Sweetheart Dance
Page 9
“I am going crazy, Lenora, and I swear, if you ever do this to me again, I’ll be taking you to the woodshed,” Connie Webster promised his wife. “This house has been in an uproar for the last five weeks, ever since you came up with this idea of a Sweetheart Dance! And, now, it’s not even necessary!” he grumbled.
“Not necessary? Why not, Connie?”
“The girls all have beaus, and I’m going to go broke paying for weddings for all of them… Becky came to me last night and said that since she was the last to find a beau, she should be the first to get married. Of course, Abby overheard her, and says that since she is the oldest, she should get to go first. Franny says that since she was the first engaged, she should marry first. I swear, none of them are too old for a damn good spanking.” He looked at his giggling wife and said, “I’m not in a good mood, Lenora Jean Prescott Webster, and I am of a mind to spank someone, and I don’t much care who at this point.”
“Calm down, Connie,” Lenora walked over to give him a kiss and a hug. The dance will be over tonight, and life will return to normal.”
“You call planning six weddings normal?” he growled. “I am going crazy…”
Lenora made the mistake of giggling again, and this time she was close enough that Connie instantly pulled her down over his left knee and on to their bed. He pushed her nightdress up to reveal her bare bottom, and started spanking her, clearly exasperated.
“Connie, I have too much to do today to have a sore bottom… Stop it now! What did I do, honey?” Lenora kicked and fussed at her husband.
“Did you make yourself a pretty blue dress?” he suddenly demanded.
“Yes!” Lenora shook her head at the man. He really was going crazy!
Connie lifted her up to sit her on his lap. “I’m a mean one sometimes. I don’t know why you put up with me…”
“Because I love you, even though you are truly crazy,” she smiled tenderly, and kissed him. Breakfast could wait, she decided, but her man couldn’t…
“We have to find a way to settle this before Papa comes up with one of his ridiculous plans… like choosing what color dresses we are to wear this evening,” Maddy told her sisters when they gathered in the kitchen. It was odd their Mama and Papa weren’t down yet, and Abby was already busying herself with breakfast, and Franny and Dottie were helping her.
“I think it should be by age,” Abby stated.
“I think it should be over who was engaged first,” Franny spoke up immediately.
“I think I should get to marry first since I was the last to find someone,” Becky made her point of view known.
“I think we should draw names,” Maddy put in her suggestion.
“We could use our fiance’s last names, and marry in alphabetical order,” Dottie suggested a way to let her and Paul marry first.
“I’m the youngest, and just once, I would like to be first,” Nattie said passionately.
“It’s traditional for the oldest girl to marry first,” Abby protested.
The argument was on, and none of them noticed Zack and Sam enter the kitchen and take a seat at the table. Sam winked at Zack, then let loose with a loud whistle. The screeching stopped immediately. “I have the problem solved,” Sam said with authority.
“You do?” Abby looked at him hopefully. He was her big brother, and he normally sided with her against the younger kids. She loved him passionately, and would make him the biggest batch of sugar cookies ever if he sided with her now.
“Yes, Abby, I do. I am going to be first,” he stated, then leaned back in his chair and waited all of five seconds for the news to sink in. He laughed when his sisters besieged him with questions, but he shook his head and said, “Wait for the old people to join us. I’m only going to tell it once… And, Abby, I hope those are flapjacks you’re making…?” he added with a boyish grin.
“I want some eggs… and potatoes. Becky, will you make them for me?” Zack asked. He knew his sister would be so flattered to be asked to cook that she would jump at the chance.
“You bet, Zackie,” Becky immediately jumped to her feet. “Nattie, will you peel potatoes for me?” she asked politely. “You need to sit today so your ankle doesn’t hurt tonight… I’ll get them and bring them to you…?”
“Sure, Becky,” Nattie was happy to be included, and treated like an adult. She was tired of sitting around and not having much to do besides the mending her Mama requested she do.
“Sam, you can set the table…” Abby nudged him, and then leaned down to whisper, “What is her name?”
