Broken Embrace

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Broken Embrace Page 18

by Dana Mason

  "Why, then, would you want me to talk her out of marrying Chase?"

  "He's not right for her, and he can't make her happy. I don't want her to get hurt again."

  "Then do something about it, Brian. You can talk to her. You're the only person who can change her mind." Ali exhaled and closed her eyes, making a single tear run down her cheek. "Imagine what it looks like to Melissa. She's watching me marry the man of my dreams, watching me build a family." She opened her eyes and met his. "She's alone, and she's been alone for a long time. Chase is the first person she's opened up to…the first person she's tried to love since you married Julie, and you want me to talk her out of marrying him."

  "That doesn't make him right for her."

  "Because you are the only person right for her. Melissa had to…" Ali stopped when her voice wavered. She took a steadying breath. "She had to watch me say my vows today while staring at you—the only person capable of making her happy, but engaged to the only person willing to give her the family she wants. No damn wonder she broke down."

  "What can I do?"

  "I don't know. What can you do?" She leaned forward, gripping his hands. "Listen, Bri, I love you, but goddamn, if you hurt my sister again, I'll kill you myself. You have no idea what you've put her through. No idea!"

  "Rest assured, Ali, this hasn't been easy on me either. I've spent every day of my life regretting her and thinking about her."

  "Except your pain was eased by your beautiful family. You eased your regret with your wife and kids. You still had love and companionship."

  Brian lowered his eyes and nodded. "You're right. I didn't realize until recently she had such a hard time getting over it. Maybe I didn't want to know how much I'd really hurt her."

  "At some point, Brian, you have to stop hurting her. Let her be happy with Chase if you can't be with her. Back off and let her build a life."

  Brian squeezed her hand. "Thanks, Ali. I'm sorry for stressing you out before your wedding. I hope you can forgive me. I'd never want you to be that upset with me."

  "Lucky for you, I'm in a very forgiving mood."

  When she smiled, he felt better and reached in to hug her. "Thanks and congratulations. You two are going to be very happy."

  "Thanks, Brian. I love you."

  "I love you, too. Take care of my partner. Oh, and congrats on the baby," he whispered.

  "Shh…" Ali's said smacking his back as he pulled out of the hug.

  "What's the secret?" Johnny asked, leaning in to hear.

  "Never mind, bro. Enjoy the honeymoon." Brian reached out to shake Johnny's hand. "Maybe when you get back, I'll be reinstated."

  "I hope so. I'm not thrilled to be riding with Martinez."

  "Two weeks?" Brian asked.

  "Yep." He grinned. "Two weeks with my favorite girl."

  "Okay, I'll leave you guys alone. I need to go dance with my daughter."

  "Brian, before you go…I want you to know, Jeffries will be back to work after the winter break. Maybe you should warn Erin so she'll expect it."

  He frowned, wishing more than anything he didn't have to think about that bastard today. "Thanks, Al. I'll talk to her about it before she goes back to school."


  Brian found Erin with Melissa, who wore the most heartbreaking expression. Damn it if he could go back and change things, if he could go back and tell her the truth seventeen years ago.

  Before he had the chance to ask Erin to dance, she left hand-in-hand with Matty. He took a chance and asked Melissa again. "Would you like to dance?"

  "No, I'm actually going home." She stood and turned to grab her wrap off the back of the chair.

  "But it's only eleven. What about ringing in the new year?"

  She turned to look at Ali. "They'll never even notice I'm gone."

  "Is Collins taking you home?"

  "He left already." Melissa's eyes darted to the ground. "I'll take my mom's car. She can get a ride with Mark's parents."

  Brian leaned in, trying to get her attention. "I didn't get you in trouble, did I?"

  "With who? Chase?" She shook her head and finally made eye contact. "He had to get home."

  "You won't dance with me, Melissa?"

  Her eyes dropped to the floor again. "No…I can't."

