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Code PINK_A Novel Of Suspense

Page 17

by Erica R Stinson

  I did.

  A few weeks ago, there was a situation with a man who gave me his number and then got upset because I never called him. He had come into the restaurant and I’d been put on the spot as he questioned me as to why. Thankfully, Oliver had taken care of the situation, but of course I’d been mortified.

  “I’m not interested in him.” I lied, even as I stole a look at him as he sat at the table.

  His expensive grey suit seemed like it was tailored just for him, complete with a dark blue tie to match his gorgeous, sapphire eyes. His thick dark hair was styled neatly and I felt my heart begin to pulse as I watched him laugh at something that was said. I was still watching him when he suddenly turned and looked right at me. I quickly looked away and the other girls took my place at the door. I got the entrees and got Raul, one of the other busboys to help me carry them out to the table.

  “Daphne.” The handsome man said, drawling my name out as he stared at me with a sexy smile that made my breath quicken, “The lovely Daphne. This looks fabulous.”

  I stared at the steak he’d ordered and nodded dumbly, as if suddenly forgetting how to speak. “But I know of a much finer restaurant that makes a similar dish. Maybe we could try it some time?”

  I gulped as the other men, snickered behind their hands and I backed away.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to get back to the kitchen.” I fibbed, as I fled the table.

  “What the hell.....” Tiffany groaned, “Daphne!”

  “I am not interested in him. Why don’t you see if he wants to date you instead!”

  “Well, you don’t have to get huffy.” Tiffany said in an injured tone, and I immediately regretted snapping at her.

  “Sorry, Tiffy.” I apologized, “But really, I am not interested in him.”

  She nodded quietly, but I could tell that she was still miffed by my treatment of her a moment ago.

  Thankfully, the men didn’t have dessert and the handsome man handed me the billfold with his credit card in it.

  I looked at the name on the American Express Black card.


  This guy had money if he could get one of these.

  “Evan Mitchell.” I said, softly, just before I ran the card for the one hundred and sixty dollar bill.

  I finished putting in the sale and Donna gave me back the card. I thanked them for dining with us as they all began getting to their feet.

  Evan stood up, my eyes following him as I looked up into his handsome face.

  “For you.” He said, in almost a whisper as he pressed a bill into my hand and then he was gone.

  He had given me a hundred dollar tip!

  My mouth fell open as I watched him leave, the sly smile on his face as he sauntered out of front doors of the restaurant. He looked over his shoulder at me one last time before he disappeared.

  “What did he give you?” Bridgette asked. “His phone number?”

  “No....” I said, still staring at the front doors as if that would make him magically reappear.

  “Mary, that guy gave her a hundred bucks!” Bridgette squealed as I shook my head.

  I had never gotten a tip that big.

  Not ever.


  I hummed as I drove along after my shift was over. We’d had a busy day and try as I might, I could not get Evan Mitchell out of my mind. My cell phone rang, startling me out of my reverie and I saw Brent’s name parade across the top of the screen. Smiling, I answered it.

  “Change your mind?” I asked, as he laughed.

  “No. I’m still at the office, actually. Just wanted to find out how things went since you never called me back.”


  I had been so caught up about Evan Mitchell, I’d forgotten all about the appointment with the Small Business Center. I quickly filled him in on what had happened, and he made a sound of approval.

  “All right. So far, so good.” He said, which made me feel good. Brent and I were like two halves of the same whole at times. His opinions really mattered to me, and I knew that he would always look out for me no matter what. “When do you see them again?”

  I told him about the appointment I had in two weeks with the financial advisor and how I planned to make a sample tray to take along.

  “Want me to come with you?” he asked.

  It might be a good idea, since Brent was a whiz with financial issues and he worked at a major bank. Their main offices were in Washington, D.C. but he’d gotten a stroke of luck with a position right here in Charlottesville in the branch office.

  His apartment was somewhat in the vicinity of the office, so his commute was a matter of minutes some days.

  “If you want. But promise you’ll let them do all the talking.” I begged, as he laughed.

  “Don’t worry. I will be there just in case you need a second set of ears on this.”

  “Thanks, Knightley.” I said, smiling as I pictured his ruggedly handsome face in my mind. “Don’t work too hard.”

  “Yeah, right.” He muttered.

  All Brent did was work hard, as he usually kept ninety hour weeks by bringing work home often.

  “Well at least take a break once in a while so you don’t overdo it.” I pleaded with him.

  We chatted for a quick minute before hanging up. I dialed Drew to see if he was around, but he didn’t answer so I headed for home.

  I sent him a text asking him to meet me for coffee one day next week. I usually had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off and I really did miss seeing him.

  He texted back agreeing to meet me on Tuesday morning and I smiled.


  “Daphne? Is that you?” I heard Mom call out as I came into the back door of the house and into the kitchen.

  “Yes.” I said, as I kicked off my shoes and padded out to the family room where I knew they both were. Every night I came home to Mom and Dad watching the news on the large screen television we had in the family room. Mom in her chair and Dad in his as the news droned on. I came into the room and flopped onto the chocolate brown leather sofa as I let out a sigh.

  “I’m beat.”

