Incineration (Heart of Stone)

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Incineration (Heart of Stone) Page 2

by Sidebottom, D H

  I think he thought it was rude to ask “That’s fine Mr Fox. I expected it anyway. But can I just say, anything, and I mean anything that occurs while I’m in your employment is in strict confidence. Even your shopping list is top secret” I smiled, trying to ease his worries and his face spilt in to a wonderful grin. My god this man was beautiful when he smiled and I marginally managed to suppress the small groan that threatened to surface.

  He tipped his head and passed me the contract to sign “Thank you Ava” I shrugged and skimmed over the contract wording before I signed and handed it back to him “Right I need your bank details for you salary, your mobile number so I can reach you and the usual information, you know address, date of birth, that sort of thing” he said as he handed me a notepad to write it all down.

  As I jotted down the things he had asked for, the room was silent but I could feel his eyes watching my hand sweep across the paper, his breathing seemed to get heavy and I wondered if he had a fetish for pens…or hands.

  My gaze to his when I had finished and his eyes locked on mine, we seemed to stare at each other for a long while, both of us lost in each other’s scrutiny. I broke the contact and lowered my eyes to my lap as my little finger snaked its way to my mouth, chewing rapidly on my fingertip.

  I was sure I heard a slight groan from Mason but he quickly covered it by coughing and standing up swiftly “Right Ava, Erm what do you need to do first?” he asked, his eyes now regarding the garden through the window “Erm, well I would be grateful if you could write down what things you like to eat so I can do your shopping, you don’t seem to have much in” he nodded and flipped a page on the notebook “Anything really, I’m not a fussy eater. I have a bit of a sweet tooth so I like to have lots of sugary things in” he ripped the paper from the notepad and pulled his wallet from his pocket, retrieved some cash and handed it me with the shopping list “I’ll sort out a credit card for you Ava so you don’t have to keep coming and asking for the cash” he also handed me an envelope “There’s the front door key and alarm code” I took the items from him and nodded “No rush. I can pay and then save the receipts for you till then” he nodded and his phone rang on his desk “Right, I’ll go do your shopping. I’ve wrote my mobile number down if you need to reach me” I turned swiftly and exited the room, shutting the door quietly I leant against it and took a deep breath.

  It was going to be hard to rein in my reactions to this man but I also knew that I wouldn’t and couldn’t have any sort of relationship with him, my past life always at the front of my mind, crushing any thoughts of a sexual relationship with anyone.


  I returned a couple of hours later, loaded with food and as I entered the entrance hallway Mason was coming down the stairs, accompanied by a tall, dark haired woman. She was very beautiful in a phoney kind of way; my instincts pulling towards plastic surgery and Botox. Her clothes were expensive and designer, her hair and make-up professionally done but it was her assessment of me that made me dislike her instantly.

  Her gaze travelled the length of me and her pouty lips curled in distaste as her eyes narrowed. “Hi” Mason smiled “You get everything you need Ava?” he asked as he walked over to me and took the bags from me, carrying them into the kitchen and placing them on the island “Yes, I think so Mr Fox” he turned and frowned “Ava, please call me Mason. Mr Fox makes me feel old” he laughed and I smiled back “You’re far from old Mr…Mason” I corrected and he grinned at me “Well done, see it’s not hard. Anymore shopping to bring in?” he questioned. I nodded “It’s fine though, I can manage. There’s only a few more” I told him, making my way back through the hall to the front doors.

  As I reached into my car boot he appeared beside me, making me jolt backwards. He grinned at me “I always seem to make you jump Ava” his face fell a little “Do I scare you?” he asked seriously, his gaze eyes penetrating mine.

  Gulping, I laughed nervously “No, Mr Fox. I’m always a little jumpy, just ignore me” he narrowed his eyes and held my gaze silently for a while then seemed to accept my answer and leaned in my boot to retrieve the bags, taking them all and walked back to the house.