“Maribeth,” he whispered back, and winked. He and Abby had a special bond. He loved all of his siblings, but she was special. He made himself helpful by setting the table, and put Zack to work too.
When Connie and Lenora entered the kitchen, they looked at each other and smiled. “Now this is a sight!” Connie teased his children.
“And one that Papa and I would love to see more often!” Lenora added. “Something smells wonderful.”
“Everything is almost done, Mama. You and Papa have a seat, “Abby bossed, clearly in charge. “We are having a celebration feast.”
“We are?” Connie questioned, looking at Lenora. “What are we celebrating…? The Dance…?”
“They are not allowed to tell. It’s my news, and I want food first,” Sam stated. “I’m hungry.”
“It’s all ready,” Becky announced. “Zackie asked me to make him eggs and potatoes, so I made enough for everyone… Hope you’re hungry, Papa?” she questioned.
“I have quite an appetite this morning,” Connie admitted, then smiled as Lenora blushed. He smiled at her, and then walked around the table to pull out her chair. “Mrs. Webster, may I seat you?”
Lenora loved her husband in this playful mood, and she giggled, curtseyed, and said, “Thank you, kind sir.” Connie bent down and kissed her neck, then took his seat, not a bit self-conscious in front of his kids. He loved their mother, or none of them would be here.
“This is wonderful,” Lenora said appreciatively. “Everything looks so good.”
“Tastes good, too, Ma,” Zack didn’t give compliments often, but when he did, they were sincere. “Thanks, Becky.”
“Now, how about sharing your good news, son?” Connie looked at his eldest child, and smiled.
“I met a girl named Maribeth while I was away, and she’s agreed to put up with me for the rest of our lives. I’m getting married!” Sam went on and told of their meeting, and answered a multitude of questions.
“When do we get to meet her, son,” Connie asked, a bit shocked that his son was getting married, too.
“Tonight at the dance, Pa. Her family is making the trip, and staying at the hotel.” We want to make wedding plans.”
Connie managed to get through the rest of the meal, trying to absorb the news. Every one of his adult children was getting married. Pretty soon it would be just him Lenora and Zack. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that. He thanked his girls for fixing a wonderful breakfast, and went outside to make sure the ranch was running smoothly. The house was going to be a chaotic mess the rest of the morning, and he would be thankful when the dance was over… The prospect of several more months of constant upheaval, and fighting over who was to marry first upset him more than he would admit. He knew for an absolute fact it was going to end up being his decision to make, and then the other children would think he was playing favorites. He couldn’t win, no matter how he decided. It wasn’t fair to put it on Lenora, either. She wanted all of them to go first.
Inside the house, preparations were underway to make the trip into town. Lenora rented a suite at the hotel so the girls would have a place to dress and do their hair. They were going into town early so that Lenora could make sure the decorations were in place, and that the food was prepared, and everything all ready for that evening. Sam wanted to be in town when Maribeth’s family arrived on the stage, and Lenora made sure that Connie knew he was to bri
ng Zack along with him.
“I think he should go with you, Lenora,” Connie had things to do.
“Nonsense. He would be bored, and wanting to run all over town, and he’ll tease his sisters and make them cry. He needs to spend time with you today.” She flounced off, and Connie swore under his breath. He had things to do… but maybe Zack would be good company.
“Son, your Ma packed your good clothes, didn’t she?”
“Sure, Pa. She’s got yours, too. She doesn’t trust us to remember ties,” he’d heard her telling Abby that little tidbit.
“I hate ties,” Connie said with a grimace.
“Me too, Pa. Too bad we can’t forget them, huh?” Zack stated mischievously.
“Just tell yourself that it’s for one night, Zack.”
“Pa, I don’t like to bring this up, but we’ve got a bunch of weddings comin‘ up. And engagement parties… Ma’s gonna make us wear ties all the darn time.”
Connie was as horrified at the idea as his son. “Come on, son. We have us a day planned.” Connie’s wife and daughters would be horrified if they knew what he was planning.