  “You’ve been working too hard, dear.” Mom said, her beautiful face a mask of worry as she took me in, barely looking up from her knitting.

  “Girl is a go-getter, Barbie.” Dad defended me. “She can handle it. Right kiddo?”

  I sighed, but smiled.

  I needed some tea.

  I got up and went to start a kettle, pulling three mugs out of the cabinet and putting them on a tray.

  Just like at work

  I laughed to myself as I got the teabags next and prepped the tray. God, I was the most boring person on the face of the earth.

  What twenty eight year old woman spent every night at home with her parents?

  Evan Mitchell would never want to bother with someone like me. But he had been so flirtatious and his eyes had drunk in every inch of me. My heart fluttered as my eyes closed and I saw his face, his lips, those eyes....

  “Daphne? The kettle is ready!” Mom called as I startled back to reality and took the stainless steel pot off of the burner, embarrassed that I had spaced out.

  “Coming!” I said, getting the tray and leaving the room after I filled the mugs with hot water.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Dad said as I handed him one, and then Mom who smiled as I took my place back on the couch.

  The chamomile was just what I needed to settle down so that I would sleep well tonight.

  I didn’t know what had gotten into me, mooning over some guy I didn’t even know. But I knew that he would be in my dreams that night and I tried to hide my smile as we sat quietly and continued watching television.

  I spent most of my time reading and re-reading my beloved Jane Austen novels, knitting, doing needlepoint, gardening or just hanging out with my foster siblings on the weekends, friends and co-workers after work.


  I was a real dullard.

  Everything I did was in a group
setting, and I found that suited me. True, I didn’t have the normal life that most people did, but it was my life and I had learned how to live a comfortable existence.

  I knew I’d probably die alone, a spinster, but I’d come to grips with it.

  An hour later, I had pulled on a nightgown and was just crawling into bed when Suzy came into the room.

  “Hey you.” She said, kicking off her gladiator sandals and then wiggling out of her short skirt. “How did it go today at your meeting?”

  “It went well.” I said, nodding as I smiled at the thought of opening my own restaurant.

  “Are you finally going to tell Mommy and Daddy about what you’re up to?” she asked me as I gave her a secret smile.

  I wanted to be sure that everything was in order before I spilled the beans to my parents. I wanted them to be proud of me and I hoped that my dream would really come true.

  “When the time is right.” I said, climbing into bed and snuggling down underneath the covers.

  Suzy stared at me for a long moment before a beguiling smile began to spread across her face.

  “Okay.” She said, sitting down on my bed after she took off her top. Her lacy bra barely covered her breasts and she wasn’t at all shy. “Out with it. What else happened today?”


  “What do you mean?” I asked, innocently as Suzy laughed.

  “You look like something special happened today. You know I’ll find out anyway so you may as well spit it out.”

  “Well...” I hedged, as Suzy inched closer and her artfully made-up eyes widened slightly.

  I told her about Evan to which she let out a shriek and bounced up and down on my bed.

  “Did he give you his number?” she tried to pry out of me.

  I shook my head, but told her about the tip. I didn’t dare tell her how giddy I’d been just in Evan’s presence.

  I was too embarrassed.

  “It was just some guy.” I said, turning onto my side as I fluffed the pillow behind my head. “I’ll probably never see him again.”

  “You never know.” Suzy giggled as she continued undressing for bed and I closed my eyes to go to sleep.


  I had just finished my apple while sitting on one of the benches in the small park across the street from the restaurant when I got the feeling someone was standing behind me. When I turned, I damn near fainted when I saw Evan standing there looking just as handsome as I remember.

  “Hello, Daphne.” He said, in almost a whisper as I croaked out a response.

  I almost couldn’t believe it when he came around the bench and sat right next to me.

  “How are you doing today?”

  “I’m fine.” I said, recovering quickly. “How are you?”

  “Feeling a bit foolish.” He admitted.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, intrigued.

  “I may have come across as a bit of a jackass yesterday and I just wanted to apologize if my behavior offended you.” He said, those deep, dark blue eyes boring into mine as I struggled to understand what he’d just said.

  “Not at all.” I said, smiling in spite of myself as he did too.

  “I’m not usually such a forward jerk, but I was so stunned by your beauty I guess I just wasn’t thinking straight.” He said as I felt a blush heat my cheeks.

  “Please don’t worry about it. I’m fine.” I said, glancing across the street as I realized that I had an audience.

  I groaned inwardly as I saw Bridgette, Mary, Tiffany and Donna staring at us through the window. I knew I’d never hear the end of it now!

  “I’m so relieved that you’re not mad.” He said, giving me a sexy smile which caused my heart to flutter as he leaned close to me.

  “Maybe I can take you to dinner sometime? If you’d do me the honor.” He said as my heart slammed against my chest.

  I couldn’t believe he was asking me out!

  Sure, I’ve had guys hit on me before but never one that looked and acted like Evan Mitchell.

  “Uh....I don’t know...”

  “Okay, I understand.” He said, reaching into the breast pocket of his jacket. “Maybe we can just have coffee or something one day instead. Get to know each other a little better?”

  He handed me his business card, which included social media information.