  He watched her leave, wanting more than anything to follow her out, but she needed a break from him…and from the hurt he knew he continually caused her.

  Chapter Thirty

  Erin dropped down into a chair at one of the empty tables. Several people had left, but just as many were still there, enjoying the music and celebrating. It was certainly the best New Year's Eve Erin had ever had, even though she missed her mom. Usually her family spent the evening together at home. Her mom and dad had always let them invite a friend over and they'd drink sparkling cider and play board games until midnight. Then the fun started. God…she smiled at the memory of them outside on the patio, yelling and screaming at midnight, hugging her family in turn. Her heart sank a little, remembering her mom and dad, always embracing, both wearing grins and wishing each other a happy new year when the clock turned over.

  This year was definitely different. The frown her dad wore as he left made her sad. He and Melissa weren't celebrating, they were both miserable. Why couldn't they just stop screwing around and admit they loved each other already. She rolled her eyes. Adults were so stupid sometimes. Thankfully, Erin had Matty this year. He kept her on her feet, dancing and laughing most of the evening. She reached over for a glass and drank down whatever was in it. After finishing it, she lifted it to her nose and sniffed. Bleck…that wasn't cider. She hit the home button on her phone, they only had three minutes. She looked up to see Matty rushing toward her with glasses in his hand.

  "It's almost time. Are you ready?" he asked, handing her a glass.

  She glanced around. "Where's Cody?"

  "He's there." Matty pointed to where Jamie and Cody were standing next to her grandparents, also holding glasses of sparkling cider

  "Come on. Let's get in the center of the dance floor." Matty's radiant smile forced little crinkles at the corner of his sea-blue eyes. She tucked her phone into the top of her dress and grabbed his hand, then she stumbled as he pulled her along.

  Auntie Ali, Uncle Johnny, and several other people were dancing around the large dance floor with their glasses raised. Capital Cities', "Safe and Sound," was playing, and most of the people on the dance floor were jumping up and down along with the beat. Erin laughed as she and Matty joined them, their glasses sloshing around in their hands.

  The DJ started the countdown at thirty…twenty-nine…twenty eight. Matty grabbed her hand and pulled her close. They both stopped moving to the music, even though it was still playing behind the countdown. Ten…nine…eight…seven…six. Matty's hand rested on her shoulder, his crinkly eyes focused on hers. Five…four…three…two. Matty's hand snaked up the back of her neck and cradled her head, his other hand, still gripping the glass, came around her waist. Erin closed her eyes and his lips came down onto hers before his tongue sank into her mouth.

  Butterflies fluttered nervously in her stomach at the feel of him. Her knees wobbled and caused her to sink a little. Matty pulled her closer to hold her upright and on her feet. The moment was surreal and wonderful at the same time. He felt incredible, so strong and warm against her. She'd never really kissed a boy before, not like this. It felt good, and the strange knot building behind her stomach caused the flutter to increase. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes. This was definitely the best New Year's Eve she'd ever had.

  Matty pulled back and met her eyes. His smile had turned serious and his eyes searched her face before he finally said, "Happy New Year, Erin."

  Erin's phone buzzed and flashed in the top of her dress, lighting up the space between them. She ignored it and said, "Happy New Year, Matt."

  He withdrew with a smile and held up his glass to her. "I hope it's the best."

  She grin
ned and clinked her glass with his. "It already is." When her phone buzzed again, she chuckled and glanced down at the light shining out from between her breasts.

  Matt laughed. "Mine is in my pocket buzzing like crazy, too. He pulled it out and held it up for her. The readout showed several "Happy New Year" messages from their friends. Erin tugged hers out and froze when her eyes rested on the screen. It was a photo…of her, naked and up against the locker room wall. She had her legs spread and her arms up above her head. The pose made it look like she'd been tied up, even though she never had.

  She stumbled and lost her balance, then fell backward and landed on her ass. She couldn't breathe, the world spun around her as she fought to slide the bar and open the message so she could hide the photo. She pounded on her phone until the messaged closed, then she looked up at Matty's confused face as he knelt next to her.

