Royal Command (Royal Watch Book 2)

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Royal Command (Royal Watch Book 2) Page 23

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “All I can say is I’m sorry. It happened, but it won’t again.” He spoke with an authoritative tone—an end to the conversation.

  “Why?” She did not get the memo. “I really like you, and I think you’re keen on me. That’s why I thought you were ringing me up. To see me. To pick up where we left off. Why does it have to stop?”

  Because of me.

  I had enough, listening to her beg my man for sex. I dragged my feet, making extra noise, and both their heads snapped to my arrival. Lennox finding my eyes, I forced a fake smile on my face, traveling to Penny.

  By a simple exhale, I knew he knew I overheard everything.

  Yeah, mate, you will pay for that one.

  Mounting the horse, I took the reins, settling into the saddle. Lennox followed my lead, climbing onto Thunder.

  “I can grab the thermos if you want. It’s cold.” Funny she wasn’t offering the blanket you’d make love on or the port she’d lower your inhibitions with.

  “What’s in it?” I asked.


  Of course.

  “We’re good,” Lennox replied as my heels tucked into Penny’s flanks, spurring her forward with an energized leap, her hooves grinding into the ground as we took off, galloping across the rolling terrain.

  The moment the wind blasted across my face, the sound of the saddle creaking, her snorts as she gained speed, every bad feeling washed off my skin, the breeze sweeping it away like a broom. Joy burst through my limbs, and I felt something I hadn’t had in a long time.


  Time no longer mattered as Lennox and I traded off leading and chasing each other across the private acres. Hours passed with us crashing through streams, trotting down into gullies, galloping over wide-open spaces, Thunder and Penny Dreadful enjoying the game as much as us. Laughter bubbled freely from me, a smile never leaving my face. It wasn’t until the sun hit the rooftops of the stables, popping over the tree line, did I slow down. Real life was on the horizon.

  “You okay?” Thunder moved up alongside me, Lennox looking over at me.

  “Yeah.” I stared off. “I’m just not ready.”

  He glanced ahead, nodding in understanding. This felt like our last moment of peace before it all rained down on us.

  “This was perfect. Thank you.” I peered at him. Bloody hell, he was sexy on a horse. The way his hips moved along with Thunder’s steps was so confident. Sensual.

  I bit on my lip. “So, just the one time, huh?”

  “Knew that was coming. Sitting on it all day, weren’t you?” He rubbed the back of his neck, sighing, stopping Thunder. I halted along with him. “You can’t be mad; we weren’t together.”

  “I’m not mad.”

  “You’re not?” He scoffed, not believing me.

  “Does hearing and seeing your past sexual partners talk about you in bed make me want to be sick on these borrowed boots and turn into a scary feral kitten? Hell, yes. But I’m not mad.”

  He sucked in. “I’m okay with you turning feral.”

  “I’ll bet.” I laughed.

  “You fighting for me, even against Arthur, was sexy as hell…though I vote for a catfight between you, Katy, and Hazel.

  “Dream on.” I snorted.

  “Already did. Many nights.” He winked back at me.

  “You fantasized about me, Hazel, and Katy fighting over you?”

  “Fuck, yes.” He grinned mischievously, leaning in closer to me. “But there was always one who came out on top.”

  “And who would that be?” My mouth brushed his. “And before you answer that, remember I can turn into a clawing, biting, monster in an instant.”

  “You say it like it’s going to deter me.” He breathed against my mouth. “Sounds bloody hot.”

  I moved to kiss him, but he shifted, keeping me a breath away, toying with me, making me absolutely crazy.

  An evil smile pulled on my lips as I sat back, swinging my leg over, sliding off Penny.

  “Folding again?” He swung off Thunder, the horses nibbling on the grass, paying us no attention.

  He tracked me cautiously as I walked over to him, my palm flattened into his chest, shoving him roughly into a tree. He sucked in, his nose flaring, his irises darkening as lust flamed through him.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was thick and gravelly.