  I closed the boot and placed my hand against the roof, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, trying to clear my head. This man was really unnerving me and If I was honest with myself, he did frighten me slightly but not out of fear of physical pain but something that I knew was making me lose my control and self-preservation and I couldn’t work out why I was reacting this way to him; yes, he was stunning but I had been around good looking men before and I had never…never had this reaction to anyone.

  Taking a deep breath I turned back to the house, halting as I saw Mason stood in the doorway watching me intently, his head cocked to one side. I smiled nervously and followed him into the house.

  Miss Sour trout was watching us searchingly and when she looked at me I could see the hatred behind her eyes “Are you going to introduce us, Mason darling?” she purred, walking over to him and planting a kiss on his cheek.

  I got the impression she was marking her territory and if she was male I was sure she would have cocked her leg and pissed up his. Mason looked at her sharply “Rebecca this is Ava Stone, she’s my new personal assistant; Georges Fieldings’ surrogate daughter” and then he turned to me “Ava, this is Rebecca Delaney, a friend of mine” I smiled at her but she stared at Mason “I think we’re more than just friends Mason” she hummed as she touched his forearm. He turned to her again and narrowed his eyes “We fuck, Rebecca” he said sternly and I raised my eyebrows at his cruelty.

  Rebecca recoiled a little but then turned to me “Nice to meet you Ava” she snapped and turned, walked out of the house and slammed the front door behind her.

  Mason turned to me, a cheeky smile on his face “Oops” he shrugged and I blushed furiously, not quite knowing how to take his aloofness to someone he was sleeping with.

  I lowered my eyes and started to unpack the shopping “What would you like for your lunch Mr Fox?” I asked, trying to change the subject rapidly. I felt a hand on my forearm but I didn’t turn round “I’m sorry Ava, I seemed to have embarrassed you” I shook my head rapidly, still not looking at him but highly aware of his hand resting on my arm, the heat of it making my hair stand on end “No, no Mr Fox. Your private affairs don’t concern me, it’s none of my business”

  I was embarrassed that I had shown my awkwardness when it was nothing to do with me what he did with other women. He nodded at my statement and turned to leave “A sandwich will do Ava and I ask again, please call me Mason” I raised my eyes and nodded my confirmation as he disappeared out of the room.

  Flicking the kettle on, desperate for caffeine I busied myself emptying the bags and filling the fridge. I quickly made him a beef salad on rye bread and placed it on a plate with a side portion of crisps, accompanying it with a bottle of water and a coffee I took it up to his office.

  knocking lightly I smiled when I heard his acknowledgement “Yep” his voice shouted and I wondered if he ever said ‘come in’. I opened his door and walked in, setting the tray on his desk.

  “Layla babe, calm the fuck down, trust me, I said I’ll see to it…”He said into the phone whilst he watched me, smiled and mouthed a thank you. I nodded and turned to leave the room “Ava” he said behind me and I glanced round my shoulder at him, noticing as I turned that his gaze quickly lifted from my backside to my face “I’m going to be out for most of the afternoon, is there anything you need to know before I go?” he inquired after a hard swallow as he held his hand over the mouthpiece on his phone. I shook my head “No everything’s fine. I’ll be leaving around 6pm is that okay?” I asked.

  He nodded and smiled and I turned to leave but I quickly spun back round “Did you need me to fix anything for your dinner before I go?” I asked and he shook his head “No, I have an engagement tonight so I’ll be eating out but thank you” his face seemed to cloud over as he said it and I knew he had finished tal
king to me.

  Nodding, I left the room, wondering if his ‘engagement’ was with a woman but quickly banished that idea from my head, it was nothing to do with me but I couldn’t help feel the stab of something resembling jealousy again. Absurd Ava!!

  Mason shouted that he was leaving but didn’t look in on me. I decided to bake him some cookies and brownies because he had told me he had a sweet tooth.