“You too?” Maddy whispered to Becky when she caught her rubbing her bottom after the ride into town.
“Michael is teaching me to watch my tongue and not be so sharp with people,” Becky explained to her sister. “He spanks me when I forget,” she admitted, and then asked, “Why did David spank you?”
Maddy grinned. “I put on a pair of pants to clean out Blackie’s stall, and David has very definite opinions on women wearing pants. He saw a piece of harness strap hanging on the wall, and he set my seat on fire.”
Franny overheard the last part, and added her own experience. “Will spanks when I say rotten things about myself. I still can’t believe he thinks I’m pretty.”
“You are pretty,” Nattie gave her a hug. “We were all mean to tease you, Franny. Luke overheard me say something mean to you the other day, and he switched me for it. I promise I won’t do it again, Franny. You are a beautiful person, and I love you. I didn’t mean to make you feel so bad about yourself.”
“What about you, Abby? Has Monty spanked you?” Becky asked curiously.
“Just once,” Abby blushed. “He felt I should have told Papa something that happened, and insisted I tell him, or he would… and then spank me for not telling. I did tell Papa… Monty was right that I should have told him sooner… but when Monty asked me about it, I let him think I didn’t talk to Papa. He spanked right then, and when I admitted I had told, he said I was just testing him to see if he would keep his word.”
“Were you?” Nattie asked.
“Of course,” Abby responded with a little smile. “Dottie, you are being quiet. What about you?”
“You recall that day I was so upset, Abby?” Dottie smiled at her older sister.
“Yes… Paul spanked me for jumping to conclusions. And, he spanked me a few days ago for making a smart comment to Mama. He is big on respect…”
“Mrs. Grayson told me that a spanking is a firm expression of love. There are times I feel very loved,” Becky giggled. “I always thought men didn’t like me because I am so tall, but Michael says it’s because I intimidated them. I don’t want to be like that anymore. Will you all please tell me if I hurt your feelings…? I do love you, and I want you to love me, too, and not be afraid to talk to me.”
“We love you, too, silly, and don’t you dare make us all cry. We have a dance to get ready for,” Abby hugged Becky, and suddenly they were all laughing and giggling, caught up in helping each other look as beautiful as possible.
“It’s a good thing you’re too big for a whippin‘, Pa,” Zack looked up at his Pa in awe and respect.
“I reckon you are right, son,” Connie grinned, even though he was nervous as hell.
He and Zack waited patiently, and were soon joined by Will, Luke, Michael, Monty, Paul, Sam, and David.
When the women appeared, it was all together, and Connie was positive he’d made the right choices when he picked out the colors he wanted them to wear. Abby, looked so sweet in the light pink velvet dress. Becky looked elegant in the dark green satin. Dottie’s was a beautiful lavender, trimmed with black velvet. Franny’s was a pretty dark peach, and Connie thought it looked lovely on her. Maddy’s brown was more of a cream color, and her eyes were sparkling, and Nattie’s white dress was trimmed in the red that Connie picked for her. Every one of his daughters obeyed his edicts, and he thought they couldn’t be lovelier.
The most beautiful of all his ladies was his own sweet wife, and Connie walked up to the steps to offer her his arm. “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Sweetheart Dance, Mrs. Webster?” he asked in a voice hoarse with passion.
“I would be honored, Mr. Webster,” she reached up and straightened his tie. “You are a most handsome man, Connie.”
“I am a very lucky man,” he stated, hoping she would still be smiling at him later that night. “You look so pretty in blue. It’s my favorite color.”
“No…!” she pretended to be shocked, and Connie chuckled. “Why do you think nearly all of my dresses are blue, Mr. Webster?”
Connie gave her a peck on the cheek and asked, “Is everyone present and accounted for?” He waited for everyone to speak up, and then said, “Good, this is a very special evening for this family, and I want all of you to look back years from now and know how proud I am of you all.” He led the way down the street to the Town Hall.