  “Seeing how long it takes you to fold.” Husky and needy, I grabbed at his trousers, popping the buttons of his jeans, ripping them down his legs, along with his boxer briefs, as I went down on my knees, his cock springing free, already glistening and pulsing. Damn. Up this close in daylight, the boy was seriously beyond impressive.

  This had never been something I liked to do, but with Lennox, it felt completely different. I craved him, wanted to taste him so badly it ached. I dragged my tongue over the tip as my other hand wrapped around the base.

  “Shite. Fuck. Spencer.” His spine shoved back into the wood, his thick muscular thighs flexing at my touch, his fingers tangling in my ponytail. His cock throbbed in my hand, his chest moving violently as I continued. Trying not to choke, I took him deeper, my eyes watering as I sucked while my other hand worked him.

  Noise and swear words ripped out of his mouth, his hips pumping against me.

  “Fuckfuckfuck…you feel so fucking incredible.” He grunted, losing all control, his human mask slipping off, showing the beast underneath. “Spencer…bloody hell. I’m about to come. Stop now if…”

  His warning only encouraged me, loving the noises he made, that I could produce this reaction from him. Make him lose his bloody mind.

  My free hand rolled his balls gently as I started to hum.

  “Fuuuuucccccccckkkkkk!” He bellowed, his hips jerking roughly, thrusting deep, making me choke as his fingers dug into my scalp, lighting fireworks through my nerves. Pumping against me, I felt him twitch violently, a cry breaking from his lips as he emptied himself, his hips moving a few more times, before he slumped back on the tree, his lungs greedy for air, his cheeks flushed. “Jesus, Spencer, I think you almost killed me.”

  I kissed his inner thigh before dragging back up his briefs and trousers, rising to my feet. He watched me like I was prey while I caressed him, taking my time putting him back in his packaging.

  “You folded awfully fast, Mr. Easton. I think I win.” My fingers ran up his V-line as I finished the last button, my skin tight and hot.

  “Do you?” he rumbled, his eyes burning, drawing me closer to him. Flattening my body against his, I peered up with a cocky smirk.

  “I do.”

  “Want to test that theory?” His hand snaked up the back of my neck, gripping my hair, sizzling a hiss through my teeth.

  “I don’t think we have to. I won.” I tried to act like he wasn’t piercing every nerve in my body with desire.

  A sinful grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.

  “Challenge accepted.” His mouth crashed down on mine. This kiss was not gentle or even rough; it was meant to consume, devour, and take. I didn’t even know when he flipped us around or relieved me of my coat, but my skin rubbed against the bark, scraping and clawing at my back. And I loved every minute of it.

  His mouth moved down my body, sucking on my breasts, causing a moan to echo through the forest before he moved down, yanking at the tight breeches and ripping my underwear, the chilly air stimulating my skin.

  A gasped cry broke from my lips at the violent action, buzzing adrenaline down my spine. His hands spread my legs as he dropped, curling one leg over his shoulder, his tongue parting me, diving in.

  “Oh, god.” I leaned back into the tree, moving with his tantalizing rhythm. “Fuck. Lennox.”

  He pushed harder, not relenting for a moment.

  Everything blurred, my legs already starting to shake. Lennox held nothing back, as his fingers and tongue had my lungs grappling for oxygen. Neither thought nor reality was anywhere within my realm. Like him, I turned into the most primitive version of me. Pr
imal. Only feeling. Greedy. Demanding.

  Noises and screams filled my ears. I knew they were coming from me, but I no longer felt connected to my body, though it burned with the bliss, the climax I was clamoring for.


  He shoved up my leg higher, and I felt myself slam headfirst into my orgasm, my legs giving out. Brutally, my body snapped, flinging itself off a cliff into a lake of pure bliss, where I let myself float. The demand for air in my lungs drew me slowly back to land. Lennox’s hand pressed me to the tree, keeping me standing.

  His gaze never leaving me, he kissed my inner thigh like I had his, rising to his feet.

  “I won.” He smugly licked at his fingers and lips.

  “This time,” I whispered, my voice raw like I had been screaming like a banshee.

  “I’d love you to keep trying.” He lowered to grab my trousers, sliding them back up my legs. “Guess you’re going commando now.”