  I enjoyed cooking as it helped to relax me and George has often been experimented on, sometimes turning green in my trial periods but he ate whatever I made in earnest, often we had both ended up in hysterics at the faces he pulled but wouldn’t tell me how awful it was. I had persevered and now my culinary skills were a lot better, my love of cooking reflecting in some perfect dishes I created. My friends were always insisting that I cook for them and it gave me a secret proudness of myself, knowing I could create something that people enjoyed. I placed the baked treats on a plate and placed them in the fridge, and at 6pm I made my way home.

  Pulling up in front of my cottage I noticed my friend, Courtney sat on my doorstep. Her face was tear-streaked and when she spotted me she shrugged and gave me a nervous laugh. I cocked my head at her sympathetically “Not again” I sighed to her as I pulled her up and embraced her.

  She sobbed in to my shoulder as I hugged her “Come on, let’s go in and open some wine” she smiled and followed me in, slumping onto my couch as I got the wine and glasses from the kitchen.

  As I returned to her she took one look at me then the tears flowed again and I quickly pulled her against me “Courtney, why do you keep doing this to yourself?” I asked and I felt her shrug “I dunno Ava, I love him” she sobbed and I shook my head “But how many times is he going to cheat on you? This is the third time and while I can understand you taking him back after the first, why let it keep happening? I don’t want to hurt you Hun, but he obviously doesn’t care about you in the same way otherwise he wouldn’t do this to you” she sobbed and shrugged again and I stroked her hair “Courtney, you are worth so much more than this” I told her, meaning every word.

  We had met at the business and finance course we had both done at night school. George had insisted that I get some qualifications as a backup if anything happened to him and I had made some loyal, great friends; Courtney being my closest as we had hit it off straight away, having lots in common as we had discovered we had both grown up in foster care and she was the only one I could open up to about my childhood. Her experiences of foster care had been exceptionally better than mine but she still had the same sense of not belonging anywhere.

  She pulled away from me and reached over for her wine, taking a large mouthful she turned to me, her pale face even pastier “I walked in on them this time” she gulped down the tears and my heart broke for her “Oh No! Courtney” I immediately grabbed her hand but she pulled it away, her brow furrowing as though she didn’t quite know how to say the next part “It was…it…it was Tracey” she whispered the name as though it stabbed her.

  I shot off the couch, staring at her in astonishment “What the Fuck!!! I’ll fucking kill her” I was so angry. Tracey was supposedly one of our circle of friends, but obviously not. Courtney shook her head vehemently and pulled on my hand “NO! Ava, I know what you’re like, you’ll kill her!” she argued “Too damn fucking right I will. The conniving bitch! How longs it been going on? Did he tell you?” I know I was barraging her with questions but my rage had taken over. She shook her head again “I don’t know, I just stared at his arse pounding away at her then just walked out the door and closed it quietly. I heard him shout my name but I just came over here. I needed to be with you” she shrugged again and I sat back beside her, taking her hand in mine again “Courtney, please, for me…don’t take him back this time. This is the worst betrayal ever” I pleaded and she nodded “I know” she said quietly “I don’t know which one of them has hurt me the most?” she added and then reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of vodka “Let’s get wasted” she grinned at me and I laughed as my phone beeped a text message:

  Ava, the cakes and cookies are orgasmic

  Thank you


  I grinned at the pleasure curling through me, and then chastised myself. He was just saying thank you that’s all, nothing more. I quickly replied after saving his number into my contacts:

  You are very welcome Mr Fox…enjoy


  “What are you grinning at?” Courtney asked, narrowing her eyes on me. I shrugged at her, feigning nonchalance “I baked some cakes for my new boss and he was just saying thank you” I said, not looking at her, my little finger between my teeth. She tapped my arm “Out with it Girl” she probed and I sighed, knowing it was a waste of time trying to hide my feelings from Courtney, she knew me better than I knew myself “He’s just nice, that’s all” I said simply. “Nice as in nice or nice as in hot?” she inquired and I decided to be honest with her “I dunno what it is, but he really gets to me. Like physically. But I also find him unnerving, he’s very mercurial. One minute he’s checking me out and flirting and then the next he’s closed off and intimidating”