The decorations were absolutely beautiful, but Lenora was a bit surprised to notice a few subtle changes throughout the hall. She glanced at Connie, but he was deep in conversation already. She moved about the room, and was pleased to see the music was all ready to begin, although it was still a few minutes early. Her daughters’ dresses were beautiful on the dance floor, and other couples joined in with her daughters and their beaus. So far, the Sweetheart Dance was a huge success, and the evening was still early.
More and more people arrived within the next hour and everyone seemed to be enjoying the evening. Lenora thought Sam’s bride-to-be a beautiful, well-mannered young lady, and was sure they would get along well. She’d spent some time with Maribeth and her Mother during the afternoon, and loved the fact that she was a spirited young lady who could hold her own with Sam. Marrying a Webster man was not for the weak.
Connie came over and took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. “Our girls are pretty, aren’t they, Lenora?” he asked seriously.
“Yes, they are, Connie, but they are even prettier on the inside. You should have seen them helping each other today, laughing and talking, and so excited. They are in love… every last one of them.”
“You don’t have any misgivings about the men they chose…?”
“Not a one. I was concerned about David being a Texas Ranger, but when he turned in his badge and took over as Sheriff here in town, I felt a lot better. I know it is dangerous, but of all our girls, Maddy can handle it. And, she’ll have Abby, Becky, and Dottie right here in town for support if she needs it. Franny will be on the ranch bordering ours, and Nattie right there with us since Luke works for you.”
“Until he buys a place of his own, and he will in a few years. I like Sam’s girl, too,” he sated candidly. “Her folks are good people, too.” He looked into his wife’s eyes and found that she totally agreed with him. Lenora was certain their children were fairly well settled. It made the rest of the evening that much better. She just might not shoot him. When the dance ended, there was another, and Connie danced Lenora around and around the floor until they were right in front of the band. When the music stopped, he raised his voice to get everyone’s attention.
Lenora had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach that Connie was in one of his impossible moods, and the tight grip he kept on her hand told her he was extremely nervous. She couldn’t imagine what the man was up to, but when Connie Webster asked
for attention, he usually got it. People were smiling expectantly, and for the third time that day she felt as though she was being left out of a very important secret.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for your attention. Tonight is a special evening for my family. My Lenora worked real hard, along with a lot of other folks, to plan this nice Sweetheart Dance. I guess most of you know by now that my girls have been doing their best to make me crazy.” He grinned when there were chuckles and laughter, and Lenora gave him a warning glance… which he chose to ignore. She was going to be even madder in a few minutes. “I know a couple of you men have daughters, but far as I know, I’m the only one with six of them here abouts. I love them all,” Connie said without a bit of shame. “I would give any one of them the moon if I could, but how do you give one moon to six daughters?”
“Connie, what are you up to?” Lenora whispered.
Chapter Nine
“As most of you know, this is a surprise for my girls, and my new daughter-in-law… And I expect Lenora is going to pin my ears but good for not asking her first, but sometimes a father has to do what he thinks is best for his family.” There was more laughter, and so far so good, Connie decided with a grin. “Men, you all know what to do.”
Lenora watched in disbelief as chairs appeared in the middle of her dance floor, and people started taking seats. All except her son, daughters, and their intendeds. She was going to kill Connie if he ruined this night for his daughters!
“Since this is Valentine’s Day, and this is a Sweetheart Dance, I thought it would be a right proper time to have a wedding. My girls all wanted to be the ‘first’ to get married, and I didn’t know how to make that happen. I figure that they are as pretty tonight as they ever could be, and I asked Reverend Shepherd to perform seven weddings at the same time. Zack, you’re too young to get married, son…” he grinned at his youngest son, and then added, “So, I ‘spect we’ll both have to put on a tie once more when you pick a bride, but that’s a long ways off yet…”
Lenora couldn’t believe that her husband was actually holding a wedding for all of her daughters at the same time… and at a public dance! Only Connie Webster would come up with such a crazy plan.