  “Like I have so many extra pairs.”

  “You won’t be needing them until tomorrow evening.”

  Sucking in, a chuckle toppled out, my head shaking.

  “What?” He pulled down the shirt I wore, which was his, and gripped my hips.

  “We are problematic.”


  I tilted my head at him. “There is no ‘enough’ with us. No off button. No matter how we pretend, we can’t hide it.”

  “I don’t even see why we have to go through another night of faking it. Why can’t he tell them now?” His hand glided up my sides.

  “It’s the holidays.”

  “And next month is the Prince’s birthday. There will always be something. Another event, another gala, another important engagement.”

  “One more night.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, loving the feel of his fit body pressing into mine. “All right? We can get through that.”

  “One more night.” He nodded.

  Going up on my toes, I kissed him, hugging him tighter to me.


  The sound of my mobile from my jacket on the ground rattled my ear.

  There were only so many people who would contact me on it—none I wanted to talk to.

  Frowning, I bent over, finding my mobile chock-full of missed calls and texts, gossip, and notices about me. Some were shredding the “too sexy” dress I wore to the Prime Minister’s, cameras locking on the nonexistent bump they all swore they could see. Reports I was seen leaving early added to the pregnancy rumors.

  But only two texts caught my attention, drowning the rest away.

  “We need to talk. Find me. I will be at the party tomorrow night.” Lord William’s text ordered me.

  But the text right after his felt like a sinking ship in my stomach.

  “Hey cuz, I’m back! I’ve so missed you. Though have you lost your mind? What is this that you and Mina aren’t talking? And marrying Theo? At 19?? WTF? Why did I find this out in the paper? Whole family will be heading to the palace tomorrow night! Wear your dancing shoes. Can’t wait to see you.”


  And with a crashing bang, reality came tumbling back in.

  Chapter 21

  The palace hummed with activity, holiday decorations trimming every part of the palace in golds, silvers, and a dash of red—refined, respectable, and classy.

  The staff whirred around like bees, seeing to the last-minute tweaks, perfecting the already perfect. Stylists, butlers, and servants darted in and out of rooms, attending the royal family, which as of tonight, I was still part of. Chloe and Heidi stayed far away from me; only Jenny and a few of the lower rung servants came to my room to attend to me.

  A clock struck the hour, ringing down the hall like a countdown to my doom. My arm linked loosely over Theo’s, my jewel-encrusted heels strolled down the stairs toward the media area, a fake smile pinned perfectly to my lips. On the outside, I had been plucked and painted into a vision of a textbook princess. But on the inside, it was the complete opposite. My knotted stomach simmered with bile. My nerves were so wound up, I felt like glass.

  My silvery layered silk dress hung down like fragile tiers of glinting ice. My hair was styled in a low braided chignon, wrapped in diamonds and silver leaves. Everything about me was stamped with royal approval. Theo dressed in a tailored black tux, his hair styled back, his shaved face showing off his high cheekbones. He was flawless. Together, we looked like a fairytale book come to life. We portrayed the image the world wanted, greedily demanded us to have, so they could live out a life that didn’t exist—even for royals.

  Theo had only mumbled a few words to me, our duty forcing us together like flipped magnets. Ones that repelled instead of attracted.

  The force that drew me was somewhere behind us; I could feel his presence even without him being next to me. His gaze, his attention, his very being engulfed me, keeping me steady on my heels.

  Though the party was in the palace, the security was even tighter. The threat was still out there, and the number of people coming in and out of the palace had many guards watching the royal family. Every guest was known and vetted, but with catering crews, event planners with trolleys, and crews coming in and out, some cracks could be exposed, though I knew with Dalton and his team, that was highly unlikely.

  We stepped through the doors, the media instantly reacting.

  Flash. Flash. Click. Flash. Click.

  “Spencer. Spencer. Spencer. You look beautiful! How are you feeling tonight? Why did you leave the party early the other night?”

  “Theo! When is the wedding? Do you want children right away?”

  Flash. Click.