  "Erin!" He reached out for her, his beautiful smile completely erased from his face. "Are you okay?"

  She placed a hand over her mouth in an effort to hold back the sickness building in her throat.

  "Can you get up?" Matty asked.

  "Erin, honey, are you okay?" Ali asked, also kneeling next to her. Uncle Johnny, her grandparents, and all the other guests were all looking down at her. It took everything she had to keep her tears at bay and stop seeing that photo in her head.

  "We were dancing…she lost her balance," Matt said to them as he lifted her up and propped her on her feet. When she was standing, he met her eyes and said, "Sorry about my two left feet, Erin, I didn't mean to trip you like that."

  She shook her head. "No, it was my fault…I'm sorry." She looked around at everyone and tried to smile. "I was a little too excited."


  After leaving the wedding, Brian drove to the creek near his old school. He needed to clear his head and figure out what to do about Melissa. Until today, he'd never questioned her when she said she wanted to be with Collins. She had repeatedly told him she loved Chase, but even with all her insisting, he knew it wasn't enough. It bothered him to see her settling for less than she deserved, but Ali had a valid point. Melissa deserved to have the family she wanted…so…he either needed to step up or leave her alone. The problem was…he closed his eyes and let the butterflies in his stomach settle…the problem was, what if she rejected him. What if they couldn't make it work. The thought of losing her again scared the hell out of him.

  He hopped out of the car and headed toward the creek. Being on the trail brought back memories of high school. He and Melissa had been here so many times when they were kids. They'd come out here almost every weekend. They'd even brought a sleeping bag once and spent the night in the woods. Talk about stupid; anything could have happened to them. God, if Erin ever did anything like that, he'd ground her for life.

  As he turned the last bend in the trail, he looked up to find someone sitting on the ground, wrapped in a small throw blanket and looking down at the shallow creek. He started to turn back, but the shimmer of gold in her dress caught his attention. She was sitting under a break in the grove of trees, and the moon shone directly over her head like a stage spotlight.

  "What the hell are you doing here by yourself?" His voice seemed to echo off the high trees, making her jump in surprise.

  She turned her head and took several deep breaths. "What the hell are you doing following me?" She lifted to stand, but her foot caught her dress and she nearly fell over. Brian rushed forward to help, but she pushed him away and righted herself. "I came here to be alone."

  "You live alone. Why didn't you go home? Holy hell, Melissa."

  "Shut up!" she said, storming past him and onto the hiking trail. "Why did you have to follow me?" She shouted, stumbling in her high heels.

  "I wasn't following you, but I'm glad I came. What—you have a death wish or something?" Brian reached out and grabbed her as she stumbled again.

  "I told you I wanted to be alone. Why are you here?"

  "I came here to be alone."

  "Where are Erin and Cody?"

  "My mom and pop took them. I needed a night off."

  They stared at each other for a few moments before Melissa finally said, "I'll leave you alone then."

  "Wait, don't leave." Brian tugged on her arm. "You don't have to go. Stay, we can talk."

  "I can't imagine what else we have to talk about."

  "Why are you being like this? Just sit with me for a while."

  Melissa wobbled a little, nodding as he helped her back over to the grassy knoll where she had been sitting. She lowered herself back down to the ground and pulled the throw tighter around her shoulders. When she reached over and picked up a bottle, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

  "What the hell is that?"

  "Wine." She took another swig. "I stole it from the wedding."

  "You couldn't have taken something stronger?"

  She cocked her head. "What did you bring to the picnic, smartass?"

  He dropped down next to her. "You're right. I guess I can't complain."

  She handed him the nearly empty bottle. "How did you think you were getting off this creek bank after drinking an entire bottle of wine by yourself?"

  "I honestly don't give a shit," she said, laying back and looking up at the bright moon."

  "Feeling a little self-destructive, are we?"


  "So tell me about your wedding, Lis."