  Courtney cocked her head at me, a gleam in her eyes “Well holy hell! You’re finally attracted to a man” she said it as though it was a miracle “Courtney, It’s not that” I lied but she raised her eyebrows “Don’t lie Ava. I know you and in the four years we have been friends you have pushed every man away. You’ve had plenty of male attention but you have never been attracted to any of them and now this…it’s great you feel like this. I was actually starting to wonder if you were gay after all” she laughed and I slapped her arm “Well it doesn’t matter. Nothing will come of it. For one he’s my boss, Two he’s a player and three, I won’t let anyone in, no matter what” she wrapped her arm around my shoulder “Ava, you can’t live the rest of your life around your past. You deserve happiness and you need to grab it while you feel it. I’m not saying you should jump straight into bed with the guy but just play it by ear and then face it again if it gets any heavier between you both. Even if he is a player, maybe that’s what you need, a one night stand, no emotions involved. Enjoy the way it feels, enjoy the attention and the flirting. You never know you might actually enjoy it” she grinned and poured us both a large glass of alcohol and gave me mine.

  She clinked glasses with me “To best friends, who pull each other through” she saluted. I loved this girl so much, how she coped with everything “Best friends” I returned “But I’m still flooring Tracey” I said, indignantly as I took a long drink and ignored her stern look.


  I woke the next morning with a hangover from the pits of hell, not good for my second day at work. After quickly showering and dressing in my brown skirt and soft pink, cashmere sweater and pulling on my knee-high brown boots I phoned for a taxi.

  There was no way I was driving, probably still over the limit. Pulling my long hair in to a loose French plait and trying to hide my deathly appearance in the mirror I worried what Mason would make of my pale face and red eyes, I didn’t look very professional and it looked obvious that I had a hangover.

  All the way to his house, I chewed on my finger in the back of the taxi, nervous as what to tell him but when I let myself in, he wasn’t anywhere in sight and I let out a huge breath of relief.

  I quickly set about my duties and answered the landline phone many times, taking messages and informing people that Mason wasn’t available.

  After I had baked a carrot cake and was sliding it onto the cooling rack the phone rang again “Hello, Mr Fox’s residence” I answered, the phone tucked under my chin as I tried to steer the cake in the right direction and still squinting my eyes against my pounding head “Oh Erm, Hi is Mason there?” a woman said in a soft tone, her voice was one of those that you knew would send you to sleep within ten minutes, a relaxing quality to it “No I’m sorry, he’s not available at the moment. Can I take a message?” I inquired “Is this Ava?” she asked and I
finally gripped the phone properly having navigated the cake successfully “It is yeah” she was quiet for a moment “Erm well if you tell him Kerrie rang and to ring me back please?” I smiled at her pleasant manner “Sure, I’ll let him know” she thanked me and said goodbye.

  Ending the call, I groaned against my headache and held my head in my hands, resting my elbows on the worktop. “Are you okay Ava?” Mason asked from behind me, and as usual I jolted in alarm “Oh dear, there I go again” his voice held no humour though and I turned to look at him, nodding “Yes I’m fine, just a headache” I lied and his eyes narrowed on me “You look like shit Ava, are you ill?” his tone held concern and I shook my head again, trying to smile and keep the approaching nausea at bay.

  His head tipped as he scrutinized me “Well you look fucking ill” he barked and I flinched at his firmness “I’m fine Mr Fox, just a headache” his eyes searched mine and then widened as a grin broke out on his face “Are you hung over?” amusement lit his face and I swallowed “You look a little green Ava” he laughed as I closed my eyes and groaned “I’m so sorry Mr Fox. I don’t usually come to work like this but my friend has been having a few problems and she turned up at my house in tears… with vodka” I shrugged, hoping my truthfulness would help the situation.


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