Royal Command (Royal Watch Book 2)

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Royal Command (Royal Watch Book 2) Page 21

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “So, I didn’t break you?”

  “Not even close.” I grinned.

  His hand moved down to my hipbone, his thumb softy rubbing at the fingerprint marks he left there. “Bruised and bent maybe, but not broken. I’m sorry, does it hurt?” A flinch of worry flicked his brow.

  “I’m not fragile, proper, or sweet, especially when it comes to you. I like it.” I crawled back up to him, finding teeth marks on his arm from me, my lips brushing over them. “I can take whatever you throw at me.” I licked the spot, finding another on his chest. “I don’t want you to ever hold back with me, inside or outside the bedroom. And I won’t either. Always real between us.”

  His eyes tracked me as I kissed his skin.

  “I like these on you.” I moved in front of him on the bed, my hand gliding up his thigh to a bite mark on his hip. “You know why?”

  “Because you’re a biter?” he replied huskily.

  “Because I want any girl who looks at you to know you are mine.”

  A slow wolfish smile curved his mouth. “Same.”

  Suddenly I was on my back, his body covering mine as his mouth claimed me, hungry and possessive. Even after the most mind-blowing sex that should’ve had me sleeping for days, his kiss already had me wrapping my legs around him. The feeling of him growing hard fed the insatiable fire in me.

  “Why can I not get enough of you?” His mouth devoured me. Taking. Demanding. And I only responded with my own. There was no teasing or foreplay as he slipped into me again. Eyes locked on each other, our sweaty bodies moving together in such deep long strokes, I already felt my orgasm building. Our connection going so deep, layering the intensity. This was more than shagging. This was powerful. Intense. Emotional.

  Grabbing my arms and pinning them above my head, he thrust in deeper, his gaze drilling into me with such intensity, I could explode from his stare alone.

  “Oh god…yes,” I moaned, and his mouth took one of my breasts, sucking and flicking his tongue. “Lennox…” My orgasm burned up the back of my legs, blurring the edges of my vision. And I knew the intensity was going to consume me in an obliterating burst.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Lennox?” A man’s voice hollered through the door. “Open up.”

  “Fuck,” he hissed, his features squeezing with frustration, but his body still drove into mine, like he couldn’t stop. “Shite.” He grunted, driving in harder into me.

  I was so close, the need too strong. My hands clamped down on his firm arse, pushing him into me, meeting his hips with mine, not caring if they burst through the door.

  “Lennox!” Boom. Boom. “I know you’re there.” This time I recognized the voice. Arthur.

  “Arthur, maybe he’s still sleeping.” A woman’s voice spoke. “We can come back later.”

  Oh no. Mary. I knew it in my gut—Gracie’s mother.

  “Jesus. Christ.” Lennox squeezed his lids together tightly, not stopping, his hips pumping, ramming me up into a side table.

  “Open up, boy! I hear movement in there.”

  “Hold on,” he gritted through his teeth. My vision blanked at the edges, my body starting to spasm around him, feeling such utter bliss, I couldn’t care who was around me. My lips parted, a cry splintering over my tongue. His hand came down over my mouth, covering it as he rocked harder, his strokes rapid, his veins popping from his neck.

  “Shite. Shite,” he whispered hoarsely, slamming into me. My spine bowed, my climax crashing into me like an avalanche, and a cry I couldn’t control ballooned from me. I bit down on his hand to stifle it, my teeth sawing into his palm.

  “Oh, fuck.” Lennox bowed back, pushing even harder into me, spreading another zing through my veins, my body taking all it could from his. Wave after wave rolled within me as Lennox released inside me. My hips continued to buck a few more times before I felt my body loosen around him. He slumped on to me, our muscles completely limp.

  “What’s taking so long, boy? You don’t have to get pretty for us.”

  “Fucking timing, Art. I’m busy fucking my girlfriend,” he muttered angrily before yelling at the door. Girlfriend? “Give me a bloody moment.” He switched to me, speaking against my lips. “I’m still balls deep in my girl.”

  Jesus, what was wrong with me? Why did that turn me on so much?