  “Merry Christmas to you as well.” Theo teased the media, his arm wrapped tightly around me. “It’s Christmas guys, let’s enjoy the evening.” He leaned into me. “Smile like you are actually happy to be here, instead of looking like I’m holding a gun to your head,” Theo muttered in my ear, kissing my temple. His own smile curved over his mouth like he was the happiest guy in the world.

  He was in his role as prince and playing it to perfection.

  I struggled to keep a genuine smile on my face, but years of pretending you were okay when you weren’t prepared me for this.

  “I wasn’t feeling well. But thank you for your concern.” I curved each word as if I truly meant them, smiling and nodding at the media as Theo steered us for the grand ballroom. The doors opened for us, the cameras not stopping until we were on the other side, closing us in a holiday movie.

  The silver and gold decorations over the tables and walls and the glinting of lights wrapping the twelve-foot Christmas tree made you feel like you were in a snow globe. Dancing couples glided to tunes from The Nutcracker as the orchestra played from above. Trays of food and drinks were being served by men and women dressed as toy soldiers. The famous ballet of Great Victoria would later be performing The Nutcracker for everyone here.

  It was stunning, but my usual holiday cheer was nowhere to be found. My nerves ground together, making me almost wish for the media attention compared to what was ahead of me. Lord William, my Aunt Lauren, and Landen were somewhere in this room. Secrets compressed the air, strangling my throat.

  I had wanted to know, and as Lennox predicted, I wish I didn’t.

  Theo’s sparkling exterior slipped a little when we entered, his gaze sliding over to the figure trying to blend in with the wall.

  “Amusing how your boyfriend stared at me like I’m the one stealing you away from underneath him,” Theo grumbled, swiping a champagne glass off a tray and downing it.

  “Let’s just get through the night.” I grabbed one for myself, sipping at the fizzy bubbles. “Like you said, then this can be over.”

  Theo shifted on his feet. “I was thinking…we should wait until after the New Year.”

  “There will always be something. Another event, another gala or important engagement.” Lennox’s voice rumbled in the back of my head.

  “Theo…you said Christmas.”
r />   “I know, but New Year is only a week after that.”

  “And the week after that is your birthday. It will always be something else.” My fingers throttled the glass.

  “You think I want to drag this out with you?” Theo hissed, his façade dropping. “I can barely be in the same room—Hello, Grant. Jillian.” Theo’s demeanor shifted, anger shifting to a happy smile as a familiar man, Ben’s father, came up to us, his wife next to him. My spine straightened, a smile spearing my red lips.

  “Theo, my boy!” Grant clapped him on the shoulder. Good to see you.” Grant’s voice bowled over the music. “Benjamin is somewhere around here. Probably chasing one of those stunning, long-legged ballerinas.”

  Jillian didn’t even flinch at her husband’s leering comment, her attention turning on me.

  “You two are so beautiful. I’ll bet all you can think or talk about is the wedding, am I right?” she gushed.

  “Oh.” I swallowed down a sip. “Yeah.”

  “All day long, it’s all I hear.” Theo glanced at me, his hand rubbing my back. “Talks incessantly of the wedding. The dress, shoes, jewelry, cakes, party, and the honeymoon. Spencer has thrown herself into the planning. She cannot wait…am I right, darling?”

  “Yes,” I spoke through my teeth. “Can’t wait.”

  “And us guys just look forward to the bachelor party before, right, my boy?” Grant nudged Theo. “I think Ben and Charlie are planning something good. Have your passport ready.” Grant winked. “Get crazy before locking on the ball and chain.”

  “Oh, Grant, you’re awful!” Jillian batted at him. “We don’t want to interrupt the love birds, only wanted to stop and say hi. So good to see true love,” she babbled. Grant pounded Theo’s arm again before they strolled away, our pretenses dropping.

  “Yeah, that’s me; all I can talk about is jewelry and shoes,” I snipped.

  “Oh, sorry. Was I supposed to say you’re too busy shagging your married bodygua… Duchess Caroline!” Theo effortlessly flipped between his masks, taking the old woman’s hand and kissing it. “So good to see you, looking beautiful as always.”

  She dipped her head at him, her short frame drenched in a heavy gold embroidered gown.


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