened out of my head.

  “I love the way you come for me. Bloom for me.” He ran his fingers lower, teasing my swollen bead and making me gasp. “Like you were made for me.”

  His expression softened, his stroke tender, his lips parting while he searched my face. His desire seeped into me, and I felt it reflecting back through me. In that moment, I understood and loved him for what he saw in me. Without even knowing where I’d come from, he’d seen inside me, and in turn allowed me to see what I needed and craved.

  “I’m yours, Dean,” I said.

  God, did I mean it.

  Dean stayed close, making gentle thrusts while I lay back. He kept his fingers on my clit to massage me until I whimpered, his cock stiffening again as he moved inside.

  “Turn around,” he said. He pulled out for me to do so and tugged the coat off my shoulders. When he’d nestled back in, he ran his fingers over the rope along my waist. “It’s amazing how open you are.” I threw my arms over the rail, and he put his lips to my ear. “How much I love to please you.”

  His thrusts grew quicker, dragging my senses back into a heightened state of arousal. Dean embraced me, the rope digging into my flesh.


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