  He kissed me, ending it as soon as it started, but left me panting, my body still not recovered from this last orgasm. I didn’t think it was possible to have so many, back to back like that, but there were a lot of things Lennox was showing me were possible with him.

  Sighing, he crawled off me, snatching up a pair of jeans and shirt that were left on the chair, pulling them up.

  I slipped out of the bed, darting for the toilet. I swept up some of the clothes strung about on the floor from the night before.


  “I’m coming!” Lennox yelled, but he trailed after me to the bathroom. I was okay with locking the door and staying here until they left.

  I swear Lennox could read my mind, stalking after me.

  “Spencer? You’re not hiding in here. We’re not hiding.”

  “This is not the time.” I held up the party dress with a frown, the fabric ripped, wrinkled, and dirty. “Go. They are waiting for you. I’ll stay in here.”

  “Arthur already knows.”

  “He wasn’t terribly thrilled about me. What if he hasn’t told Mary? Can you imagine how she will feel seeing me here?”

  “You won’t be my dirty little secret. I’m done hiding and no longer living.”

  “Jesus, Lennox! This is a bit harsh, don’t you think? Do you really want to introduce Gracie’s mother to me with your cum running down my leg?” I hissed, motioning down.

  “Bleeding hell,” he sputtered. “Jesus, Spencer.” A laugh choked up, his head shaking. “I really can’t predict what’s going to come out of your mouth.”

  “Good.” I shoved him. “Now go. At least let me get cleaned up a little, okay?”

  “The door right there connects to my walk-in wardrobe.” He flicked his chin to the door on the other side of the modern toilet, walking backward to the threshold. “I think they’ll know someone’s here anyway. This place reeks of it.” He winked, shutting the door.

  A few moments later, the sound of the front door opening and voices found me through the thin door. Hearing the sweet, timid voice of Gracie’s mother had me leaning on the counter with a sigh. This was going to be awful. But sadly, this was the least of what was ahead of Lennox and me. If we really wanted something between us, we had to start facing all the people wanting other things for us.

  The pain, agony, and heartbreak we were going to cause. Would it all be worth it?

  Staring at myself, my gaze roaming over my bare skin, spotting all the places Lennox claimed me as his, a cheeky smile inched up my face.

  Fuck, yeah, it would be.

  Chapter 19

  Jumping quickly in and out of the shower, I found a pair of sweats, which I had to fold over several times to keep on my hips, and a worn black t-shirt of his. I brushed my hair with my fingers, staring at my flushed cheeks, knowing even though all the proof of him was covered up, it still didn’t camouflage what I was feeling—what he had done to my body even with them standing at the door.

  “Let’s go, Spence.” I blew out, nerves dancing in my stomach as I opened the door. Voices skated to me instantly, stopping me in the doorway, where I was mostly hidden from view.

  Arthur and a short, curvy woman stood with their backs to me as Lennox faced them, his arms crossed, his jaw clenched.

  “I can’t believe you,” Arthur hissed, his finger pointing at Lennox. “After all we’ve done for you, what Mary has. She’s treated you like a son, and this is how you repay us? Break her heart?”

  “You know how much I care about you guys, but you have no say in my life. I’m sorry if this has hurt you, but you are in my flat, coming over to my place uninvited.”

  A noise hit my e
ars, and I realized it was Mary…sobbing quietly.

  Oh. God. Guilt and shame stomped down on my shoulders, bowing them.

  “Shhh…Mary, it’s all right.” Arthur put his arm on her.

  Agony flinched Lennox’s expression, his hand rubbing at his face.

  “This is not how I wanted this to go.” He shook his head. “The last thing I wanted to do was cause either of you more pain.”

  “What did you expect?” Arthur volleyed at Lennox. “We come over here to spend time with our son-in-law only to find him shagging a little trollop!”

  “Hey.” Lennox stepped up, his chin jerking. “Don’t you dare refer to her like that.”

  “Oh, blimey…” Arthur’s hand went to his mouth. “It’s her, isn’t it? You couldn’t let that one be.”