  He was an architect for a firm located in Washington D.C.

  Evan placed the card in my slack hand as he got to his feet.

  “Think about it. I’d really like to see you again, Daphne.” He said, smiling at me before he gave a little wave and walked away.

  My hands were trembling as I tucked the card into my apron and headed back across the street to the restaurant.

  All four women were smirking as I walked back in, and I ignored them and got right back to work.

  They didn’t know too much about my personal life and that’s how I planned to keep it. I made it clear from day one that I didn’t date customers or co-workers, which seemed to satisfy everyone.

  When my shift was over, I headed over to my car and drove over to Brent’s place. Suzy was there already and Brent and his date were joining us for a bite to eat at Applebee’s.

  “Hey, Daph.” Brent said, opening his front door as I stepped inside and reached up to give him a brief hug.

  At six feet, four inches tall, that was the only way you could hug him. Nobody knew where Brent had gotten his height from, but he was the only one out of three boys that had this attribute.

  He had on a pair of blue-jeans, basketball shoes and a white hoodie that boasted a Washington Redskins logo on the front. His blonde hair was mussed somewhat and upon closer inspection, there were pink lipstick marks on his lips.

  I looked over at where Brent’s date sat on the sofa, applying the telltale pink lip-stain and I waved at the blonde-haired woman in greeting. Undoubtedly, they had been keeping themselves occupied while they waited for Suzy and I to arrive. Her name was Kate and Brent had dated her a time or two in the past. Suzy came out of the bathroom where she’d been freshening up her makeup.

  “Excuse us for just a second.” I said, as I moved towards Suzy.

  “Daphne!” she cried out as I gripped her by the wrist and pulled her back into the bathroom. This was too good to keep to myself.

  I told her everything and showed her the card, which was somewhat worn from me studying it in secret throughout the day as I’d taken it from my apron pocket.

  “So are you going to call him?” she asked.

  “You think I should?” I asked, warily.

  “Um, hello? The way you describe him, he’s a hunk! I say call him. Who knows? Something bigger could come out of it.” She said as I felt somewhat at a loss on what to do.

  “I don’t know, Suzy. I mean.....”

  “What don’t you know?” she asked, smiling. “This Evan is all into you and if you feel like taking certain steps with him, I say go for it.”

  I blushed at what she was saying.

  “I doubt that will happen....”

  “It will if you let it.” Suzy said, softly as she put a hand on my shoulder. “I know that stuff’s kinda hard for you, but don’t you want to sometimes?”

  I knew she meant well, but I just felt extremely uncomfortable about it and I knew right then and there I wasn’t going to call Evan.

  I didn’t say anything else and Brent rapped his knuckles on the door.

  “What are you two up to in there?” he asked, impatiently. “Let’s go already!”

  “We’d better go.” I said, effectively ending the conversation.

  2 Willhouby

  Two days went by and I didn’t hear from Evan. I had tossed the card in the trash and tried to forget about him. Suzy told me that she felt I was making a mistake, not giving myself a chance for some romance. But I couldn’t help how I felt and I knew that eventually things with Evan would get complicated.


  I was better off living my life like I was and doing things
on my own.

  It was a Tuesday morning, and I sat in the nail salon getting a mani-pedi as I listened to my iPod. I had an Audibles account and with it, I had purchased every single Jane Austen book they had.

  Right now I was listening to Sense and Sensibility, which was a story I never tired of. I was at the part when Miss Marianne met Mr. Willoughby for the first time. I watched as the salon tech painted my nails a nude shade, admiring the color.

  I didn’t wear bright or bold colors like Suzy, who opted to try every color on the rainbow at least once. I got my feet done next and left a half an hour later.

  I walked slowly around the shopping mall, glad that I had the morning off and the place was nice and empty. I liked the tranquility of it and contemplated getting my hair done. I knew I’d be able to get a chair right away since the mall was so empty, and I headed that way.

  I usually wore my hair natural, with its thick, shiny auburn colored curls like a halo around my face. I usually put it up for work, but I was growing bored with my normal look.

  You just want to look good in case Evan stops by again

  I stifled that inner voice as I walked into the salon and asked them to blow my hair out, straightening it. It was a look that I tried once in a while, but the minute it got wet back came my lush curls.

  I was sitting in the food court having a bowl of Black Bean Vegetarian from Panera Bread and just people-watching when I happened to see someone that I recognized.

  It was Evan!

  He was holding a shopping bag from Men’s Warehouse and another bag from Panda Express as he looked around for a seat.

  His eyes fell on me, widening in recognition as a smile spread across his gorgeous face and he headed over.

  “Hello, Daphne.” He said, smiling down at me as I smiled back. “Wow. I almost didn’t recognize you with your hair styled that way. And here I thought you couldn’t get any more beautiful.”

  I blushed, giggling despite myself as he reached to caress an errant lock away from my face.

  I was stunned at the nearness of him.

  “Hi Evan. How are you?” I stammered, feeling stupid as I always seemed to lose my senses around him.

  “Doing well. I took the day off because I had some things to take care of. Mind if I join you?” he asked, as I shook my head quickly and he sat down.


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