  "What wedding?"

  "The one in March. The one you've been throwing in my face for months."


  "Did Berkeley break up with you?"

  "Not yet. I'm guessing I've got about two…maybe three more days."

  "Is that why you were crying in the bathroom?"


  "Then why?"

  She snatched the bottle out of his hand and took another swig before lying back down. "I don't want to talk about it."

  "Then what do you want to talk about?"

  "I didn't want to talk. You did. Remember?"

  "Right." He slapped his knees, looking for a subject. "So…how's work?" he stammered as he took the bottle from her.

  "Why don't you tell me why you and Julie didn't have sex in over six months?"

  Brian choked on the wine. "What?"

  "Tell me why you didn't make love to your wife for six months."

  "Well…I'm not totally sure."

  "How could you not be sure? Did you fail to put the moves on her?"

  Brian laughed. "I'm pretty sure I put the moves on her at some point."

  "Maybe you didn't try hard enough."

  "Or maybe she was gettin' it from someone else," he said with a fading smile.

  "What did she see in that nasty jerk?"

  "Hell if I know, but apparently, he had something I didn't."

  Melissa laughed. She laughed so hard, she snorted. "Maybe he was pregnant and she felt she had to marry him." She snorted again, and Brian couldn't help but laugh with her.

  "You're a freakin' jerk," he said when she stopped laughing.

  "Sorry." She placed a hand over her mouth. "I couldn't help myself."

  It was nice to hear her laugh. It'd been a long time since he'd heard that beautiful sound. He shrugged. "Ugh…it's all right. I'm sure I deserved it."

  He'd come out here to be alone and think, but he liked this much better. Melissa tipped the bottle up and took a long pull.

  "Careful, sweetheart. Don't forget you still have to get up that trail."

  "I don't care."

  "I do. I don't want you to get hurt."

  She waved the bottle at him. "Whatever…"

  "Don't make me take that bottle away from you."

  She gave him a crooked smile. "I dare you to try."

  Brian wrestled it from her hand. Melissa leaned over him and tried to grab it back, but Brian held it out with one arm and her back with the other.

  "Give it back, Brian!" she shrieked, stretching toward the bottle and letting the blanket fall f
rom her bare shoulders.

  "What'd ya think was going to happen when you dared me?"

  She smiled at him, and his heart swelled at the sight.

  "Brian…baby." Her eyelashes lowered slightly as she tilted her head in toward her shoulder. "May I please have the wine back?"

  Brian relaxed as she leaned against him, giving her the opportunity to snatch the bottle back. "Thank you."


  He pinned Melissa to the ground and reached for the bottle. When they were nose to nose, they stared at each other for a long moment. Brian's heart felt like it might pound right out of his chest. "Do you remember spending the night out here with me?"

  She snickered. "I remember freezing my ass off."

  "Sorry 'bout that," he whispered. "Do you remember watching the sunset then watching the sunrise?"

  "Yes, and almost getting caught by the park rangers."

  Brian chuckled. "Those guys were so dumb."

  She nodded. "They walked right past us."

  His heart ached with the memory. As he stared at her, it became glaringly clear how much he'd lost when he let her go all those years ago. He'd gained, too—a family—but when Melissa was absent from his life, so was a part of his own soul. "Things were so much easier back then," he said. "I've missed you," he whispered. "I've missed you so much."

  She placed a hand on his chest and pushed gently. "Couldn't tell at my end."

  He took her hand and laced his fingers with hers. "Doesn't mean it isn't true." He shifted his gaze to their linked hands and lifted his wrist to look at his watch. "Well…look at that. It's midnight." He met her eyes again and after lingering for a long moment, he leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Melissa should have pushed Brian away, but she didn't want to. She thought about the dream she'd had the night she'd fallen asleep in his bed. That night was a lot like this, dark—and Brian warm and feeling so right. He deepened the kiss, and Melissa struggled to free her hands so she could touch him…just like in her dream.


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