  “Who?” Mary’s voice cracked through, sounding stronger and deeper than I imagined. Her head turned back and forth between her husband and son-in-law. She had a weathered, round face with dominant cheekbones. Her grey-blonde hair was short with large frizzy curls. She wore a long flowery dress, a dark beige coat, and loafers, like she dressed up for a visit to the city. “Who are you talking about?”

  Arthur clearly didn’t tell her about his last visit here.

  “You are a blooming fool.” Arthur shook his head. “How do you think this will end?”

  “What? Someone talk to me!” Mary huffed, stomping a foot. “Tell me what is going on. Who are you referring to?”

  “Me.” My mouth opened to my utter horror, my mind scrambling to stuff the words back in and hide deeper in the shadows. Instead, I moved forward, holding my chin steady under the snap of heads turning to me, their focus landing on me like laser beams. “They are talking about me.”

  Mary’s gaze went over me. I could see it clicking.


  “Oh, my goodness!” Her hand went to her mouth in a startled gasp, recognition setting in. “You-you’re…”

  “Spencer.” I went right up to her, locking into every bit of etiquette training I had, trying to fight the need to flee. “Mary, right?” Her head bobbed absently, her gaze wide and stunned, like she ran into the Queen and King themselves. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  She didn’t respond, her wild and puzzled gaze going instead to Lennox then to her husband. “I-I don’t understand.” She shook her head, watching me move to Lennox’s side, her eyes rolling over my outfit. His clothes. “The future princess…what-what is she doing here?” Her throat bobbed, maybe sensing the truth, but still clinging to hope, to the notion, there was a good explanation for my presence.

  Hope was such a powerful thing. It could make you ignore the rumpled sheets, mussed hair, early hour, the clothes still on the floor I didn’t get, me wearing Lennox’s clothes, the thickness in the air. It could make you deny everything you saw in order to keep your safe bubble whole.

  “She’s the trollop, Mary.”

  “Hey,” I quipped.

  “Enough,” Lennox growled under his breath, the threat vibrating the room.

  “I still don’t understand.” She blinked, her hand moving to her throat, still speaking about me like I wasn’t actually here. “She’s engaged to the prince…she will be our princess.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Not ever.” Lennox hooked his arms over his chest, snarling at my reply.

  Mary’s attention went over the evidence again, and I watched hope dwindle from Mary’s eyes, pain and anger filling up her irises like a bathtub. “I-I can’t believe this…” She shook her head, her expression crunching in grief. Arthur jumped to her side, rubbing her back.

  “I didn’t want you to find out about this. I was hoping he would end it, see how foolish he was being.”

  “You knew?” She peered at her husband, hurt furrowing her eyebrows. “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “You didn’t need to know. He was supposed to get it out of his system, come to his senses.”

  “I can’t believe this…she’s engaged.” She stared down at the floor, lost in her head.

  “And he’s married.” Arthur snapped to us, anger lowering his lids. “Don’t either of you have any self-respect? Any regard for the relationship you promised yourself to? Do you care about anyone but yourselves?” Arthur puffed. “I’ve never met two people more selfish, cruel, and dishonest.”


  “You have a wife! But here you are, destroying those vows you spoke to my angel, for a woman who is engaged to be married to another man!”


  “Why? Does the truth hurt, my boy? Was it a lie when you looked Gracie in the eyes and said till death do us part? How quickly you tossed her away for another.”

  “I. Said. Enough!” Lennox bellowed, startling the entire room into silence. Even the air held its breath. “Quickly? She’s been in a coma for two years.” He seethed. “And truth, Arthur? You want the truth?”

  “Lennox, no.” Mary shook her head, reaching for him, but Lennox was already locked on his father-in-law.

  “You’re the one who can’t face the truth!”

  “Me?” Arthur pointed at himself. “I see just fine.” He glowered at me, returning to Lennox.

  “You live in a world built of lies, a bubble you’ve convinced yourself is real. But you know, deep down, that it isn’t. It’s all a mirage. That’s what terrifies you so much.”

  “Lennox…” Mary tried again, a desperation on her face I didn’t understand.

  “I shouldn’t have married Gracie. I know that now. And I hate I was weak, searching for anything to hold on to. She was my best friend, and I let myself believe it was enough. It kills me I didn’t love her like I should have…like she deserved. I wanted to. So badly. So I stayed. And I would have forever if that was our story. I wanted nothing but her happiness, but her happiness wasn’t mine to control. She was unwell, but neither of you ever wanted to face the fact she wasn’t perfect, pretending her depression wasn’t real. I held on to the guilt for not being there when she lost the baby…” A crack broke his sentence, the grief hunching him. “I will carry that with me forever. I know you blame me, that my absence was the cause, tossing it in my face whenever you can. But nothing you could say or do could match the punishment I’ve put myself through. I’ve lived years stuck in hell. I probably would still be there.” His hazel gaze flicked to me, then away, swallowing. “I can’t do this anymore, living like I’m just biding time until I join Gracie.”

  “You bastard!” Arthur’s shoved at Lennox’s chest. “Don’t talk about her like that!”

  “Like what, Arthur?” Lennox shouted back, letting Arthur push at him. “Like she’s dead?”

  “Oh, no.” Mary whimpered, her hand going into her head.

  “What. Did. You. Say?” Arthur stiffened to the point I thought he’d snap in half.

  “She’s gone.” Lennox spit out each word in heavy chunks, landing heavily at Arthur’s feet. “You need to accept that. Every doctor and specialist out there has told you the same! She’s dead, Arthur. Let. Gracie. Go.”

  “Fuck you!” Arthur swung at Lennox. He didn’t move, letting Arthur land the hit, not trying to fight the older man.

  “Arthur! Stop!” Mary leapt for him, grappling for her husband as Arthur punched at Lennox again. Oh, hell no. Pure instinct lurched me at Arthur, shoving him off Lennox, the need to protect him controlling my thoughts and actions.

  “Fuck! Spencer.” Lennox picked me up as I still pushed and snarled at Arthur, looking like a hissing cat, moving me out of harm’s way. “Stop. What are you doing?” His arms wrapped around me, moving me away from any danger.

  “Arthur!” Mary’s voice sliced through the room, a butcher’s knife severing his attention on Lennox back to her. “Stop this nonsense now!”


  “No,” she snapped, taking over control in a blink. “Apologize to Lennox.”

  “What?” Arthur screeched, his eyes wide. “Apologize? For what? For striking him?”

  “Not for hitting him, for everything else. As I need to…”

  “Wha-what? I don’t understand.” Arthur watched her in confusion as she dug a tissue out of her handbag, tapping at her eyes.

  “We have been the selfish, cruel ones, Arthur.” Her head dipped as she tried to retain her emotions. “She would be so upset with us.” A sob broke from her throat, and she turned slightly away, not wanting us to see her totally lose it.

  “Mary…” Arthur took a step to her.

  “No.” She batted him away. “This needs to finally be said. You and I need to face the truth. Just like she would want us to.”

  Arthur swallowed, his jaw straining.

  Mary dabbed at her eyes again. “I am sorry, Lennox.” She kept her head bowed. “For what we have put you through, forced upon you, so we could continue on, not thinking for a moment how this all might affect you. How we forced this role on you because it fit the world we wanted to keep alive, that Gracie would wake up, and all would be perfect again.”

  “There’s still that chance.” Arthur touched her arm.

  “No, Arthur.” She tugged away from him. “There’s not. There never has been. Not one person, not the dozens of doctors and specialists we have had examine her, believes that, not even me anymore. It’s only you who keeps this lie we have built our lives around going.”

  “Me?” He jabbed at himself. “I’m sorry I have hope our baby girl will come back to us.”

  “Stop.” Mary pinched her quivering lips together. “Stop with the passive-aggressive guilt, like you are the only one who loves her, who wants the best for her. You know I’d give anything to have Gracie back. Any-thing.” Half the word was a whisper as she tapped at her chest like it was breaking in half. “But we don’t have that choice. And I’m tired. I’m tired of living like this. And I know in my gut Gracie is too. She wants us to let her go, Art. She wants peace.”

  A choking sob buckled up Arthur’s chest. “No. I-I can’t. She’s our baby.”


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